A happy little family (F/F/F)

Started by Elizabeth Ecsed, April 04, 2022, 03:39:06 PM

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Elizabeth Ecsed

Hello all! I'd love to get a small all female character polyamory game going.  I'm open to idea about the exact scenario... Could be an established couple having found someone they can't resist, and willing to take the risk to invite her in. Perhaps it's three young adults in the same social circle with mutual attraction wondering how to pick just one. I'm open to suggestions!

Kink is a distinct possibility (As is incest, honestly... maybe twins? Just throwing that option out there) Some drama is reasonable and expected, but I would like more happy moments than angst. I'm aiming for at least weekly posts, but I understand that life gets complicated.

Hopefully someones are interested as well!


Interested and following, if you'll have me! 

I like the premise of several individuals mutually agreeing they cant / don't need to settle on one.

Editing as a placeholder so I don't forget - face claim desired:  Chloe Moretz

Le Immortelle

Definitely interested in this, would love to give this a go if you guys still have room! ;D


Hello I would be very interested in joining in on the fun with this small group

I love the idea of Perhaps it's three young adults in the same social circle with mutual attraction wondering how to pick just one.

Please let me know if this still open or looking for players



Looks like you're already full, but if not, I'd be interested


I am pretty sure 'blinkin" would always welcome a new player.  Perhaps another child in the family.  So hang in there and see what he has to say.