Started by Theo, April 19, 2022, 02:04:46 PM

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Title pretty much says it all. With the Kingdom Hearts 4 reveal I'm hoping a group out there somewhere is interested in playing a Kingdom Hearts game, as well as someone to lead us in one. I am NOT, in any way shape or form, a DM/GM. I tried it a few times, and it never went well. I'm looking to hopefully join a group where I can play as Panic from Hercules, as he's the only cannon character I've ever played in my entire rp career and I enjoyed playing quite a bit. If this thread/request is in the wrong spot (though I'm fairly sure it isn't after looking it up) I apologize and will gladly move it to the correct location.
Believe in yourself and create your own destiny. Don't fear failure.

On and off


My eyes are on this.