[5e] A player-driven, multi-GM Role-Playing Campaign (Interest Check, Sort Of)

Started by RedKnight, January 27, 2022, 01:04:51 PM

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How Do You Wanna Do This?!?
My O_Os - Updated 30/05/21 with some characters I'd like to find a home for


and also a Hub Ic thread that is ready to be of use and set... I think a few days after our initial adventure (linked for those that want to read it.) concluded. Feel free to arrive, to talk...and for the love of God someone else post so Redknight does not look sad Rping with himself.

original artwork by karabiner


I am planning to. Have another game to catch up first though XD

Poor Pavel ;D
How Do You Wanna Do This?!?
My O_Os - Updated 30/05/21 with some characters I'd like to find a home for


Would changing my proposed adventure from a 'rescue' to recruiting a botanist fit better in a crossroad style game?  I can do that switch very easily.


I mean, you can just as easily just 'rescue' and recruit the botanist. Just be warned, Crossroads already has a herbalist and Dafina is not giving up that job without a fight XD
How Do You Wanna Do This?!?
My O_Os - Updated 30/05/21 with some characters I'd like to find a home for


Technically they already had a Cook too, but we pulled the tavernkeeper back. Still, Falgrims more like the general handyman in here.

original artwork by karabiner


Working on it!  I have half a post that I wrote last night, just need to finish it up!

"When at 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of their beloved sports teams, because they didn't want to appear muscle-y, when at 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings, I decided that I was a feminist." - Emma Watson


It sorta sounds like there won't be any room for anyone except citizens and pcs, so it falls on me to read/follow how other adventures are run and make one that fits better than the original concept.

Don't have time for an ic post until I get home.  What's the line to move and limit pic size?


The code you are looking for is

[float=left][img height=250]www.link.com[/img][/float]

You can also use floatright and the number after height can be whatever looks best, but 250-350 is the general range.

"When at 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of their beloved sports teams, because they didn't want to appear muscle-y, when at 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings, I decided that I was a feminist." - Emma Watson


Quote from: mjrbatou on February 07, 2022, 11:47:50 AM
It sorta sounds like there won't be any room for anyone except citizens and pcs, so it falls on me to read/follow how other adventures are run and make one that fits better than the original concept.

Don't have time for an ic post until I get home.  What's the line to move and limit pic size?

Sorry, mjrbatou.  I'm just now catching up. In terms of adventures, there are at least a couple of different categories - some like Dromar's Tomb simply use Crossroads as a recruiting station.  You can either have someone show up looking for adventurers or have Prime send them off on a quest.

Personally, I'm planning on running several adventures that slowly flesh out Crossroads - providing both new businesses and interesting PCs.  However, others do not need to do that.
Posting: Daily
My RP Preferences


I made a few edits to Sister Quellest.  Now she's more in line with how I originally created her, much more villainous than most of my characters ever get.

I'll work on a post tonight once her sheet has been adjusted...


Hey all, I just wanted to check to see if this is still open to new players before I threw in a character.  I have a Goliath Cleric idea that I've been interested in trying out.  I'll have to look into domains again as several new ones have come out since last I planned this PC.


Quote from: Foxfyr on February 17, 2022, 09:40:39 PM
Hey all, I just wanted to check to see if this is still open to new players before I threw in a character.  I have a Goliath Cleric idea that I've been interested in trying out.  I'll have to look into domains again as several new ones have come out since last I planned this PC.

Always open. The game is designed to be continuous recruitment. Definitely put together a character. We have a couple of adventures that have just started. If we cannot get you into those.  We have another GM who is waiting for a group to show up to start a 3rd adventure.

If you are open to Domain, I suggest giving Twilight Domain a look.  They get Heavy Armor and Martial Weapons.  As well as some good buffing abilities.  However, their Channel Divinity is what makes the class really interesting - granting Temp HP to all allies within 30 ft.
Posting: Daily
My RP Preferences


Ive been following this and am very interested in joining as a player

I don't own any of the source books but I do google them but am sort of newish as far as understanding game mechanics.
I am aware of character creation and am interested in creating one or more characters that are the following:

a) A variant human female life domain cleric.
b) A variant human female evocation wizard that specialises in utility spells.
c) A half elf female rogue (first level only)/ Bard ( remainder levels). That is in the college of Valour. - Mainly a versatile character that has healing and utility spells but can open locks and disarm traps as well as fight.

If there is room for one of these characters I am happy to flesh them out with character sheets etc.

I am happy to do any smut / plot / exploration ratio although typically I lean more towards extreme aspects of smut but that isn't a requirement. I can post once a day or even more frequently, and am open to adventure with others that don't have a problem with me as a player or my character.  Usually I role play very hung hermaphrodites when I role play here but that isn't a requirement either. I understand hung hermaphrodites and extreme stuff like women and male beasts etc can be an off for some so its a preference but not a game breaker if neither happens, I mainly am happy to be able to try my hand at some 5e dnd adventuring with others who like sword and sorcery and develop a character or two. And of course finding Treasure !

If I am accepted, do we get a free feat at first level ( this is a home brew option that many adopt but it isnt a formal rule in the sources I read)?


Dromar's Tomb (probably misspelled since I didn't check the threads) is short a couple players so there's definitely room for more if you're interested Carly.

I think the Evoker is the most unique of the three based on who's left, but the life domain cleric would provide healing Sister Quellest lacks (a death domain cleric) and the rogue may provide skill options lacking among the current characters.

I won't comment on much else right now, other than the tomb has barely started and it's super easy to add another character.


Im super interested in any campaign with any plot really. I might need a hand with some of the mechanics if I get confused or stuck though. If others are ok with me joining their group I would definitely be interested. If they could also state which character they wanted from my list that would be super helpful.


The style of this game lends well to multiple characters to try out, so you may eventually try all 3. As always I say, play what you would like, 5e is flexible enough to play what you want to as long as you're not actively trying to step on someone's toes.

I am the DM for Dromar's tomb, so last I saw we had interest from someone else wanting to make a cleric...Hey if you make another Cleric you can call your little group the A Men.

Also putting it out there, this might be the best place to play the Horny bard trope.

Quote from: Carly on February 23, 2022, 09:30:07 PM
If I am accepted, do we get a free feat at first level ( this is a home brew option that many adopt but it isn't a formal rule in the sources I read)?

That would be up to Redknight, I know it was not in the creation rules. I will point out that the custom lineage was allowed, so you can get a feat that way...as is the variant Human.

With that being said, go ahead and post a adventures palate.(information in document on first page I think) with the PC you want to play first. and if you need any help with the mechanics of it, just send me a PM.

original artwork by karabiner


Arya Thorngrove Character Sheet

Name: Arya Thorngrove
Race: Variant Human
Class: Cleric Life Domain
Character Sheet: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2601184

Physical Description: (~4)

  • Classic Beauty Arya has classic beauty. Long raven black hair that contrasts to her pale skin. High cheek bones, large feminine eyes, finely chiselled features, natural rose coloured lips and perfect teeth
  • Perfect Ivory Skin Arya's skin is the colour of ivory and strangely heals perfectly, without blemish or scaring
  • Regal Arya has a tall, slender body that moves with a natural grace typically expected in royalty.
  • Golden Eyes Once touched by the divine to be a cleric of good, Arya formed striking golden irises.
  • Hermaphrodite Although Arya is in most regards a beautiful women, she is a hermaphrodite that is very generously endowed.

Personality: (~3)

  • Accepting Arya naturally accepts variations in people and is non judgemental when people appear outside the normal.
  • Positive Arya typically focuses on the good nature of people as well as opportunities, and usually is tight lipped about difficulties and challenges.
  • Kind Arya was, ever since being a child, first and foremost kind to those she meets. This can be to the point of fault where she is generous and forgiving to those that don't deserve it.

Background: (~ 5)

  • Arya was born to parents that were wealthy nobles, until a bandit attack killed them taking all the families wealth, leaving only her alive to later be taken in by clerics at the age of 16.
  • Arya took to the teachings of healing and life in the priestesshood well, and adopted most of their beliefs and values
  • Arya's studies related strongly to life and how to preserve and heal the body of all sentient races. As such she is familiar with herbalism kits and medicine.
  • After being intentionally drugged by another to a point she almost died a few years ago, Arya doesn't drink alcohol or use narcotics, but understands others sometimes have needs to.
  • Learning all she could from the clerics that took her in, Arya left the priestesshood to journey the world to make the place better for all she can.

Sexuality: (~3)

  • Inquisitive Arya's studies revealed great variation in sexual organs between individuals, and finds such differences interesting.
  • Pansexual Arya's sexuality is very general, being aroused by most sexual aspects in life
  • Switch Arya has moods that sometimes makes her feel dominate, other times submissive, depending on her lover.


What rules for encumbrance are we adopting ?

If we go through the standard rules, someone with 15 strength can't carry chain mail armor and a priest pack without being encumbered let alone anything extra.


I don't believe Red has ever used any encumbrance rules. Unless it's specifically pertinent to an adventure or a particular character.
How Do You Wanna Do This?!?
My O_Os - Updated 30/05/21 with some characters I'd like to find a home for


As far as I k ow we are using base carrying capacity. So the max you can lift is STRx15 so for a 15 str character the max you van carry without cutting ypur speed in half is 225lbs.

The variant exuberance(to which you are referring) rule is mostly used for more survival/realism games. 

original artwork by karabiner



I’m on my iPhone. Carly, Welcome to Crossroads. you are in Dromar’s Tomb 1st adventure. Hung Hermaphrodites are fine.
Posting: Daily
My RP Preferences


Ok I made her a hung hermaphrodite and posted her in the approved character thread