Step Siblings (F lf M)

Started by wolventears, February 28, 2022, 02:59:28 PM

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Good afternoon! Had a couple of plot bunnies peak their little noses above the grass, so I'd thought I'd share to see if anyone would be interested.

Few things first:
I'm looking for a male character to play opposite my female, the gender of the writer doesn't matter as long as you can write a male convincingly.

I prefer real people for face claims and if you choose a specific person so multiple pics can be used during the story, even better. I love the actual visual and I tend to do that myself with my characters.  You can find my Ons and Offs in my signature to see what you think would catch my eye and attention character wise.

I myself, like to write at least a post a day, but if you cannot, that works too. Prefer not to go longer than a week though and if you need the time, please let me know so I don't assume the worst. I will try and do the same on my end, but fair warning, I do suffer random headfucks here and there thanks to the TBI I suffered years back so from time to time, I need to take a little breather from human interaction. But like I said, I will try my damned hardest to make you aware so you don't assume the worst either.

If I'm not feeling the story, I will let you know and I hope you would do so as well and maybe we could talk and see what the problem is and if we can fix it. That being said, please feel free to check out my writing style before so you have an idea of how I write and if it works for you and your own style.

Last but not least, I love to chat, plan and world build. If you have an idea on how to progress, let me know and we can go from there. I will happily do the same.

Now for the goods  :D
I have two variations of a step sibling scenario

I never realized...

MC's mom met YC's dad when they were in middle school. She had seen him around, even knew who he was or vise versa, but their clicks were different, different people, different groups so they weren't exactly friends and when they moved in together, that much was obvious.
They annoyed each other, didn't get along. They tended to stay away from each other when they could and would bicker bitch at each other when they got around one another. So much so that their parents wondered if they'd ever get along.
It only got worse when they both started high school and then the differences became even more obvious. One the popular, the other the wall flower or what have you. (up for discussion)
They were the same age and graduated in the same class but after, went their separate ways.
One or both could leave the city for one reason or another, school, a job or even the military for YC, and years go by without seeing one another or even a word except from a parent here and there during a phone call.
One day though, something happens, mom or dad comes down with an illness (up for discussion) and both kids go back home.
But who they find is not whom they had expected. And what happens next is really what neither of them had seen coming.

Wait!? You!?

It was sudden. Neither of them had even known their parents were seeing someone and next thing they knew, they were told to come to Vegas and be the witnesses as their parents tied the knot.
MC just can't wrap her head around it.  She knew it had been fifteen years since her mother had passed but this was so sudden! And to practically elope! At least  her father had called her, but still. She didn't even have a steady boyfriend herself and now her father was getting married to some woman he had met at the supermarket!
After her flight gets in and she checks into the hotel, she finds herself sitting at the bar, having a drink and going over everything her father had told her, over and over again in her head and is finally pulled from her thoughts when a man about her age sits beside her at the bar and strikes up a conversation.
Neither of them say why they are really there, just that it's not something that either of them agree with and one drink turns into two, then three and four and by the end of the night, both of them are laughing and flirting and he offers to walk her back to her room since he is staying at the same hotel.
But when that door opens, one thing leads to another and the following morning, he gets up and slips out while she's still sleeping, leaving her a little note thanking her for possibly giving him the best memory of this trip.
Later that day, she meets up with her mom at the chapel and for the first time, in a long time, she looks happy. MC is happy for her and just hopes that when she meets the new beau, she can keep that happy feeling but what she doesn't expect when she walks with her mother down the aisle is to see the man she had spent the night with standing beside said beau.

I'd like to start this story with them meeting at the bar and what happens after the little ceremony is up for dicussion.  :-)

If you like either of these ideas, please PM me. Hope to hear from you soon.

In fear, I ran this way and that, the tastes of blood and chocolate in my mouth.

My yes please and not so much. ;)
And if you'd ever like to know why I was away for awhile