The Umbrella Academy: Uncanon - Closed

Started by Jag, September 05, 2021, 12:44:15 PM

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Quote from: Angel Fire on September 11, 2021, 08:10:06 PM
I am thinking about this very much as it is a very wonderful concept.  I will have to see what I can come up with later... but for now, here is my interest tag! *Smiles*

Would love to see what you come up with if you decide to join us. ^^


For the moment placing a face claim on Janice Fronimakis with Weather Manipulation


Quote from: Sketch on September 11, 2021, 08:31:08 PM
For the moment placing a face claim on Janice Fronimakis with Weather Manipulation

Added it for you.  :-)

Angel Fire

Quote from: Jag on September 11, 2021, 08:23:04 PM
Would love to see what you come up with if you decide to join us. ^^

I am thinking... would Fire Manipulation be an accepted power?  If it is, than MC would not be able to create fire by itself but she would need a "Spark", hence her codename if that is acceptable. *Smiles*
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?



Character Name: Amari Henderson
Nick Names: Ama, Mari, The Judge
Gender Identity: Female
Age: 29
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'5
Place of Birth: Prairieville, Louisiana
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults:

Temperament/Personality: Adventurous (is ready to experience the world now that she has the chance to do so without inference) | Sneaky (she's learned how to pick locks and escape unpleasant situations due to practice) | Inexperienced due to being Sheltered (being locked in your room most of the time and only permitted to learn about the world through approved materials will do that to you) | Compassionate (despite being a part of her parents' scheme, she wanted to make those who came to her feel better about themselves and their problems)

Background: Amari was an unexpected child, born to devout Baptist Christians. Her parents, leaders of a small congregation in Louisiana, were in the midst of leading Sunday morning service when her mother experienced awful pains in her stomach. She thought it was food poisoning at first until her water broke? Before the ambulance arrived, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, the couple's first child. Right then and there, though they did not expect such a miracle, the child was declared a blessing from God, evidence of their righteousness. Interest in the baby increased their numbers. Then, the powers developed. Some might think their ability to sell her as a miracle child might've stopped but her father was an excellent conman. He saw dollar signs in people's fear. Soon, Amari's parents became leaders of a megachurch, where people flocked to see her and be judged. It was a difficult change for her to endure as people went from being happy in her presence to being terrified but there wasn't much she could do about it.

Her life was reminiscent of a circus animal, where her entire life was heavily monitored to ensure that she didn't do anything to diminish people's fascination with her. She was homeschooled rather than permitted to attend public school with other children. Most of her socializing happened at church functions, and even then, her parents or a handler didn't let her become too friendly. This worked out until she hit her teenage years, where her craving for experiences made her buck against her parents' influence. She snuck out a few times with no real idea of where to go except away. Each time, she was dragged back kicking and screaming to her parents' mansion where they accused her of being an ungrateful little shit.

A few more of these instances led to more and more of her privileges being taken away until she lost the will to even get out of bed for her performance. Allowances and rewards became a common occurrence then. For every event she attended, she got something in return...within moderation.

She only found out about the letter due to her parents' fuck up. They'd no doubt burned it before she got her hands on it. There she hatched a plan to escape and find out what this meeting was all about...

Hobbies: Reading, Singing, Talking walks, Sewing
Likes: Sweets, Attention, Pretty clothes, Fireworks, Perfume, Make-Up
Dislikes: Punishments/Lectures, Liars/Lying, Being misunderstood
Fears: Deep Water
Strengths: Charismatic (used to being around large groups of people), Resilient/Hardy (sometimes those escapes required falling from windows or jumping over to the nearby tree)   
Weaknesses: Poor sense of judgment, Reckless at times, doesn't know her physical limits

Talents/Skills: Fairly good crafter, Multilingual (French, English) 

Powers: Darkness Manipulation: Amari create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows.

Character Connections: None at the moment but super open!

Faceclaim: Nafessa Williams

Player Notes: (Things you feel a possible partner for a scene should know about doing a scene with you)



Character Name: Aaron Drakos
Nick Names: Tempest, Typhon, The Weather Man
Gender Identity: Male
Age: 29 (Born Oct 1st 1989)
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Romantic Orientation Heteromantic

Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'0
Place of Birth: Greece
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: 178 lbs / A slender muscular build.

Temperament/Personality: At first assessment he seems cold, calm and collected but his temperament can be wild and shift like that of the wind.  Erratic | Cold | Wild | Calm | Passionate. He is no fair weather friend however, those that he trusts regardless of what his mood has shifted to will always find that he has their back.

Background: In his youth, he was always a bit of a gloomy child. Calm, quiet and reserved, though those that had paid close attention could see the maelstrom growing in those eyes. Since his birth, the city he lived had recorded record days of rain as that dark cloud seemed to quite literally be following him. A model student, his school days were mostly uneventful even ending up attending National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. It wasn't until one fateful night at that university when one of his close friends was attacked that the calm nature broke as the flood gates of that raw emotion surged outwards. The lightning strike that came down, thankfully, didn't hit his friend or the attacker but the gust of wind that followed up from his howl of rage did strike hard and fast. Sending that one that attacked his friend into a tree, knocking him out. A few broken ribs but no report annotated what really happened. The rest of his school year went mostly uneventful, at least as far as drawing onto the lightning rod of power he had experienced.

The lightning strike had changed and awoken something inside of him, beyond his studies he began honing his body as the instability of his mind few pharmaceuticals were able to impact now that it had broken loose and thinking a spiritual balance might help him more. In secret, he would also explore the depth of that power...though he also started a new line of study with Meteorology and Climatology. Perhaps it was a bit of an abuse of his own power but he also pursued a career in chasing storms. In part his interest was to see if his own abilities had any impact on the global weather pattern but as of thus far it was inconclusive.

Receiving the invite from Sir Hargreeves, Aaron took hold of the opportunity as he saw it to only learn more.

Hobbies: Reading, Video Games, Working out, Cooking, Writer
Likes: Natural thunderstorms and rain and after, quiet moments, well tailored clothing, good food and trusted friends.
Dislikes: Fish, confined spaces, bullies, bigots
Fears: Does suffer from an acute claustrophobia and though his powers can still be used in doors, this fear has a dramatic impact on his emotion state.
Strengths: Loyal - Sometimes he might seem like a bit of a cold ass but to those whom he cares for and trusts, he will always be true with them.
Weaknesses: Emotional Variance - Fickle like Mother Nature, Aaron's moods can dip from icy cold to a raging storm. In that his powers can be variously affected to either become unintentionally stronger or weaker. He strives to keep himself in check, but even then due to the nature of the storm raging inside of his mind, there are times he cannot control it.

Talents/Skills: Cooking, Driving, Self defense / Martial Arts, Writing (though more still a skill in the making than anything else, multi-lingual (French, English, Spanish, Greek / Demotic Greek)

Powers: Weather Manipulation / Control - While more powerful outdoors, Aaron is able to bring about changes indoors as well though to a lesser degree.

Character Connections: Open

Faceclaim: Janice Fronimakis

Player Notes: Always open to any questions about the character or the like while in game, feel free to PM.

So, I made a character for review.
Small edit for the poor copy paste job I did to add the other part of his background and a few small corrections.


Color me interested. Have to brainstorm an idea though.


Quote from: Angel Fire on September 11, 2021, 09:14:17 PM
I am thinking... would Fire Manipulation be an accepted power?  If it is, than MC would not be able to create fire by itself but she would need a "Spark", hence her codename if that is acceptable. *Smiles*

I'd accept Pyrokinesis/Fire Manipulation in a similar manner that Pyro from the X-Men uses it. That's what the way you describe it reminds me of since they need a source of flame.

Quote from: Flower on September 11, 2021, 09:47:08 PM

Character Name: Amari Henderson
Nick Names: Ama, Mari, The Judge
Gender Identity: Female
Age: 29
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'5
Place of Birth: Prairieville, Louisiana
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults:

Temperament/Personality: Adventurous (is ready to experience the world now that she has the chance to do so without inference) | Sneaky (she's learned how to pick locks and escape unpleasant situations due to practice) | Inexperienced due to being Sheltered (being locked in your room most of the time and only permitted to learn about the world through approved materials will do that to you) | Compassionate (despite being a part of her parents' scheme, she wanted to make those who came to her feel better about themselves and their problems)

Background: Amari was an unexpected child, born to devout Baptist Christians. Her parents, leaders of a small congregation in Louisiana, were in the midst of leading Sunday morning service when her mother experienced awful pains in her stomach. She thought it was food poisoning at first until her water broke? Before the ambulance arrived, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, the couple's first child. Right then and there, though they did not expect such a miracle, the child was declared a blessing from God, evidence of their righteousness. Interest in the baby increased their numbers. Then, the powers developed. Some might think their ability to sell her as a miracle child might've stopped but her father was an excellent conman. He saw dollar signs in people's fear. Soon, Amari's parents became leaders of a megachurch, where people flocked to see her and be judged. It was a difficult change for her to endure as people went from being happy in her presence to being terrified but there wasn't much she could do about it.

Her life was reminiscent of a circus animal, where her entire life was heavily monitored to ensure that she didn't do anything to diminish people's fascination with her. She was homeschooled rather than permitted to attend public school with other children. Most of her socializing happened at church functions, and even then, her parents or a handler didn't let her become too friendly. This worked out until she hit her teenage years, where her craving for experiences made her buck against her parents' influence. She snuck out a few times with no real idea of where to go except away. Each time, she was dragged back kicking and screaming to her parents' mansion where they accused her of being an ungrateful little shit.

A few more of these instances led to more and more of her privileges being taken away until she lost the will to even get out of bed for her performance. Allowances and rewards became a common occurrence then. For every event she attended, she got something in return...within moderation.

She only found out about the letter due to her parents' fuck up. They'd no doubt burned it before she got her hands on it. There she hatched a plan to escape and find out what this meeting was all about...

Hobbies: Reading, Singing, Talking walks, Sewing
Likes: Sweets, Attention, Pretty clothes, Fireworks, Perfume, Make-Up
Dislikes: Punishments/Lectures, Liars/Lying, Being misunderstood
Fears: Deep Water
Strengths: Charismatic (used to being around large groups of people), Resilient/Hardy (sometimes those escapes required falling from windows or jumping over to the nearby tree)   
Weaknesses: Poor sense of judgment, Reckless at times, doesn't know her physical limits

Talents/Skills: Fairly good crafter, Multilingual (French, English) 

Powers: Darkness Manipulation: Amari create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows.

Character Connections: None at the moment but super open!

Faceclaim: Nafessa Williams

Player Notes: (Things you feel a possible partner for a scene should know about doing a scene with you)

Approved. The CS Thread and OOC links are in the first post. ^^

Quote from: Sketch on September 11, 2021, 10:40:59 PM

Character Name: Aaron Drakos
Nick Names: Tempest, Typhon, The Weather Man
Gender Identity: Male
Age: 29 (Born Oct 1st 1989)
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Romantic Orientation Heteromantic

Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'0
Place of Birth: Greece
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: 178 lbs / A slender muscular build.

Temperament/Personality: At first assessment he seems cold, calm and collected but his temperament can be wild and shift like that of the wind.  Erratic | Cold | Wild | Calm | Passionate. He is no fair weather friend however, those that he trusts regardless of what his mood has shifted to will always find that he has their back.

Background: In his youth, he was always a bit of a gloomy child. Calm, quiet and reserved, though those that had paid close attention could see the maelstrom growing in those eyes. Since his birth, the city he lived had recorded record days of rain as that dark cloud seemed to quite literally be following him. A model student, his school days were mostly uneventful even ending up attending National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. It wasn't until one fateful night at that university when one of his close friends was attacked that the calm nature broke as the flood gates of that raw emotion surged outwards. The lightning strike that came down, thankfully, didn't hit his friend or the attacker but the gust of wind that followed up from his howl of rage did strike hard and fast. Sending that one that attacked his friend into a tree, knocking him out. A few broken ribs but no report annotated what really happened. The rest of his school year went mostly uneventful, at least as far as drawing onto the lightning rod of power he had experienced.

The lightning strike had changed and awoken something inside of him, beyond his studies he began honing his body as the instability of his mind few pharmaceuticals were able to impact now that it had broken loose and thinking a spiritual balance might help him more. In secret, he would also explore the depth of that power...though he also started a new line of study with Meteorology and Climatology. Perhaps it was a bit of an abuse of his own power but he also pursued a career in chasing storms. In part his interest was to see if his own abilities had any impact on the global weather pattern but as of thus far it was inconclusive.

Receiving the invite from Sir Hargreeves, Aaron took hold of the opportunity as he saw it to only learn more.

Hobbies: Reading, Video Games, Working out, Cooking, Writer
Likes: Natural thunderstorms and rain and after, quiet moments, well tailored clothing, good food and trusted friends.
Dislikes: Fish, confined spaces, bullies, bigots
Fears: Does suffer from an acute claustrophobia and though his powers can still be used in doors, this fear has a dramatic impact on his emotion state.
Strengths: Loyal - Sometimes he might seem like a bit of a cold ass but to those whom he cares for and trusts, he will always be true with them.
Weaknesses: Emotional Variance - Fickle like Mother Nature, Aaron's moods can dip from icy cold to a raging storm. In that his powers can be variously affected to either become unintentionally stronger or weaker. He strives to keep himself in check, but even then due to the nature of the storm raging inside of his mind, there are times he cannot control it.

Talents/Skills: Cooking, Driving, Self defense / Martial Arts, Writing (though more still a skill in the making than anything else, multi-lingual (French, English, Spanish, Greek / Demotic Greek)

Powers: Weather Manipulation / Control - While more powerful outdoors, Aaron is able to bring about changes indoors as well though to a lesser degree.

Character Connections: Open

Faceclaim: Janice Fronimakis

Player Notes: Always open to any questions about the character or the like while in game, feel free to PM.

So, I made a character for review.
Small edit for the poor copy paste job I did to add the other part of his background and a few small corrections.

Approved. The CS Thread and OOC links are in the first post. ^^ Happy to have you and Flower join us!

Quote from: CurvyKitten on September 12, 2021, 12:53:35 AM
Color me interested. Have to brainstorm an idea though.

I would love to see what you come up with. ^^

Angel Fire

You read my mind perfectly.  That is exactly the inspiration I was looking for.  My CS will come up soon... maybe later tonight. *Smiles*
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?


Quote from: Angel Fire on September 12, 2021, 07:53:41 AM
You read my mind perfectly.  That is exactly the inspiration I was looking for.  My CS will come up soon... maybe later tonight. *Smiles*

Fantastic. I look forward to seeing it. ^^



Is this still open for new characters? :P


Quote from: Codexa on September 12, 2021, 03:18:07 PM

Is this still open for new characters? :P

Yup. We haven't really got underway just yet. ^^

Angel Fire

Here she is!  I hope that you enjoy her!

AnnaBelle Cameron

Character Name: AnnaBelle Cameron
Nick Names: ABC, Sparkie
Gender Identity: Female
Age: 29 (they will be 30 in October of 2019 and the game starts in early 2019. All characters are the same age)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation Demisexual

Hair: Red
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'7"
Place of Birth: Santa Cruz, California
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults:

Temperament/Personality: Explorer (She loves to explore new places and see new sights, no matter where in the world she is at), Listener (She can be someone who that people can vent to without judgement.  She will offer her opinions after others can let out their venting release though),

Background: AnnaBelle is an explorer by nature, even when she was in the womb.  She wanted to see the world so much that when she was born, her eyes opened up and she was looking around at her new surroundings in the delivery room.  Her life was a normal one until there were a few unexpected fires that were burning near her home.  She could not figure out how she did it at first but those fires were whisked away into the sky where their fuel was extinguished in the air.  The extinguished fires made headlines throughout the country as it was a miracle sent by God.  In truth, it was AnnaBelle that stopped those fires.  She hid her talents as long as she could until her best friend, Jasmine, saw her practicing her talents while lighting up a Zippo lighter.

It was then that the nickname "Sparkie" was born as AnnaBelle wanted to keep her talents a secret for as long as she could.  It was an inside joke but little did she know that someone was watching her from afar.  Unknown to her, there were people that secretly were watching her throughout her life... and those people were hired by her father.  Annabelle didn't like the feeling that she was being watched throughout her life as she was always trying to hide from the people assigned to watch her.  It was not until that certain time that the people behind the shadows came out and gave her the letter from Sir Hargreeves.  At first, she was in disbelief but at that point, she was almost directed to her new life and her new beginning.

Hobbies: Cooking, Going to Karaoke bars, Being with her friends
Likes: Interesting people, Exploring new places,
Dislikes: Repetitive tasks, Boring people, People that try to hold back her investigative nature
Fears: Falling, Stinging insects
Strengths: Working outside of the box (She can find new ways to do things that may not have worked before)
Weaknesses: Being without her Zippo Lighter (She is a normal human being without a source of fire)

Talents/Skills: Cooking, Investigation, Singing, Limited knowledge of Spanish

Powers: Pyrokinesis AnnaBelle can manipulate fire but she can not create fire itself.  She needs an outside source of fire for her powers to work.

Character Connections: None at the moment but is very open to creating some

Faceclaim: Katie Leclerc

Player Notes: (Things you feel a possible partner for a scene should know about doing a scene with you)
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?


Quote from: Angel Fire on September 12, 2021, 03:26:12 PM
Here she is!  I hope that you enjoy her!

AnnaBelle Cameron

Character Name: AnnaBelle Cameron
Nick Names: ABC, Sparkie
Gender Identity: Female
Age: 29 (they will be 30 in October of 2019 and the game starts in early 2019. All characters are the same age)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation Demisexual

Hair: Red
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'7"
Place of Birth: Santa Cruz, California
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults:

Temperament/Personality: Explorer (She loves to explore new places and see new sights, no matter where in the world she is at), Listener (She can be someone who that people can vent to without judgement.  She will offer her opinions after others can let out their venting release though),

Background: AnnaBelle is an explorer by nature, even when she was in the womb.  She wanted to see the world so much that she decided to cause labor to her mother almost a month earlier than she was expected.  Her life was a normal one until there were a few unexpected fires that were burning near her home.  She could not figure out how she did it at first but those fires were whisked away into the sky where their fuel was extinguished in the air.  The extinguished fires made headlines throughout the country as it was a miracle sent by God.  In truth, it was AnnaBelle that stopped those fires.  She hid her talents as long as she could until her best friend, Jasmine, saw her practicing her talents while lighting up a Zippo lighter.

It was then that the nickname "Sparkie" was born as AnnaBelle wanted to keep her talents a secret for as long as she could.  It was an inside joke but little did she know that someone was watching her from afar.  Unknown to her, there were people that secretly were watching her throughout her life... and those people were hired by her father.  Annabelle didn't like the feeling that she was being watched throughout her life as she was always trying to hide from the people assigned to watch her.  It was not until that certain time that the people behind the shadows came out and gave her the letter from Sir Hargreeves.  At first, she was in disbelief but at that point, she was almost directed to her new life and her new beginning.

Hobbies: Cooking, Going to Karaoke bars, Being with her friends
Likes: Interesting people, Exploring new places,
Dislikes: Repetitive tasks, Boring people, People that try to hold back her investigative nature
Fears: Falling, Stinging insects
Strengths: Working outside of the box (She can find new ways to do things that may not have worked before)
Weaknesses: Being without her Zippo Lighter (She is a normal human being without a source of fire)

Talents/Skills: Cooking, Investigation, Singing, Limited knowledge of Spanish

Powers: Pyrokinesis AnnaBelle can manipulate fire but she can not create fire itself.  She needs an outside source of fire for her powers to work.

Character Connections: None at the moment but is very open to creating some

Faceclaim: Katie Leclerc

Player Notes: (Things you feel a possible partner for a scene should know about doing a scene with you)
Looks good, but I would edit the part in the background about being born a month early. Part of the setting is that these 43 people were all spontaneously born at the same time worldwide when the mothers were not pregnant before that moment. Once that is edited, you can post her in the Character Sheet thread on the first post and join the OOC thread. ^^

Angel Fire

Thankies!  It is edited now to go with her exploring nature in another way *Smiles*
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?


Awesome. Looks good. ^^

Feel free to post her in the CS thread and join the OOC.


Is it to late to get in on this? I finally have an idea brewing.


Quote from: CurvyKitten on September 17, 2021, 11:57:52 PM
Is it to late to get in on this? I finally have an idea brewing.

Not at all. ^^ I look forward to seeing what you came up with.


I really want to join, but I don't have the most available schedule between work and school. Is it okay if I'm a low-activity player? I promise I'll try not to hold things up if my character has an active role in a mission or scene!

If I may join, I'll reserve Emotion Manipulation (An emotional aura that affects those within its short radius, allowing them to feel his emotions as if they were their own. I hope I explained that well.) as a power, and model Shamoy Persad as a face claim.


Quote from: Storyfaerie on September 18, 2021, 01:30:55 PM
I really want to join, but I don't have the most available schedule between work and school. Is it okay if I'm a low-activity player? I promise I'll try not to hold things up if my character has an active role in a mission or scene!

If I may join, I'll reserve Emotion Manipulation (An emotional aura that affects those within its short radius, allowing them to feel his emotions as if they were their own. I hope I explained that well.) as a power, and model Shamoy Persad as a face claim.

Games I run tend to be on the slower side anyway, just cause I work a lot and usually only have the weekends free. No one is required to do mission-type scenes.

The only issue I have with Emotion Manipulation is that it can very easily run along godmodding. So long as they have the ability to control when it happens and then you have complete consent from other players when you do want it to involve their characters, then I would be okay with it.


Vera for approval!

Character Name: Vera Alexandra Donaldson
Nick Names: V, Beast Girl
Gender Identity: Female
Age: 29 (they will be 30 in October of 2019 and the game starts in early 2019. All characters are the same age)
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Romantic Orientation Heteromantic

Hair: brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5’9’’
Place of Birth: Paris
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Her body is well toned from years of growing up constantly on the go, her skin lightly tanned as if she had spent most of her days out in the sun. It is mostly how she acts that draws attention from time to time. Though when her emotions get to be too much she does tend to show some of her animal traits. She has been seen growing claws, or fangs, and even having her eyes change during these times

Temperament/Personality: Animalistic, Curious, uninhibited, stubborn, strong willed, loyal, blunt,

Background: On October 1st, 1989 at exactly noon, Vera was born to a young woman barely over the age of 16. Her mother was alone at the time and found herself with a child she had no idea how to take care of. So she did what she thought was best and dropped the baby off at the firehouse. The baby was of course taken in and put into the foster systems. Only with her particular set of abilities, it became impossible to raise her in a normal household. And due to being just an orphan dropped off at a firehouse it strange birth was overlooked at the time. And she was not found and taken in my Sir Hargreaves at the time.

Instead, her story takes several twists and turns, and eventually, she ran away from one of the broken homes she’d been placed in. She lived on the streets like a wild animal for months until something new and strange came into town. A circus rolled into town, with its bright lights and carnival shows and most of all the animals and Freaks. Vera stumbled upon the circus and became enraptured with the strangeness of it all. One of the actors saw Vera, a scruffy-looking dog at the time, and took her in. Only that night when she fell asleep Vera shifted back to her human form and astounded everyone.

From then on she became part of the traveling show, aiding the beastmaster and becoming one of the main attractions. The next several years were filled with traveling the world, performing and exploring her strange powers as she grew up. Decades pass and soon the time of the circus and freak shows eventually died out. Vera again found herself without a home and a family as her world once again fell apart. For years she wondered, the world, just experiencing life to the fullest. That was until a letter found its way to her, a letter that invited her to a strange new adventure.

Hobbies: being outdoors, hiking, swimming, being with/caring for animals,
Likes: music, wilderness, animals, good food,
Dislikes:animal cruelty, constrictive clothing, being caged
Fears: being caged and unable to get out, being experimented on, loosing herself to an animal form
Strengths:reading people, hunting/tracking, stamina,


Opps she did it again - Clothes do not shift with her unless there is a specialty suit eventually made for her.

Animal nature - If she does not keep her mind focused or fight the urges she can in fact lose herself to the animal mind set that she has taken on. Which means that she does tend to have more animalistic reactions to things. This tends to draw attention her way or have people unsure around her.

Bluntly Honest - Vera does not have that filter that most people have that stops the thoughts in her head from spilling right out. This goes for her feelings and thoughts, which tends to lead to some very interesting situations, not all of them pleasant.


Gymnastics - Vera has a great deal of natural skill and training in agility and gymnastics. Her body uniquely agile and nubile, she can easily be found darting about the city, climbing trees, and working around obstacles in interesting ways.

Reading people - Vera is able to use her senses to read people almost as if it were as easy as reading a book.

Survival instinct - Vera has a strong survival instinct that has kept her going and gotten her out of many situations. 

Multilingual - thanks to her many years of traveling Vera has learned several languages.

Hunter - Vera is a natural hunter, though she tends to do so in an animal form. The skills do in fact carry through to her human form.

Powers: Animal shifting Vera has the transformational ability to morph and transform into any animal that she has seen herself or has seen in an illustration (as is the case when her shapeshifts into an animal such as an extinct dinosaur). These transformations take only a second and Vera has demonstrated that she is capable of rapidly changing her form with little or no effort expended. As a corollary to this power, she can transform back into her default form if an external force like magic transforms her into an animal. While in animal form, Vera retains her human intellect, memories. In her human form she retains heightened communication and senses. She can communicate or understand animals and has she seems to possess a degree of heightened sense in her default human form, having hearing sensitive enough to hear stealthily approaching enemy. As a result of her rapidly changing genetic structure and mass, Vera also has an increased healing factor. Her healing factor just means that she would heal at a faster rate than a normal human. (IE hours or days instead of weeks and months)

Character Connections:

Faceclaim: brook power

Player Notes: (Things you feel a possible partner for a scene should know about doing a scene with you)


Is Vera ok? I can totally edit if you want me too :)


I decided against joining, I'm sorry to say. Good luck with the game though!


Quote from: CurvyKitten on September 21, 2021, 02:31:57 PM
Is Vera ok? I can totally edit if you want me too :)

Sorry. I’ve had a long few days and time got away from me. Vera looks good. You can post her in the character thread and join in. ^^ All links are in the first post. We’re going at a slow pace right now.

Quote from: Storyfaerie on September 21, 2021, 09:37:22 PM
I decided against joining, I'm sorry to say. Good luck with the game though!

Sorry to hear that, but we’ll be here if you ever change your mind. Good luck in your game searches. ^^


Quote from: Jag on September 21, 2021, 10:42:34 PM
Sorry. I’ve had a long few days and time got away from me. Vera looks good. You can post her in the character thread and join in. ^^ All links are in the first post. We’re going at a slow pace right now.

Yaaaay thank you. And no biggy a slow pace works great for me. :)