Kinky Bursts of Imagination and Story: MxF (Full)

Started by SapientPrimate, March 06, 2023, 10:38:29 PM

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Hello everyone, thank you for checking out my story request thread.  This is going to be a work in progress, but it should hopefully give you a decent idea of what it'd be like to write with me and what I'm looking for.  If any of these story ideas tweak your interest let me know via PM or on discord at somewhatsapient.  Also let me know if you think we'd get along well but you have your own idea you'd like to pitch to me.  Please check out my O/Os if you get the chance, they give an ok picture of what I'm interested in.  They are by no means comprehensive though, just a starting point for conversation.  These prompts are intentionally vague because I'd like to create something interesting with you, not just write out my own story.

Surviving the Crumbles
Too many survivalists and preppers believe that when society collapses it will all go at once.  There will be one big calamity, one giant explosion, and then BOOM, they're surviving in their well stocked bunkers as the world around them falls to Mad max style raiders and anarchy.  The real world doesn't function like that, there are too many redundancies built in place, not to mention the natural human tendency towards group action and community.  In reality, we don't need to worry about the collapse, we need to worry about the crumbles.  Systems fray, strains build up until link by link the chains we've built around modern society fail.  An unbalanced economy creates artificial shortages of long term medical care resulting in a less healthy populace.  A warped education system built on debt results in a shortage of medical providers.  Too many mistakes to count leaves a country mistrustful of government advice and proclamations.  Then SHOCK, a pandemic hits harder than it should have due to the problems already present.  This leads to people getting less healthy, medical providers getting burnt out and quitting, people trusting the government even less.  The systems get frayed and slowly crumble, making them less able to survive the next big hit.

As the supports that bind society crumble, so do the interpersonal mores and guidelines that dictate society.  What might happen if a man finds a desperate woman with no hope trying to survive the next big shock?  How far has his own moral code crumbled, and how well will her own sense of self stand up the the shocks he will deliver to her system?

Molding the Perfect Woman
How she got into the situation is debatable.  She may have been desperate for money and answered an ad.  She might be an addict or suffering from trauma and in therapy.  She may have been stalked and kidnapped by a complete stranger, she might even be obsessed over by someone she knows and trusts: her husband, her brother, her father, her priest, her teacher.  We can work that out and find a good anchor to build out their relationship.  But what is not debatable is that her new captor has very clear plans for her.  She is going to be the perfect woman for him, he is going to make her so.  He has many tools at his disposal, hypnosis, drugs, Pavlovian conditioning, bondage to wear down her mind and make her give into his desires.  And he isn't going to stop until he breaks her and rebuilds her in the image he's held in his head for so long.

I am not here (My Hero Academia)
I may be a complete geek, but the image of the All Might statue defaced and bearing a sign "I am not here" really stuck with me.  It shows a society that no longer believes in its heroes or in the bedrock that used to make them feel safe.  It's also a world in which anything is possible, because all the rules have now been broken.  It's near anarchy in the streets, the government is all but gone, and criminals now run wild.  It would be a lot of fun to play out a scenario where a villian (my character) comes across a hero struggling to hold things together and sets out to take her and make her his, in every sense of the word.
