Klasverry School of the Arcane (fantasy/mythical college interest check)

Started by Bekah Boo, May 12, 2022, 06:16:47 PM

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Bekah Boo

Klasverry school of the Arcane

Welcome to Klasverry school of the Arcane! It is here under the careful guidance of Dean Winterberry that students may cultivate their magic, finding their true path, and of course be guided to their true calling in the vast world of Glawoer! The university is a safe haven for those to carve their future and reach for the stars, but most of all to become more powerful in order to get into their dream coven and forge their path in life. So like the Titan of lore, reach out and touch the stars of your destiny! The Arcane awaits you!

The eight types of magical types

Divination- Fortune telling, aura reading, spirit calling
Abjuration -Protection spells, healing, barriers
Enchantment- Bringing inanimate objects to life, using to their advantage
Necromancy- Use of the dead for attacks, information.
Illusion-Manipulate spells to create illusions, tricking the eye
Evocation- Use of the elements, can harness elements to create blasts and powerful spells for outright attacks
Transmutation-Taking elements and creating something new, altering properties
Conjuring- Instantaneous  transportation, defensive attacks

The magical tracks that one may choose from:


The world of Glawoer

Almost every citizen of Glawoer is able to use magic to some degree, some more than others and some late bloomers. For the most part even younglings are able to conjure a casting circle, with depending on their knowledge can be used to create what they focus on. There is a limit to one’s magic ability as the more it’s used, the more it may begin to deplete especially if heavy use. The stronger one is, the longer they can hold out. In more recent years many have taken to using paper glyphs, a more primitive use of magic, ancient symbols on parchment can be used in place for either low magical abilities or if weakened and needing a spell. Paper glyphs are much more common in the wild lands, using such for fire, watering as the glyphs are the elemental symbols. Those with experience can create glyph combinations such as fire and water creating steam, etc. Anyone can use paper glyphs although the drawing has to be without mistake or sloppy, as unfortunate accidents with an improperly made glyph has caused some chaos. Glyphs can be found throughout the land if one looks closely enough, innate symbols of nature itself.

In this world joining a coven allows one to perfect their desired walk of witchcraft, though the downside of doing so shuts off the ability to use any other types of magic except for that one. The difficult choice to limit one’s knowledge is a constant debate for many, older witches often very vocal to conforming as modernization has taken hold. Once a coven is chosen the witch is given a brand that appears on their wrist for whatever coven they choose, that while unable to use other types of magic aside from their one, they also become boosted with their choice. Covens now a days are considered more of a brotherhood or family, many opting to do so for either jobs or even needing a place to belong to.

Those who do not wish to join a coven, for whatever reason, are called wild witches. There is a stigma that follows one however if they don’t join a coven, seen as bad news and many unable to get a steady job as such. Once one graduates from Klasverry it is there that one is able to choose their coven in a rite of passage. Klasverry made as a way to help students choose their coven, using tracks to keep them towards their goal. In recent years however the Dean has allowed those who wish to mix tracks, despite some backlash from the general public given. It is said to be a change for the good, although many think it will only create more confusion to young students once their graduation time comes, but the Dean assures it is only a natural progression of their opening world.

The Covens

The Healing Coven- The coven often sent out to heal those that call upon them, they are more often seen traveling as a result. They will work in pairs for various jobs, or if applicable make their own residency within home town. Those most hearty and having the stomach will accompany other covens for battles, staying behind just enough to heal those that is needed.

The Illusionist Coven- It is said they are the most secretive of Covens, their home base created behind several barriers that only another Illusionist may be able to crack; albeit a very powerful one. They are called upon for top notch covert missions, using their illusions to remain undercover. Despite being so secretive, it is said that they are very close with the royal family for unknown reasons.

The Transmutation Coven- Using those from the construction track, those within the Transmutation Coven are those who are to thank for the various sub cities popping up within Glawoer. Using the land itself they are able to create homes, libraries, even bridges with ease and are known for their brute strength as a strong body makes for an even stronger magic the motto goes. Although known best for thief construction work, there are many offshoots to the coven such as weaponry, food supply and even more controversially ‘rare’ goods sold on the night market. There are many that despite that however.

The Bard Coven- This coven uses their magic for more peaceful means, although that doesn’t mean they aren’t also just as powerful. With their music they can cast sound waves that can cause destruction, but also soothe the same violence in the same swoop. Using different types of instruments can produce an either stronger or weaker blast or magical ability, creating music that can cast an aura of calm most of the time.

The Plant Coven- The coven most in touch with nature itself, they are able to manipulate plant life of any sort to do their bidding. Either growing rapidly or tapping into its power source, those within this coven are a great relief to help the forest and creatures that reside within it. It is said they also take great care of Palismen wood that is used to carve Palisman staffs, as it’s dwindling numbers mean they are careful to cultivate such with great caution. They work hand in hand with the Potions coven, as the herbs and plants needed to create various elixirs.

The Potions Coven- Where traditional healing fails the Potions coven can come in with several elixirs for various sources, whether curses, healing, or even disguise use. With the plant coven close by, they are able to use the nursery for their work, as potions itself are used in several different ways. Most commonly they are used to bolster stamina or power temporarily, although there is talk one lone witch had brewed an invisibility potion, although it’s just rumors.

The Oracle Coven- Like the Illusionist Coven, Oracles deal with necromancy and the unseen fates that lie all around Glawoer, able to read one’s aura and plot out their intentions even before one can think to do so. They command over creatures called Neitherlings, said to be made of grave dirt with enough spiritual existence drawing it into a form much like a golem that is under their command. Being less battle hardened, they rely on Neitherlings to fight for them as they use them like puppets, with some even concerned a person near death could also be manipulated; but the theory hasn’t been tested.

The Owl Guard Coven-The most prestigious of covens, the Owl guard is the only coven where one is able to use any and every type of magic available, without having to stick to one. They are said to be the King’s soldiers, as they are the police of Glawoer that keep everything in line. To get into the Owl guard is the highest honor, although they only accept the brightest and best to join their ranks. Many say they are seen as brutes and snobs who look down upon the common folks, although the vast majority are thankful for their protection from other threats Glawoer can harbor. That among the terrifying beasts and spirits that speckle the world, such as ballisks, rouge golems, vampires, there are also bandits and pirates that prey upon those weaker.


Eglosia-The majority race of The Elder Providence, humanoid in appearance with tapered like ears. Has a natural tune to magic and can cast with either their staff, or creating casting circles without the need for paper glyphs.

Demons- demons vary in different types, sizes, and appearances. The main point is they are unable to cast without a staff, more reliant on paper glyphs. The three subtypes of demons are : bug, beast, or bipedal. Bug types are normally anything that is low level, or low magic such as pixies or faeries. Beast types or much like dogs, cats, typically more a companion that have one innate power such as shout or bark. Bipedal are types that are like Eglosians with their appearance ranging from multiple eyes, limbs, wings, tails, can be considered as different mythical creatures. A small list: Centaurs, Cyclops, Devils, Elf, Tieflings, Orcs, Changlings

Palismans-The living component of a user’s magical staff, this is the life long companion that one can either make or befriend from the Pailsman’s lost forest. Once one is gifted thier staff the user is able make stronger casting circles, along with the ability to fly using it, the ultimate source of a witch’s power. The palisman is symbolic to each user, a representation of what the user wishes to be or what sort of witch they want to be. The palisman can come to life from its perch on the staff, acting more like a pet to its user, as the stronger the bond the more powerful a boost can be made.

Glawoer is the realm set in the deep fantasy world, said to have been created by the great Titan’s final moments of life. The mystery behind Titans is still fairly unknown, although most agree they were the warriors of the skies, with each star representing their tears as well as their battles won against an unholy threat. There are no Titans walking the world now, instead the realm having been created from their sacrifice as massive mountains and great oceans were made around the holy sites. Most scholars agree it is the Titan’s blood that had gifted the realm it’s magical properties, having soaked into the land to embed their power that reached the once pioneers of Glawoer.  The king of Glawoer is King Moldern Solsan, the prophet of bringing Glawoer to order and giving them prosperity. His word is law as those found guilty of the highest crimes are petrified to line the gates of his pristine castle made upon the skull of the fallen Titan, able to oversee the entire realm from his perch. Rumors have been spread that the king had long passed despite how the Owl guard assures otherwise, the King having not been seen in the last ten years. The royal linage has dwindled down to a bare trickle, with only two sons Alister and Deaminte left to take the throne, although the limited viewings of the princes has only spurred more rumors.

The fantasy realm is made up the four providences-

The Shifting Isle- The seaside town is the largest port of Glawoer with direct supply to the bounty of the ocean used for food, trade and travel. It’s name comes from the ever changing landscape that the coast goes through, the earth shifting like the sea itself as a result most houses are enchanted with stilts to waft with the tide. Many have made means of keeping their homes in order with spells that fuse objects to the floor, as it is common to cast a spell in one’s feet to keep their feet magnetized to the floor so they can walk freely as the house shifts. Most who reside here are fish mongers or use the sea for trade.

The Elder Providence- The largest and most peaceful of the lands, it is the main hub for any trade/news/jobs for its residents. There is free use of magic that makes life more comfortable here, the use of plumbing, lights, and heat using alchemy. Several shopping districts and libraries make it a promise land for those who wish to learn, with Klasverry being the best institute to hone one’s abilities for the future.

The Wild Lands-The outskirts that contain the horrid forest, the solar plains, and frostbite range,  small villages made here are more primitive in nature compared to Elder Providence. More country side they live off the land with vast farms that supply the Elder Providence with food and other goods.

The Wandering Volley-Lands out here are thick with a fog that never seems to fade, the Wandering Volley said to be a sacred place where all souls come to reside. Most who call this place home are necromancers who can speak to the dead, learning secrets and creating various potions as it is the only place many can find necessary ingredients for. The Ever land cemetery houses the most valiant and royalty of crypts, a place where the most heroic of warriors and kings are buried, as it is said the necromancers are the most protective of the old souls.

Bekah Boo

Welcome all!
This game I’ll admit is based pretty closely to The Owl House, which if you haven’t seen you are missing out! Knowing the show however isn’t needed, as I said it’s just based so any actual plot and what not will not be used. That being said this will be a University game in which all characters are of college age (20+), as well as LGBTQ+. The only real rules I will enforce are trivial ones that most folks by now should be fully aware of, but just in caseeeee….

Game Rules

Were all adults here and therefore will act like them, no drama, no bullying,etc. if there is an issue please message me and I will have it taken care of. I plan on creating a discord for this game when it takes off, as all the same rules here will apply there as well.

This game is set in a fantasy world, that unlike the show, there will be no human characters allowed in this game. You may pick from a fantasy list although keep in mind they will need to be humanoid enough to be able to cast spells and what not. So no dragons, mermaids, griffins, any sort of beast type that would not fit into a university setting. If they are too large to sit in class, it’s probably not a good idea.

In Glawoer, especially in the Elder Providence, there is use of modern amenities that use alchemy rather than electricity. So there are televisions, phones (will be referred to as Scrollz) and social media sites. There won’t be cars or vehicles though as most either ride on carriages or will use their staff to fly. 

With this being a university game there will be times for steamy times, as I will dedicate a thread to keep all smut in one place. So if it starts getting past pg-13 start making your way to that thread when it’s created.

If there are any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to me, I usually reply fairly quickly.

With that out of the way, here is a character profile sheet that you may fill out.

[float=left][img height=250 padding=5] Place image here![/img][/float] Please use either a realistic or art image, no cartoons or anime if it can be helped
[b]Current grade:[/b] Klasverry is made up of 4 years: Newt is 1st year, Salamander is 2nd, Dragon is 3rd, Ballisk is 4th
[b] Palisman[/b] What is your Palisman? What does it represent to you
[b]Current track[/b] What track do you wish to take, or are taking. Can be multiple but it will be tough
[b]Personality:[/b] Use at least 5 traits that is your character
[b] Dream coven:[/b] What coven are you reaching for?
[b]Family history:[/b] Where did you come from?
[b]On and offs:[/b] Both sexual but also what your character likes


"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum


Name: Elixir 'Eli' Sommerfeld

Age: 20
Grade: Salamander; 2nd Year
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Male

Palisman: A diamond-crusted wyvern he calls 'Crystal', wreathed in rainbow fire. Its ferocity and sterling radiance represent Eli's valor and mysticism. He was born in the winter, often drawn to legends such as dragons and wyverns. Something about their arcane wisdom and unrivaled power always did spark ambitious ideas in Eli.

Track: Healing (specializing in Abjuration & Conjuring types)


  • Curious
  • Spoiled
  • Avenging
  • Sneaky
  • Daring
Dream coven: Healing coven.

Family history: Eli Sommerfeld came from a long line of seafaring elves mostly anchored at the Shifting Isle. Although some branched and migrated to the Elder Providence or the Wild Lands, Sommerfeld is a household name for shipments or sea transportation. As far as their ambitions lie, they excel at commerce and sailing. They have a tradition of sending letters and trinkets. His family is not amazing at casting magic nor do they rely on such for a successful life. Eli, on the other hand, is the black sheep who intends to become a great sorcerer in protective and defensive magick. They often show him their love - in their own ways - but they relentlessly criticize his choices.

On and offs: Switch. Check the o/o in my siggy.

Madam Striga

Bekah Boo

Quote from: BlueEyedBard on May 12, 2022, 11:53:56 PM
Hmm...I'm so conflicted on what my magical path should be...

I know… so why not all of them? XD

Lux your sheet looks good as well, once I get off work I’ll start on a proper thread to place them.

Glad to see interest!


Quote from: Bekah Boo on May 13, 2022, 09:19:30 AM
I know… so why not all of them? XD

Oh, and what? Go all mad witch? Flying around like some big crazy bird?

I'm onto your game, lady...*shifty eyes*
"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum

Bekah Boo

Quote from: BlueEyedBard on May 13, 2022, 10:40:38 AM
Oh, and what? Go all mad witch? Flying around like some big crazy bird?

I'm onto your game, lady...*shifty eyes*

Uh yea obviously, crazy big birds are like the best.

Pfffft xD

Bekah Boo

Name: Marilla Lynch
Age: 21
Current grade: Dragon 3rd year
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Female
Palisman Octopus- Means for high intelligence and selflessness, a being that is adaptable and quick to get back on one’s feet.
Current track Transmutation and Bard
Personality: Sassy| Book smart| Sarcastic| Secretly romantic| Confident
Dream coven: Bard
Family history: Growing up right off the Shifting Isles meant that from a young age Marilla was custom to the fish markets and the sea at her feet, although with her mother being an octopus demon it’s in her blood. Literally. At every dawn Marilla would see off her father, and by sunset would be there to greet him with his return, having become his unofficial assistant by the time she made her first knot. While not the largest of sea faring families making a living off the coast, the Lynch’s did well enough to send their daughter to Klasverry, as between her daily chores it was obvious she was a sponge to literature and knowledge. Common sea folks themselves it was decided they would ensure Marilla’s natural gift wouldn’t be wasted on a boat, even if it did take some convincing. Loyal to a fault Marilla worried for her parents livelihood, but she couldn’t deny the prospect of learning so much more, much less in the legendary library of the university! On the weekends she still rolls up her sleeves and helps out with her father’s fishing business, having grown up around such giving her a salty side to her like many of the other merchants. She has her father to thank for giving her the talent over the fiddle, often playing such as the sunset while he cleaned fishes, which only after attending Klasverry did Marilla find her focus torn between the bard coven or her initial transmutation one.
On and offs: Sexual On’s: Passion| Oral| Heavy petting| Dirty talk| Tentacles
Sexual Off’s: Violence| Blood play| Toilet play| Vore
Casual On’s: Books| Candles| Ocean air|Playing the fiddle| Swimming| Cozy days reading
Casual Off’s: Sour foods| Libraries closed| Broken glasses| Idiots


Name: Elynea
Age: 21
Current grade: Dragon
Sexuality: Lesbian
Gender: Female
Palisman Great Horned Owl:  Has always been her spirit guide even as a young child, representing Knowledge tempered with Wisdom
Current track All Tracts striving for Mastery of all Eight types of magic
1. Confident in herself and her abilities.
2. Determined to learn all there is to learn about Magic and its uses.
3. Level headed, is not easily angered.
4. Calm and collected.  Often mistaken for being conceited or arogant.
5. Protective, standing against injustice in what ever form it may take.

Dream coven: The Owl Guard Coven

Family history: Elynea was born in The Wandering Volley-Lands.  Her Mother Lymrysn was forced to raise Elynea on her own after her husband vanished when her child was not much older than 2 years old.  The childs father had ran off vowing never to return.  Whether he never returned because he did not want to or because he had been killed in the wilderness no one knew for certain.  One thing was certain to those who knew the family Lymrysn was likely to have drove him off herself  Lym as most called her was a very gifted Necromancer, expert in making potions and had a large talent for healing.  All of which she shared her knowledge of to her beloved daughter Elynea. 

At the age of 13 Elynea had returned home one afternoon after gathering ingredients for her mothers potions only to find what remained of her mothers torn and mutilated body.  Some form of beast  had somehow managed to break through all of Lymrysns protection spells and barriers.  The locals who lived closest lay the blame on Elyea and cast her out from among them.  Taking only as much supplies as she could carry in a pack frame as well as her mothers staff (on which a Great Horned Owl stood regally on the top) and sword, the young desolate teen set off with no idea where to go.

Wandering alone earning her way doing chores for various farmers and merchants Elyea found herself at the age of 15 near the border of The Shifting Isle.  By the time she was 17 Elynea had grown tired of all the abuse and struggle of her everyday life.  Etching out a life for herself as best she could with the talents she had been both taught and had been born with.  So once again the now young woman only this time she had a purpose and destination in mind.  The Klasverry school of the Arcane.  She was bound and determined to learn everything there was to know about magic and how to use it so that she would be strong and powerful enough to face what ever other misfortunes that life may have in store for her.

On and offs: Loves the company of women and sharing nearly ever form of pleasure which only a another woman could provide.  Which was no real secret to those who knew her best at Klasverry.  Has no real issue with men other than she found them to be completely unattractive and undesirably.  Elynea's biggest pet peeve was men who set out to prove to her that men made better partners than another woman ever could.


Name: Thalia Bhogdani
Age: 21
Current grade: Dragon - 3rd Year
Sexuality: Demisexual
Gender: Cis Female
Palisman Black Pseudodragon - Dragons represent wisdom, cunning, and patience - able to plan and follow through long-term.
Current track Divination/Illusion
Personality: Cool-headed | Intense | Guarded | Clever | Ambitious | Determined
Dream coven: The Oracle Coven
Family history: Thalia was born in the Wondering Volley to a brilliant necromantic witch whose mind had been twisted by the undead company she kept, the bastard baby of her copulation with a speaking demon that impregnated her during a ritual ceremony to conjure knowledge.  Not long after her birth, she was sent to live in The Elder Providence with her Eglosian grandparents who treated the child as a loathsome burden as a result of her demonic bloodline.  One of the first bits of magic that the young woman learned was how to mask the most egregious of the traits passed down by her bipedal father, namely the way her eyes glowed, as well as her tail and tongue.  The rounded tops of her ears could be hidden easily with her thick, black hair and the golden-brown hue of her skin was not uncommon enough to unmask her.

Still, she longed for the day when she could escape the oppressive - if luxurious - home of her grandparents and venture out into a world that she was determined would treat her with respect - if not fear.  The desire to prove her worth - to one day stand before her family and look down her nose at them as they had done to her for so long - is a burning ember in her gut that will not be quenched.  She is also curious to venture into the Wandering Volley and track down the shack where she'd been born, to find out if her mother has retained any semblance of sanity and can tell her anything about her father. 

On and offs:
Ons: Power Exchange | Rough Sex | Impact Play | Dirty Talk | Teasing | Sensual Massage | Ect.
Offs: Emesis | Vore | Gore | Extreme S&M | Hardcore Humiliation/Degradation | Scat | Watersports | Age Play | Race Play

Likes: Silk | Red Wine | High Heels | Desserts | Music | Dancing | Journaling | Night | Midday Naps | Baths
Dislikes: Bigotry | Being Condescended To | Getting Her Hands Dirty | Rough Fabrics | Waking Early | Being Rushed | Physically Aggressive People


Omg are Lynches and Sommerfelds serious competitors or just friendly neighbors from the Shifting Isle?

Marilla, Elynea, and Thalia look like a BADASS!!! All 3rd years too xD


Thank you lux89,

I enjoyed making Elyneas character.  This game should be a lot of fun.



Hm, hm, hm...this has my interest. I'll see if I can find good images that match what I envision.  ^-^

Nope. I won't find an image unless I commission one, but I have what I plan to RP below.

Name: Vesper Clanwing
Age: 24
Current grade: Ballisk
Sexuality: Demisexual
Gender: Female
Palisman Griffon; intelligence and strength.
Current track Potions

Personality: Intelligent | Charmer | Strong | Independent | Androgynous

Dream coven: Owl Guard

Family History: Vesper is a senior with a past that a scarce few know anything about. The Faculty are aware of her origins, but not even they know the full story. She hails from The Wandering Volley and was unaccompanied when she enrolled at the Klasverry School of the Arcane.

For three years, Vesper studied potion making. She was known for testing her experiments on herself and volunteers. She has published most of her experiments in tomes, while certain formulas she keeps memorized. Just like a secret ingredient in a recipe, she doesn’t reveal everything. For now, Vesper studies at the school in order to develop various uses for potions, willing to brave dangerous lands in order to obtain key ingredients.

On and offs: O/O

Likes: Challenges, exploring, experimentation, spars, learning, hot tea (especially ones loaded with caffeine), fitness, suits, and comfortable clothing.

Dislikes: Dresses, skirts, heels, drugs, alcohol, bullies, and fake people.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings Chapter 3


Thanks!  I'm keeping her a work in process until Bekah is able to look her over and let me know if her being a half-demon is okay or not.

Hey, Throne!


I don't know why it wouldn't be ok.  As far as I understand it she just doesn't want fully human characters.  I love the profile you came up with.


Quote from: Bibliophilia on May 14, 2022, 12:39:43 AM
Thanks!  I'm keeping her a work in process until Bekah is able to look her over and let me know if her being a half-demon is okay or not.

Hey, Throne!

The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings Chapter 3


Name: Barauil Ceiba
Age: 23
Current grade: 4th Basilisk
Sexuality: Polyamorous
Gender: Male
Palisman Lemur - A connection to the Earth. An appreciation of the importance of family and friends. Strength in kindness, intelligence, and understanding. Curiosity, resourcefulness, and not a little stubbornness.

Sannhi found Barauil as a young boy and has remained his close companion and partner in crime ever since.
Current track Potions and Plants
Genuine | Wise | Lackadaisical | Resourceful | Intuitive | Righteous | Conscientious Objector
Dream coven: Potion or Plant coven (yet undecided)
Family history:
Raised out in the Wild Lands, deep in the Horrid Forest, which Barauil always felt was misnamed as he never saw it to be all that horrid (but he supposed it did work to keep the tourists out), in a community of people dedicated to the planet and all life that bloomed from it, a pair of young farmers gave birth to a child under the Green-Harvest moon. They named the baby Barauil and they rubbed fresh soil on the bottoms of his feet to give him a connection to the mother of all life. The baby stopped crying right then, soothed by the cool earth between his toes.

Like all children of their community, Barauil saw every elder as a mother or father and every youngling as a sibling. And like all children of the forest, he spent his days running around the trees and playing with whatever animals were willing to say hello. At a very young age Barauil was drawn to the vast bounty of flora that sprang from the ground, and the elders of his community did count him accidentally putting a prickly fire-cherry in his mouth when he was two as being drawn to plant life. So as soon as he was able he began lessons on using his own magic to help that life grow and thrive, and produce the array of beauty that decorated their home, and the vast bounty that filled their bellies. The boy was very happy.

As Barauil grew it was clear that not just his skill with growing and manipulating plant life, but his knack for using its fruits to create potions and remedies, was advancing far beyond the elders of his community. While his skill would be missed there in the forest, even the community of tree dwellers knew that it was a disservice to the planet not to make sure that his skill could thrive as much as possible. So they came together and collected all he would need for his journey to Klasverry.

Barauil has spent the past three years honing his magic with plants and his skill of using them as ingredients in his potions, salves, and inhalants, mostly for healing purposes but he has a number of recipes for a wide range of stat buffs…and impairments. And he is generally more than happy to mix up a concoction for someone in need.
On and offs:
Non-sexual On: Outdoors | Being Barefoot | Fresh Fruit | Sun/Rain | Indoor Plants | Steam | Old Books | Warm Smiles | Long Hugs | Discussions About Nothing | Stargazing
Off: Angry Words | Violence | Foods Containing Animal Products | Impatience | Short Tempers | Arrogance

Sexual On: Outdoor Sex | Foreplay | Cuddling | Kissing | Playful S&M | Oral | Teasing •
Off: Pain | Angry Sex | Blood | Gore | Urine/Scat | Humiliation
"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum



"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum

Madam Striga

Name: Fray Moloch
Age: 20
Current grade: Newt
Sexuality: Undecided
Gender: Male
Palisman Aurora the Luna Moth represents Fray's search for the intuition he is gifted with. Luna moths are also associated with mortality, life cycles and new beginnings, which befits Fray's aspiration of  joining the Oracle Coven.
Current track Illusion & Oracle

Personality: Melancholic | Soft-Spoken | Fastidious | Observant | Blunt

Dream coven: Oracle Coven

Family history: For as long as Tombs have stood in the expanse of the Wandering Volley, there have been Guardians to watch over the dead and their souls. The Molochs' are one of the clans of the Volley, who were assigned to watch the first crypt constructed in the Volley. Though they are a family few in number their dedication to their work has earned them a certain level of infamy amongst the Covens. They are, after all, talented necromancers and seers who devote themselves to the Dead which lends some rumours about the Clan a dark twist. Their work is respected, well enough, but can you really trust a family so disconnected from the living realms? The Molochs' task is a dour one, but they have stood the test of centuries in their appointed task.

Fray is the youngest in the long line of guardians and as such grew up the isolation of the Wandering Volley, made familiar with death and being taught not to fear it. His earliest memories are of following his grandparents down to the grandest of the Tombs to light candles and watch them commune with the souls. Perhaps it would seem a morbid upbringing to outsiders, but to Fray being immersed in remembrance and respect for the Dead is simply a fact of life.  There were light moments too, as there are in any family, but the importance of what it meant to be a Moloch is what stands firmly in Fray's thoughts of his childhood.

As with all Molochs, though, he could not stay in the Volley forever. At least not until he had proved himself, his talents and his dedication. Hence Fray has been sent to Klasverry, to study and further his skills as an Oracle, so that he will be ready to learn the Necromantic arts from his family. It is a test and one that he refuses to fail.

On and offs:


Ons: The smell of rain, Tea, Organization, New Stationary, Sour Flavours, Sunsets, Incense, Tattoos, Smart but Comfortable Clothing
Offs: Dog-eared Pages, Loud Noises, Interruptions, Messy Places, Personal Space Invaders, Ink Stains


Sexually, Fray has not had much experience and as such has pretty "ordinary tastes" (read as, vanilla sex, kissing, handholding, and general intimacy). He has felt attraction to both men and women before but is in a stage of his life where he is open to experimentation. Fray respects people who respect his boundaries with regards to cleanliness and personal space. He would probably be a switch if he had to choose.

Main Offs to keep in mind are: Scat, gore and vore. I don't enjoy squeamish things, or hyper play etc.

For more details please refer to my On's and Off's page.


I don't usually play guys, but I've really been wanting to try. Please be gentle with me.

Bekah Boo

The sheets all look so interesting ;3
I’m currently working on a thread so we can keep them all together, as well as an OOC thread, so I’ll link everything to the bottom of my first post here.

That being said we’re still accepting sheets so step on up!


You're good with Thalia being half demon and half Eglosian, hun?


What's the ruling on having more than one character?

Asking for a friend...

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Bibliophilia on May 15, 2022, 01:51:16 PM
You're good with Thalia being half demon and half Eglosian, hun?


What's the ruling on having more than one character?

Asking for a friend...

Oh yes I’m sorry lol I think I skipped that part ;3
Yes as far as halflings go you can, I just didn’t want humans to be part of the equation there ;3

*snicker* You can tell your friend that people can make up to at least 3 characters, and maybe…just maybe I’m thinking of opening up professor positions.

Bekah Boo

Currently working on several threads at the moment, so I will be updating the first post here soon.
In the mean time I am opening up the professors positions, as there will be options for each track. Those who choose to do professors must be above 26+ and can be a part of their chosen coven, simply use this sheet to do so.

Current professor positions open:

[float=left][img height=350 padding=5]Place image here![/img][/float]
[b]Professor:[/b] Which subject do you teach?
[b]Coven:[/b] can be current, ex, or no coven
[b]Character history:[/b] A brief history of how your character came to be a teacher
[b]Personality:[/b] Describe in 5 words your character’s personality
[b]On and Offs:[/b] Sexual:
Casual On:
Casual Off: