[Recruitment Open] Ideal Secretary Training Program [Dom M's and sub F's needed]

Started by Queen of Hell, March 23, 2022, 01:07:22 PM

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Queen of Hell

Hello, everyone!

Might I possibly interest you in taking part in a competitive program of sorts? We welcome the participants of all genders, orientation and calling. And we promise, it's going to be a ride you'll never forget, so, please, be our guest, and take a look at the specific sections for the detailed info. We're looking for submissive females and Dominant Males in the first place, but every application would be considered :)

If your character is going to be a female:

Your girls are in their mid 20es - mid 30es, with successful career in some corporation, some mid level managers, department heads and the like. So, basically, those that are high up enough already, but still have some steps to climb in their career ladder, and thus might actually benefit from the seemingly useful seminar. Your character is dominant and assertive enough to use her skills and brain to get to her position, not her assets, but she is also a very beautiful, and is going to stay one for many years.

In all the tons of the junk mail their corporation is getting, there are hundreds of invites to the seminars and workshops and conferences, and some of them are even attended. So it was like this again - their bosses decide that a particular advert looks very promising. A simple, concise leaflet, advertising a workshop for the most talented business women in the mid manager level of their career, which comes from a very respected international mega-corp and promises that after the experience exchange in a remote, luxurious resort the women of the company will be simply weaponized. So that's where your character is sent then by her leadership - to rest and to improve.

The event is advertised to take place in some real nice place, like a remote tropical island, in the area which has a ton of archipelagos that are not settled, and some of them are very very far from the civilisation. So, the ladies arrive at such a remote island, and they are taken there by the corporation transport only, no private boats, planes and whatever else are allowed to be used, due to the security reasons. When they get onto the premises, they can't help but talk to the relatives and the bosses, exclaiming that "I've arrived safely, and, man, I love this place", because the resort is a paradise and have all the activities like scuba diving, just diving, surfing, beaching, beach games, spa, and you just name it.

The first day is an orientation session and a welcome exchange: some meet-ups, audienced mostly by the rough-looking guys, but who still at least try to act nicely, with the girls giving their credentials and having questions answered, especially recording an answer to the question "what do you see as an ideal secretary?" Maybe some girls can still notice that something about this resort is not quite right, but what - they can't really say. Then comes the welcome dinner, during which they are all passed out, and are loaded on the docked boat and it launches off of the island and goes to another archipelago.

Then, for the whole length of their trip to the real competition venue, they're kept drugged to be asleep, while on the first island the tech experts use the footage and the voice recordings and the psychological profiles they've accumulated from all the calls the girls made and the scanned messages from their computers and phones to emulate their communication with the family and their corps for the intended duration of the workshop, ending it up with a message that they're in the airport, boarding the plane to take them home, and then the deception stops quietly, because who knows what could happen to a plane flying over a vast ocean? The resort spot gets vacated immediately after, and even if an investigation of some sort does come there, they'll find only empty buildings...

The ladies are taken during that time to a place that is owned by the corporation in charge of that shady event, and who fiercely guard the access to it. And, when there, the girls wake up, each in their own little room, because of a loud intercom buzzing and each of them is informed that she is to wash up, dress and go for the orientation, where everything is going to be explained to them. She is stark naked, and there is noting to wear but some restrictive and objectifying clothing. And some weird looking rules printed on a sheet of paper that is on the desk:

1) You're are not to speak until you're spoken to;
2) You're going to be addressed as a  "girl" or, best case, your first name - forget all your surnames, titles and honorifics.
3) You're going to be very polite and speak always in quiet tones with every single male, not forgetting to add Sir in every possible sentence.
4) You're not to leave your room for whatever purpose without wearing your assigned staff uniform;
5) Add more demeaning rules to be imposed on the women to the list.

And when they all gather, bunch of alpha-males explain that they're now part of the training program to make an ideal office worker out of every single one of them to be employed in corporation offices all over the planet. The program takes about half a year, because the intensity and the length of the training is going to increase with each competition event behind them. Yes, this is also going to be a contest. The girl who scores the most points, gets the best position possible, and the ones that are next to the bottom of the list - they're going to end up in the worst departments. Yes, this is in your interest to be a good girl and do what you are told, and compete with fervour and earnestly, because it means you're going to end up in a cushy position. No, you are not going to know the whole track ahead of you - a good secretary knows that she must focus on the task at hand, and the next one will be given to her after she completes her current one. Suffice it is to say that the aim is to turn each and every one of you into an ideal secretary - the only viable position for a woman in the business. Yes, the training starts right after breakfast. We're going to spend two days learning why it is necessary to wear an uncomfortable and restrictive and objectifying staff uniform if you're a female; the basics of the body language a woman must show at work and the way she talks to her superiors, and then there'll be a contest in that. Dismissed, girls.

Naturally, some resists, and they learn that there is a progressive punishments system in place. A few demonstrative punishments make the rest more cooperative and willing, and the girls, which are completely untrainable, are going to the black market for sale. The rest still would be making it into the secretarial positions. But the twist is, the whole contest is being recorded and streamed through a bunch of the high security channels to the richest people there are, with them making the bets on who's going to win, and placing bids on the girls getting eliminated so they could buy them as their secretaries on an auction.

Poor women have the only chance of escaping - these three or four girls who make it to the grand finale and are taken to the real corporate HQ to spend two days as a servile, obedient secretary in a real environment, with the one passing the stress test of blowing cocks, serving teas and taking calls with the highest score, ends up the winner... It's the only place where she can maybe find a way to slip a "help!!" message in the network...

And if your character is a male:

Your character is a part of a highly traditional faction in the business world, which believes that the women have way too many power these days, so you do everything in your power to bring a group of the girls after a group into what is their only fitting position if they so desire to stay in a corporate world. And every man in the corporation has a specific role to make this happen:

1) Certainly, there's the Leader, who'd be the mastermind and main beneficiary of the whole deal;

2) Competition judges/referees, who'd not directly participate in the events, but would observe them and give and subtract points for each girl in action, doing their best to stay unbiased;

3) Male hands who'd participate in the events per se, where the interaction with a man is necessary for the woman to go on, from serving a coffee to having sex;

4) IT security - your team absolutely does not need a single word of what's going on to slip into the world;

5) Physical security - somebody has to keep order and handle the women being trained;

6) Service staff, naturally, is also necessary - somebody has to make sure the training can happen in the very first place.

And all of your characters are working together to make what is detailed in the section for the females go smooth and nice.

Bottom line:

A bunch of the assertive and dominant women get into claws of some even more assertive and dominant male sharks, who are displeased with the current state of affairs in the society, especially by how much power the women have, and want to reshape the world in their own version. The fun dynamics would be their attempts to subjugate the women, while the girls themselves fight that, attempting to communicate between the events between each other, trying to get a word to the outside world, trying to sabotage the competition, and all the consequences of these actions.

Here are the links to the game threads:

General Information

Character List

Char submission thread


I hope I've piqued your interest enough. If I did, please, do not hesitate to write me a PM or post in the OOC.


Queen of Hell

I've been thinking about the player position, and while there's not much to think about the female characters - competitor, the male chars will have to occupy a specific slot.

To start we clearly need the leader, the refs, the male hands and there could be some security and service staff in the background.

Most of the positions could be NPCed, of course, but it'd be fun if there'd be at least a single player for every one of them.

As I've mentioned it before, half of the fun (for me in the least) would be the dynamics of the male sharks subjugating the dominant, assertive women who go to the top of their corps' food chain into the position those guys see fit for them. But there is also an interesting underlying idea of the girls themselves fighting that, attempting to communicate between the events, trying to get a word to the outside world, trying to sabotage the competition, and all the consequences of these actions.

Queen of Hell

Overhauled the initial advert to make it more clear what is the game about and what's going on to happen.


This is similar to a game I’m enjoying at the moment. I’m interested.

Queen of Hell

Ah, well, I meant more restrictive as in limiting movement, uncomfortable to wear, like stilettos, narrow, tight skirts etc ;)

Folks, could you please also write what role you'd be interested in, so we could get a head count?

I am going to be a competitor, for example.

And one more thing about the game:

Yes, it is quite hetero in aiming, yes, true. But the thing is - that's what the corp aims to create, and the fun and the kink and the dynamics would be to explore how the worlds and minds clash.

Yes, sure there's a chance for some forbidden love between the competitors, the girls just have to make sure they can get away with it, find a way to be sneaky, and by teaming up like that they can help each other fight the subjugation and the brainwashing.

Yes, there's a chance for escape, sure. The end goal of the whole program is to make a docile, servile, helpful secretary to fill the corp offices all over the world, hoping that if enough of the richest corps put up an example, then the rest would follow, and the world itself would shift to what the masterminds consider the proper way of things... So, like I've said, everything is in the hands of the girls within the competition ;)



I'd like to be a competitor :)

Re: restrictive clothing - are you plan on using any kind of over-sexualized uniforms, outright porno clothing etc.? I'm asking, as I have a strong dislike for these...

Queen of Hell


If that's the case, I'd be interested :)

So... we have a few contestants at this point. Nobody wants to play the corporation people. Is that a problem?


In the one on one version of this game I was kind of GMing it, and running tensions between my own characters on the business/management side. It would feel a bit weird doing that in a group game, but I guess I could do it? Trying to hold off on taking roles until someone else bids for one.

It might also be worthwhile if people were able to play both sides if they want to?


I would be down with playing both sides to help populate the story and add some dynamics.


The thing I had most difficulty with GMing this (ironically enough) was coming up with events. I went hard on inventing politics and suchlike (which was fun, sure) as a result. So some staff whose responsibilities include event planning would be especially useful, I think.


I don't think I'd be interested in playing the corporation side in this one... I have trouble playing sexists :)

Queen of Hell

Okay, sorry for being a bit absent - RL stuff, but looks like we're having heavily one-sided siutation here... Let's wait for a little bit, and if there's nobody else, we'll start up with doing both sides with those who can...

Queen of Hell

As do I :)

Well, let's wait a bit more, and then we'll have to decide who can double up and start plotting stuff ;)


Helloooo there

Interesting setting for sure. I admit it intrigues me.
But is there still room for a lady in here ?

And of course to discuss the kinks involved if any ?

Warm regards

Queen of Hell

Ooooh, another potential player!!! :D

Of course there is room for you, and feel free to ask about anything you want to know ;)


I'm planting a flag of interest.

This would be a new type of theme I've never RP'ed before, but I so wanna try it.

I'd be interested in creating two characters if you need more male-aligned characters.

But of course, wanna try a female-aligned role first and foremost.

The ideas are bubbling up in my brain... *evil laughter*
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Queen of Hell

I see your ideas bubbling up and raise them to a boiling broth in my mind  >:)

Guess we'll need a roll call done by now to see how many players for what roles we do have right now. Then we can decide how many of us but me need to double up on the chars to populate the game with more variety.

Now I'm pretty sure SMF has a voting option... Where did I see it the last time...

Queen of Hell

Looking at the votes we are lacking thoroughly in the male department... I think we'll need to double up some chars in the very least... Okay, I'm going to drop a char sheet later tonight so you guys could start getting creative then. Maybe it'll take off with a few posts kicked in, after all :P


I have two concerns about (potentially) playing one of the male roles:

1. I'm not sure what the guys are supposed to do in the story, exactly - aside from being generally sexist?

2. I'm afraid that if I start playing a sexist character, I'll turn sexist myself :P :P :P


So the part about the male characters that I’m least comfortable with in the other version of this that I’m in is the setting of the competition tasks. Which is why I’ve been writing all sorts of side plots and intrigue. Which is fun, but it means the competition isn’t happening very much. Hence the desire for a more focused game where the competition actually happens.

ANYWAY, different guys will have different ways of approaching the situation. So you could have a guy who’s a virgin and goes off early. Or a guy who’s been watching way too much porn and struggles to get it up (apparently, young men who open five browser windows at once are causing themselves genuine medical issues). Old guy who comments on technique in well-informed ways… Awkward guy who doesn’t really want to be doing this, but he wants to fit in and be a part of the company. Hell, undercover cop is an angle, too.

In terms of having it turn you into a villain? Unlikely. I’ve been playing villains for years, and I’m still as uptight and careful about people RL as I ever was. I use writing about villains as a way of complaining about shit that I’ve seen and/or experienced. And I use the OOC conversation to point out how horrible and awful MC is being. Which is one of the reasons why I’m fussy about dark content. I’ve worked out that I’m OK with writing a story that contains (or is about) abuse, provided that the narrative acknowledges that it’s abuse.

The guys in this story probably don’t think of themselves as bad guys. They just happen to be guys who are doing bad things.

Squid Game is definitely an influence on how I think about and write this.

So, I think I have a character, mine can be the one we all blame.

Joseph Black is a horrible horrible man, and this event was his idea. His tech company in California was a key player in the popularization of cryptocurrency, and he has engineered a flaw in the main code bases that means he receives a constant flow of coins without doing anything to earn them.

His offices were not a place where he went to work: it’s a place where he went to live out his fantasies of what it might be like to own a business. Until he was undone by an investigative journalist who publicized what was happening, and he was drowned in a sea of negative publicity and lawsuits.

So he’s set up his own version of the Stanford Prison Experiment, where he aims to prove that every woman who works in an office is secretly a raging slut, and that every man would do what he did, if only he could get away with it. He’s invited all his friends, hired the most capable managers willing to be involved, and scouted out a group of women who need to be taught a lesson and/or seem like they might win.

He’s short-tempered, rash, and not necessarily as clever as he thinks he is. And he’s not going to be a ‘nice guy’ anymore. (Although his idea of ‘nice guy’ is not exactly well-developed.)