A roleplay set in the series See

Started by playfullchick76, September 10, 2021, 11:23:54 AM

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This is loosely based on a similar idea ive played out in a different roleplay, and I think it would fit the series. I'm fascinated by such a world, and i think my idea can fit into it, so, here goes.

When people started to go blind, it took a while for governments to get organized, and they only realized the dangers when it was too late. My character would be a Marine Lieutenant, who had a natural immunity to the virus that was blinding humanity, one of a few. She, and a few others similiarly immune, would be transported to a hidden underground facility where they could be used to work  on a treatment for it by the worlds last doctors and scientists.

They would be put into cryostasis, and woken up when they were needed, but once even the doctors circumbed to it, they would remain in their stasis tubes, waking up hundreds of years later when a failsafe built into the tube wakes her up. Dressing and arming herself, she leaves the bunker to discover what has happened to humanity, and how its adapted to being unable to see.

Your character would be one that my character encounters, and after that, its up to us to discover where we go and how we play it out. She would want to use her sight to help others, of course, to defend others.

If this interests anyone, let me know, and lets work out how we can play it and make it work.


Its been a month, so I'm offering this one again, hoping to play it out with someone.