Starfinder (NC/Ex) Interest Check

Started by PixelatedPixie, May 21, 2022, 03:34:38 PM

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Quote from: Moxa on May 24, 2022, 03:06:46 AM
The healslut issue is less of one in Starfinder since Stamina Points are easy to regenerate and pretty much any smart person can heal a decent amount of HP with medikits

True!  It could be a matter of preference on the "owner's" part to have someone handling the healing rather than full necessity.  A "cheerslut" as an Envoy doing support abilities like Inspiring Boost and Clever Feint, or a caster with buffs and support spells (and no weapons). 

Conversely, the Mystic could be a dominant healer.  "You don't go down until I say you go down!" I've had a melee combat Mystic that was a lot of fun.  So, a lot of flexibility is possible for roles.
Behold!  My O&Os
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Hah. A cheerslut. Wonder if they're stuck in a cheerleader outfit with pompoms taped to their hands. :)

The classes and their alternates means no matter which idea wins out that it'll be an interesting batch of abilities twisting around each other.

Just gotta hope enough people volunteer for all the needed roles. :D


The pirate/healslut angle seems to be winning out, hopefully not just because it is the most vague!

So the next question is set-up.

My first thought:

Mutiny on the Dragon's Scourge
The crew of the Dragon's Scourge had been recruited by Captain Xandra from various outposts, ships, and other locales across the Diaspora.  There was promise of wealth, slaves, and power.  Instead the Captain led the ship on a lazy cruise with few acts of piracy, just a stray shuttle here and there, before launching a failed assault on a massive liner.  The Dragon's Scourge was left damaged and barely operational while the liner was destroyed with nothing but some debris and a few escape pods to salvage.  It is time to replace Captain Xandra...

The story will begin in the aftermath of the attack.  The player characters would make up the existing crew of the Dragon's Scourge, this could include long term slaves/healsluts/similar if desired, as well as survivors from the liner if desired.  The latter probably being new slaves, though I am open to other options.  I will likely include Captain Xandra as an NPC/GM-PC in at least a limited way, having been overthrown and tossed in the brig, I will also aim to include at least some NPC slaves and similar as needed/desired.

I am debating creation rules, but probably in the 5-8 level range.  My preference would be to have different levels representing different ranks/groups/something, but I understand that may be a turn-off for many people.  This may end up being a larger game, so even if everyone is on the same ship I will likely be breaking things down into smaller groups for individual scenes. 

I am debating how to handle leadership.  I don't want (much) PvP and probably none without consent, but power struggles could be a fun angle. 

Thoughts on the idea?  Anyone for?  Anyone against?

Quote from: TFcommando on May 22, 2022, 06:19:34 PM
My interest goes 3, 2, 1 in order... on 1, it's because I tend to prefer female (or herm) PCs (Any feeling on the latter?).

Herm isn't of particular interest to me, but I won't ban it.  It might also depend on the sorts of scenes desired with the character.

Quote from: Muse on May 22, 2022, 06:33:43 PM
3.  Again with "About the only situation where I would happily play an evil game."  Do you think we could arange it so that  each pirate had his own slaves along with toying with NPC girls we captured?  Or is it more likelyt to be a party of pirates with 1-2 slaves they have to share (including a healsut.) 

It would depend on interest, so I can't really say in advance.

Quote from: TFcommando on May 22, 2022, 06:50:09 PM
Muse's comment about being evil made me think "What if they were doing evil, but to evil people?"  IE, raiding in Azlanti Star Empire territory?  Lots of haughty, arrogant nobles to bring low there...

It could be an option.

Quote from: TFcommando on May 24, 2022, 04:06:40 AM
True!  It could be a matter of preference on the "owner's" part to have someone handling the healing rather than full necessity.  A "cheerslut" as an Envoy doing support abilities like Inspiring Boost and Clever Feint, or a caster with buffs and support spells (and no weapons). 

A cheerslut sounds amusing.

Callie Del Noire


Ayup dragons scourge sounds like an interesting setup. Doesn't help narrow concepts down. :)

Does sound like a mechanic would be useful... maybe a lass from the destroyed liner.

The varying levels doesn't sound to bad knowing it going in.

Zaer Darkwail

I am fine with different levels in the group. Perhaps pirates are generally higher level while slave candidates are lower level. Anyways the premise for pirates sounds juicy to me; an incompetent female pirate captain who had not fulfilled promises and led to the disastrous attack on too big a target which resulted in no loot to be had (besides escape pods). I could volunteer my char as leader of the mutiny and as a possible leader candidate for the new crew (any loyalists to the original captain slain/or in the brig with her). Having been second in charge and having dealt with complaints from the crew longest until to recent disaster kettle boiled over even on him as he had strongly advised the captain not to attempt it.


Historically, pirates were pretty democratic, the captain being a strong fighter the crew rallied behind.  There was usually a sailing master who handed the nuts and bolts operating of the ship. 

That said, is there a big NPC crew?  The command PCs could be a ruling council group, none of them had enough support among the departments or factions alone but are now a (mostly, for the moment) unified block.  And each could be in charge of a division… one the marines, one the gunnery, one engineering, with the big decisions about what to hit made jointly.

EDIT - A pirate or a captive could still be a streamer!
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay

Zaer Darkwail

(used buying ability scores method to generate scores and made char as 8th level but can change if GM/players desire lower level, link to sheet in the name)

Regarding pirate democracy, Besmara despises laws/rules besides the generic code of conduct among pirates. But fine that the PC's form a 'council' which oversees functions of the ship after doing mutiny against their own captain. But usually for starship combat, you need to assign someone as 'captain' to give orders (and mostly provide buffs to allies in starship combat). Also, the Free Captains of Broken Rock follow the hierarchy bit loose sense as usual with pirates.


Quote from: PixelatedPixie on May 24, 2022, 01:02:47 PM
The pirate/healslut angle seems to be winning out, hopefully not just because it is the most vague!

So the next question is set-up.

My first thought:

Mutiny on the Dragon's Scourge
The crew of the Dragon's Scourge had been recruited by Captain Xandra from various outposts, ships, and other locales across the Diaspora.  There was promise of wealth, slaves, and power.  Instead the Captain led the ship on a lazy cruise with few acts of piracy, just a stray shuttle here and there, before launching a failed assault on a massive liner.  The Dragon's Scourge was left damaged and barely operational while the liner was destroyed with nothing but some debris and a few escape pods to salvage.  It is time to replace Captain Xandra...

The story will begin in the aftermath of the attack.  The player characters would make up the existing crew of the Dragon's Scourge, this could include long term slaves/healsluts/similar if desired, as well as survivors from the liner if desired.  The latter probably being new slaves, though I am open to other options.  I will likely include Captain Xandra as an NPC/GM-PC in at least a limited way, having been overthrown and tossed in the brig, I will also aim to include at least some NPC slaves and similar as needed/desired.

I am debating creation rules, but probably in the 5-8 level range.  My preference would be to have different levels representing different ranks/groups/something, but I understand that may be a turn-off for many people.  This may end up being a larger game, so even if everyone is on the same ship I will likely be breaking things down into smaller groups for individual scenes. 

I am debating how to handle leadership.  I don't want (much) PvP and probably none without consent, but power struggles could be a fun angle. 

Thoughts on the idea?  Anyone for?  Anyone against?

Herm isn't of particular interest to me, but I won't ban it.  It might also depend on the sorts of scenes desired with the character.

It would depend on interest, so I can't really say in advance.

It could be an option.

A cheerslut sounds amusing.
This sounds like a great idea. How should I start building my character?

I don't want my character to be a lower level than the rest since she was a former soldier. Would we be acting out the mutiny? I could see my character being the captain's personal pleasure slave and forced to defend her against the mutiny with promised of better treatment. Or locked in the brig most often and forced to help in the mutiny. Since my character is a slave I like the idea of not getting to choose.


hokay. found an... interesting ish race.


A quasi undeadish race.

Would it be a allowed race selection?


Quote from: PixelatedPixie on May 24, 2022, 01:02:47 PM
The pirate/healslut angle seems to be winning out, hopefully not just because it is the most vague!

So the next question is set-up.

My first thought:

Mutiny on the Dragon's Scourge
The crew of the Dragon's Scourge had been recruited by Captain Xandra from various outposts, ships, and other locales across the Diaspora.  There was promise of wealth, slaves, and power.  Instead the Captain led the ship on a lazy cruise with few acts of piracy, just a stray shuttle here and there, before launching a failed assault on a massive liner.  The Dragon's Scourge was left damaged and barely operational while the liner was destroyed with nothing but some debris and a few escape pods to salvage.  It is time to replace Captain Xandra...

The story will begin in the aftermath of the attack.  The player characters would make up the existing crew of the Dragon's Scourge, this could include long term slaves/healsluts/similar if desired, as well as survivors from the liner if desired.  The latter probably being new slaves, though I am open to other options.  I will likely include Captain Xandra as an NPC/GM-PC in at least a limited way, having been overthrown and tossed in the brig, I will also aim to include at least some NPC slaves and similar as needed/desired.

I am debating creation rules, but probably in the 5-8 level range.  My preference would be to have different levels representing different ranks/groups/something, but I understand that may be a turn-off for many people.  This may end up being a larger game, so even if everyone is on the same ship I will likely be breaking things down into smaller groups for individual scenes. 

I am debating how to handle leadership.  I don't want (much) PvP and probably none without consent, but power struggles could be a fun angle. 

Thoughts on the idea?  Anyone for?  Anyone against?

I really like the idea of the former captain being in the brig.  There could be several reasons she's still around, she could have knowledge of one or more treasure or supply caches, might have powerful friends that would be upset if she was executed by her own crew or could have a huge bounty on her head from one or more governments, other pirates, etc.  Or several at once!  So there's a reason to keep her around and to go talk to her from time to time.

A big question is "What's the ship like?"  Is it small enough that the PCs make up the bulk of the crew, ala the Falcon, Outlaw Star or Serenity, or something larger, with a few dozen NPC crew as well, and whole departments/factions?  Does it deploy mecha, or fighters? 

If you're going for a big game, it could be a big ship and have different tiers.  The level 8 PCs could be the command crew and their personal slaves, while a level 5 party could be a lower ranking bunch, perhaps all fighter pilots or a dedicated boarding party group and they have separate, but interconnected, adventures.  This to me works better than having widely disparate character levels in the same group.  I just don't feel that the system works when there's a wide range in power.  And the "healslut" concept is that the character is being dragged along because they're useful in some way, even in a combat situation.  A level 8 character wouldn't find much a level 5 one could help with.  I feel that a power disparity can be done well with characters on the same level... the "healslut" types can take more passive and support themes, abilities and spells and be controlled by technological or personal factors, not game mechanics, even though on paper they're equals.  Personality or sexual domination, a tech collar, magic, a cursed tattoo, that sort of thing.

If you're that interested in herms, they're totally optional on my part, full female is no problem.

I don't have a solid concept yet, since we're feeling things out, but a vague notion was someone wicked and decadent, playing on the "evil sorceress" style.  A bit mysterious, not (yet) wanting to assume total control, some sort of mystical or strange powers sort... a dark Solarian or a Mystic of some sort... still pretty open.

A few sexy game mechanics thoughts... Vis a vis the cheerslut, Mechanics can have "Distracting Hack (Ex) You can hack a computer within 30 feet of a foe to distract that foe, such as with a sudden noise or an image" A sexy one, clearly! :)

Drone-using mechanics can have medium drones with a riding saddle.  One could tie a slave character to the saddle and control their movement that way.

Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


One idea that popped into my head is that, well, the mechanics sometimes need to be stretched to work in Sexy ways. What might be fun is if PCs got, either every level or every other level, a bonus feat. With these we'd be able to homebrew/propose naughty uses of abilities. So for example, my Biohacker character could spend one of her feats on a theorem that gives an 'Arousal' biohack, making the victim save vs being inconsolably horny, or a 'Cum Control' one, which prevents the victim from climaxing unless she injects them with the release compound.

A Solarian could have a whole feat tree about a 'strap on solar manifestation', a glowing dick of stellar energy XD


Would a male goblin be playable in all of the chosen ideas?  I have never played Starfinder (would need a bit of help with character creation) but have always loved goblins in Pathfinder.

Re Z L

I'd recommend not having a level split, it's probably just going to discourage people from playing. You could say that the player characters are just the senior-most slaves maybe and have a handful of other NPC slaves that are the lower level types, depending on how big the ship is and how much crew is needed.

The council idea sounds pretty good as far as leadership goes, though I don't think the slaves would have any say in anything.


For what it's worth, I lean slightly in favor of uneven levels for player characters, since they won't totally outclass eachother anyway. I do understand the concerns people have though, and the 'putting players off' issue one kind of has to acknoledge even if you think their reasons aren't quite correct.


Something else that comes to mind is how do you want gear handled for the players that are prisoners/slaves?

Wouldn't think they'd leave full gear on the pets.

Re Z L

Quote from: Hexed on May 26, 2022, 09:31:29 AM
Something else that comes to mind is how do you want gear handled for the players that are prisoners/slaves?

Wouldn't think they'd leave full gear on the pets.

The way I see the healsluts/cheersluts/etcsluts is that they're not just slaves but also eagerly devoted to their masters/mistresses to the point that their loyalty is pretty much unquestioned, maybe that's just my perspective though

If that's the case then for the PCs it wouldn't really matter if they were armed all the time


Very true there. Although there was a bit about new slaves from the attacked ship. So probably depends on player concepts.

Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, there was discussion for getting new slaves in, and if players are new slaves brought in, then need to apply some kind of roleplay scenario where they develop a 'bond' to their captors one way or another. Or have usage of drug addiction or slave collars ensure loyalty/obedience (even if the drug is just aphrodisiac empowered sex).


Quote from: Hexed on May 26, 2022, 09:31:29 AM
Something else that comes to mind is how do you want gear handled for the players that are prisoners/slaves?

Wouldn't think they'd leave full gear on the pets.

Smart trigger system is what I figured, can’t fire on the owner, who can deactivate it at will too. 

Good point in the willing vs unwilling slave though… I’d pictured more unwilling.  So that’s a lot of moving parts to set things up…  whose playing a slave (and what kind) and who a master (and what kind), then who is paired up with who.

Edit Maybe owners first?  Tricky.
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


I like this idea, Pixie. 

At level 7+ I might bring in a pirate who used the Spell Seargent archetype.  Just imagine a tehcnomancer in power armor? 

I haven't checked starfinder for a "Hypontisim" spell.  Some of the gals I RP with have fun with a master who can "program" them.  Or the girls are just willing--either for their own reasons or because the master was the one who introduced them to sexual pleasure. :)
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: Muse on May 26, 2022, 04:37:54 PM
I like this idea, Pixie. 

At level 7+ I might bring in a pirate who used the Spell Seargent archetype.  Just imagine a tehcnomancer in power armor? 

I haven't checked starfinder for a "Hypontisim" spell.  Some of the gals I RP with have fun with a master who can "program" them.  Or the girls are just willing--either for their own reasons or because the master was the one who introduced them to sexual pleasure. :)

My plan was to focus on drugs and training. As long as there's flexibility in how abilities can be used, there's a lot of fun that can be had.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Moxa on May 26, 2022, 05:16:23 PM
My plan was to focus on drugs and training. As long as there's flexibility in how abilities can be used, there's a lot of fun that can be had.

Indeed, my witchwarper has a suggestion and can target someone with a spell that allows good insightful social interactions and has high intimidate. Let's not mention the flexible nature of the infinite worlds class feature which can be used in training. I picked baleful polymorph able 'do spell modification' on some women's appearance if needed (even permanent altercations, if any slave candidates are interested in such a scenario).


Well well  those are some interesting methods of taming. :D

Quote from: TFcommando on May 26, 2022, 04:07:46 PM
Smart trigger system is what I figured, can’t fire on the owner, who can deactivate it at will too. 

I'd not thought of something like that. Should have considering it's a frequent taken weapon mod in shadowrun but didn't.

Don't have everything set in stone but planning on offering up a captured mechanic from the Liner that the Dragon's Scourge got into a tussle with. Haven't had much luck with pictures that fit the Borais race that aren't fantasy so might go human. She's not exactly a healslut in any shape or form though. <.<  >.>
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I’d been thinking of a straightforward Pavlovian conditioning using fairly “blunt” tools, a collar or software that triggers an orgasm or paralysis or a blackout at the press of a button or at a certain distance…. like the effect of a Command spell.  Not mind control so much as body control, then the body leads the mind.

The Overlord Mystic is one possibility, but not sure yet. 

And the wearing of skimpy, perverted outfits, of course!  Maybe even the Serum of Appearance Change.
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay