New Lunds Adventures! [Closed]

Started by Cold Heritage, April 02, 2022, 12:15:55 AM

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If you got room for one more, I'd probably be interested.
"With bae through thick and thin, she already thick so I'm halfway there."

Cold Heritage

Quote from: Tinkertoy on April 17, 2022, 07:22:18 PM
Awesome, cheers! No non-con ideas here...just some recreational drug use and that seems a-okay!

Merci bien!

I'll get her whipped up soon so you can cast an eye over my little monster.

De rien.

Some recreational drug use doesn't seem like it'd be a problem.

Quote from: Thunder Splash on April 17, 2022, 09:04:47 PM
Name: Serenity MacGoy

This is a good submission. Thank you. Please consider it accepted.

Would you kindly clarify something for me, please? It may simply be my reading, but it seems as though it is implied that Serenity is responsible for the backup players breaking their legs. Is that a correct reading, and if so, is Serenity genuinely responsible for those 'accidents'?

Quote from: Callie Del Noire on April 17, 2022, 09:40:56 PM
Name:Sinclair ‘Syn’ Dane

Would you kindly clarify something for me, please? Am I to take it that the character has three distinct powers, or is it the case that the character possesses a singular power the 'variety of effects' consists of what is described by the points 'Healing' and 'Shape Shifting'?

Quote from: BennyQ on April 17, 2022, 10:42:04 PM
If you got room for one more, I'd probably be interested.

There's certainly room. If you feel interested and inspired please feel free to put forward a submission.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Callie Del Noire

Would you kindly clarify something for me, please? Am I to take it that the character has three distinct powers, or is it the case that the character possesses a singular power the 'variety of effects' consists of what is described by the points 'Healing' and 'Shape Shifting'?

Yeah a variety of effects. Mostly tied to her own biology.  Might be able to effects others in time but right now it’s her own biology now. 


Here is my submission for my character. Let me know if there's any conflicts of interests or anything, I'm always happy to discuss and edit!

Name: Cato Vincent Iva Bishop. 
Age: 18.
Sex: Male.
Gender: Male.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Appearance: Six feet even, light brown eyes, shoulder-length black hair, the stubble of a fast growing beard, and never seen without his trademark toque.

Faceclaim: Marc-André Grondin.

History: If New Lund had old money, the Bishop family definitely counts as such, even if they aren’t very wealthy. Their family had been business owners since a long distant ancestor first moved to the town, dwelling in a several-times-renovated family home in which they never moved out of over the long years. Cato was born to parents who instilled in him since a young age that it was his fate and destiny to follow in the footsteps of his sedentary lineage, to work and live and die all in New Lund, to manage the family shop, reproduce, and carry on this legacy.

However, the family’s finances have been lacking in recent years, causing Cato’s mother and father to turn to more imaginative means to raise funds and maintain her family’s perceived lifestyle. The family business was converted from a regular mom-and-pop restaurant into an ice cream shop, but only as a front and façade, for the sale of marijuana and other drugs, as well as the trafficking of black market weapons. There has already been one bust by the local authorities, arresting Cato’s father several years back and sending him to a decade in prison. Despite the immense risk and loss suffered, Cato’s mother continues the illicit operation, conscripting her then-teenage son to participate and help through a variety of means. Cato however never questions the morality or ethics of what his parents do, simply helping out because of a misguided belief that family must always stick together, even when this activity separated him from one parental figure already.

Growing to adulthood, Cato always enjoyed school, as it was a means of escaping the hectic family life and business. Beyond the set-plan of managing the shop after his parents, they never instilled any other sort of hierarchy or home life, allowing Cato to drift, mostly into his thoughts and mind. As a student in high school, Cato mostly had an interest in history, math, and biology (just the plant bits, in order to help himself become a better grower and purveyor of the goods his family sells out the side of their shop). His life had been mostly uneventful. Never won any school awards. Had like two or three girlfriends but never lasting for more than a few weeks. Never conflicts with authority but his father's reputation can instill a perception of Cato being a troublemaker in others (small town people do love to gossip, right?)

Outside of school, he is either hanging with the other underachievers and bored, ambitionless kids, or helping his parents with the ice cream shop’s legitimate and illegitimate business, both of which he finds immensely boring but what else is there to do.

Personality: Cato is torn between a lazy, carefree life of an already set and made living and future in the small town, or seeking fortunes and ambitions elsewhere in the vast world he has seen so little of. Lack of much engagement at home has led Cato to having a cerebral, observant personality, preferring to be a passive participating in most events. However, this leads him to wasting tremendous mental output on finding rational reasons when life by it’s very nature is generally irrational. Not everything has an answer, a realization he struggles to understand. Out of his shell however, he is a blabbermouth and crude jokester. 

Powers: Psionic Energies. Like a store of finite (rechargeable) energy, he can manipulate this in generally two ways, though only one at a time, in one of two forms. First is Psi-blades that emit from his forearms, though its more like a lance than a sword. A ball of bright blue energy surrounds his fist and emits outwards in a slender, sharp conical shape. Can do on both hands though at the same time it twice as draining. Second is Psi-barrier that is a small shielding barrier that surrounds him. The shield can withstand a barrage (but not forever or limitless) of physical blows or small arms for a short span, though more powerful kinetic forces can shatter the guard, such as an outright explosion or close-range shotgun blast. The psionic blades have the durability similar to a regular sword, in that it can pierce flesh/cloth easily, but stronger material like body armor or metals can withstand the blows.

Grand Theft Auto: Cato has a history of joy riding, mostly taking his parent’s vehicles when they weren’t around to go do whatever he wanted to do, but eventually evolved to hijacking any vehicle if he ever has a need. He tries to return the “borrowed” vehicle to where he found it if possible, though refueling after use has never been a consideration of his.
Athletic: While never on any school teams, Cato shot hoops (basketball) all his life and keeps a net in the backlot of the family shop where he likes to loiter during work hours.
Brawler: The sort of company his parents been keeping since they moved to more illicit operations has necessitated Cato have a thick skin and a never-back-down attitude, as weakness and vulnerability are easily preyed upon by such sorts. He’s never afraid to throw hands if he feels he’s been dishonored or insulted.
Down To Earth: A side effect of smoking weed, sometimes you just get people and understand them, not much to it.
Foggy Archivist: By which I mean he has a very good memory for recalling small details but not always right away or immediate.
Managerial Skills: As a worker and newly made Floor Manager of his family's shop, Cato has some experience with managing a small group of staff, handling finances, and dealing with the logistics of ice cream making.

Limitations/Weaknesses: See entry under Powers, his Psionic energies are finite and not limitless and overuse can lead to longer cooldown periods. Since manifestation of them requires brain throughput, overuse can potentially lead to severe headaches and migraines.

Ons/Offs:, though probably better to ask me, since I haven’t updated this since 2016 apparently.

Character Theme: TBA.
Plot Seeds:
1. The family ice cream shop, Frozen Scoops, located on main street in the center of New Lund, can serve as both a meeting place for the characters as well as a potential source of drugs for characters who partake in such things. Come on down, they got like...twenty flavors.
2. I would like Cato to get arrested at some point like his father was, thus creating an option and discussion on whether he should use his powers to break out of jail or do the right thing and suffer the consequences.
"With bae through thick and thin, she already thick so I'm halfway there."

Thunder Splash

Quote from: Cold Heritage on April 17, 2022, 11:18:18 PM

This is a good submission. Thank you. Please consider it accepted.

Would you kindly clarify something for me, please? It may simply be my reading, but it seems as though it is implied that Serenity is responsible for the backup players breaking their legs. Is that a correct reading, and if so, is Serenity genuinely responsible for those 'accidents'?

No problem. Yes, the illnesses and the car crash were genuine things, but the two backup players who stood between Serenity and her dream were injured by her. I viewed it as she orchestrated accidents so it wouldn’t be directly linked to herself, but I am completely willing to leave that up to you if you are looking for good plot hooks. She’d have been desperate enough to just injure them herself and intimidate them into never telling on her, so if you like that more than her being sneaky and thinking she got away with it I’m good with either one. Spices things up a bit.


Name: Abigail Hamilton
Age: 18
Sex: Cis-fem
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Probably pansexual - she's an opportunist.

Appearance: Abigail is of average height with a carefully cultivated, lean hourglass figure that she isn't afraid to show off. Though it is mostly borne of an unhealthy relationship with her image turned into bingeing and purging. Frequently dyes her mousy brunette locks some shade of blonde but occasionally dips into pink or metallic hues. Loves to accentuate her eyes and lips too.
Faceclaim: Kennedy Claire Walsh

History: Abigail Hamilton is from an exorbitantly wealthy family in SoCal. A house for each season wealthy. Her mother is an English heiress and her father comes from old money in Pennsylvania. Mr. Hamilton has his hands in more than a few big tech companies, some of which are rumoured to have connections to the government, though she honestly hasn't pried into what he does for a living because she simply doesn't care.

As the youngest of three, Abigail was something of a surprise to her parents who were, by then, quite disenchanted with the whole parenting aspect of the relationship. Growing up, she went on numerous vacations with her family (including staff), she had every girl's dream pony at eight, and a pick of several sports cars by 17. Though none of the lavish opportunities and gifts seemed enough to quell the hellion constantly threatening to come to the surface of the would-be debutante. She let it all out through 3am joyrides, drugs, sex, boyfriends twice her age, and chatting her way into clubs to drink and party. Abby saw her nanny more than her own parents, and their passive absentee role in her upbringing likely helped to cultivate her into the detached woman she blossomed into.

Abigail's world was cut throat. Fast paced. So she had to be faster. Image and reputation were everything. It was no surprise she was part of the extremely exclusive popular circle at her high school, even by rich kid standards. She liked being at the top, an influencer, idolized in an echo chamber where she could finally feel wanted. At least, until the car accident.

Most weeknights she and her closest friends, Liam, Bryce, and Jessica, would take one of her father's flashy cars out in the city. After a particularly great night of clubbing the trio were walking back to the car and decided to stop for coffee. Abby remembers everything about that night: how bright the moon was, or the reflection of the neon ramen shop sign swaying when Liam leapt to hit it. But mostly she remembers hearing the rubber tear before anyone could turn around to see the car coming. She watched the glass shatter and the metal screech and contort in the spot where she used to be standing.

A man lost control of his car after a bender which launched the vehicle off the road, through the median, up onto the side walk. It was a lot like the movies where everything happens in slow-mo and Abigail simply... got out of the way. Jessica didn't. It wasn't humanely possible. She was pinned to a storefront and died on the way to hospital. Rumours circulated that Abby pushed Jessica. Suffice to say, the rabid pack animals that were her peers quickly tore her down from her pedestal. A post circulated online from someone claiming to catch the accident on their phone and it required a great deal of money to get that taken down. No matter how Abigail repeated what happened to the police it never made sense to them. Or to her.

Mr. Hamilton actually sounded a bit flustered when he called Abigail to explain she was being sent away to live with a guardian "until it blows over". To a little town in the middle of nowhere? Part way into the school year? Being snatched up from the west coast sun into New Lund was hell, not to mention trying (and so far failing) to insert herself at the local high school.

Personality: Selfish. Impatient. Snarky. And at the same time Abby can turn on the charisma like a light switch with a big convincing smile and bat of those ocean eyes. It helped her move unphased through her fast paced life behind perfectly applied layers of makeup. She loves to be the centre of attention or in control, hence the cliqué-y attitude carried over from her previous high school. She's used to getting what she wants whether it's from her parents bottomless credit card or whatever she can coax out of someone with her silver tongue. Being told 'no' is practically unknown to her but she'll get her hackles up if someone has the audacity to say it.

Super Speed. Like, really fast. Through New Lund end to end before someone steps into the main street. Her ability not only manifests as running faster than a bullet but moving very quickly in general. A face of makeup and outfit change can happen in the blink of an eye if she feels so inclined.
  • Has extremely sensitive hearing and perceives sound faster, thus lending to superhuman reaction times. Yes, she can hear you flipping her off.
  • Her stamina is far greater than the average person. Thus far it seems like her energy levels aren't affected in terms of sleep and food requirements but she does have a very big appetite when no one's looking. Typically she snacks on sweets throughout the day to satiate her oral fixation.
  • Abigail can create copies of herself via a a trick of the light as a result of the human brain struggling to process her speed. These illusory clones may be stationary like after images from a camera, or act out previous stages of her movements, and dissipate over time.
  • She hasn't tried it (yet) but Abby suspects she can run across bodies of water.
  • Charm, weaponized. Abigail is a very persuasive person who will do whatever she can to get what she wants, typically without the other person realizing it wasn't their idea in the first place.
  • Years of strict gymnastics made her incredibly agile and flexible.
  • Running with the wrong crowd helped her hone the ability to pick people apart from a glance so seeing past bullshit (or doling it out) is second nature.
  • Abby is full of herself. This haughtiness may lead to potentially big mistakes if she doesn't assess the situation (including her power limitations). Ironically, Abby has a pretty fragile ego and seeks approval indirectly.
  • She isn't a very good student in terms of work ethic. Her grades are passable purely to keep attention away. While she's not failing her classes in lieu of ditching school to do something fun (re: irresponsible), she doesn't put much effort into her work because it doesn't interest her enough to try. Anything (and anyone) that can't pique her interest gets the same treatment of dismissal.
  • Re: her running speed, typical obstacles that cause loss of traction or balance (such as oily surfaces or planted ball bearings) will make her trip up badly.
Character Ons: Dancing, expensive drinks, green smoothies, working out, cute selfies, sweets, extroverts, assertiveness.

Character Offs: Being bored, when things take too long (which is always), sardines.

Players Ons & Offs: Clicky

Character Theme: Filthy Rich - Evalyn
Plot Seeds:
  • A scenario where Abby has a humbling experience is very much in order. Being a transfer to New Lund and out of her element, she might need an opportunity to get off her high horse and play nice with others. She's actually kinda nice if you get to know her.

Name: Emily DeVries
Age: 18
Sex: Cis-fem
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Appearance: Petite ginger with delicate features, big eyes, and a smattering of freckles across her nose. Pale enough that she would probably burn at a midnight fireworks show. Emily is always draped in something dark, vintage and/or secondhand from the local church or charity shops, but knows enough about sewing thanks to her Gran that she can make the pieces work for her.
Faceclaim: Abigail Cowen

History: Emily has been living in the trailer park on the south end all her life with her father, Jesse DeVries, a failed car salesman. Her parents were young when they had Emily and already struggling, so it was no surprise her dad couldn't hold down a steady job to make something of himself while she was growing up. Then her mom left to pursue acting aspirations when Emily was three years old - neither Jesse nor Emi have heard from her since, but every so often an envelope arrives with a bit of cash and no return address. This resulted in Emily's paternal grandmother stepping in to raise the then-toddler part time at her dairy farm.

Jesse DeVries embodies the small town stereotype of not being able to leave. Hard to dig himself out of a hole once he was in debt to the wrong person who wanted to keep him addicted. Chasing a strange one-off experience like a pipe dream that made him take a downward spiral into obsession. For as long as Emily can remember, Jesse has been talking nonsense about needing to prove he was 'right', how his third eye was opened. Government conspiracy theories are among his typical ramblings.

Gran told her the bare bones story once: roughly a year before she was born, Emily's parents were out on a walk after a date and her father claimed to see some kind of strange falling star. Naturally he went looking and dragged Emily's mother along to the spot where he supposed it landed. It was always difficult for him to explain what he felt there and her mom chalked it up to their drinking earlier. Either way, Jesse became intent on replicating the feeling of whatever happened that night. Getting plastered became a routine, then he moved onto getting high.

Gran passed when Emily was twelve years old. The dairy farm closed. Jesse used his meagre inheritance to pay back a chunk of debt, but without work except the occasional hustle he was soon deep in the red again and even deeper into his habits. This meant much of Emily's teen years were spent taking care of him while often (but not always) dodging his violent temper when he went on a bender.

Knocks at the trailer door from tough men became a regular occurrence up until recently. When they were skint - more often than not - Jesse would come back inside from one of these visits sporting a black eye, or worse. About a month ago during one such fateful visit from collections things took a rough turn involving a tire iron. In the midst of Jesse getting his ribs broken, Emily threw open the trailer door yelling at the thug to stop. He didn't. She yelled again. This time he did. The blow couldn't land because his forearm snapped and his eardrum ruptured on the side facing her. He left pretty quickly after that. Jesse's dealers now cast a wary eye on the familiar trailer and haven't come calling since. Thankfully, Jesse was so high at the time that he imagined he beat the thug himself and Emi is content to let the story stay that way.

At present, Emily loves reading at the library or taking out books when she can, scouring the shops for neat pieces of clothing or records, and going for long walks out in the woods near the trailer park. She also spends a fair bit of time with the communal trailer park dog, Koda who their neighbour found as a pup. Despite appearances, he's a sweet ol' lap dog.

Personality: Emily is... a quirky girl who dances to her own tune, to put it nicely. Empathetic to a fault. A font of strange facts. She's soft spoken, though can be abruptly opinionated, and has a tendency to talk a mile a minute when she's excited. Despite the "trailer trash" moniker following her around that makes it nigh impossible to fit into any crowd at school, she doesn't let her lean social status stop her from enjoying herself.

Sound Wave & Air Manipulation. Emily can control sound waves in a variety of ways, including the air currents used as a medium for her power. The louder, the more powerful, with a few exceptions.

  • Absorb sound waves to stabilize herself and/or redirect that energy.
  • Emily manipulates sound she generates, such as deafening her footsteps, amplifying her voice, and projecting vocal mimicry. In the future this might extend to influencing sound made by others.
  • Turns sound waves/wind into blunt force that results in a concussive blast ranging from rupturing ear drums to breaking bones, as well as environmental damage.
  • On the flip side of direct physical responses there are psychological effects like emitting ultrasonic waves to induce paralysis or disorientation.
  • Has a rather nice singing voice and plays the piano very well. Emi can replicate pieces on a variety of instruments after listening to it once.
  • Practical domestic traits like sewing, baking, and a decent green thumb. Growing up dirt poor meant she had to be incredibly frugal and creative when it came to finding ways to take care of herself or have fun.
  • Emily is a social pariah who finds it hard to get anywhere in a town where people love to backtalk. The influence of her father's addiction follows her everywhere like a dark cloud.
  • While she doesn't expect to be launched into the vacuum of space, naturally occurring dampeners such as the cold will dissipate her ability to create a powerful force or project her voice. Any man made nullification will do the same. Being unable to speak cuts off any of those related powers too, obviously.
  • Emily's vocal powers hinge on the level of emotion and intent behind their use. In general her power also requires a lot of concentration to direct the force rather than just causing an indiscriminate shock wave. It can be useful to downright volatile if she's not careful.
  • Hasn't got her license yet so has to walk everywhere, not that she minds too much.
  • In terms of technology, the DeVries have a very temperamental 35" box TV in the trailer with seven whole channels. Emi doesn't own a computer and uses an old gen smart phone loaded by prepaid cards when she has the cash.
Character Ons: Vintage clothing, strawberries, grunge and folk rock, caring for stray animals, spending time outdoors in nature, reading, starry nights, small acts of kindness, affection.

Character Offs: People who use intimidation to get what they want, cruelty, wastefulness, bad tempers, prejudice, drugs and drinking.

Players Ons & Offs: Clicky

Character Theme: Wolf - First Aid Kit
Plot Seeds:
  • Emily's unexpected use of force on the thug at the trailer park may have sparked attention from Marcus Teuling, good or bad.
  • Getting coerced (guilted) into her dads schemes to save his inebriated ass.
  • Finding a part time job. How else is she going to afford the fabric she needs to craft her dream prom dress?
  • Open to any and all connections!


To clarify on my power idea, the simplest breakdown is shifting between durable, heavy, and strong to lightweight and partially intangible.
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Cold Heritage

Quote from: Callie Del Noire on April 17, 2022, 11:26:42 PM
Yeah a variety of effects. Mostly tied to her own biology.  Might be able to effects others in time but right now it’s her own biology now.

My preference is that the character's powers remain limited to affecting herself, even if in the future the power branches out beyond the effects specified, please.

Quote from: BennyQ on April 17, 2022, 11:52:07 PM
Here is my submission for my character. Let me know if there's any conflicts of interests or anything, I'm always happy to discuss and edit!

Name: Cato Vincent Iva Bishop. 

Thank you for the submission. It looks good! Bad boy but not too bad a boy. Please consider this accepted.

Quote from: Thunder Splash on April 18, 2022, 12:00:26 AM
No problem. Yes, the illnesses and the car crash were genuine things, but the two backup players who stood between Serenity and her dream were injured by her. I viewed it as she orchestrated accidents so it wouldn’t be directly linked to herself, but I am completely willing to leave that up to you if you are looking for good plot hooks. She’d have been desperate enough to just injure them herself and intimidate them into never telling on her, so if you like that more than her being sneaky and thinking she got away with it I’m good with either one. Spices things up a bit.

Thank you. I appreciate the clarification. Based on my reading of the character, the limitations/weaknesses you've assigned the character, and her past as a bully, it seems to me more likely to go with the latter suggestion. Her being desperate enough to injure and intimidate others fits my understanding of the character best.

However, that said, it is your character and I am likewise amenable to either proposal. Thus I leave it in your hands to decide because it is your character. I am able to work with either. So I kindly ask you to make the decision for which makes you happiest. Thanks kindly.

Quote from: Andronica on April 18, 2022, 12:16:24 AM
Name: Abigail Hamilton

Hi Andronica. Interesting submission, as always. Please consider this character accepted.

I'm intrigued by Emily and look forward to the finished submission.

Quote from: ShadowFox89 on April 18, 2022, 12:54:01 AM
To clarify on my power idea, the simplest breakdown is shifting between durable, heavy, and strong to lightweight and partially intangible.

Thank you for re-iterating your clarification. I apologise that I have been unclear - I do not have misgivings from a failure of comprehension. Having given it thought I am going to veto this power idea. It is more broad than I want to allow. Please feel free to propose something that is more limited in scope and effect if you wish.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Thunder Splash

Quote from: Cold Heritage on April 18, 2022, 01:45:57 AM

Thank you. I appreciate the clarification. Based on my reading of the character, the limitations/weaknesses you've assigned the character, and her past as a bully, it seems to me more likely to go with the latter suggestion. Her being desperate enough to injure and intimidate others fits my understanding of the character best.

However, that said, it is your character and I am likewise amenable to either proposal. Thus I leave it in your hands to decide because it is your character. I am able to work with either. So I kindly ask you to make the decision for which makes you happiest. Thanks kindly.

Thanks for the insight. I’ve been thinking about it and am leaning towards the latter as well, so I think for the most interesting story she did do it herself more directly. And we can see if that comes to bite her in the ass or not in the story.


I'm going to respectfully bow out, I don't think I can make a character to fit the power level being sought for the game.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Name: Rhys Warren
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Gender: Cisfemale
Sexual Orientation: “The fuck is it to you? If I’m interested, you’ll know.”

Appearance: Petite and delicately boned, Rhys stands at a diminutive five feet on the nose. Dark eyes in a rich sienna are rimmed with sooty, voluminous lashes. A sleek mane that cycles between midnight, crimson and burnt umber frames her elfin features and grazes the bottom of her shoulder blades. Clothing is kept in shadowy shades and an assortment of silver jewellery can be found adorning her ears, left nostril and eyebrows. Makeup is usually kept quite simple, out of both statement and ease of application. Rhys obviously comes from a strong genetic pool of aesthetically pleasing people and has a definite allure even at her most worn down.
Faceclaim: Maggie Lindemann


Ellis Warren was voted People’s “Sexiest Man Alive” in 1999, 2003 and again in 2017. His role in the medical based soap opera, Malibu Med, as the young, firebrand critical care surgeon, Dr. Wilder Stirling, propelled him to a stardom that he never dreamed was possible for a humble farm boy from New Lund. It was on the set of a critically acclaimed miniseries based on the life of gunslinging outlaw John Wesley Hardin, that he met a young upcoming makeup artist, Sunday Smith. The two quickly fell in love and were married in a secret ceremony on an Acapulco beach. Their mutual love of the industry and perks it brought held back notions of beginning a family until they were both in their thirties, when Sunday became pregnant with twins. Having had their fill of the hedonistic lifestyle that came with their careers, the Warrens agreed that Ellis’ hometown was the perfect location to create a family base to raise their children.

Ryker and Rhys were raised in a loving environment that balanced the comfort of wealthy parents with small town values. Rhys showed interest in following in her father’s footsteps and won a handful of small roles in both television and film. By the time the twins moved into high school the appeal of acting had waned for Rhys. The siblings remained close and were always the loudest supporters of each other, be it on the football field where Ryker had found a natural talent in his position of center, or the gymnasium where Rhys had found a passion and flair for gymnastics. After a particularly violent collision in a game against the Honeyguides, Ryker began experiencing and exhibiting signs that were equated to concussion. Given the severity of the symptoms and at his parents’ instance, he was given an MRI. The results brought tragedy with them and a quick diagnosis of glioblastoma. The six month long battle with cancer was fought with Rhys permanently at his side. As his condition worsened despite the surgery, treatments and an experimental clinical trial, it became clear that he wasn’t going to pull through. In his final weeks, Rhys had taken to spending every available moment with him, curled up in bed with him, recounting and reminiscing the brief chapter of their shared lives. It was during that time that Rhys began to seek out ways to soften the reality of losing her twin and that solution came in the form of experimenting with the cocktail of drugs that served as Ryker’s palliative care. In the early hours of their eighteenth birthday,  Ryker Warren passed in his twin sister’s arms.

Rhys’ downward spiral had begun before Ryker’s death but her accidental overdose that came three weeks later was the catalyst that revealed her powers. The vague memories of performing logically impossible feats haunted her and taunted her as she worked though her own recovery in rehab but, she had convinced herself that they had been nothing more than fragments of the near lethal cocktail that had pushed her over the edge. Coming home “clean” and finding herself entered into a program for at-risk teens on a local farm, didn’t stop her from seeking out every possible source for the path of self medicating she had chosen. It didn’t take her long to realise that with each different intoxicant she tried, a different ability that should have been utterly impossible, manifested.

Personality: Rhys’ overall, well, everything, frankly, took a massive hit with Ryker’s illness and subsequent passing. As it stands at this point in time, she is mostly quiet and withdrawn…until she’s not. Sarcastic, sardonic, snarky and salty seem to be her “new normal”, when she deems it worthy of removing an earbud or making eye contact. The semi-hostile outer shell she has created for herself since the cataclysmic loss of her twin can and has been breached but it takes someone special to make it past that carefully created armour to find the sweet, fiercely loyal and academically bright young woman at its centre. Rhys is managing to only just coast by in her studies, her grades took a brutal downturn as soon as Ryker’s health began to deteriorate. She’s managed to drag her marks back up to lackadaisical straight Cs, entirely slacking and underachieving quite spectacularly. Recklessness has become a firm stable in her life, be it through overindulgent  partying, daredevil fuckery or flat out breaking the law for nothing more than shits and giggles. Rhys is one hundred percent void filling in her grief and has solidly lost all notion of giving any fucks on her fraught path of self-destruction.

Rhys’ powerset is entirely dependent on what's rattling around her system at the time.

Alcohol: (eg. Beer, Wine, Liquor) Inhibition Release - feel and/or release the inhibitions of another person. Those under her influence are affected depending on their personalities and the amount that each individual has a grasp on their inhibitions. From feeling free to speak the full truth to giving in to their most primal desires, the target does not experience any of the usual societal inflicted restraint of inhibitions. The power has the potential to corrupt the subject by having them give in to their most primal desires to bring out the worst in them and can reduce a target to nothing but an impulse driven beast.
Barbiturates: (eg. Amytal, Luminal, Pentobarbital) Sleep Manipulation - induce, manipulate, and enhance aspects of sleep in herself or in others, including dreams, daydreams and nightmares. Rhys can manipulate sleep patterns, induce instantaneous sleep on sentient subjects, induce perpetual insomnia, remove the need to sleep or make someone dreadfully tired all the time. She can also force anyone sleeping to wake up regardless of the circumstances.
Benzodiazepines: (eg. Ativan, Valium, Xanax) Fear Manipulation - sense and manipulate the dread, fear, horror and terror, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling fear, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. Rhys can cause others to fear even the most harmless of things to the point of becoming catatonic.
Cannabinoids: (eg. Cannabis, Hashish) Osculated Sway - secrets enzymes through the exocrine gland that produce saliva and carried by her breath to plant thoughts, ideas and notions into others' minds, making them think that it was their own thoughts to influence the target, inducing high suggestibility.
Hallucinogens: (eg. LSD, Psilocybin, DMT) Illusion Manipulation - create, shape and manipulate illusions/hallucinations, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell, and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. Able to alter the way she or the target are perceived. Rhys’ illusions exist solely within the physical or mental perceptions of her targets.
Opioids: (eg. Heroin, Fentanyl, Oxycodone) Near Invulnerability - resistant to any/all forms of physical damage and harm regardless of its type or level of power, unable to feel most physical pain unless extreme, and is resistant to bleeding or loss of limb.
Stimulants: (eg. Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Ritalin, Adderall) Hyper Awareness and Reflexes - all five senses are enhanced to a superhuman level, with an addition of a sixth’s “danger sense” that includes enhanced reaction speed, allowing Rhys to dodge multiple bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and manoeuvre around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to like high speed projectiles.

Performer: With a successful actor in the family and the handful of roles she had before high school, Rhys still has a wide range of acting abilities. From crying on command to cycling through convincing emotions, many parts can be played for whatever purpose she needs them to at any given time.
Gymnast: The days of being on the gymnastics team may be over, but the grace, dexterity, agility and flexibility honed during that time are still very much prevalent.
Electronic Musician: An ability and talent that was picked up and nourished during long bouts of insomnia. Rhys creates dark, beat heavy EDM under the name “Eidolon”. Some of her tracks have shown up in Tik Toks and Instagram reels.
Driving Under the Influence: Not sure whether it is simply blind luck or a real ability, Rhys can maintain enough of her faculties to competently drive whilst under the effects of intoxicating substances.
Eye for Quality: Being raised in affluence, Rhys can easily distinguish between high quality items and lower quality fakes. From designer apparel to designer drugs, she has a keen sense of what has real value and what is gilded trash.

Addiction: pretty self explanatory, Rhys has an active addiction to alcohol and various controlled substances. Under the terms of her release from rehab, she has to attend weekly NA meetings.
Powers Dependent on Intoxicants: this obviously means that she can only access each power set if the intoxicant is currently in her system and she is under the effects of it. At the same time, power sets can be combined up to three times, so long as the correct cocktail is taken. This also holds the prerequisite if she can actually get her hands on the substances needed, whereas booze and weed is pretty easy to procure, finding trusted sources for more controlled substances can prove difficult.
Hangovers/Comedowns: Just like any other person Rhys still has to face the consequences of the morning after.
Threat of Overdose: Despite the invulnerability that opioids trigger, if Rhys over indulges and/or mixes a bad combination, she is still very much susceptible to an overdose and all the harm that potentially creates, including death.
Loving Family: While on the surface, a loving and supportive family is a boon, for Rhys, the expectation and obligation she feels constantly weighing down on her shoulders is crippling at times. Between keeping the facade of her sobriety up and hiding her powers, the guilt of possibly failing her parents is a constant, nagging spectre.

Character Ons: Getting drunk/high, night, driving fast, rigorous fucking, energy drinks, loud music and star gazing

Character Offs: Responsibility, being recognised as Ellis Warren’s daughter, summer, being sober, discussing feelings, bigots and self-righteous assholes.

Player Ons and Offs: Please take a dip into my F-List for reference.

Character Theme: Lovely, Billie Eilish with Khalid

Plot Seeds:
1. The girl likes to party and do stupid, reckless shit: this opens up a wealth of possibility for connections and trouble.
2. At this moment Rhys is hanging in the balance between total destruction and recovery, she could fall on either side of the equation depending on the company she keeps.
3. Ultimately, Rhys will come to the realisation that her powers were always coming directly from within herself and not the slew of intoxicants that she’s been using to self-medicate. On this discovery it will be made blatant that the intoxicants she has been using work as focuses, amplifying the abilities she has to the point where she had previously been led to believe they were the only way to access her powers. Once she makes this discovery all power sets will be unlocked but at a lower level without the use of the corresponding intoxicant. Time will be needed to relearn control and increase their effectiveness. This is all entirely dependent upon if she actually manages to find something worth getting clean and living for.

I only wanna be your self-inflicted wound.
It sees you, baby. The friction between me and you.
Show me what makes you human, I'll show you vulnerable.
You bend, you break, you surrender and melt like solid gold.


Quote from: Cold Heritage on April 18, 2022, 01:45:57 AMHi Andronica. Interesting submission, as always. Please consider this character accepted.

I'm intrigued by Emily and look forward to the finished submission.

Emily is up! I expanded on my ladies' powers and limitations so let me know if anything needs to be reeled back, clarified, or what not.

Callie Del Noire

Sure I can keep her power restricted to her own biochemistry. 


Name: Jason Forrester
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Appearance: Six foot stocky farm boy. Brown eyes, chestnut brown hair. Has trouble being seen for his actual age, except by those who know him. This has gotten him in and out of trouble at times.

Faceclaim: Jacob Elordi

History: New Lund born and raised, he had the pleasure of playing with the Varangians for most of his high school career as the quarterback, and with most of the team from peewee football on up. He liked it…no, loved it, until things changed. An accident on the farm awakened something in him that was dormant. Something neither father nor son could explain. His father, the stubborn old man he was, thought he could fix the tractor himself and for less money. He got the first part wrong, but the second part right…until the hospital bill came. He was lucky to be alive. He passed out, while pinned under the heavy equipment and slowly being crushed to death, until he wasn't.

He couldn't explain it, and his son blabbered about somehow managing to prop the tractor just enough to pull him out. It sold for the people there, but he knew something else was going on, just not what. All the same, with him on the mend and bills continuing to mount, the deferring of Jason's own dreams proved necessary. Scouts weren't showing up with cash in briefcases, but they were more than willing to fit a good amount of the bill for him to play. Not that it mattered at that point anyway.

So now looking over his old man and keeping his business going takes a goodly amount of time. The school has been understanding, allowing for an altered schedule of someone in a work-study program, but life's been interesting since his awakening.

Personality: About as down to earth as the soil he tends and about as stubborn as his old man. The power of youth in the information age has made him less rigid, but the disciplined life of a farmer has also shaped his mindset. He's a helper and if you befriend him, then it's for life, or at least until you get on his bad side. The stress of his current situation has left him not as easy going as he normally is.

Powers: Jason has developed what scientists would define as tactile telekinesis. The stress of the awakening event resulted in what should have not been possible. The tractor lifted and deposited safely to the side after he'd made contact with it. This makes him appear to have super strength but it's really not physical in nature.

Everything he experiences is the mental manifestation of his power on his person, or whatever he’s in contact with, broken down as three main influences:

Flight - propelling his own body

Strength - force through mental will

Structure - counter-force to nullify strikes against him(punches, blunt force weapons, …bullets!?

Abilities: Can operate and repair heavy machinery, has extensive agricultural and animal husbandry knowledge, knows how to shoot (pistol, shotgun, and hunting rifles), and ride a horse.

Limitations/Weaknesses: In its infancy, it's hard to 'turn on' multiple abilities consistently, but integrating it into his work on the farm has helped strengthen his connection to his abilities.

That stubbornness of his might just be his undoing. Has seen enough in his father’s business and the world at large to understand that sometimes the right thing isn’t always the easiest…or socially acceptable. He could potentially lay the road to his own personal hell with the bricks of his good intentions.

Time is precious. He has the responsibilities of school and farm life to contend with, which leaves him very little time for much else. This may leave him unavailable when needed at times.

Ons: Jason is a nurturer by nature, having brought up every animal on their farm currently. This blends into his relationships with people. He hasn’t explored that in a sexual way, but aspects of that could reveal themselves given time. Football, cheerleaders, a hard day’s work and a little mischief! No cow tipping, please. That’s just mean.

Offs: Greedy people, losing at…well, anything.

Character Theme: Feel that burn on the field, boys!

Plot Seeds: Temptation - Does might make right? Hard to tell, especially when you feel the pressure to provide and see a clear way to do so.
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!

Cold Heritage

Quote from: Andronica on April 18, 2022, 12:16:24 AM
Name: Abigail Hamilton

Doesn't look like anything needs revision or change.

Quote from: Andronica on April 18, 2022, 12:16:24 AM
Name: Emily DeVries

This character looks good. Please consider her accepted. Thank you.

Quote from: Tinkertoy on April 18, 2022, 05:06:48 AM
Name: Rhys Warren
Rhys’ powerset is entirely dependent on what's rattling around her system at the time.

Alcohol: (eg. Beer, Wine, Liquor) Inhibition Release - feel and/or release the inhibitions of another person. Those under her influence are affected depending on their personalities and the amount that each individual has a grasp on their inhibitions. From feeling free to speak the full truth to giving in to their most primal desires, the target does not experience any of the usual societal inflicted restraint of inhibitions. The power has the potential to corrupt the subject by having them give in to their most primal desires to bring out the worst in them and can reduce a target to nothing but an impulse driven beast.
Barbiturates: (eg. Amytal, Luminal, Pentobarbital) Sleep Manipulation - induce, manipulate, and enhance aspects of sleep in herself or in others, including dreams, daydreams and nightmares. Rhys can manipulate sleep patterns, induce instantaneous sleep on sentient subjects, induce perpetual insomnia, remove the need to sleep or make someone dreadfully tired all the time. She can also force anyone sleeping to wake up regardless of the circumstances.
Benzodiazepines: (eg. Ativan, Valium, Xanax) Fear Manipulation - sense and manipulate the dread, fear, horror and terror, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling fear, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. Rhys can cause others to fear even the most harmless of things to the point of becoming catatonic.
Cannabinoids: (eg. Cannabis, Hashish) Osculated Sway - secrets enzymes through the exocrine gland that produce saliva and carried by her breath to plant thoughts, ideas and notions into others' minds, making them think that it was their own thoughts to influence the target, inducing high suggestibility.
Hallucinogens: (eg. LSD, Psilocybin, DMT) Illusion Manipulation - create, shape and manipulate illusions/hallucinations, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell, and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. Able to alter the way she or the target are perceived. Rhys’ illusions exist solely within the physical or mental perceptions of her targets.
Opioids: (eg. Heroin, Fentanyl, Oxycodone) Invulnerability - immune to any/all forms of physical damage and harm regardless of its type or level of power, unable to feel physical pain, and is immune to bleeding or loss of limb.
Stimulants: (eg. Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Ritalin, Adderall) Hyper Awareness and Reflexes - all five senses are enhanced to a superhuman level, with an addition of a sixth’s “danger sense” that includes enhanced reaction speed, allowing Rhys to dodge multiple bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and manoeuvre around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to like high speed projectiles.

Addiction: pretty self explanatory, Rhys has an active addiction to alcohol and various controlled substances. Under the terms of her release from rehab, she has to attend weekly NA meetings.
Powers Dependent on Intoxicants: this obviously means that she can only access each power set if the intoxicant is currently in her system and she is under the effects of it. At the same time, power sets can be combined so long as the correct cocktail is taken. This also holds the prerequisite if she can actually get her hands on the substances needed, whereas booze and weed is pretty easy to procure, finding trusted sources for more controlled substances can prove difficult.
Hangovers/Comedowns: Just like any other person Rhys still has to face the consequences of the morning after.
Threat of Overdose: Despite the invulnerability that opioids trigger, if Rhys over indulges and/or mixes a bad combination, she is still very much susceptible to an overdose and all the harm that potentially creates, including death.

Hey, thanks for the submission. There's definitely a lot more going on with this characters and that's made it interesting and given me more to think about. Not in a bad way, or anything. The powerset has a lot of effects and I appreciate the limitations put in place to help balance it out. As written it's still somewhat more than I'd like for this game's level to start. There's a few compromises that I can think of.

The one thing that's a hard need to revise is the effect of being immune to any/all forms of physical damage and harm. Even though it does presumably leave the character vulnerable to non-physical harm, immunity is too powerful an effect. I'm amenable to meeting you halfway and have it be resistance to any/all physical harm.

I'm also amenable to the character being able to activate more than one effect of the powerset at a time through the proper cocktail, but I'd ask that there be a cap of two to three effects simultaneously. I'm open to allowing for it to be something that could expand as the character's story arc progresses, but I'd prefer this limit at the start, please.

Quote from: Callie Del Noire on April 18, 2022, 10:57:24 AM
Sure I can keep her power restricted to her own biochemistry. 

Alright, then you may consider your character accepted.

Quote from: Writersblockade on April 18, 2022, 04:23:14 PM
Name: Jason Forrester

Everything he experiences is the mental manifestation of his power on his person, or whatever he’s in contact with, broken down as three main influences:

Structure - counter-force to nullify strikes against him(punches, blunt force weapons, …bullets!?

Howdy. Thanks for the submission. There's just a few things I'd like to clarify, please.

How broad do you envision 'whatever he's in contact with' to be, and when you say 'nullify strikes' to you mean completely or partially?
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Callie Del Noire


Quote from: Cold Heritage on April 18, 2022, 05:38:13 PM
The one thing that's a hard need to revise is the effect of being immune to any/all forms of physical damage and harm. Even though it does presumably leave the character vulnerable to non-physical harm, immunity is too powerful an effect. I'm amenable to meeting you halfway and have it be resistance to any/all physical harm.

I'm also amenable to the character being able to activate more than one effect of the powerset at a time through the proper cocktail, but I'd ask that there be a cap of two to three effects simultaneously. I'm open to allowing for it to be something that could expand as the character's story arc progresses, but I'd prefer this limit at the start, please.

Hey! For sure, always up for discussions, tweaks and compromises. I got hit with inspiration and ran hard with it last night, so I know there is A LOT there!

I was thinking her invulnerability would be similar to Luke Cage's but, for sure I am absolutely cool with it being more a resistance than a flat out immunity. That opens up avenues for her to really test it which would certainly fit in with her reckless path of self-destruction.

A cap of two to three power set activations was pretty much what I was thinking especially given the substances she would have to mix to achieve that. She's just a teeny tiny, little teen and her body is nowhere near to being hardened to what she puts it through and she's not quite suicidal enough yet to throw caution entirely to the wind.

I fully intended to start her off not quite a master (read as definitely fucking up and being utterly bemused by them) of her newly found powers and still testing her limits (and having so many delicious opportunities for terrible failure when she does so), character development is a big ON for me as a player.

I also want to assure you that any of her powers that involve influence over others (Inhibition Release, Sleep Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Osculated Sway and Illusion Manipulation) will all be set up in a suggestive way with other players so they can chose how their characters react, if that ever comes up. Powergaming is icky and is no fun for anyone.

I'll make those updates to her sheet after dinner, so we can get moving on to connections soon! YAY! Thanks fella!

I only wanna be your self-inflicted wound.
It sees you, baby. The friction between me and you.
Show me what makes you human, I'll show you vulnerable.
You bend, you break, you surrender and melt like solid gold.


Quote from: Cold Heritage on April 18, 2022, 05:38:13 PM

Howdy. Thanks for the submission. There's just a few things I'd like to clarify, please.

How broad do you envision 'whatever he's in contact with' to be, and when you say 'nullify strikes' to you mean completely or partially?

I would say contact by touch. We can say hands touching. Nullify can just be drastic reduction of damage. Like Kevlar stopping a bullet but leaving a bruise.
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!

Thunder Splash

Quote from: Tinkertoy on April 18, 2022, 06:15:55 PM

I also want to assure you that any of her powers that involve influence over others (Inhibition Release, Sleep Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Osculated Sway and Illusion Manipulation) will all be set up in a suggestive way with other players so they can chose how their characters react, if that ever comes up. Powergaming is icky and is no fun for anyone.

Serenity would be a good guinea pig, I mean test subject, I mean lab monkey, I mean helper for Rhys to test her suggestion powers on. When I wrote her I was thinking Knuckles the Echidna levels of being duped by people. :P She will be a very easily persuaded individual. Plus she’d have known Ryker being on the football team.

Cold Heritage

Quote from: Tinkertoy on April 18, 2022, 06:15:55 PM
Hey! For sure, always up for discussions, tweaks and compromises. I got hit with inspiration and ran hard with it last night, so I know there is A LOT there!

I was thinking her invulnerability would be similar to Luke Cage's but, for sure I am absolutely cool with it being more a resistance than a flat out immunity. That opens up avenues for her to really test it which would certainly fit in with her reckless path of self-destruction.

A cap of two to three power set activations was pretty much what I was thinking especially given the substances she would have to mix to achieve that. She's just a teeny tiny, little teen and her body is nowhere near to being hardened to what she puts it through and she's not quite suicidal enough yet to throw caution entirely to the wind.

I fully intended to start her off not quite a master (read as definitely fucking up and being utterly bemused by them) of her newly found powers and still testing her limits (and having so many delicious opportunities for terrible failure when she does so), character development is a big ON for me as a player.

I also want to assure you that any of her powers that involve influence over others (Inhibition Release, Sleep Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Osculated Sway and Illusion Manipulation) will all be set up in a suggestive way with other players so they can chose how their characters react, if that ever comes up. Powergaming is icky and is no fun for anyone.

I'll make those updates to her sheet after dinner, so we can get moving on to connections soon! YAY! Thanks fella!

Thanks. I worried about trampling over that inspiration. I'm glad that I didn't crush it.

I look forward to seeing what connections you can come up with with other characters. And everyone else as well.

Quote from: Writersblockade on April 18, 2022, 06:19:46 PM
I would say contact by touch. We can say hands touching.

So where I'm trying to go is more like how much he can affect. I'm sorry. I should've elaborated.

So to start, let's say . . . I'd be okay with him extending the protective effect of his Structure use of tactile telekinesis to anything he's wearing (e.g. clothes, shoes, backpack), with no problem. But if he's protecting himself and another normal human-sized thing, then there's less protection for both, and less protection still he wanted to fly with Structure active. Something like a horse or a motorcycle would be too large for him to affect with Structure.

Does that sound like a starting cap that you could live with and be happy? As things progressed this could be relaxed, but as a starting point.

Quote from: Writersblockade on April 18, 2022, 06:19:46 PM
Nullify can just be drastic reduction of damage. Like Kevlar stopping a bullet but leaving a bruise.

Alright. That sounds okay.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Hi there, just wanted to see if you were full. I'm toying around the idea of a guy with technomancer type abilities, but I wanted to be sure there would be room.

Fun idea either way!
"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum

Cold Heritage

Heyo. Not full by any means. However, if you do want to submit a character with technomancer type abilities, please keep in mind I want to keep things on the low end and blanket technomancy is probably going to be too broad.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Quote from: Cold Heritage on April 18, 2022, 06:44:28 PM

So where I'm trying to go is more like how much he can affect. I'm sorry. I should've elaborated.

So to start, let's say . . . I'd be okay with him extending the protective effect of his Structure use of tactile telekinesis to anything he's wearing (e.g. clothes, shoes, backpack), with no problem. But if he's protecting himself and another normal human-sized thing, then there's less protection for both, and less protection still he wanted to fly with Structure active. Something like a horse or a motorcycle would be too large for him to affect with Structure.

Does that sound like a starting cap that you could live with and be happy? As things progressed this could be relaxed, but as a starting point.

This works, and I'm fine with any improvements over time. I'm a long time fan of Big Damn Heroes moments, and will probably never turn down the chance to write one
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!

Cold Heritage

Quote from: Writersblockade on April 18, 2022, 07:22:20 PM
This works, and I'm fine with any improvements over time. I'm a long time fan of Big Damn Heroes moments, and will probably never turn down the chance to write one

Alright. Then please consider your character accepted.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Quote from: Cold Heritage on April 18, 2022, 07:21:48 PM
Heyo. Not full by any means. However, if you do want to submit a character with technomancer type abilities, please keep in mind I want to keep things on the low end and blanket technomancy is probably going to be too broad.

Naturally. I have a more specific concept I'm working towards, just not a specific title.
Anyway, I'm still kicking it around. I'll see if I come up with something coherent.
"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum