Goodbye Scotty!

Started by BlueOrange, May 21, 2022, 02:07:44 PM

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Well Scotty,

You did manage to not completely screw up coronavirus in this country. Probably because the state premiers wouldn’t let you screw it up.

And you did manage to be the compromise candidate that the Liberal Party had in charge while it destroyed itself. (Even though the last time the Liberal Party had a liberal idea was 1982.)

My friends and I are celebrating this election result, and we will probably do so for some time. You don’t hold a hose, AND you don’t have a job.



Hopefully you lot can do something about Murdoch's control of your media apparatus down there now.


Unlikely, unfortunately. Neither major party has really shown any interest in limiting Murdoch. At least (I hope) the new guy won't rely on such transparent stunts as awkwardly washing some poor woman's hair to make it look like he's not a self-centred out-of-touch idiot.


Quote from: Vekseid on May 21, 2022, 03:09:55 PM
Hopefully you lot can do something about Murdoch's control of your media apparatus down there now.
I read somewhere a bit from, I think, Dennis Atkins. He wrote that it is looking more and more clear that Newscorp is losing its power as more and more people (especially under 35s) turn to the internet for their news.

He pointed out that The Guardian, NT newspaper, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald were the only ones to really back Labour and Newscorp pushed hard for people to not back independents.

Now we have a crossbench of 15, it seems rather clear that while the papers can write what bullshit they like their power is in its twilight, fading as new technology takes control away. All the (once) formidable weight of Newscorp thrown behind a campaign to stop independents in Liberal heartland seats had no impact.

Also Sky news (think Fox News lite) is in a place of ever deminishing authority as we see less and less people turning to pay TV over streaming and pay TV was never overly popular here to start with.

I think the Murdoch media issue will be solved by shifting demographics and apathy long before our government pays any attention. I'm in my mid 30s now and no one I know reads a newspaper and few are willing to pay to access something like The Courier-Mail or The Australian when they get what they want on social media.

Personally, I still find there is no substitute for the ABC.


I would say “so long and thanks for all the fish” but his refusal to commit to climate change is what probably has killed then all off.

If nothing else, the liberal government tried to capture the “right” but did so at the expense of the centre.   Had their own “centre” candidates stood up against this they might have kept a few more seats, but what they failed to realise is that his time was counting down from the bushfires.

If I had to name good things he did in his time.

Calling a pandemic a pandemic about a month before the WHO and closing the borders.  (But he failed in not building up quarantine centres which could have got people home far sooner.   They could have started planing these from day 1).  If nothing else this allowed the states to escalate their own responses and cover his ass.

Getting pushed into a job keeper scheme in 2020, even if it did allow some very well known businesses to rort the system (and that in the second year until it escaped in NSW - hence the prime minister for NSW nickname - did he keep payments going)

Finally conceding then election when it was clear he didn’t have the support he thought he did.


And now falls the Barnacle. Bye Barnaby, the man who adores family values so much he cheated on his first family to start a second. Twice the families, twice the values!

Please stay gone this time.