FxM Steampunk/dieselpunk/light cyberpunk/Modern fantasy

Started by MissInk, November 28, 2021, 01:04:26 PM

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Before you read this - ⭐ I exclusively play Monster Girls/Non humans (Humanoid) ⭐
If you're not into this, then i've saved you 10 minutes.

⭐While alot of smut is okay for short-term, lots of story will get my attention long term.
(Theres only so many scenes you can write of people boning before it all starts sounding the same. Chemistry & relationship is what makes it interesting)

⭐At least 1-2 paragraph post length, though more is always welcomed.

⭐3rd Person only

⭐Prefer to play against Non human (Humanoid - no anthro) characters, but human is fine as well.

⭐Prefer to play with RL Males, or those who identify as such. Not meant to cause offense, just a preference.

⭐Realism! Even in fantasy settings, I like a sense of realism. That doesn't mean that everything has to be super realistic, but have things explainable in a way that makes sense and its not a thing just because. (Like, if a character can use magic, then there is a downside ect ect). Prefer Semi-realism so there is some bending but nothing over the top.

⭐ I will post when I am free. You will post when you are free. Nothing more. Regular posting is nice but it cant always be achieved - and this is okay.

My Character / Things I'd like to include
Foxkin/Wolfkin (Animal based humanoid, not anthro)

⭐She's a True Switch. She gels best with other Switches, doms who doesnt mind powerplay, or subs that doesn't make their whole personality about how submissive/shy they are.
I cannot play a full sub, its incredibly boring to me.

⭐Complex Relationship/power dynamics (From love hate relationships to subtle power struggles)

⭐Sizeplay/Size Differences (I tend to play characters on the shorter side)

⭐ Shes Outgoing - Confident - Brash/Straight talking -Laid back - Fiery - Independent - Cunning - Witty.

The Black Book -
Medieval (steampunk like preferred) or Modern (dystopian) Fantasy (preferred)
Foxkin/Wolfkin x Race of your choice
Dark themes, gritty, Monsters/Demons, Fighting Pits ect.

Earning outside of the law is prohibited, but it doesn't stop people doing it. It used to be easy to find work as long as you weren't fussy about what job it was, but the most well paying was those skilled at wielding a weapon. Now things are handled lawfully, but terribly. Long waiting times, crimes going uninvestigated. Though, if you know where to look, there are still morally dubious jobs waiting to be done under the nose of the law - and usually pay a great deal.
In a hidden corner in the slummier side of town, there's a collector of these jobs. Under her desk is plenty of work looking for someone willing to do it. In exchange, she takes a small cut of the pay as commission for supplying the job. Allow her to take more and she'll offer room and board. For those good enough, she acts as a kind of 'agent' and they'll be added to her Black Book - though those willing to do this kind of work is few and far between.
Develops into a complicated relationship with his boss who keep going hot and cold on him.

Maybe best played episodically. Jobs be depending on the chosen setting and level of fantasy. From fighting monsters, tracking down dubious characters, entering fighting pits, courier to packages, smuggling, even carrying out rebel activities ect.
Could have Humans with powers via mutations as a ‘non-human alternative’.
World building encouraged!

Plot ideas for this-

1) Having a shortage of clients, she often ventures to dingy, dubious bars or other 'underground gatherings' (Fight pits ect) to find potential clients. Sliding up for a chat, she conducts an interview without their knowledge and conducts a test or two to check suitability. Once satisfied she passes her information to them so they may visit to enquire and become a name in her Black Book.

2) He is already in her Black Book (fresh or for a long time). Work has dried up elsewhere/other work doesn't pay enough/has fallen on desperate times, so pay her a visit to see what she may have and gets sucked back into the life he tried to walk away from.

3) Fighting Pits are lucrative. Some are slaves to this trade. Either born into or entered willingly, she has taken an interest in him and offered to become his 'Sponsor'. She wants to cheat the system, betting on him to win or lose, if she can convince him to take falls. In exchange, she houses him and takes care of his well