Ladia’s requests: f seeking m

Started by ladia2287, November 21, 2021, 04:22:54 AM

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Hi and welcome. If we haven't met before, I'm Ladia. I'm a first-generation Australian of mixed heritage (mostly Italian and English with some French and a few other bits and bobs thrown in) and I love writing. If you're thinking "hey, this Aussie girl sounds like she'd be fun to RP with" then please keep reading, check out my O&Os and if you're still keen, send me a PM.

First, a few things worth noting:

- My posting length varies, depending on a number of factors (time, cooperativeness of muse, pacing, whether I'm posting from my phone or my laptop among other things). I can put out anything between 1-6 paragraphs, and generally aim for an average of 2-3. Just a heads up that if you're someone who insists on minimum post lengths then we probably won't mesh well and you are probably better off looking for someone who can better meet your expectations. I enjoy writing but personally feel that forcing myself to commit to a set minimum post length would would take away most of the enjoyment I get from RPing.

- I try to log on at least once a week as a minimum. If I haven't responded in two weeks please (politely) poke me via PM.

- I don't mind a bit of smut in my RP but I do prefer it to be part of a natural flow of the story.

- With the exception of random NPCs to flesh out larger scenes, I do not play men. I lack the confidence and skill to be able to portray them very well. My main character is always female.

- My O&Os are linked in my signature. If you need to clarify them further again, feel free to send me a PM

- My character is my character and your character is your character. Let's keep it that way. DO NOT Godmod my character. By doing so you are only making it even harder for me to come up with a post to respond with.

And now, onto the good stuff.

The Assassin and his Target:

Your character is a highly trained assassin who has just received his latest assignment. A local (Crime/War Lord, Aristocrat or high-ranking bureaucrat) has been causing problems. He's known to be absolutely ruthless and never lets anything stand in his way, but he does have one weakness; his daughter (my character). You have been instructed that she must die.

You track her down. You're inches away from a fatal blow that will kill her. Your weapon is raised and aimed and ready to strike, but at the critical moment, you decide not to go through with it.

What is your character's reason for stopping, and what are the consequences of his decision? If you've read this far and are keen to play this out and find out what happens, then by all means send me a PM :D

When a Royal House Falls

For years, the Kingdoms of Doaclya and Elaenyth fought a war so ferocious that Doaclya was almost obliterated by its end. As far as anyone knows, the Royal House of Doaclya perished in the siege that broke their Kingdom's resolve. Drunk with the taste of victory, the triumphant armies of Elaenyth march home, bringing a rabble of prisoners with them. Among them is a girl no one can identify, so beautiful that the Generals decide to offer her to their King as tribute.However when she is presented to the imposing and intimidating King, he recognises her as none other than the only daughter of his enemy and orders her to be put to death. His son has other ideas though, and persuades his father to spare her life.

This story can go one of several ways, depending on why the Prince decides the girl shouldn't be killed. Is he doing it out of compassion or pity? Perhaps out of a selfish desire to have the girl for himself? Maybe the only reason is cold calculation that executing her could lead to revolt. That much is up to you.

Initiate. A Mage: the Awakening story

Alysia didn’t exactly have a typical upbringing, at least compared to her fellow recruits. A daughter of a pair of Seers of the Throne does not generally find herself trying to earn her way into the Guardians of the Veil.Her mentors are harder on her than they are on most others. Fellow recruits doubt she will meet their exacting standards. Almost no one of the Diamond Orders is willing to trust her. She is determined to prove them all wrong and to grow into the best damn Guardian of the Veil that she can be.Your character is one of the very few who is willing to look past her family history and spend any time with her of your own volition.

I had this idea for a freeform story in the Mage: the Awakening setting. Your character could be a fellow Guardian recruit or a member of any other Diamond Order. How their bond forms and what it develops into can be up for discussion.If this idea intrigues you, check out my O&Os (linked in my signature) and drop me a PM 😉


Bumpity. Looking for interested partners for all three scenarios above

