Doormat Three: Return of the Welcome

Started by Aethyrium, September 26, 2022, 04:27:19 PM

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We do have a worldbuilding section :D And I too prefer to play in either something where the world itself is not the main point or something established.

Lots of group games going on atm, have to admit I dont know if there is a non ERP one going. But heck, whats to stop you from making it if you do come in?! Not sure if I recall correctly, but you should have access to the sandbox section? Think you can start looking there as it does not allow for ERP in there anyways.


Yeah. I can see the sandbox section. Not sure how much I can't see though. I might consider creating something of my own if I'm accepted. We'll just have to see. I'm not in much of a worldbuilding or GMing mood these days.

What are some of your hobbies outside of RP?


You cant see like 90% of it, this place is HUGE :P I totally reccommend collapsing the forums to begin with or it will blow your mind lol. :P

Hobbies, well boardgames mostly I think, though do spend a lot of time doing genealogy too :) Yous?


I will take your advice into account if it comes into play.

What kind of board games? I have a group of friends with whom I played board games pretty regularly for a few months last year. We will probably start doing that again soon. I really want to play Betrayal at House on the Hill and Mansions of Madness, but an old coworker who has those board games is really busy with his new position in the company. Genealogy sounds fascinating. What are some of the most interesting facts you found out (if you don't mind sharing)? This reminds me that I should try to speak with my grandfather more about my own genealogy while he's still alive and can make coherent conversation.

I spend too much of my free time on YouTube to be honest. It's a problem. I've been reading more luckily, and I've started hiking a bit. Unfortunately we're on the tail-end of cigar weather, but I very much enjoy cigars. This goes double if it's with a good friend and it's above 45 degrees outside. The dream is to one day have a home office or a study of sorts where I can smoke a tobacco pipe indoors over a book or something. I like the aroma and how much cheaper they are, but tobacco pipes are a gigantic pain in the ass to light and relight outside if there is any wind.

I run a TTRPG online, but it's been pretty sporadic lately due to schedule conflicts. I miss in-person TTRPG games but I don't know anyone to play with where I live currently. Oh well.


I prefer PvP games, not a humungous fan of Co-Ops, but did like Mansions of Madness. Its like Cluedo for adults :P I have Betrayal but have yet to try it too, think it needs 4 players and just dont have a gaming group available atm. Did like Descent the app edition, that was FAR more fun than the original one. But my absolute favourite is Firefly! <3 <3
Do you know of/and back Kickstarters? Just asking as there is one I am keeping an eye on, The Thinning Veil. Celtic myth *shivers with delight*

And I would totally reccomend getting as much information as you can, it all helps if and when you start your research :D As for interesting facts, lets see.. I am a direct decendant of the first king of Scotland Kenneth McAlpin :P I am also a descendant of a family of butchers who owned butchers business in the same town for over 150 years. There house was deconstructed and rebuilt in the musuem across the square :) And a spooky one, I am a direct decendant of a mudress who killed her husband and ran off with her lover lol. This was all back in 1668 though.. ;P

Not much of a smoker, so you are on your own there! :P However I used to do mudlarking on the Thames and have found several clay pipes that are 300-400 years old :)


I've heard great things about Betrayal, definitely play it if you get the chance. I'll have to look into Firefly if you like it that much.
I haven't ever backed a kickstarter yet. I'm not deep enough into the hobby to scout possible new games that are being developed as we speak. Though I did remember playing Here to Slay with some friends when I visited them and that was a fun kickstarter card game.

"The Thinning Veil..." yup I see it. Certainly encompasses a particular aesthetic. Have you already backed it?

Quite the spread you've got there in the family line! That's super cool you found those clay pipes. Clay pipes are very fragile, so I'm amazed you found them. Cool piece of history.


Of course I have backed it! Just hope it funds, I neeed that game in my life! <3

And as to the pipes they are actually remarkably sturdy, floating around in the river and stuck in mud for hundreds of years :D The most fragile part is the stem of course and I never managed to find one that had a complete stem, though have bought some that are :)


I hope it fund for your sake as well! You sound very excited about it.
I really like playing the "mafia" or "Salem witch trials" type board games a lot. A couple examples of my favorites are Bang! and Secret Hitler. Tons of fun.

Are you an early bird or a night owl? Or is your sleep schedule so wonky it really depends on the day of the week?


~brings more coffees~

Good morning everyone! <3


Thanks again Nico! <3

@Achitera definitely a nightowl! :P I am so not a morning person..
I did like Secret Hitler, but that is a party game imo and only really fun if there are loads of people :)


Can you see the stars clearly where you are? I remember taking a trip with friends to stay in a rural area of my state. The stars were so bright and the silence was bliss.


Fairly well, if the weather allows. I live by a Dene and it gets a bit spooky, with bats and all! :D


You're welcome!

Sorry, I'm in and out ~chuckles~ Trying to catch up on my group, plotting, words and all the things. ~rofl~

I hope everyone is fine today!


As long as you keep the caffeine coming, you are all good!  :-*

And would be better if work was over already! :P (Yes, yes I snuck on.)


Wandering Mind

*takes a sip of coffee while on this thread and finding how fitting that is*
Status: Hiatus. Not sure when or if I'm coming back.


Hi all, new to the site and looking forward to getting to know everyone!  Just got off of work, so pretty tired, excited for the new god of war this week if anyones interested in that game.


Welcome to E!

Cant say I know about God of War, do tell :)


It's a pretty fun game, takes place during the Norse era so you see characters like baldur, Freya, and thor.  You're basically a god from the Greek era and the new gods in the Norse are essentially after you for entering their territory, it's pretty cool.

Quote from: Naiah on November 07, 2022, 04:16:48 PM
Welcome to E!

Cant say I know about God of War, do tell :)


Oooh cool I do like the Norse! Helps being one! :P (norse that is, not a god..)


You're Norse?  That's cool, how did you find out you were Norse? Or did you just know through family?


Im danish and do genealogy and did a DNA test, I am about as norse as you can be :P


That's pretty sweet, I'm Arabic, but a lot of people say I look Swedish, blonde hair and blue eyes with pale-ish skin.  I'm also very Americanized, was only born in the middle east and came to America when I was 1.

Quote from: Naiah on November 08, 2022, 07:15:39 AM
Im danish and do genealogy and did a DNA test, I am about as norse as you can be :P


Oh wow, yeah that is cool! Do you have nordics in your genealogy? They do say all blue-eyed people come from the same person afterall! :P


I don't know actually, haven't done a true DNA test, just basing this info on what my family has told me, maybe I will someday haha