Hosts: Enemy Within [Recruitment Thread]

Started by CinnamonGinger, February 20, 2023, 01:15:00 PM

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The Plot

Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to good people? Why, even when we try our best, things always seem to go wrong? Well that's because there are forces out there beyond our control. Forces that run wild in the human plane and seek to cause only chaos and destruction. We call them Demons. Most of them are harmless enough, but some are the soldiers of the king of Gehenna himself: Lucifer.

Several millennia ago, Lucifer and his army tried to conquer the mortal plane. Lacking the means to permanently kill the Demons, the humans were left with little to do but run and hide. However, when all seemed lost, the Order of Ascalon - a secret order of Christian monks - discovered a method that - while not able to outright kill a Demon - was able to remove them from the equation. The method in question involved using a ritual that sealed the Demon within a willing human body. With his army being 'captured', Lucifer had little choice but to return to Gehenna and recoup his losses. For the humans who now carried demons in their bodies, they became the Hosts.

While many minor demons were captured and sealed away, there were seven who's capture was essential to the humans surviving the war. The Seven Generals of Hell's army: The sins of Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust, and Gluttony. Seven Hosts were chosen as those with strong moral fiber to resist the temptations of the Sins. For the rest of their now immortal lives, these seven Hosts would live in a constant mental war against the seven most powerful demons in history.



Fast-Forwarding to modern day, The Seven - as these Hosts have come to be known - are now living among us as regular people. Their lives are no different from yours or mine, save for the fact they are under constant pursuit by Lucifer. The spiteful King of Gehenna wants to invade the mortal plane again, but he needs the generals to lead his armies.

After millennia of battling Lucifer's forces, The Seven have discovered they can briefly tap into the powers of their respective demons. This provides them an edge to fight back against the hordes Lucifer sends after them, but it comes at the cost of having to give in to the demonic influence (i.e. The Gluttony Host will become a glutton himself for a brief period after using gluttony's powers). In addition, the Hosts are immune to any and all physical damage now thanks to the Sins, but spiritual and magical attacks can still harm them just fine.

All the while, the Sins have their own plans and agendas. While they seek freedom, they each have different thoughts and ideas about how to secure said freedom. If the Host were to simply relinquish the demon, the Sin would be set free. Or... if the Host were to die, the Sin could leave the body easily; no longer bound to a soul. How your Demon goes about battling their respective Host is yours to decide as you write.


Each Sin also has a unique effect on the humans they inhabit. Think of this as part of how they torture their Host to get them to relinquish the Sins. Each Curse involves a form of torture that is specific to the Sin's attributes. For example, Lust's Curse could be making her host constantly look like the most attractive and 'beautiful' person in the room. As a result, all the people want that person, but it's born from lustful desire rather than genuine attraction.

Pride- Excessive belief in one's own abilities, called the sin in which all others arise.
Greed-Desire for material wealth of gain, selfish desire.
Lust- Craving for the pleasures of the human body, gives an air of sexual appeal off.
Envy- Desiring another person's trait, jealousy.
Gluttony- Excessive and ongoing eating of things, anything within reach.
Wrath- Strong anger and hate towards another person or person.
Sloth-Lack of motivation, lazy.



Lust- CinnamonGinger (Miranda O'Connor)


1. CinnamonGinger (Arden Collins) 

We'll need people to fill the roles of the Sins, and I've also got additional roles added for whatever as well, because we need love interests and such, right?[


1. Follow all the rules here on E.
2. I'll reserve a spot for 24 hours until you've completed your character sheet, after that your spot is back up for grabs.
3. Try to not disappear if you can help it, if you are going to be longer posting than three days have the courtesy to let us know here.
4. Fill out the character template in it's entirety. For the appearance I'd prefer using a realistic face claim.
5. Keep the OOC talk here, once spots are filled and we're ready I'll make a separate thread for the IC.
6. You can play one sin and one regular character if you wish, I just ask if we keep the male to female ratio balanced out.
7. Let's just have fun with it!


[b]Face Claim:[/b] [i]what your character will look like[/i]
[b]Personality:[/b] [i]tell us about your character apart from their sin if you're a deadly sin[/i]
[b]Name:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Other Appearance:[/b] [i]piercings, tattoos, style, etc.[/i]
[b]Biography:[/b] [i]tell us about your character before they were forced to become a host.[/i]
[b]Sin:[/b] [i]if applying for one, what is it and tell us about that specific sin and the backstory.[/i]
[b]Curse:[/b] [i]what curse did the sin place on your character?[/i]
[b]Likes:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Dislikes:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Quirks:[/b] [i]fun facts about your character[/i]
[b]Quote:[/b] [i]a quote your character lives by.[/i]


Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


I think I've got an idea for Envy... I'll follow up with it here as soon as I've got the sheet written out, and you can say yea or nay.

Small power the word has, and can afford us, not half so much privilege as the sword does.

Lovely Complex

*plants a flag of interest here* Will read up on everything after work. ^^
they/them | 3/31 | ♈ sun, ♋ moon, ♊ rising | enthusiast of storytelling smut | player of roles | wordplayer | F-List


Face Claim: Tall and clean-cut, carefully cultivated to appear non-threatening.
Personality: On the surface, he's charming and affable, and impeccably well-mannered. Beneath the exterior, however, he simmers with resentment at those who were born into their position instead of working for it as he did. In particular, he covets the material things they have but do not deserve, and often thinks what better use he'd make of them.
Name: Jason Akwembe
Age: 34
Other Appearance: Tailored suits, silk shirts, pocket squares. Extensive tattoos, which he keeps hidden under his clothes as a shameful reminder of his lower-class roots.
Biography: Born in Brixton at the tail-end of the 80s, Jason came of age at a time of unprecedented social mobility. Applying himself to his education in spite of bad influences at home, he rose from his humble origins to the world of finance. He soon found a mentor in a progressive-minded commodities broker, before applying his natural charm and well-honed instincts to far outstrip the man - by his late 20s he was a millionaire, and now approaching his mid-30s has become firmly cemented among the minor nobility of the 21st century corporate world.
Sin: Envy first reared its head when Cain first felt resentment at his brother. Since then it has stalked the earth, preying on the minds of the weak and turning brother against brother, as if God's creation were a prize to be divided and not a treasure to be shared. It found Jason in a moment of weakness; admiring the beautiful woman on the arm of a colleague who impressed her only with the salary and connections he'd secured through nepotism. The man felt lust and wrath, it's true, but it was Envy that found him that day and it was envy that then burned most strongly in his heart - and has ever since.
Curse: Since becoming a Host, Jason has become unable to find satisfaction in what he has; craving only the homes, cars, trinkets, and even the wives of his business rivals.
Likes: Sparkling champagne in seedy nightclubs, red light traffic with a beautiful woman in the passenger seat, the rush of selling a few seconds before the market dips.
Dislikes: Anything that could be described by a pretty young thing with daddy issues as "cottagecore."
Quirks: He has a tell. When he bluffs at poker or lies at business, his jaw-muscle twitches on the right hand side.
Quote: Anything a man offers to trade, he can afford to have taken from him.

Small power the word has, and can afford us, not half so much privilege as the sword does.


Ooof... I'm not sure whether I want to play sloth or #other

Can Sins get together with other sins?

Also -waves goofily at Envious- HAAAAIII

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: Lorgar94 on February 20, 2023, 04:56:27 PM

Face Claim: Tall and clean-cut, carefully cultivated to appear non-threatening.
Personality: On the surface, he's charming and affable, and impeccably well-mannered. Beneath the exterior, however, he simmers with resentment at those who were born into their position instead of working for it as he did. In particular, he covets the material things they have but do not deserve, and often thinks what better use he'd make of them.
Name: Jason Akwembe
Age: 34
Other Appearance: Tailored suits, silk shirts, pocket squares. Extensive tattoos, which he keeps hidden under his clothes as a shameful reminder of his lower-class roots.
Biography: Born in Brixton at the tail-end of the 80s, Jason came of age at a time of unprecedented social mobility. Applying himself to his education in spite of bad influences at home, he rose from his humble origins to the world of finance. He soon found a mentor in a progressive-minded commodities broker, before applying his natural charm and well-honed instincts to far outstrip the man - by his late 20s he was a millionaire, and now approaching his mid-30s has become firmly cemented among the minor nobility of the 21st century corporate world.
Sin: Envy first reared its head when Cain first felt resentment at his brother. Since then it has stalked the earth, preying on the minds of the weak and turning brother against brother, as if God's creation were a prize to be divided and not a treasure to be shared. It found Jason in a moment of weakness; admiring the beautiful woman on the arm of a colleague who impressed her only with the salary and connections he'd secured through nepotism. The man felt lust and wrath, it's true, but it was Envy that found him that day and it was envy that then burned most strongly in his heart - and has ever since.
Curse: Since becoming a Host, Jason has become unable to find satisfaction in what he has; craving only the homes, cars, trinkets, and even the wives of his business rivals.
Likes: Sparkling champagne in seedy nightclubs, red light traffic with a beautiful woman in the passenger seat, the rush of selling a few seconds before the market dips.
Dislikes: Anything that could be described by a pretty young thing with daddy issues as "cottagecore."
Quirks: He has a tell. When he bluffs at poker or lies at business, his jaw-muscle twitches on the right hand side.
Quote: Anything a man offers to trade, he can afford to have taken from him.

I LOVE him!!!!

Quote from: Amarlo on February 20, 2023, 07:30:17 PM
Ooof... I'm not sure whether I want to play sloth or #other

Can Sins get together with other sins?

Also -waves goofily at Envious- HAAAAIII

You can be with whomever! ;)
Quote from: Lovely Complex on February 20, 2023, 03:31:47 PM
*plants a flag of interest here* Will read up on everything after work. ^^

Yay! Great!


I'm not entirely sure I'm interested enough to join, but I do have thoughts on pride as a sin. In a sort of modern, pop-psy, "woke" sense, perhaps.  To start, that pride isn't necessarily being bombastically braggadocios and acting like your farts don't stink.  It's not even thinking you're the best.  It can include that, but there's more to it.

The part that is specifically toxic is clinging to an ideal of perfection, or rather what something should be, and venomously rejecting anything you think is contrary to that.  For example, the idea that a "real" man never shows "weak" emotions.  A man who believes showing too much affection is wrong will distance himself from anything he'd feel affection towards, even his own children.  Perhaps even violently, because how dare anything make him feel what he considers unmanly.  A sort of "Fear leads to anger," in a sense.

Then there is also the idea of being perfected, in the sense of being exactly as good as you're going to ever be. Such as a student who has been praised too often, the kind Boomers think would be an "Entitled Millennial."  Instead you get a student who thinks they've reached their zenith and can go no further.  They can't allow themselves to break that illusion of perfection by doing anything they might fail at.  Doctor Strange in the first movie is an example of this, with a reputation for being the best surgeon ever and rejecting surgeries that could break his streak.  Then he injures his hands in a crash and goes on a downward spiral that, fortunately, leads to him becoming Sorcerer Supreme once he gets over himself.

So, yeah.  Rejection of reality, but not necessarily being oblivious to it.  I imagine that Pride's host is less Gaston and more the Beast.  At least at times.  I'm not sure this has occurred to anyone else, so I thought I'd bring it up.


Quote from: Amarlo on February 20, 2023, 07:30:17 PM
Ooof... I'm not sure whether I want to play sloth or #other

I'm curious what you had in mind for Sloth. The obvious track seems to be a lazy NEET type, but using someone with no prospects as a Host feels like it might be limiting. Maybe a failson/faildaughter heir(ess) - a trust fund kid forever living off daddy's money despite his attempts to instil in them the grit that he had.

Small power the word has, and can afford us, not half so much privilege as the sword does.


Quote from: Lorgar94 on February 21, 2023, 02:12:33 AM
I'm curious what you had in mind for Sloth. The obvious track seems to be a lazy NEET type, but using someone with no prospects as a Host feels like it might be limiting. Maybe a failson/faildaughter heir(ess) - a trust fund kid forever living off daddy's money despite his attempts to instil in them the grit that he had.

I'm still spinning my mental wheels. I have some ideas but haven't had a chance to sit down and really pull them together into a fun character yet. I'm looking forward to working on this later today. Actually.  ;D I am pleased you're curious though.

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: Amarlo on February 20, 2023, 07:30:17 PM
Also -waves goofily at Envious- HAAAAIII

*bats lashes and gives a cuddle!*

Sloth could be highly successful... at delegating tasks and taking credit. An idea-(wo)man with no gumption to see it through.

I still haven't found my character concept yet. *searches chaotically*


Planting the flag of interest for wrath!  Awesome idea all together so need to think some things through.  Possible route is for him to be a boxer/mma fighter.  Maybe at his prime or jsut slightly after as the new younger fighters are rising.  So his anger gets the better of him at times. Always short fused yet somewhat withdrawn since he knows he angers easily.
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs


I've switched my interest towards gluttony rather than sloth.  O:)

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Face Claim: Loey Lane
Personality: Aria is a princess first and a host second. No, not your old time prisoner type of princesses but more of a modern Disney princess type princess! She likes wearing pretty things, going on adventures and being worshiped for the goddess she truly is. There may be some underlying self-esteem issues that come to the surface here or there, but for the most part she has a very Act like the person you want to become mindset.
Name: Malyna of the Ukil Clan, Lealla, Arya Kent
Age: 1386
Other Appearance: She has 5 piercings in each ear. No tattoos, yet.
Biography: Malyna was born to one of the most famous founding clans of Danube Bulgaria. She was the 9th daughter to Ajjar, a prince of the Ukil clan, and his third consort. Malyna was given to the Philistine ruler as a hostage and gift in order to cement a peace treaty in negotiation. The treaty fell apart only after a month. Malyna was renamed Lealla and handed over to Beelzebub, the then ruler, where she entered his imperial harem of over three hundred women. It was there she grew to hate Beelzebub. 
Sin: Beelzebub, demon prince of Gluttony, built his throne as the lord of the Philistines and began to expand in any which way. It was there that his hunters first tangoed with him and his army. It took another millenia to whittle away at his droves of conscripted, track him down and corner him. Unfortunately, at the time their chosen host perished in the battle. However, not all was lost. One of his many slaves came forward to aid in finding Beelzebub’s hiding place, and eventually proffered herself as the new willing host. Thus gluttony was sealed away in his chamber maid.
Curse: Polyphagia - Infuriated by his captivity, Beelzebub has cursed his prison with never ending hunger. She can eat and eat all the food in the world and will never feel full. Unfortunately, she’s not protected from the consequences of overeating. Not only does this affect her weight and overall health, she can eat past capacity and make herself sick to the point of vomiting. Depending on what she over indulges in she can even make herself physically ill for days or even weeks.
Likes: Baking, Buttercream frosting, tarts, fruity cocktails and drinks, pastries in general, Alfredo, baked ziti, pizza pizza pizza, bagel with salmon, sushi, pokebowls, curry of all regions, escargot, dumplings, dimsum, pad thai, too many soups and stews to list, all of the cheeses but especially brie, so many sandwiches, hoagies and submarines, burgers and cheesy fries, cake, ice cream, frappes galore! Food. She likes food. She also loves shiny things. Cute things. Handsome things. Pretty things. Good smelling things. She loves the things and foods.
Dislikes: Being hungry, not getting what she wants, not getting to taste test everything she makes – or everything others make around her, for that matter. Bitter alcohols. Overly spicy foods. Cheap bastards.
Quirks: Aria currently owns a bakery and cafe where she sells many of her favorite confections.
Quote: Waste not want not.

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies