Star Wars, MCU and more (F/M, mainly sub/dom stuff)

Started by themonsterinside, February 23, 2022, 09:15:44 AM

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Hello! This'll be my first time posting on here, so before I get into the kind of roleplays I'm interested in giving a try, here's a little about me. I've been roleplaying for a couple of years now, mainly on an IRC chat doing one-off, fast-paced, back-and-forth RPs. I haven't done too many longer-term RPs and have started to get a little bored of the quality of the roleplayers on that chat, so here I am! Despite the amount of time I've been RPing for, I'd still consider myself pretty green compared to some of the people I've seen while lurking around this site, but I'm eager to improve. Hopefully there'll be someone here willing to put up with me long enough for me to catch up to the rest of you in terms of quality of writing. I tend to lean more towards submissive roles, or rather roles where I'm pushed into a submissive position, be that through mind-control, deception or just plain non-con.

Anyway, on to the RPs themselves! These are just the ideas that have sprung to mind recently, no doubt there'll be more here in the future.

Star Wars: The Erotic Saga
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This one's pretty basic in the grand scheme of things, but basic sounds good for someone making their start. In short, I'd like to play through the events of A New Hope (and possibly further should things go well) while adding in any opportunity for smuttiness that the plot will allow. To give an idea of what I have in mind, I was thinking that the initial point of smuttiness would involve the Stormtrooper that stuns and captures Leia deciding to have a little fun with her before delivering her to Vader. Depending on your tastes, I could either go full non-con for that scene, or have the effects of being stunned put Leia in a more relaxed state of mind where sex becomes sex, regardless of who it's with.

Black Widow x Loki Mind Control
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It has been nearly a year since The Battle of New York. King Loki rules over Earth, having crushed all but the last remnants of resistance on the planet. By his side stands his bodyguard, his trophy, his slave: Natasha Romanov, the Black Widow. She had been the turning point for the battle when she had been placed under the control of Loki's sceptre, but now she serves a much different purpose. She's now a toy, to be humiliated and played with for the amusement of her King. Whether that be by simply pleasuring her King, debasing herself in front of his court or complying whatever perverse requests her superiors have of her, the power of the Mind Stone ensure she will obey without question, regardless of the shame she feels doing so.

Oola's Escape
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Oola's life had not been a lucky one. Born on an impoverished planet, tricked into a life of slavery, chained to the side of a disgusting slug, and now, playing second fiddle to her master's new favourite toy. With her master's attention devoted to Leia, Oola has found herself being relegated to being pimped out to the palace guards as a reward for good work. After one especially brutal night of servicing the palace guards, however, Oola awakes to a stroke of luck. In the drunken haze of partying and sex the previous night, a guard had dropped his axe, severing the chain connected to Oola's collar. With many of the guards still recovering from the effects of the night before, Oola is able to sneak her way out of the palace, albeit with nothing to her name than a broken slave collar and a skimpy dancing outfit. Her luck does not last, however, as the journey away from the palace brings more and more dangers for Oola to contend with. Will she manage to escape her life of slavery, or will she end up right back where she started, or worse?

Spying on the Brothel
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If anyone here has heard of the game Female Agent, you'll probably get the jist of this idea. If not, it's a WIP game that I'm far too impatient to see more of and would like to speed up that process by RPing its plot with someone. As for what that plot is, here you go.

A popular stripclub/brothel in Bangkok has become the focus of an international investigation into a drug smuggling and human trafficking ring. It is believed that the club is being used as a front for some of the organization's activities, but nothing can be proven without some insider information. One agent sent to investigate the club has already gone missing, requiring a second operative to continue her mission and, if possible, discover what has happened to her. The plan is for me to pose as a tourist who has run out of money and willing to work in the club for a short while to raise the cash I need to get home. To begin with, I'll mainly be working as one of the club's topless bartenders, but as my employment goes on I'll find myself being offered more and more challenging positions, all as I fall deeper and deeper into the darker underbelly of the club's activities.

Red Hood x Harley Quinn
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After years of being presumed dead, Jason Todd has returned to Gotham with one thought in mind: Revenge. Revenge on the man who killed him, revenge on those who allowed it to happen, and revenge on every piece of criminal scum that calls Gotham their home. But before all that, he's in need of some cash to fund his crusade, and where better to find some than by shaking down some of the many corrupt businessmen that reside in this city. One such leech happens to be a regular of a seedy stripclub in one of the poorer areas of Gotham, which Jason has followed him to. Tonight is purely for information gathering, the plan is to follow the target into the VIP section of the club and listen in for anything of note that might slip out in the company of fine women. Those plans quickly fly out the window though when the night takes an unexpected tone. The club is promoting a "Heroes and Villains" night, where the dancers in the VIP section cosplay as various heroines and villainesses. One such dancer has been given her outfit based on her uncanny resemblance to the real woman, and though the average Gothamite might put down her resemblance down to impressive makeup skills, Jason knows better. The woman dancing for him tonight is none other than the actual Harley Quinn, who unbeknownst to him has split with Joker and is working here in an attempt to escape her life of crime. Luckily for her, Jason is more amused to see the woman who aided in his death has fallen so far, and eventually decides she could be of use to him. Threatening her with revealing her true identity to the public, Jason forces Harley into aiding in his crusade, with the two steadily falling into a equally unhealthy, but far more perverted relationship compared to Harley's previous one.