Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Guilty... during the day time too.  :-[

Ever watch something so horrible that you couldn't turn away?
AA and OO
Current Games: Stretched Thin, Very Little Time

Queen Be Damned Sheiba

Guilty - a video of a woman around 450 pounds doing a midget... XP

Ever fell up the stairs?



Ever got your tongue stuck to a cold pole outside?


Not guilty - never gets that cold here.

Ever get caught doing something, then use an excuse which is twice as bad?


Guilty- my mom caught me smoking a cigarette and I told her I was holding it for a friend. The bad part was I had two in my hand, on mine, the other my friend's.

Ever get caught being out with friends when you called out sick from work?
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's


Guilty, but it was calling in sick to class, not work.  My professor ran into us when we were out eating lunch. >_>  He was a good sport, though.

Ever burned ants with a magnifying glass?
Your reality doesn't apply to me...


Guilty, only replace "ants" with "leaves".

Ever been on the internet?

Queen Be Damned Sheiba

Guilty!!! Yay!!

Ever been caught by cops for truencey?


Not guilty.  I guess I was a good student. >_> 

Ever gone commando-style to a public event?
Your reality doesn't apply to me...


Not guilty

Ever knew something would taste horrible, but still ate or drank it?
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


Not guilty

Ever thrown snowballs at passing cars or buses?
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's


Not guilty, only at passing people.

Ever stole someone's underwear ?

Immortal Cherubin

Guilty  :-[ :-[ :-[

Ever watched a movie and forgot what it was right after you saw it?

I'm the Doctor; I'm worse than everyone's aunt!    And that is not how I'm introducing myself.

To everyone that I am currently Rping with and to my friends, I am going on a well deserved vacation tomorrow 15.8 and I will return around 30.8 my in that time I won't make any posts because I need to rest my body and soul from the computer.


Guilty- I still don't remember what they were.

Ever spilled something on the floor and left it for someone else to clean it up, acting like you didn't know it was there.
Behind every angel stands a devil.                    Scattered Angel A/A updated 8/12/16
Oh's and No's

Queen Be Damned Sheiba


Ever eaten the last of something at let someone else take the rap?


>_>  Guilty.  I always blame my dad. :P

Ever messed with someone by eating something right in front of them that you know they're trying to give up?
Your reality doesn't apply to me...



Ever signed in to Elliquyi forums?



Ever ate pills/medications you were supposed to swallow (as in sucked on them, bit into them and not swallow)?
My switches ON and OFF
When Kizurin is away...

I am rooting for you Vekseid, stay healthy.

The human species is made up of seven billion subspecies each consisting of one specimen. 
~Robert Brault



Did you go see the Hannah Montana movie?
Arkady Duvall: You! I don't believe it!
Jonah Hex: Guess I'm just a bad penny.
Arkady Duvall: Why are you doing this?
Jonah Hex: Because I don't like you.


Not guilty.

Ever played with food?
My switches ON and OFF
When Kizurin is away...

I am rooting for you Vekseid, stay healthy.

The human species is made up of seven billion subspecies each consisting of one specimen. 
~Robert Brault



Ever do something that after you did it you were like why did I do that?
Arkady Duvall: You! I don't believe it!
Jonah Hex: Guess I'm just a bad penny.
Arkady Duvall: Why are you doing this?
Jonah Hex: Because I don't like you.

Beguile's Mistress


Did you ever try to fix something and only end up making it worse?


Not guilty!

Did you ever buy clothes one number too small, thinking that you will loose enough weight to wear it very soon?

My switches ON and OFF
When Kizurin is away...

I am rooting for you Vekseid, stay healthy.

The human species is made up of seven billion subspecies each consisting of one specimen. 
~Robert Brault

Queen Be Damned Sheiba

Not Guilty

ever sing a tune in the middle of a crowded area?



Ever urinate in a public place?