5th DnD game inspired by many references

Started by Zaer Darkwail, September 09, 2022, 03:33:09 PM

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Laughing Hyena

To clarify how lewd it might get. No worse than say Tyrion Lannister in game of thrones. Maybe some perversions with magic bondage, tantric ninja sex and making full use of the slave wizard. Maybe a prehensile tail if I go part tiefling but other than that pretty light.


I mean as far as stuff like that goes, if I'm not interested I'll more than likely decline to partake in any shenanigans. Ultimately I brook no issues with it.


No problem with shorter characters here.  Just gotta think of a character concept >w<


I'm thinking I might actually go with Dhampir (former Half-Elf) for my race, now that I think about it a bit more. She started out as a perfectly normal Half-Elf girl in Atlantica, and got lifted up from second class citizen to adopted nobility when the divine brand appeared on her hand. Of course, her adoptive family considered her more of an embarrassment than anything else, due to her half-human nature, so they paid someone to make her quietly disappear. This wound up being a kidnapping, rather than an assassination, and ultimately led to her winding up somewhere in the Free Nations in a semi-undead state as a slave. And then from there, she eventually made her way into the party's possession.

Since this is an isekai-inspired game, I figure a grand betrayal and edgy revenge story should be genre-appropriate. ;) Now I just need to figure out an appropriate name for her...


That sounds cool!

Im still between either a native or an isekai'ed character

Laughing Hyena

Thank you for the clarification Revelation. Looking forward to writing with all here.

Well my obvious choice for goblin is out since Zaer's world has gone full goblin slayer with em. (Or usually does) All good though. Here's my sheet.

Tayohara Hiroshi, Spy, Male Isekaied Tiefling (Halfling Blood), Neutral Good
Arcane Trickster, Level: 3 ; Proficiency Bonus: +2
Str: 10 (+0) ; Dex: 16 (+3) ; Con: 14 (+2) ;
Int: 14 (+2) ; Wis: 10 (+0) ; Cha: 12 (+1)
AC: 15; hp: 24
Saves: Dexterity, Intelligence

Proficiency: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Perception, Slight of Hand, Stealth, Thieves Tools, Disguise Kit

Equipment: Short Sword (Wakazishi) +1, Shortbow, Sickle (2), Darts (Shuriken) (20), Studded Leather Armor, Thieves Tools, Disguise Kit, Dice Set (Gaming Set), Burgulars Pack, Acid, Alchemist Fire, Antitoxin, Bag of Caltrops, Crowbar, Component Pouch, 50 feet of hemp rope, Grappling Hook, Wide Rimmed Hat, Holy Water, Chalk and Parchment, Mortar and Pestal, a collection of apple seeds.

-Racial Traits-

Dexterity +2 ; Intelligence +1
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision: Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hellish Resistance: You have resistance to fire damage.
Hellfire: You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Burning Hands spell once per day as a 2nd-level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Darkness spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. This trait replaces the Infernal Legacy Trait.
Seducer: Advantage on Charisma Checks to Seduce.
Languages: Common, Infernal, Elven, Primordial

-Class Traits-

Expertise: Athletics, Acrobatics
Sneak Attack: 2d6 vs foe flanked, or you have advantage on.
Thieves Cant: Secret Cipher and Sign Language.
Cunning Action: Use bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide


Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Thaumaturgy
1st Level: Burning Hands (Cha, 1/Day), Disguise Self, Illusory Script

Backstory: Once in a past life Hiroshi was a typical teenager whom was utterly fascinated with both gaming, ninjas and the obstacle competition of the same name. True he often tried to compete in them and qualify but he would often come up short. Unfortunately when his big break finally did happen he was cut down in his prime when he lost his grip in the obstacle gym and took the fall badly.

He had no idea of course that he was chosen to live another life for his athletics and deep knowledge. What came as a bigger shock to him was to be four foot high with sharp teeth, a forked super long tongue and wind up literally with a tail on him. But as a bonus he had a rather large package and a much more nimble body. Instead of letting his new appearance and misfortune hold him down, he made the best of a bad situation.

Using his prior knowledge he introduced his unique brand of stealth and espionage to take him places that an honest living would never lead him. It paid well and it turns out he was a natural shinobi. And it came remarkably quick to him when he found that magic was real in this world and incorporated that into his bag of tricks. Thus whilst this world may not know what a ninja is, it will find out his particular style.

Motivation: Having settled into Azure City, Hiroshi has been using his time to hone his chosen craft and try and build up reputation amongst the guild. Ultimately he wants earn both money and repute in the city to fund his eventual end goal. That being to establish a small village and create this world's first ninja/kunoichi clan. He would call it the Kaze-Ryu and beyond that he is unsure. Maybe he can use the clan to help Azure City gain clout with the other cities or at the very least leave a positive force for those shunned by the world.

Appearance: Standing at a mere four feet in height, this tiefling has a dark blue complexion to his skin. Deep brown eyes peer out at onlookers and the world at large. His smile has rather sharp looking teeth and when he shows his hunger for fresh food, a rather long and wide forked tongue licked his lips. A long tail sways behind him or is wrapped around his waist blending into dark blue clothes. The tail ends in a thick pointed tip.


Would you like us to make and post character details now?


Meep!  i've been reading this since i woke up!  Am I too late? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Hmmm. I think that, instead of being a Wizard, I'm going to be a Sorcerer, with Aberrant Mind as my origin. It's supposed to be the psionic sorcerer, but I think I can pretty easily reflavor it to fit for pseudo-vampiric or corruption-themed abilities.

Quote from: Crimson on September 09, 2022, 10:14:16 PM
Would you like us to make and post character details now?

Based on what I know of Zaer, I think you'll be fine taking it at your own pace. If you've got ideas and details to share now, feel free to go right ahead, especially if you want to coordinate with what other people are building.

Quote from: Muse on September 09, 2022, 10:42:31 PM
Meep!  i've been reading this since i woke up!  Am I too late? 

Not as far as I know.


  Okay, so i had a guy idea but that's not going to work if there's a futa party slave.  (I was actually going to ask Zaer if it was okay for me and one other to have 2 charaters, then ask if anyone would join me in each having a secondary character who was a slave to the other's primary,) 

  But wrong game for that. 

  So, since party slave is a theme, maybe it's my turn?  A poor village was under siege by monsters.  Their only champion was a maiden priestess of the light.  She couldn't stand alone against the horde so she went and found a party of adventurers.  She had no money to hire them so she offered the only thing she had, herself. 

  "Help me save my village and you may collar me.  My virgintiy, my loyalty, my love, and my pwoer will be yours." 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Dude, that dungeon mechanic reminds me of a webcomic I read. "The more I eat, the stronger I get."

Anyway this looks cool and when I get home I'll see about submitting a concept.

original artwork by karabiner

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: c0i9z on September 09, 2022, 07:04:33 PM
I'm kinda thinking half-orc, but I'm not sure what a 'Zatash corruption traits ' is? Also, isekai sounds fun.

Zatash corruption takes inspiration from the Corruption of Champions game, meaning you may have monster/monster race traits gained through sexual encounters with monsters (and thus be classified as 'mongrelfolk' despite statically you are half-orc), it also includes strong sexual-themed transformations or mental influences. Futanari is universally seen as Zatash corruption sign and thus easily views such a person as' deeply corrupted'. But the same applies to men who have pussies in addition to their cocks as well.

But Zatash influence can be just generous gravity-defying bust/curves, deep lewd thoughts, 'heart eyes' while orgasm or ejaculating breast milk from breasts during orgasm, tentacle-like long/flexible tongue or just having endless nymphomania-like sexual drive. The variety goes on endless basically. Think Zatash potency and influence are similar to Chaos from Warhammer 40K albeit sexual in theme (Zatash as Slaanesh actually makes lot of sense here, but less body horror unless going true deep end of the corruption scale whereas someone starts to look more like a sex demon than their original race).

Quote from: Kunoichi on September 09, 2022, 09:11:30 PM
I'm thinking I might actually go with Dhampir (former Half-Elf) for my race, now that I think about it a bit more. She started out as a perfectly normal Half-Elf girl in Atlantica, and got lifted up from second class citizen to adopted nobility when the divine brand appeared on her hand. Of course, her adoptive family considered her more of an embarrassment than anything else, due to her half-human nature, so they paid someone to make her quietly disappear. This wound up being a kidnapping, rather than an assassination, and ultimately led to her winding up somewhere in the Free Nations in a semi-undead state as a slave. And then from there, she eventually made her way into the party's possession.

Since this is an isekai-inspired game, I figure a grand betrayal and edgy revenge story should be genre-appropriate. ;) Now I just need to figure out an appropriate name for her...

Oh, edgy. Like it. Also, dhamphirs do have varied hunger and Zatash corruption influence can be lewd sort directed addiction (sex, bodily fluids, lewd thoughts). Perhaps you were originally adopted and trained (achieving the third level) but then had an encounter with a feral monster/monster race who literally 'fucked you to death' which then as the experience you actually survived but got changed to dhamphir (and also become futanari as well). Just my thoughts/suggestions as dhamphirs can emerge from close/from death encounters. Anyways only reason preventing your noble family from keeping you locked in the cellar and keeping you as 'XP tank' for money is both Atlantica's puritan laws not tolerating/housing dhamphirs and the family itself not want to touch you with ten pole stick anymore after becoming corrupted so they quietly got rid of you and faked your death (as killing chosen ones is illegal as well).

Quote from: Muse on September 10, 2022, 01:22:21 AM
  Okay, so i had a guy idea but that's not going to work if there's a futa party slave.  (I was actually going to ask Zaer if it was okay for me and one other to have 2 charaters, then ask if anyone would join me in each having a secondary character who was a slave to the other's primary,) 

  But wrong game for that. 

  So, since party slave is a theme, maybe it's my turn?  A poor village was under siege by monsters.  Their only champion was a maiden priestess of the light.  She couldn't stand alone against the horde so she went and found a party of adventurers.  She had no money to hire them so she offered the only thing she had, herself. 

  "Help me save my village and you may collar me.  My virgintiy, my loyalty, my love, and my pwoer will be yours."

Well, not against the idea that half of the party are 'party slaves'. Actually many adventurers do hire slaves or two and some very wealthy/skilled can have an entire party made from slaves (like in one anime). However, to actually officiate to becoming a slave willingly you need the Guild slave master to do it and you need actually sold. So in your background, you went go hire adventurers but had no money and feeling responsible for the poor village you sold yourself as a slave to pay adventurers to protect the village.

As an additional twist, perhaps you are a native who has no adventurer ancestors and has reached her 'limit' in class levels (meaning she despite years devoted in the village, you cannot go past 3th level). But as the party has isekaid and reincarnated characters you start to get level-ups again because sexual encounters with those people actually help push the limit higher (and it's an actual thing which this world people are aware IC albeit exact reason for limit existing is not known but it's called 'reaching my limit' when adventurer stops progressing in XP).

Laughing Hyena: Char looks good, albeit as a reminder you can play as a full tiefling race but with a small size instead. With such strong tiefling traits though your race would publicly call you a mongrelfolk (a hybrid between two races/monstrous races are called such even if you have only racial traits from other races but if have strong physical traits from other race, like tiefling or minotaur, you would be called such and it's derogatory term and anywhere else than Azure City you would be shunned, but if have a spot in Adventure's Guild rankings other adventurers would tolerate much more as well).

A note for everyone: I would hold picking players a week or so and no need full sheets. You can have race, name, and a brief bio about your char as an entry requirements. You can also establish connections to other players in advance and weave bios/backgrounds together. Also 3th level can indicate you have adventures already or you freshly enter the world at 3th level (so can roleplay as a newbie as well). The blessing of the five goddesses makes it possible for some isekaid people to enter world higher level than 1 sometimes. Also going to edit and add bit more details on Zatash corruption influence and pantheon/gods (regarding what's a difference of a dead deity and an active deities).

Quote from: Isengrad on September 10, 2022, 03:30:40 AM
Dude, that dungeon mechanic reminds me of a webcomic I read. "The more I eat, the stronger I get."

Anyway this looks cool and when I get home I'll see about submitting a concept.

Indeed, the web novel (not webcomic) series I read online is called There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns, I recommend it warmly to everyone as it's fun to read. But I base it entirely on how dungeons cores/dungeons work based on that novel. Also something similar was hinted on Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World in that dungeons/labyrinths can just suddenly 'appear' in an area. But in both cases, a major trade/merchandise organization actively profits from these dungeons, and in anime case entire town was built around the dungeon to profit from it and demand adventurers pay an entrance fee to enter it (because it's so large it has +99 levels and gives decent loot per run if you get deep enough to handle it). In a sense dungeons upkeep is even a reason to have adventurers first place (besides traditional sellsword/mercenary work).

But usually, dungeons grow stronger in people dying inside...so some shadier parts of Guild had in past literally kidnapped people and murdered them inside dungeons to escalate their growth. Guild never would admit this but it's rumored to have been done in the past. Also, Guild who trades anyway with slaves or monster slaves, may deliver monster slaves into dungeon and then kill them there to 'add monster' into dungeon's collection. As every monster which spawns into dungeon will spawn loot based on how powerful monster is and considering dungeons after time 'resets' they give an infinite source of loot and resources.


Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Arcanist on September 10, 2022, 04:03:48 AM
Am interested if there are spaces!

No spaces claimed yet, and as said I give a week (so next weekend) time apply to the game so go ahead :)


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on September 10, 2022, 03:58:07 AM
Oh, edgy. Like it. Also, dhamphirs do have varied hunger and Zatash corruption influence can be lewd sort directed addiction (sex, bodily fluids, lewd thoughts). Perhaps you were originally adopted and trained (achieving the third level) but then had an encounter with a feral monster/monster race who literally 'fucked you to death' which then as the experience you actually survived but got changed to dhamphir (and also become futanari as well). Just my thoughts/suggestions as dhamphirs can emerge from close/from death encounters. Anyways only reason preventing your noble family from keeping you locked in the cellar and keeping you as 'XP tank' for money is both Atlantica's puritan laws not tolerating/housing dhamphirs and the family itself not want to touch you with ten pole stick anymore after becoming corrupted so they quietly got rid of you and faked your death (as killing chosen ones is illegal as well).

I didn't have any concrete ideas for how my character wound up transforming into a dhampir, so I think I probably will work something like that in. And I was definitely thinking her hunger would take a much more lewd direction, likely either sexual fluids or semen specifically.

Since I am playing a former half-elf and dhampirs work a bit different from regular races, could I also keep the half-elf sexual traits, both your custom one and the one from the 5e Guide to Sex?

Edit: Note to self, stat-line 8 12 14 10 14 17 after racial adjustments.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Kunoichi on September 10, 2022, 04:24:56 AM
Since I am playing a former half-elf and dhampirs work a bit different from regular races, could I also keep the half-elf sexual traits, both your custom one and the one from the 5e Guide to Sex?

Sure, you can keep the sexual traits from being half-elf.

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on September 10, 2022, 03:58:07 AM

Laughing Hyena: Char looks good, albeit as a reminder you can play as a full tiefling race but with a small size instead. With such strong tiefling traits though your race would publicly call you a mongrelfolk (a hybrid between two races/monstrous races are called such even if you have only racial traits from other races but if have strong physical traits from other race, like tiefling or minotaur, you would be called such and it's derogatory term and anywhere else than Azure City you would be shunned, but if have a spot in Adventure's Guild rankings other adventurers would tolerate much more as well).

A note for everyone: I would hold picking players a week or so and no need full sheets. You can have race, name, and a brief bio about your char as an entry requirements. You can also establish connections to other players in advance and weave bios/backgrounds together. Also 3th level can indicate you have adventures already or you freshly enter the world at 3th level (so can roleplay as a newbie as well). The blessing of the five goddesses makes it possible for some isekaid people to enter world higher level than 1 sometimes. Also going to edit and add bit more details on Zatash corruption influence and pantheon/gods (regarding what's a difference of a dead deity and an active deities).

Indeed, the web novel (not webcomic) series I read online is called There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns, I recommend it warmly to everyone as it's fun to read. But I base it entirely on how dungeons cores/dungeons work based on that novel. Also something similar was hinted on Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World in that dungeons/labyrinths can just suddenly 'appear' in an area. But in both cases, a major trade/merchandise organization actively profits from these dungeons, and in anime case entire town was built around the dungeon to profit from it and demand adventurers pay an entrance fee to enter it (because it's so large it has +99 levels and gives decent loot per run if you get deep enough to handle it). In a sense dungeons upkeep is even a reason to have adventurers first place (besides traditional sellsword/mercenary work).

But usually, dungeons grow stronger in people dying inside...so some shadier parts of Guild had in past literally kidnapped people and murdered them inside dungeons to escalate their growth. Guild never would admit this but it's rumored to have been done in the past. Also, Guild who trades anyway with slaves or monster slaves, may deliver monster slaves into dungeon and then kill them there to 'add monster' into dungeon's collection. As every monster which spawns into dungeon will spawn loot based on how powerful monster is and considering dungeons after time 'resets' they give an infinite source of loot and resources.

Guilty of being a dwarf eh?

Well I would love to play a tiefling since I can then make use of the guide to sex. Only hiccup would being my stats getting pretty misaligned. But I can live with being a four foot nothing tiefling.  :)

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Laughing Hyena on September 10, 2022, 07:36:02 AM
Guilty of being a dwarf eh?

Well I would love to play a tiefling since I can then make use of the guide to sex. Only hiccup would being my stats getting pretty misaligned. But I can live with being a four foot nothing tiefling.  :)

Well, we do use Tasha's stat swap for races. Also, you can pick heritage as a tiefling and adjust it further if you like. Like swap +2 racial bonus to charisma to +2 to intelligence instead (but cannot use then tiefling heritage which gives a bonus to intelligence like Bloodline of Asmodeus, but can use Bloodline of Dispater, Fierna, Glasya or Levistus example). Or swap +2 racial bonus from charisma to dexterity instead and use +1 Int bloodlines like Asmodeus, Baalzebul, Mammon, and Mephistopheles.

Laughing Hyena

Perfect. I'll try and find the proper tiefling asi perks. Basic jist is that +2 should be in Dex and Tasha's makes that work.


Alright I have my character concept finally.

Her name is Ionli and she's a protector aasimar cleric of perhaps the war domain, but that can change depending on party needs, and instead of her clerical powers coming from a deity or concept outside of herself, she's basically tapping into the divine spark within her and unlocking more of its power the more levels she gains.  Basically her celestial "heritage" is particularly strong and she's taught herself how to better tap into it.

Ionli was born to fairly normal human parents and at birth she was already marked as different by the changes wrought to her physical self thanks to the manifestation of her celestial spark.  Aasimars are quite rare, so when her parents figured out just how special their little girl was, they sought to protect her from those that might seek to exploit her.  She was taught to hide her hair with dyes, wear veils to obscure her eyes, and to keep her unusual nature a secret from anyone she met.  Thankfully the slight point to the ends of her ears were hidden by wearing her hair longer and she was mostly just seen as another human thanks to the efforts she went to in order to obscure her hair and eyes, which were like precious metal and polished gemstones in terms of their respective colors.  One day her father was hurt when one of the horses spooked and she tapped into her divine spark in order to heal him.  There was no hiding who she was after that, something she was frankly grateful for since she'd gotten quite sick of hiding herself from others.  This meant home was no longer safe, as they lived in a frontier village, and she was sent away for both her own safety and that of the villagers.  Ionli didn't truly mind and was in fact grateful for the chance to see the world.  It hasn't all been sunshine and rainbows, of course, but she's learned to harness the divine power within and uses it to help others and battle evil wherever she finds it.


Valna was initially born Kei, a young man on Earth, one who had been sickly all his life. He lived a dull, unremarkable and short life, but, near the end of it, as his body was finally giving up on him, he heard what seemed to be a strange voice. 'What is your wish'? it asked. Kei didn't hesitate for a moment. "I want to be strong," he whispered, before closing his eyes for the final time. And then, to his great surprise, opened them up again, to find himself laying on what seemed to be an altar in what seemed to be an old, abandoned temple. And he felt strong now, with power in his limbs like he'd never had before. Of course, he went from surprise to surprise when he looked down to find himself in the body of a well-muscled half-orc female. Or rather, looking down further to a particularly impressive addition, that of a half-orc futa. One of Zatash's corruptions, though he didn't know that. Nor did he know about the one that came next as, as if they'd just noticed his waking, lewd thoughts started invading his mind, twisting it, as if to better fit this body and this world he had found himself in. And by the time they were done, she couldn't think of herself as male any longer. She gave herself a new name, Valna. And dressed in whatever she could find laying around the temple, and carrying a massive, surprisingly well-preserved axe, she set out to find what she could about this new world. This, she was starting to think, was going to be a lot of fun.


Flag of intrest. Posting more, when getting home from work.


Mephis, Dhampir (former Half-Elf) Entertainer (Prostitute), Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 3
Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 30
Sorcery Points: 3
Speed: 35 ft, Spider Climb 35 ft
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 10, Passive Insight 13


Proficiency Bonus: +2
Spell Save DC: 13 (8 + Cha + Proficiency)
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Acrobatics(Dex), Athletics(Str), Deception(Cha), Insight(Wis), Performance(Cha), Persuasion(Cha)
Tools: Disguise Kit, lyre
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows, Vampiric Fangs
Languages: Common, Elven
Equipment: Light crossbow and 20 bolts, Divine Brand (arcane focus), explorer's pack, 2 daggers, lyre, a bottle of perfume gifted by an admirer, costume, pouch containing 15 gp

Magic Items
Womb Tattoo of the Healthy Harlot (Uncommon, Attuned) - As Periapt of Health, plus tattoo glows with an intensity matching its bearer's arousal and can display on command, in glowing script, various statistics about the sexual encounters its bearer has had since their last long rest.

Seductive: Mephis has advantage on Charisma-based checks to seduce someone.

Trained for Pleasure: When making a Charisma check to raise a sexual partner's POS bar, the DC is reduced by an additional -2.

Deathless Nature: Mephis does not need to breathe.

Vampiric Bite: Treated as a natural weapon and a simple weapon with which Mephis is proficient. She can attack and use Con instead of Str, dealing 1d4 piercing damage on a successful hit. When her hit points are at half or below, she makes this attack roll with advantage. A number of times equal to her proficiency bonus, she can empower herself after a successful attack against a creature that is neither construct nor undead, either healing herself a number of hit points equal to the piercing damage dealt, or else getting a bonus on the next ability check or attack roll she makes equal to the piercing damage dealt. All expended uses of this ability are regained after a long rest.

Spell Slots per Spell Level


Spells Known
Cantrip - Mage Hand, Mind SliverP, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Shape Water
1st - Absorb Elements, Detect Magic, Dissonant WhispersP, Shield, Silvery BarbsP
2nd - Detect ThoughtsP, Tasha's Mind Whip, SuggestionP

Metamagic Known
Quickened Spell (2 SP) - A spell with a casting time of 1 action has its casting time changed to 1 bonus action.
Twinned Spell (SP cost equals Spell Level) - When casting a single-target spell that is not Range: Self, target a second creature in range with the same spell.

Telepathic Speech: As a bonus action, Mephis can form a telepathic bond between herself and one creature she can see within 30 ft. She and the chosen creature can speak telepathically to one another as long as they remain within a number of miles equal to her Charisma modifier, but each must speak in a language the other knows to be understood. The telepathic connection lasts for a number of minutes equal to her Sorcerer level and ends early if she is incapacitated or forms a bond with another creature.

Mephis was originally born to a half-elven couple in a humble, countryside farming village in the great kingdom of Atlantica. Though their non-human blood made them second-class citizens under the law, they lived a peaceful and largely happy life together. That all changed, however, on the day Mephis reached the age of 18 and a glowing mark appeared on the back of her left hand. It was identified at the church as a divine brand, a symbol marking her as the reincarnation of an ancient and noble hero of Atlantica, and it changed her life forever. She was taken away from her loving family and the friendly farming village she had grown up in and adopted into a noble household, thrust straight into the hostile, humanocentric society of her nation. Worse still, the noble family that adopted her was the Daphoinos family, renowned throughout the nation for their pride in both their martial skills and the purity of their blood.

On her best days in that household, she was treated little better than a servant. On her worst nights, she was given 'bedroom duty' and made to offer up her body to one member of the household or another to help them break past their limits, with care always taken to avoid the potential scandal of a pregnancy, of course. Even when it was time to receive her education she was given no escape, as the Daphoinos family ignored her obvious latent magical talents in favor of sending her to the Righteous Shield Academy to act as their favored son's squire. When she wasn't polishing his sword or attending to his other personal needs, he sold her services to his fellow students for pocket money.

And then came the Righteous Shield's annual training trip out to a local dungeon, where the real reason for sending her to the martial academy was revealed. Now that she had served the only purpose the Daphoinos family considered her good for, she was little more than an eyesore to them. They considered it an insult that a great hero of the past had chosen to reincarnate in a vessel with such tainted blood. These things and more, the young Daphoinos knight took great joy in explaining to her, showing his own contempt for her as he and the rest of his team stripped her down and threw her naked to a pair of ravenously lusty orcs. By all rights she should have died, as both orcs pushed her body well beyond its sexual limits, but instead she was saved, spared from death by a... miracle, of sorts. As the orcs had their way with her, Mephis cried out in despair to what few gods and goddesses she knew of to save her, but the one that answered her prayers was the darkest and most chaotic of them all: Zatash.

The Daphoinos heir and his team made sure to kill both orcs once they had been exhausted by their fun, but much to their surprise, the half-elf girl herself still lived. She was barely alive, and so badly corrupted by her encounter that it was obvious for all to see, the white hair, softly-glowing red eyes and the new male member that hung down between her legs all obvious signs of what had happened. All the same, her managing to live on, and in this corrupted state, was rather troublesome for the group of young noblemen. It was forbidden by law to kill anyone who bore the divine brand, regardless of their class or even species.  Even treating one as the Daphoinos family had, as little better than a slave, was utterly illegal. Both the attempted murder and the twisted, corrupted girl resulting from it would be horrible stains on the family name if news of them ever got out. At worst, they could be stripped of their noble title and exiled, and the head of the family could possibly even be executed. Fortunately, one of his teammates, a young scion of the wealthy and well-connected Xanthos family, had a solution for him. Black market connections to a crew of smugglers would get the girl out of the country and into the Free Nations, where any number of potential buyers would be lined up for a slave girl who bore a divine brand, regardless of how corrupted she was. A sex slave who could help her masters break past their limits... oh yes, she would be in quite high demand. Their families would help to cover it all up, frame the girl as a traitor to their nation and make it seem like the sale had been a legitimate punishment, and that would be the end of it. For the Daphoinos family, at least.

Ironically, Mephis received kinder treatment as a sex slave than she had ever gotten as the daughter of a noble house. Her first master was a man named Rhodes, a merchant who specialized in buying criminal slaves for low prices, then giving them training in useful skills to increase their worth and selling them for a profit. He had quite a bit of experience in dealing with both slaves with personal issues and the heavily corrupted, and it was thanks to him that Mephis was able to come to terms with what had happened to her. In addition to the obvious physical effects, the corruption had twisted her mind as well, and given her a new and quite lewd hunger that she needed to regularly satisfy. She took well to the training that he provided her in how to serve as both a courtesan and a general entertainer, training that would lead to her living a far better life than any regular servant in a noble household. The corruption had also fully awakened her magical talents, and he provided her with guidance and encouragement in exploring and mastering these new abilities, as well.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, he helped her to find a reason to go on after having been so savagely used and discarded. The Daphoinos family had to pay. They couldn't be allowed to get away with what they'd done. He not only fully believed her claims of being innocent of treason, he also promised to help spread her story, and encouraged her to do the same. Even if reports of the truth originating from the Free Nations would be dismissed in Atlantica, just the rumors that would start to circulate would damage the Daphoinos family's reputation.

Admittedly, Rhodes' motivation probably had more to do with the fact that she would command a higher price if it was widely believed that she wasn't actually a criminal. All the same, it helped to give Mephis a much-needed goal, something to focus on and to motivate her to work harder to improve herself. It even motivated her to begin coming up with plans for her future, though these she kept secret from her current master. Her heart's desire was now to find her way back to Atlantica one day, to personally wreak a very tangible and bloody vengeance on House Daphoinos. Of course, there was little chance of doing that while living the life of a slave, so she began to explore her options...

The binding magic used to make her a slave in the first place was not entirely irreversible, but would require a great deal of money and effort to undo. Far more than she would ever be allowed as a slave. That same binding prevented her from attempting to kill or harm her master, as well as gave him a means to compel obedience from her. However... what if she attempted to use her abilities on him in a way that was not harmful? As it turned out, this was a loophole in her slave binding that she could exploit.

She fully tested the limits of her binding on the man Rhodes sold her to, the first master of many she would come to have over the next two years of her life. A local merchant with a decent level of wealth and prestige and some rather... unusual tastes, looking for a suitable courtesan for both himself and his wife, and quite pleased to find a slave who could help them both to break their limits. The few months she spent with them were pleasant, but also educational. Mind magic was the key to breaking her shackles, she soon discovered. While she was unable to use her talents on her master in a way that would bring him harm, she could use them without his permission when he would benefit from it. And so, after those few months, when another merchant from out of town made the offer to purchase her from her current master for a price that was well above the officially established Guild rates, she made a Suggestion to her master that he accept the offer. In this way, slowly, trading one master for another, she made her way across the Free Nations and even to the Azure City. And along the way, she worked in many different positions in the sex industry, both high and low. High class courtesan, streetwalking whore, brothel mistress...

And very rarely, her magical talents sometimes saw her working as an adventurer.


Name: Elistrea Mistborn (Isihara, Ai)
Race: Half-elf (but open to recommendations)
Class: Bard
Concept: Ai was performing with her Idol Girl Group in front of her fans when a intricate circle started to form underneath her, thinking it was part of the special effects, she continued to perform when everything started to blur and disappear. She then felt herself being pulled in all directions until she loss consciousness. She woke in the midst of a nightmare. Pinned between two creatures that could only have been described as demons and surrounded by robed figures, she felt them taking her in tandem, her body bent and spread in impossible ways. For hours, pain, pleasure, horror and lust assaulted her senses until she lost consciousness once more.  However, this time, before the darkness claimed her, she saw a figure of light.

As she returned to consciousness the third time, days had gone by. She woke in what seemed to be a horse drawn wagon. A blond haired female in cosplay armour sat beside her. “Don’t move Elistrea, you have endured much. You are lucky we were in time to stop the ritual.” She looked lost and confused, and as she studied herself, she found that she was in someone else’s body. The body she now inhabited had long pointed ears, more flexible, better endowed, tanned and had finer features. She later learnt that she was now in a different world and a half-elf.
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.