[NA] More than Death

Started by Aaleril, April 02, 2009, 01:02:01 AM

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So, I have a great story idea, but if I try to tackle it on my own, I think I'll easily get burnt out. Plus, if I can involve others, I can get a lot more interesting ideas bouncing around for this. Without further ado, here's the idea:

A sniper is landed in an interrogation room, being accused of murdering a major politician with the tools of his trade. He and his team are all being put on the spot for having a hand in contributing to this murder, and as the interrogation goes on, the story fleshes out and the audience slowly realizes that the politician didn't actually die, and the sniper's team accomplished something else.

This story is extremely open ended and opens up for a number of interesting characters with special talents. Though, primarily, I'm looking for someone that can play a sniper and the interrogation team, but everyone who is remotely interested in playing any character is welcome!
I'm sorry all, but life has caught up to me and all the workload associated. I will try to get back to the stories ASAP!

O/Os: http://rh.greydawn.net/browse.php?c=Aaleril


"the whispers in the dark...*

Ons and Offs

My Absences and Apologies


Hm...  This seems quite interesting!  I just finished reading a novel called Pretty Birds, whose female lead was a sniper.  Very interesting frame of mind, plus some good details about common tactics for reference.  I'd love to participate in this.


I wouldn't mind playing one of the interrogators xD :)
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests


I'm sorry all, but life has caught up to me and all the workload associated. I will try to get back to the stories ASAP!

O/Os: http://rh.greydawn.net/browse.php?c=Aaleril


I'm sorry all, but life has caught up to me and all the workload associated. I will try to get back to the stories ASAP!

O/Os: http://rh.greydawn.net/browse.php?c=Aaleril


Wow, I really liked the idea! ;) :)
I usually move blind female characters, but if it's not a problem I would gladly take part of this role playing on the side of the interrogators, especially because I like the agent-stuff /for example the FBI agents in X-files/ and as I know in these kind of teams psychologists and extrasensitives can play important roles.
My character could be a blind psychologist/psychiatrist woman at her early 30s and a kind of extrasense who takes a great part in the investigating process. It's just come into my mind that she could have a very close friendship with a male fellow agent /like Scully and Mulder :)/ who not only accepts and helps her in the work but honestly likes her and this connection could actually turn into a love relationship...
but it's just another possible motive, maybe making the nice picture more colourful :)

As for my O/Os: no forms of sexual agression or perversion. I like creativity but between the borders of 'normality'.

Anyway, let me know if this fits into the story,
and just go ahead with good ideas! :) ;)


Last minute bumping to see if there's any more interest!
I'm sorry all, but life has caught up to me and all the workload associated. I will try to get back to the stories ASAP!

O/Os: http://rh.greydawn.net/browse.php?c=Aaleril