Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Not Guilty

Have you ever had someone find one of your "Toys" while visiting?
Adams and Eves
World of Warcraft
Thundercats (2011)
Legend of Zelda


Not guilty.

Have you ever someone checking the history of your web browser, which showed some XX sites?

Star Safyre


Have you ever pleasured yourself thinking about one of your teachers?
My heaven is to be with him always.
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And I am a writer, writer of fictions
I am the heart that you call home
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones


Not Guilty

Ever pleasured yourself thinking about one of your co-workers?
Adams and Eves
World of Warcraft
Thundercats (2011)
Legend of Zelda

Star Safyre

Guilty, but in my defense I did end up marrying him.

Ever pleasure yourself in someone's presence without them knowing?  (Ninja-wank!)
My heaven is to be with him always.
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And I am a writer, writer of fictions
I am the heart that you call home
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones


Not guilty

Have you ever had a parent walk into your room to find you pleasuring yourself?

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


Quote from: MrDiamondBackJack on September 07, 2010, 04:42:34 PM
Not guilty

Have you ever had a parent walk into your room to find you pleasuring yourself?

Not Guilty

Have you ever walked in on your parents??
Adams and Eves
World of Warcraft
Thundercats (2011)
Legend of Zelda


Not Guilty

Have you ever walked in on a sibling or a family member pleasuring themself?
"no harm came from ever reading a book"

Update: 04/01/14 - back for now

o/o's = || a/a = || wanted =


Guilty.  I shared a room with my younger brother.

Have you ever fantasized about having sex with another married person? 


Guilty ... but it wasn't a fantasy actually it was a dream, still felt bad about it though  :-[

Ever fantasized about an authority figure?


Guilty  (she was a film teacher I had in college and she was probably in her early fifties, but she did it for me)

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


I forgot my question... Sorry.

Have you ever pleasured yourself while fantasizing about a friend's mother or father?

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


Not guilty

Ever pleasure yourself while thinking about a friend? (same sex or opposite)


Guilty more than once....

Have you ever called a friend and talked to them on the phone, because they had a sexy voice and it helped you get yourself off, without them realizing what you were doing?

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


Not ... well ... does it count if they were in fact slightly more than a friend?  If so then guilty :P

Ever get off during a commercial break?


Not guilty (Though I did get off to a "solid gold dancer" back in the day, and that was like one long commercial.)

Did you ever work through a stack of used books, picked up at garage sales or elsewhere, looking for some sort of sex scene to aid your fantasies?

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


Not guilty

Ever write sex scenes into one of your favorite books to "complete" it?


Not Guilty

Have you ever pictured sexual thoughts during a compete inappropriate time? 
Adams and Eves
World of Warcraft
Thundercats (2011)
Legend of Zelda


Guilty....  (It was a church and I was watching the butt of the cute college girl in from of me, while I was in line to take communion.... Unfortunately, this was only a few weeks ago.  I am so going to burn.)

Have you ever thought about a cartoon character while pleasuring yourself?

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)



Have you ever asked your significant other to dress up as the Cartoon character that you find attractive?
"no harm came from ever reading a book"

Update: 04/01/14 - back for now

o/o's = || a/a = || wanted =


Not Guilty  (Still, my wife would make an excellent Velma and I have the beard for Shaggy.... An idea is coming together.)

Have you ever found and actor or actress so attractive that you could pleasure yourself by watching them in a role that was not sexual in nature?

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


Not Guilty.

Have you ever pleased yourself while driving home?  (from work or other)   

When I lay my head on the pillow at night, I can say I was a decent person today. That's when I feel beautiful.
My Ons and Offs: ~♠Funs, Not so Funs and Maybes with Roz♠~
Musings and Thoughts: 𓆩*𓆪Available Stories𓆩*𓆪
Sorry: ~~A/A's~~
{Slow return, its been a while. }


Guilty  >:) did that just last week driving home think about my wife.

Have you ever pleased yourself while at work?
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. ~George Carlin


Hmmm... that depends if you count working from home or not.  If you do, then guilty as charged.

Have you ever had a relationship with a boss?

Star Safyre

Not guilty.

Have you ever strongly associated a certain song with sex because of what you've done while listening to it?
My heaven is to be with him always.
|/| O/O's / Plots / tumblr / A/A's |/|
And I am a writer, writer of fictions
I am the heart that you call home
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones