Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Little Darkling

lol definitely not guilty.

Ever slipped on pine needles?


Guilty  very guilty.    Ever watched something die?
A/A  *UPDATED! 8/13*

I am so sorry to all my partners. I feel I am failing you all immensely. I just don't seem to have and muse or desire to write anymore. This may change eventually but there are no promises. Very sorry to you all.

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Little Darkling

ugh....recently guilty and it seriously messed me up in the head for a while....

Ever killed a mammal?


Not guilty. Only thing I've ever killed is bugs. I watched a Squirrel get carried away by Katrina after we scared it off the branch it was clinging to. He was hanging on for dear life and we shouted at him and stuff and the wind just carried him off. Funniest thing I had seen in a long time.

Have you ever had a car go skidding out of control only to recover?
What Makes A Shark Tick ( o/o's )

"True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi automatically connects." - The Internet, Probably

I'm just the silliest, friendliest little shark that ever did. Sure, I have all these teeth but I don't bite... much.


Guilty. Just last winter there was a snow storm. I fishtailed and spun around going in the wrong direction on the road. Good thing I was the only idiot on the road at that time.

Have you ever watched a movie based on a book and hated the movie for it's "creative License?
Breaking down sexual barriers on story, one character at a time.



Guilty. Only just about every book movie that's come out.

Have you ever played a game based on a movie and thought it was actually a good game?
What Makes A Shark Tick ( o/o's )

"True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi automatically connects." - The Internet, Probably

I'm just the silliest, friendliest little shark that ever did. Sure, I have all these teeth but I don't bite... much.


Guilty. Cry Wolf.

Have you ever made up your own game that everyone thought was stupid?

Avis habilis


Ever found out that you'd been playing a game wrong for years because you misunderstood the rules?

Little Darkling

hahahaha guilty.

Ever been struck or seen someone get struck by lightening?

Miss Arha

Never and ouchies!

Ever made a child cry ? And if so, what happened?


Guilty I used to work at a daycare and it didn't really take much to have a kid break down in tears..

Ever argue with someone to the point that they gave up and said that you were right then realize that you were totally wrong?
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's


Guilty ...hard part is admitting it though.

Ever misplace something and after looking  forever accuse another of taking it only to find it later right where you put it ?


Guilty... I do it more times than I can remember

Ever been talking to someone on your cell thone and then start frantically searching for it?
(I know I'm guilty of this.. Funniest part was is that my friend even started asking me where I had it last and where I could have left it... worst part was she was serious)
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's

Little Darkling

haha not guilty

Ever gotten really excited about finding a dollar in your pocket you didnt know was there?


Not guilty... never found a dollar, but I've found $20! And I was like ZOMG.

Ever been at a movie theatre and laughed hysterically only to find that you're the only one laughing?
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's


Guilty. I used to do that all the time. I used to work at one.

Have you ever completely finished a book only to turn around and go "That book sucked!"?
What Makes A Shark Tick ( o/o's )

"True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi automatically connects." - The Internet, Probably

I'm just the silliest, friendliest little shark that ever did. Sure, I have all these teeth but I don't bite... much.


Guilty, but I am afraid I will be lynched if I say what it was.

How do you plead to the charges of: being pulled over and admitting to something they had not pulled you over for?
A/A  *UPDATED! 8/13*

I am so sorry to all my partners. I feel I am failing you all immensely. I just don't seem to have and muse or desire to write anymore. This may change eventually but there are no promises. Very sorry to you all.

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Not guilty. I've never actually done anything I could have otherwise been caught for. The only lawbreaking I've ever done is speeding, and I got caught for that. >.<

Have you ever sat down and played an entire game or read an entire book without moving?
What Makes A Shark Tick ( o/o's )

"True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi automatically connects." - The Internet, Probably

I'm just the silliest, friendliest little shark that ever did. Sure, I have all these teeth but I don't bite... much.


Guilty, then I put the controller on my bed and passed out for 10 hours on my beanbag chair.

Ever spent an hour on the phone with tech support only to realize after the fact that the whole reason you were having issues was because it wasn't plugged in or the battery was dead?
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's


Not guilty.

Ever get on the phone with tech support and tech support had no idea how to fix your particular problem?
What Makes A Shark Tick ( o/o's )

"True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi automatically connects." - The Internet, Probably

I'm just the silliest, friendliest little shark that ever did. Sure, I have all these teeth but I don't bite... much.

Black Orchid


Ever had the innate feeling to suddenly scare random small gullible children?
Such a lovely garden of Orchids; just be wary of the black ones...
O&O of a Flower

When to Bloom and When to Wilt.


Guilty. Dressed up in my dad's forest camo, hid in the bushes outside our house on Halloween. I had a lot of extra candy that year.

Have you ever taken a plane ride and thought you weren't gonna make it?
What Makes A Shark Tick ( o/o's )

"True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi automatically connects." - The Internet, Probably

I'm just the silliest, friendliest little shark that ever did. Sure, I have all these teeth but I don't bite... much.

Pristine Katalyst

GUILTY the fucking plane was tiny. >.< I was scared poo-less.

Ever wished for something to happen in your life and actually had it come true... and not measure up?
O/O's & A/A's  5/3/10-updated!! Please read.

WARNING: This married person uses endearment randomly. No offense or anything else aside from gentle flirting intended.


Guilty... and I hope it doesn't happen today

Ever talk about someone, thinking they were no where to be found only to find out that he/she was right behind you
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's


Not guilty.

Have you ever played a game *just* because your friend/significant other played it?
What Makes A Shark Tick ( o/o's )

"True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi automatically connects." - The Internet, Probably

I'm just the silliest, friendliest little shark that ever did. Sure, I have all these teeth but I don't bite... much.