Story Driven Blackmail/Non Con plot. M looking for a detailed F writer.

Started by Evolution, March 18, 2022, 05:45:40 PM

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Hello all.

I don't want to waste anyone's time so I'll write out a few points that I think are the most important.  Firstly I'm looking for someone who enjoys detail, someone who likes a good plot as well as character development.  For this particular plot I was thinking of something like a 60/40 smut/plot ratio.  This is an ERP site after all so the erotic stuff is a big part of writing here, but story and characters can be just as important.  If you're looking for someone to dive into a deep dark world that you can lose yourself in then we might make good roleplay partners.  Here are examples of threads I've done in the past, it will give you an idea of my writing style, how much I can write, as well as what I'm looking for in a partner. ( )

- The plot summary -

Daughter of a well known politician gets blackmailed into all sorts of devious situations in order to protect her father's career.  (Not an incest plot but it certainly could involve incest as things go on if you're open to it.)

- Plot details -

This is initially how I see the main female character however I'm open to brainstorming what her personality, background, and career could be.  She could be someone in either her early/mid 20s all the way up to someone in her 30s.  I can see her as someone who is driven, if she is in her 20s then she is the type who is possibly in college, working towards something, or if she is in her 30s maybe she already has a respectable job.  Her father is a well known politician, the roleplay would start a little after her father has announced he is running for president.  Not entirely sure what I see in terms of her relationship with her father, it could either be that they're close, or that they've kind of drifted apart in the last few years.  Even if their relationship is strained, I can still see her as someone who would still care for her father, and obviously wouldn't want anything to ruin his life/career.  For her personal life she could be single, have a fiance, or even be married.  If she does have a boyfriend, fiance, or a husband, I'd write that character as well, giving him a real personality and not just someone who is a background character.  I love making the roleplay world feel alive, and one of the ways to do that is to have a few characters, makes the actions and consequences of the characters have weight, as opposed to this capsule where it's just two characters independent of anything else going on around them.

The plot itself would thicken when the man running opposite her father comes across some dirt related to her father.  Could be something financial, or something more scandalous like him seeing escorts on the side while he portrays the 'wholesome' persona to the country.  Either way if the dirt got out it would end his political career and presidential aspirations.  As far as politics itself goes it doesn't matter to me if her father is a liberal or a conservative since ultimately they're not that different.  The politics itself isn't all that important in this plot, but obviously a slight understanding of how American elections and politics work would be very helpful.  At some point she would be approached by a man who works for the man running against her father.  There would be a few main male characters, the one running against her father in the election would be one of the main ones.  The idea would be that he initially holds the dirt on her father over her head to blackmail her into doing all kinds of sexual stuff, but things would progress and escalate after that.  Obviously there will be lots of sex but a big part of it is also what happens with the characters, like how the blackmail and sexual acts affect her, and even her relationship with her bf/fiance/husband if she happens have one. 

These are just the broad strokes of what I had in mind.  The only thing I'd really ask is for someone who can reply at least once a day or once every 2 days, enough to where we can have a nice flow.  Obviously there is a lot to discuss but if any of what I've written feels enticing and you think we would make good roleplay partners please feel free to send me a message.
