Fandom OC stories! (M for F)

Started by Koibito, December 13, 2022, 02:00:08 AM

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Hello! I've been having specific cravings for stories from these franchises and would love if anyone wants to play them with me! I may add more over time but for now these are the series' I'm looking for.

Dragon Ball

The idea here would be using the Xenoverse/Online story as a basis, but making it a more coherent story - instead of things being so open ended and loose to fit your player character in as in the games.

The initial setting would be a few hundred years after the events of the series. In Online this is Age 1000.

The world is in an era of martial arts appreciation. An author by the name of Son Gohan wrote books on the usage of Ki introducing the all of humans to it and the connection between it and martial arts. As such, most humans in the world know how to use it or at least dabble in martial arts schooling as a norm. New Namek was destroyed by a mysterious force and as such the Namekians have migrated to Earth and live there in full. Hundreds of years ago, Majin Buu created another extension of himself from an emotion like Evil Buu, but out of love, forming a woman named Miss Buu (or Boobie lol), who created children and descendants and so on, meaning a race of Majins have lived on Earth for a long time too. On top of this, a small portion of the Human population have minute traces of Saiyan DNA.

As for the idea, ideally I'd like to main a young man opposite a young woman in this age, both small part Saiyans. One of the main kinks here would definitely be transformations and building up to them over time, getting to use them in action and in more smutty ways.

Either way, our two mains would attend the World Martial Arts Tournament where Towa, the sister of Dabura, ruler of the Demon Realm, and Miira, her creation, fatefully meet our characters. Trunks would appear to chase them, roping our characters into the Time Patrol to stop the two villains from messing up the timeline!

This would leave ample opportunity for both plenty of what if scenarios and easy access to them and other characters, but also let us alternate between that and a present day world where more original parts of the story can happen.

It would be a fun adventure with heavy plot and smut, filled with the comical atmosphere mixed with intense action!


With the recent upswing of the series, as well as it's current material being really good. I've been very much inspired to play out a deeper Digimon story. With plenty of smut still of course.

Part of the goal of this would be getting to play with all the many forms and upgrades. The regular Rookie through Mega, Armor Digivolutions, DNA Digivolution, Digivolutions where the Tamer combines with their Digimon, Spirit Evolution, and even some of the odd ball ones like X Antibody and Burst Mode if willing. Of course for the epic action, but also Tamer x Digimon will be a large part, and what better way to explore that than through many different transformations?

We would be playing two Tamers/Digidestined that meet their Digimon and then are pulled into a wacky, epic, and of course lewd adventure to save the Digital World and real world as well. I figured we could play each other's Digimon as well. We could either pick any Digimon line for our main characters, or since Digivolution is always crazy we could just map our own evolution lines to have pretty much whatever Digimon we like for the various forms. I would even be down to make up OC Digimon if that's what an interested partner is more into.

The idea could work in multiple arcs that we could end on at either time.

The initial idea is a more basic sort of plot. An antagonist - mad scientist or hacker or someone - is collecting data/power from the Digital World to create a weapon in the real world. Short, sweet, to the point; there'd be a big Digimon at the end guarding this weapon created from all the gathered data attached to it to defeat to shut it down and save the world.

The slightly more complex idea is that they could have been building this weapon to destroy/deflect something approaching Earth, resulting in a second saga due to not having anything but our Digidestined to stop it. What exactly it is is up for discussion, but since the Digital World is connected to and influenced by the real world via the Net and computers, what sort or part of the Digital World would a completely alien network connect to and occupy? A large celestial body sized probe could house a super powerful Digimon to defeat as the second story arc. Which could end with that, two Digital spaces colliding as our heroes defeat an even more intense antagonist.

However, one more idea to continue from there. If we want to stretch this idea to it's limit, this probe could be an ally, upon stopping them enough to talk and discover this the probe could come with warning of an even greater threat from there to really twist and turn the plot. This could even result in something crazy like an alien Digidestined with their own weird Digimon teaming up to defeat the greatest threat.


In ancient times the demonic seed of the divine God Tree, known as a Ten-Tailed beast, was planted into the earth by the extradimensional Ootsutsuki Clan and it's roots spread throughout the world.

Since the beast's removal and sealing, the roots that remained fed on the blood spilled to the earth for thousands and thousands of years, sprouting the God Tree of legends in places of great death and battle. It was said that every thousand years, a God Tree bore a rare fruit of incredible power - a fruit of Chakra.

Is blood and death the only way to feed the roots of the God Tree? What if one was born of pleasure, of love, of sweat or...?

A couple of generations beyond the time of the Seventh Hokage and his successor, a new ominous tree has been discovered in a mysterious village. No one knows the peril of this new God Tree or for what purposes it could be used for. A fresh young Genin Squad must be sent to investigate the never before contacted Village and the possibly incredible power they may be nurturing...

I have several Naruto RP ideas but the one I'm craving most is something like the above; a post Boruto completely OC story, taking advantage of the unique world and setting as well as basic bits and lore pieces for an epic battle story but with plenty of smut. In either case potential partners don't need a whole lot of deep lore knowledge for this one or not much Boruto knowledge as the story would hopefully be out of the way enough to not need it.

That would be the plot; that a new (smut fueled) way to create the God Tree and by extension a new Chakra Fruit aside from what legends say gets discovered, a new up and coming village forms and starts getting involved in the world - registering into the Chunin Exams like the Sound ninja did, becoming a political power, and the like - while having something to do with this new concerning development as well as new kinds of Jutsu. We would play the Leaf Village Genin squad who gets wrapped up in the whole thing by the end.

I'm hoping to main one Genin and the team's Jonin, with my partner playing the other two Genin to start off with. Ultimately I would like to follow the tone of the series, starting off with more basic ninja characters who build up with epic powers and strong personalities by the end to clash with an equally built and powered up antagonist. With smut included of course~

Kingdom Hearts

Especially with the end of Union X and the release of Dark Road's latter half, I'm more inspired than ever to cover this vast story. While I'm open to a more original story I don't have a whole lot of ideas that don't involve canons. Of course, Union X's time frame as well as times around Missing Link (since it's not out yet but we vaguely know about the setting around that time) give us plenty of opportunity to make our own Keyblade Wielders of the day, but I would still like to interact with the canon characters if possible.

At minimum with no OC's, I think it would just be fun to run through the KH timeline and sort of cover scene to scene a sort of anthology of any time there could have been smut. From Ava and Ephemer in the time of the Lost Masters as well as the new Union Leaders in general at plenty of opportune points, to the classmates of Xehanort and Eraqus, to Sora meeting Yuffie once he wakes up off the Island for the first time. Through any and all of the timeline there is plenty we can smutify!

More in depth I would be very interested in Dark Road's story, exploring more of the characters of Xehanort and Eraqus' class and the upper classmen that we got little but deep time with that could be delved into easily.


Cutting right to the chase I'd like to do your typical trainer adventure turned smutty. The kind that still follows the game formula of an 8 Leader 4 Elite adventure that evolves/gets interrupted by a bigger plot that in of itself can be both epic and smutty.

The meat of the idea itself would be a plot building up a big super Pokemon boss battle by the end. I want to mess around with taking a big combination inducing Pokemon; like Ultra Necrozma since it can absorb light/power from other Pokemon, Eternatus that can Gigamax other Pokemon, Mega Evolutions, and namely the fact that Lusamine can fuse with Nihiligo.

If Nihiligo Fused Lusamine could be absorbed by Necrozma, her Masters EX Sygna Suit could be a good basis for the result. It would be easy from there to make up a Mega Evolution and or a Gigantimax. If not Eternamax somehow - the version exclusive to Eternatus, it could attach somehow. Basically I'm looking to build up the biggest bad final boss, give our characters Arceus or something by the end for the biggest battle possible - and perhaps a super sexy Lusamine or OC villainess attached to it all.

All that that could start off from a simple journey. I would play a young male Trainer with some sort of a color name (some defaults have been Azure, or Sage?), and we could have your main be an OC rival Trainer along mine, start from the starting town of whatever Region we choose if not one we make up on our own, and set off into something that could really build an epic plot by the end with lots of opportunity for wacky fun smut threaded throughout.

Especially with the release of Scarlet and Violet, it would be fun to explore more story paths as well like that game is doing. Though I wouldn't want to flat out copy Team Star, the Titans, or the school setting specifically - having something to go back to between adventures (like going back to the school or whatever home base we apply) could be another fun story structure to explore in the Pokemon world. The school idea itself might not be bad to play with in of itself though.

Been sick the past couple days, will get to posts when I can~