M lf F Shadow's List of Plots and Plays

Started by Shadow Fang, October 08, 2021, 04:05:38 AM

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Shadow Fang

Hello, and greetings to those of you who have clicked onto this request of mine! I have a myriad of ideas but today I have one idea that I have been wanting to do that, in the past, I have had a hell of a time fulfilling. I think I have figured the reason why, and that was because I wanted far more than what was really needed. My idea is this, I'm sure there are a great many of us who have watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, or as it's known in some places, Avatar: The Legend of Aang (which sounds so much cooler!) and I have felt a roller coaster of emotions watching it from beginning to end.

One of the many scenes that have stayed in my mind is Princess Yue, and how she was wholly unwilling to marry Hahn. Well... this is where my idea comes in. Indulge me, I pray you. What if, the reason for her being so unwilling is because she already had someone that she was engaged to but he disappeared? In history, and in countless dramas of various backgrounds, royals are never allowed to really mourn and hold out hope for anything beyond their realm.

But what about King Henry VIII?

Okay, sure, when Jane Seymour died after birthing his son, he mourned for... two years, I think it was? But we can all agree that King Henry is a special case. Anyway! Back to the idea.

My idea is that my guy (OC waterbender) was betrothed to Princess Yue. His father is a high-ranking noble, likely a councilmember for the Northern Water Tribe and a comrade of Chief Arnook so it stands to reason that the two patriarchs would arrange for their children to marry when they come of age. (In keeping with site rules, we will have it be at 18, with Yue being three years younger than Toruk) With his father's legacy, MC, named Toruk, had high expectations for his military career placed above him and he was determined to meet them all. By the time he was of age, Toruk had achieved a reputation of being a powerful warrior and waterbender. Among the warriors, he carried himself with the pride and dignity expected of him, but with Yue he was tender and attentive. By the time Yue was of age, they were inseparable when they were together and Toruk presented her with the betrothal necklace.

But, as with all things,  outside forces can shatter even the sweetest of dreams. When a Fire Nation ship was sighted entering the artic circle just three weeks before their wedding, Toruk was dispatched with a detachment of warriors with orders to sink or otherwise destroy the vessel before they could get too far or worse, find them and then report back. The mission ends up being a success but when the warriors return, they're ashamed to admit that Toruk was missing. Three months of searching proved fruitless, the young warrior was presumed dead to the grief of his family and to Princess Yue.

So, where do we go from here? Well, my thought was that the Spirit of the Ocean and the Spirit of the Moon rescued Toruk and deposited him on Kiyoshi Island where he was found, and nursed back to health. He could return to the Northern Water Tribe on his own, or... he returns alongside Avatar Aang, Katara, and Sokka. Maybe we can fiddle with the idea of Katara developing a crush on him but if that is a no-go, then the focus will be on Princess Yue and Toruk reuniting and rekindling their relationship.

But what about Hahn?

Oh, come now. Surely I can keep something under wraps for a little while? ;)

Shadow Fang

Oh? What's this now?

Surprised to see me again?

Would you believe another idea has actually caused me to be unable to post anything until it gets written down?

Alright then, lay it on.


This idea brings me and thus, you, to the world and universe of Sailor Moon.

Anyone who has seen the anime both the 90s and Crystal and that have read the manga knows the story. How the Princess of the Silver Millenium, Serenity, and the Prince of the Golden Kingdom, Endymion had a chance encounter while the princess snuck away from her chaperones. A love that was ignited and burned strongly until jealousy from another who yearned for the prince wrestled them away and destroyed the Silver Millenium. All was not lost, however, for with the final reserves of her strength, Queen Serenity sent her daughter, her warriors, and advisors into a deep sleep to be reincarnated so that they may all find each other once more, and for her daughter to be able to live with her beloved in a realm of peace.

What if all of that love was a lie?

Queen Beryl was jealous of Serenity because she wanted Prince Endymion, a jealousy that prompted her to go to the extreme and join forces with the evil Queen Metalia. Being human, she was easy to control because of her jealousy, and that in turn extended to the entire Golden Kingdom. Now, what if it wasn't just Beryl that was consumed with jealousy? What if Endymion was also consumed?

Start making sense, damn you!

My idea is that Serenity did sneak away and did fall in love not with Endymion, but with an elven prince. In quite a few stories with elves, it shows them having a deep fondness, if not love for the moon. So this is mostly how this idea came to mind. This elven prince was travelling as an emissary from his father's court to the Silver Millenium and it was during(or after) this initial meeting that Serenity finds a way to spend time with Young Prince Tanthanion Rilynath. This roleplay can start here, but I should flesh this out some more.

Tanthanion and Serenity will spend as much time together as much as their schedules will allow, and Queen Serenity, together with Tanthanion's father decide to betroth their children. But, before the wedding can take place, there is an attack on the border of the elven realm by a race of shadow and corruption. These enemies are akin to orcs and minotaurs as we know them, but with the minotaurs being especially dangerous from a powder that naturally falls from their furred hides that poisons the very air around them. Tanthanion, as his father's eldest son, would have no choice but to leave Serenity and return home to lead his armies to destroy the enemy. Only when the battle is won, however, is when the disaster is truly known. From here, the story follows the canon, the Silver Millenium is destroyed, and Prince Tanthanion is left to his grief at the loss of his love. Until, one day, a familiar energy signature is detected on Earth. Here is the other starting point for this idea.

Shadow Fang

Guess who's back,
back again,
Shadow's back
with a plot.

A plot? Not just a pairing?

You are correct!

This plot is an old favorite of mine and a recent brainstorming session reminded me of it.

So, the basic premise; There is a city somewhere that was once overrun with drugs, gang activity, and mafiosos making life a living hell for the inhabitants. Sounds brutal right? Well, one night, it became apparent that someone finally snapped and was finally doing something about it. Two cartel hideouts were discovered by the police to be ransacked, the cartel gunmen dead and the drugs left for them to process and destroy. Investigators could not figure out what happened, thoughts of it being a turf war were discarded since the drugs would've been taken but they weren't. The following night, three of the most violent gangs were completely wiped out after they were lured into a turf war. Mafia businesses and informants were dismantled. This cycle continued until the city police began to respond and regained control of the streets.

But what happened? How did the streets become safer over the course of half a year? The only clue available was a witness of a vicious turf war who reported that the gangs were ruthlessly cut down by teams of highly trained and well-armed men but whoever these men were was a mystery and they never took credit for any of the raids. They just came and went like a fierce thunderstorm. Fast forward a couple of decades, and it seems that those on the wrong side of the law have forgotten their harsh lesson and have begun trying to expand into the city once more. But this time, those that saved the town before have to be careful because now they also have to take the police response into account when they strike.

MC knows who conducted those raids before, and he also knows what will happen now that the enemies have returned. The raids were a result of his old man and his associates who wanted a better city to raise their families and their businesses. MC is a young man born into an affluent family and has known comfort for most of his life, but so too has he known how rough it can be out in the real world. With his father getting up in age, it's getting close to the time for MC to take over the family business, both the legal and covert sides. But, while it's getting close to the time for him to take over, it's also getting time for him to find a good woman and have a family. Where might she be? Is she the daughter of a cartel boss? The daughter of a mafioso?

Or might she be a police officer?

Would star-crossed lovers have a chance to have a happy ending?  Or might she be from one of the families close to his own, having known him from a young age and maybe harboring feelings for him? How might she react to the discovery that he takes part in direct action against the criminals that try to break the peace in the city? Or would she ever find out?

Shadow Fang

Wow, it's been a while. Sorry again to my partner for progressively shorter posts and inconsistent reply times. Had to look inward and deal with my mental and emotional health. But I'm better and https://youtu.be/29NdwBLWbVo

Shadow Fang

Been a very long time but I'm back, feeling my muse starting to return.

Shadow Fang

Shadow Fang

Bumping cause I'm back and raring for plays! 

Shadow Fang

Shadow Fang

Been a couple of months, bumping once again

Shadow Fang

Shadow Fang

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, bump-bump-bump-bump-bump