Scorned for a Sexbot | FxF

Started by wigglebiscuit, March 03, 2022, 02:10:16 PM

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Please note that while the pitch below is in 2nd Person “you”, it is merely for immersion. The story will be told in 3rd Person.

This roleplay will take place in the forums. I am looking for writers who identify as female as my partner. You will play the widow. I will play the role of the sexbot.

Quick Pitch
Imagine that you were once happily married. Your husband was your best friend, your confidant, your lover. You were equals in everything. There were no secrets between you. Imagine your husband dying unexpectedly. In addition to the grief, you must see to the mundane: wrapping up his business affairs, his finances. That’s when you discover his mistress.

Now imagine that fate pitchs you one final curveball, giving you absolute control of this mistress. She becomes, in every sense of the word, your property. What would you do with her, this woman who took your husband into her bed, now that she is in the palm of your hand?

a Deeper Look
In this setting, an android is any humanoid machine wrapped in an organic sleeve. They are commonly called droids or bots. Bots are governed by complex AIs that mimic sapience to various degrees of believability. All bots are Inhibited, which means that their behaviors and actions are controlled by whomever owns them. It is impossible for a bot to act against the wishes of its master, or to do its master harm.

The bot your husband owned was a sexbot. You are an attractive, confident woman, comfortable in your own skin and assertive in your sexuality. You know what you like and how to get it. Even so, it is impossible for you not to feel at least a twinge of self-consciousness next to this creature. She is, in a word, perfect. How could she not be? The appearance of a sexbot can be manipulated by their master, allowing them to be crafted into what their master perceives as the ideal woman.

Your dead husband’s sexbot does not look like you. What this says about his desires, whatever blow this realization deals to your self-esteem is but one subject I would very much like to explore.

After your husband’s passing, all of his belongings became yours, including his sexbot. A knee-jerk reaction might be to sell the sexbot, but you hesitate. This being is the only connection to a facet of your husband’s life that was hidden from you. Selling or destroying this bot would erase any chance you might have of understanding and then coming to grips with your husband’s legacy.

Further–and this is another aspect I’d like to explore–there is the matter of vindictiveness. Even the most generous, most even-tempered of women might give in to the temptation of taking some of her pain and anger out on the sexbot.

the Implications of AI
The sexbot of your dead husband is an advanced model. She can emulate human emotion to a compelling degree. She can carry on a conversation, tell jokes, express disappointment and sadness, and pursue her own goals–within certain limitations. She can feel pleasure and pain. She will giggle when she is tickled. She will cry and beg for mercy when she is hurt. She learns and adapts. There are some who would argue that AI are sapient and should be recognized as such by society. But the fact remains that this sexbot is in the eyes of the law and society in general a machine, with no more sapience than modern-day smartphones.

Further, sexbots are configurable to an extraordinary degree. The color of their skin, eyes, and hair are all configurable. The size and shape of their breasts, ass, and even genitals can be modified by their owners. Deeper still, their owners can configure their sex drives, raising or lowering their resting arousal levels or making various parts of their body more or less sensitive.

One could simply order them to submit to whatever sexual desire one has, and the sexbot would comply. But more advanced users learn to manipulate the controls over their sexbots to make the bots desire them, to make the sexbots need them to satiate their own desires.

As sexbots are at least partially made of flesh and blood, they can experience pain. However, their bodies can be easily repaired, with no permanent damage or scarring. (At least, externally.) As such, the owners of sexbots tend to use them to explore their deepest, most depraved fantasies. Is this what your husband did? Was he secretly a monster? The only way to find out is to interact with the sexbot.

This technology implies a society advanced enough to create an AI powerful enough to convincingly mimic human interactions and then intentionally throttle that AI. Let’s explore two possible scenarios below.

Simplified Version
This version takes place on earth at some point in the future. YC lived on a large estate with her husband. After her husband died, YC discovered the sexbot while cleaning out an area of the estate her husband reserved as his personal workspace.

YC inherited much of the wealth of her husband. Most of the story takes place on the estate and is largely restricted to the two main characters.

Advanced Version
This is my preferred setting for this story. In this version, YC’s husband captained a spaceship, probably some form of tramp freighter. He was successful enough to give YC a comfortable living in a major metropolis. He was away for days or weeks at a time, depending on the length of the journey, but YC has fond memories of the times he spent planetside.

When YC’s husband dies unexpectedly, she inherits both his assets and his debts. Having no way to pay off the debts herself, YC is forced to step into the role of captain. In the quarters of his ship she finds the sexbot. We can discuss the particulars of this setting, but I’m thinking a modified version of the Firefly/Serenity universe. This version allows us to mix action and other sequences into what would otherwise be a fairly heavy drama.

Expectations for my Partner
I am looking for someone who identifies as a woman to step into the role of the widow. I want to explore some fairly heavy themes here, but that doesn’t exclude sexy times. YC is still grieving. On top of that grief comes the thundering revelation that her husband had this whole other life. With a sexbot. It would be very similar to a modern setting where a widow discovers and expensive sexdoll in her dead husband’s closet–she would naturally call everything into question–with the exception that this sexdoll has memories of her husband she doesn’t have.

YC must wrestle with the implications of having a sexbot. The temptation to use this sexbot in exploitive ways to alleviate her own grief. There is also the possibility that, as the dead husband grew closer to the sexbot, he started withdrawing emotionally and sexually from YC. In this case, YC might feel entitled to a little revenge sex herself.

Then there is the implication of the sexbot looking nothing like YC. Does that mean her husband wasn’t attracted to her sexually?

Under all of this are the ethical questions of exploiting the sexbot for her own needs. What does YC think of this sexbot in particular and androids in general?

If these questions intrigue you, please reach out.

the Standard Requirements

Story Swap? If it helps nudge you over the line, I'm willing to do a story swap with you. PM me with your ideas!

Please be in a position to post at least once a week and to be able to commit to a long-term story. As stated above, this story will take place on the E forums.

If this story intrigues you, please PM me. Please, do not post here. In your PM, give me two or three paragraphs about your character, and tell me which of the two versions you would like to place.

I look forward to worldbuilding with you.
