Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Ever ask a guy/girl out and then find out he/she lied about being married
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Beguile's Mistress


Ever meet someone and like them then find out they were a totally different person


Guilty (married the jack....)   (divorced now)

ever want to ask someone of the same sex to be your date to a party so you wont be bothered by the LOSERS you know will be there
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Beguile's Mistress

Not guilty - never thought of that

Ever take a same-sex date to a party just to see what people would say?


Not guilty.

Ever travelled to somewhere just in the hope of finding someone to have sex?



ever find someone to have sex with and decide to ask a thrid person to join
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Beguile's Mistress

Not Guilty

Ever agree to have sex with someone and be surprised by a third person


Not guilty.

Ever agreed to have sex thinking its sex was one when in reality it was the other?


not guilty

ever want to step in front of an oncoming bus walking home the morning after some serious debauchery?

a/a 8/21/17


Not guilty... Ever get help for self destructive behavior and bus-smashing-into-me-fetishes?
"I always start writing with a clean piece of paper and a dirty mind."- Patrick Dennis

"Sex is a big question mark. It is something people will talk about forever."- Catherine Deneuve

On and Offs

Sex, Coffee, and Donuts


guilty    :P

ever get stuck at the fork in the road, deciding which one to take?   

a/a 8/21/17

Beguile's Mistress


Ever get to that fork and turn around and go home?



ever say, screw the fork! i wanna spoon!

a/a 8/21/17



ever run around the house naked and get caught by someone who shouldnt have caught you?
"I always start writing with a clean piece of paper and a dirty mind."- Patrick Dennis

"Sex is a big question mark. It is something people will talk about forever."- Catherine Deneuve

On and Offs

Sex, Coffee, and Donuts



ever run around the house in hopes of getting caught
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish



ever get locked out near naked ?

a/a 8/21/17


Not Guilty

Ever leave your window shade up so your good looking (married) neighbor could see what he is missing
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Not guilty - nor has it happened to me.  I WANT GOOD LOOKING NEIGHBOURS!

Ever gone next door to ask "to borrow a cup of sugar?"
By which of course I mean sex.
Gone Walkabout. 

Will return.


Guilty, it did not work =(

Ever catch your parents in the act!
Goodbye is forever...A broken heart never heals, it only forgets. So please do not remind me....
O n O

Sweet Innocence


Parents ever catch you in the act?
There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.

Ons and Offs


Hers or mine? Hers, yes...Twice..Not a good day to be me. Mine, nope got lucky on that one.

Have you ever been a bullier to anyone else!
Goodbye is forever...A broken heart never heals, it only forgets. So please do not remind me....
O n O


not Guilty (bullies are just insecure)

Have you ever kicked a bully's ass
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


VERY guilty...I pick fights with bullies that pick on my friends even if I know I will lose. In high-school for my senor year I was looked up to by a few freshman who where realy nerdy dudes, Just like me. Still. And when people would mess with them there was not a moments hesitation until I was up and ready to throw down.
Goodbye is forever...A broken heart never heals, it only forgets. So please do not remind me....
O n O


Lone is my Hero!!!!!!

since lone did not ask a question I will

have you ever gotten in a fight because of something you had no control over
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Guilty. *Sigh*, yes..Plenty of times, I swear I got into to many fights...

Ever get caught doing the solo dirty?

Goodbye is forever...A broken heart never heals, it only forgets. So please do not remind me....
O n O