5th DnD game inspired by many references

Started by Zaer Darkwail, September 09, 2022, 03:33:09 PM

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Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Laughing Hyena on September 12, 2022, 01:16:15 PM
I'm noticing a lot of people might be inclined to stay in Azure City. Some reincarnated, some not. Should make for a fun bit of sharing information.

Indeed and even if not mentioned in world lore, the past isekaid/reincarnated people have influenced the world in some manner in past centuries. In Free Nations there is a burger chain called McGold.

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on September 12, 2022, 02:19:01 PM
Indeed and even if not mentioned in world lore, the past isekaid/reincarnated people have influenced the world in some manner in past centuries. In Free Nations there is a burger chain called McGold.

... I wanna know more about those influences. Where do I read about that lore?


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on September 12, 2022, 02:28:33 AM
Sure I'd be down for some fish out of water stuff. I'm assuming you're more leaning towards Serana as the character you'd accept then?
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: pdragon on September 12, 2022, 02:24:12 PM
Sure I'd be down for some fish out of water stuff. I'm assuming you're more leaning towards Serana as the character you'd accept then?

I haven't decided yet. Just talk how the char could implemented and in advance ask would you (player) be okay with the idea.

Quote from: Laughing Hyena on September 12, 2022, 02:22:42 PM
... I wanna know more about those influences. Where do I read about that lore?

Well, I haven't typed all of them :P. It was just random throw away example and listing all possible influences (both in Free Nations and Atlantica) could get long as the history of the setting before the present day. I may write brief summary of them later this week but there is McDonalds clone going about and there is Dungeon Magazine (which reviews various dungeons and give dungeoncrawling tips) and there is porn magazines which now with the inclusion of Azure City had started have monster chicks in there as well besides the classics.

Laughing Hyena

I can imagine the hilarity of a crack fanfic being spread around on some the rulers hooking up with raunchy details. Or someone sullying the church with lewd images of monster girl pinups. Excuse me I need some material for distraction jutsus.


If the Free Nations have McGold, I suppose the competing restaurant chain in Atlantica would be called Burger Queen. I wonder if some isekai'd Artificer managed to invent videogames as a wondrous magic item, but the only way to get our hands on them would be to raid his tomb?


Quote from: Kunoichi on September 12, 2022, 03:47:05 PM
If the Free Nations have McGold, I suppose the competing restaurant chain in Atlantica would be called Burger Queen. I wonder if some isekai'd Artificer managed to invent videogames as a wondrous magic item, but the only way to get our hands on them would be to raid his tomb?

I like the sound of Burger Queen ^^

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Kunoichi on September 12, 2022, 03:47:05 PM
I wonder if some isekai'd Artificer managed to invent videogames as a wondrous magic item, but the only way to get our hands on them would be to raid his tomb?

This HAS to be a quest Zaer!


  I like it! 

  the Bazare at Deva has at least one Yellow Crescent Inn.  :):
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Got the finished version and I hope you all like walls of text, because I got a doozy for ya with this one xD

Name: Ionli
Race: Protector Aasimar (Native)
Class: Cleric (War Domain)
History: On the frontier of the Free Nations many small settlements have been founded by pioneers either brave, or desperate, enough to attempt to tame the wilderness on the edges of civilization.  One such settlement is the village of Duskhaven, so named for the darker evening hours they experience thanks to their proximity to the Giant’s Teeth, a mountain range that, legend has it, hides groups of massive humanoids that like to feast on human flesh.  Pure superstition, surely, but the name stuck regardless.  The majority of Duskhaven’s population is human, with the second most numerous belonging to halflings, the third to dwarves, a branch of a clan invested in opening an iron mine nearby, and the fourth, a pair of mages, twins in fact, interested in the solitude the location offers, to elves.  It was to one of the human families that Ionli was born, bearing the clear signs of a divine spark, marking her as an aasimar.  Her parents, worried about the mages or other parties discovering their daughter’s nature and seeking to exploit it, did everything within their power to hide it.  Grease in her hair, or a decent hood, to obscure its metallic sheen, dirt on her skin where exposed to mask the rosy glow it attains in direct sunlight, and a veil to hide the almost gem-like quality of her eyes.  Otherwise she was described as a sickly girl to any of their neighbors in order to keep curiosity to a minimum and the exposure of her character sheet nonexistent.

Ionli, while not exactly happy to live so isolated from the rest of the village, was mostly too scared by the horror stories her parents told her about aasimar children being snatched up by evil people in the night to put up much of a fuss about it.  She did play with a few of the neighboring children from time to time, but only when one, or preferably both, of her parents could supervise them.  For a time life was quiet, uneventful, and she helped tend her family’s farm when the lie of her sickly nature would permit it.  This was not to last, as her father was working in the forge one day when a sudden slip of concentration had him dealing with a terrible fire.  He ended up being injured to the point where Ionli feared for his life, and the divine spark within urged her to take action.  Laying her hands upon him, holy radiance spread from where she touched him and his wounds were healed.  Of course given that this event took place in broad daylight where any of their neighbors could see it, her secret was out.  That night, while her parents fretted over what was going to happen to their daughter, Ionli dreamed of events of which she should have no knowledge.  Of the Gods War, the summoning of the Five Heroes, all in flashes of images and sounds that gave her some inkling of who the source her divine spark had been, or at least narrowed it down to one of five goddesses in particular.  She woke the next morning with questions, questions she had no way of getting answered, at least not in Duskhaven.

Rumors of an aasimar being found on the frontier quickly spread and the head of the ruling council of the region was very interested in… recruiting her for his own purposes.  When his first attempt at acquiring Ionli, a generous sum of money offered to her parents, was rejected, he tried to resort to more underhanded methods.  Using certain shady business contacts, the Honorable First Chair, Friedrich Durchdenwald, hired a small band of brigands to kidnap her.  One thing he hadn’t counted on was what sort of divine spark lay within the young woman, nor how strongly she was able to draw upon its power.  So when her home was raided in the night, the bandits didn’t find some timid, wilting flower, but a warrior, now awoken from a deep slumber and eager to fight back.  The five men were caught completely by surprise when she laid into them with fists and feet, and, after wrestling a spear from one man in short order, chased them from the farm with an almost literal fire in her eyes.  This had the effect of pissing off the local bandits and, for the moment, setting back the plans of the First Chair.  Knowing the outlaws would return, some instinct Ionli didn’t quite understand, that led her to approaching the village council.  It was time for the people of Duskhaven to prepare for a fight and she could teach them how if they needed it.  She couldn’t inspire them to greatness, having never developed much in the way of social graces, but she suddenly had access to knowledge she didn’t before, knowledge she shared once she convinced the council to trust her instead of just handing her over to save themselves the trouble.  Once the bandits were repelled, and the villagers praised her for her efforts to safeguard Duskhaven, Ionli felt deeply disturbed, for multiple reasons.  First of all she had figured out which goddess her divine spark had come from, and anyone familiar with the story could tell her dreams would be disturbed more often than not thanks to said goddess’s history.  Secondly, she’d drawn the attention of a powerful man, and she needed to get away from him as soon as possible, lest her home be endangered again because of her.  Finally because she didn’t know what the future was going to hold for her, and she needed to move quickly despite how much she wished she had time to think things through before her departure.  She would later join the adventurer’s guild, practice the skills she’d picked up from her father in the forge, and did her best to keep an eye out for any more threats sent her way by First Chair Friedrich Durchdenwald.


I have an even longer wall of text for my backstory, so I certainly don't have an issue with it. x3

Laughing Hyena


That feeling when you notice a bunch of errors only after you've made the post >.<


Quote from: Kunoichi on September 11, 2022, 11:30:12 PM
I believe the Arms of Hadar and Hunger of Hadar spells also involve tentacles. Those are on the Warlock spell list as 1st and 3rd level spells, respectively. The Great Old One Warlock gets Black Tentacles as a bonus spell from its patron, as well. Also, arguably any reach weapon could be flavored as a tentacle, which would work well with the Pact of the Blade. A whip could be a fitting option, for example.

Although, looking over some other suggestions via Google, you could also go Pact of the Tome and then pick up the Thorn Whip cantrip from the Druid spell list, and reflavor it as a tentacle. That might be perfect, depending on what your concept is.

Edit: Looking into it a bit further, the Fathomless patron might be even more perfect for you if you specifically want to summon and control tentacles. The class features added by that subclass are all about tentacles, though it has more of a deep ocean theme, rather than a cosmic horror theme like the Great Old One patron.

Edit2: Zaer, my backstory is finished now.
I can't find any of those in the SRD, unfortunately.  The only Patron in it is The Fiend.  Pact of the Tome is in there, though.

While I say "Tentacles," what I'm really trying to do is retrofit a character with the ability to summon and control leather straps.  Leather tentacles, basically.  She also wears them as her costume, but I'm not entirely certain that'd work here.


Quote from: Avernale on September 12, 2022, 10:34:43 PM
I can't find any of those in the SRD, unfortunately.  The only Patron in it is The Fiend.  Pact of the Tome is in there, though.

While I say "Tentacles," what I'm really trying to do is retrofit a character with the ability to summon and control leather straps.  Leather tentacles, basically.  She also wears them as her costume, but I'm not entirely certain that'd work here.

Use the wikidot instead of SRD, it has most of the up-to-date official material.

What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Quote from: Avernale on September 12, 2022, 10:34:43 PM
I can't find any of those in the SRD, unfortunately.  The only Patron in it is The Fiend.  Pact of the Tome is in there, though.

While I say "Tentacles," what I'm really trying to do is retrofit a character with the ability to summon and control leather straps.  Leather tentacles, basically.  She also wears them as her costume, but I'm not entirely certain that'd work here.

That wikidot site pdragon linked is what I'm using as well. So long as you're fine with being able to do more with magic beyond just summoning and controlling leather straps, I think the Fathomless Warlock is exactly what you're looking for. Pact of the Blade for a leather strap pact weapon that functions as a whip, or Pact of the Tome and take Thorn Whip for one of your three cantrips, only your version summons leather straps instead of vines. Then for wearing them as a costume, if you mean that you want to also have them work to protect her, then just take the Armor of Shadows invocation and again say that's it's leather straps serving as armor instead of solid shadows.


Name: Batu
Race: Mongrel folk(Crossbreed Dragonborn/Human)
Class: Monk, Way of the Ascendant Dragon
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Status: Reincarnate

Born to a Human mother who fled the free cities when she found out she was pregnant, she made her way to the Azure city to ensure her child could live a life mostly free from the persecutions that came with being a half breed. Living near the cities notorious red light district he was privy to all manner of lewd or illicit activities in the city. From early in his life he always had vivid dreams, battles fought by a powerful martial artist that wielded five different elemental powers, able to bring it to bear in his fist or to exhale it in a powerful gout of elemental fury. Being young he would mimic the motions, do his best to follow the calmer parts of that life he was living.

Years past, and the boy was a notorious underground fighter, if you knew where to look you could find somewhere to scrap, somewhere to listen to the cheers of the crowd. Batu was such a pit fighter, a gladiator playing to the crowd. Chances to hone his skill and practice that ancient martial art he only saw in his ways. Eventually he felt he was powerful enough to join the Adventurers guild, and he has been with them since then. He finds his Gladiator gear still helpful when traveling out of The Azure city, the dragon mask serving well enough to hide his strange features.

God that took forever, I have been trying to post this for days. Each time I was just blanking on the back story even though I got the concept down. essentially a Dragonborn born of a human mother, though he lacks the breath weapon of his Fathers race he gained some of the versatility.(basically trading the Breath weapon form the metallic dragonborn for the feat feature for the variant human. Also might drop Chromatic warding later as well since a feat can be a build defining feature.) He became an Adventurer out of a mixture of wanderlust and curiosity about who the figure in his dreams are.(dreaming about a past life). Though he has not vocalized it, he also wishes to find his father...but he does not know where to begin.

original artwork by karabiner

Zaer Darkwail

Isengrad: Short and simple background is good enough :). Reincarnated heroes can have clear clarity of past life (full memories) or just have dreams which hint at their past life (or most likely visions Batu may be seeing is maybe video games or he is indeed reincarnated, past native hero).



The deadline for submitting characters hasn't passed yet. I believe the second post in the thread has character creation details.


Quote from: Kunoichi on September 14, 2022, 01:31:08 AM
The deadline for submitting characters hasn't passed yet. I believe the second post in the thread has character creation details.

Thank you! I see now I have until the weekend. Thursday I will have time to sit down and make a character or two.

Right now, I'm thinking of submitting a Tiefling Monk or a Minotaur Barbarian, most likely. They are two characters I have tried to play/played a little bit. Maybe also a wolf mongrel person or a dragonborn.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Vreski on September 14, 2022, 02:13:37 AM
Thank you! I see now I have until the weekend. Thursday I will have time to sit down and make a character or two.

Right now, I'm thinking of submitting a Tiefling Monk or a Minotaur Barbarian, most likely. They are two characters I have tried to play/played a little bit. Maybe also a wolf mongrel person or a dragonborn.

Any those char ideas sound good to me, indeed you got time until weekend where I do my picks. Players picked will be 4-7 in number and if multiple chars offered I name which char I picked player with.


 I think I will throw my lot in here playing a century, but most li,likely will just play a fighter since fighters seem to be the only class that didn't get bent over, ass raped and then twisted into a pretzel. See how badly they messed a paladin or Aasimars for said examples. Hard to do that with a fighter though not impossible. Just looking over the fighter builds right now..
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!

Laughing Hyena