MxF Request Thread // Looking for Female Writers // Twisted & Dark.

Started by Leader, September 03, 2021, 12:55:00 PM

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Disclaimer: Sorry for the ugly thread. I use my mobile phone for most things and it can be a little clunky.

Now that’s out of the way, welcome and enjoy! I ask that you do not reply to this thread.

I’m not the best at introductory posts, so I’m only going to provide what I believe will interest you most. Let’s start with a bit about me: 

I’m 25 years young.

I write in third-person and expect the same from you.

My characters will always be dominant and male.

I love brats, subs, and anything in between.

Should probably mention my preference here if memo wasn’t clear in title: cisfemales

My replies are lengthy.

I like romance, but I prefer love to hate, or hate to love dynamics.

Can do PM and Discord.

And last but not least.. my ratio is 60/40. Story a little over smut. This heavily depends on my mood. 

.. Thanks for reading.
Just kidding. Here’s some pairings, kinks, etcetra.

My offs:
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Scat. Urethra play. Vore. Anime. Girls with dicks. Unrealistic body types in realistic settings. Sometimes sci-fi. 

My ons:
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Dark elements. BDSM. Bondage. Con, non-con, dub-con. Combat. Traditional gender roles. Intelligent characters. Watersports. DT. Anything humiliation related. Impregnation and risk. Fiery fems. Rough sex & more.

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—Toxic Husband x Wife
—Solider x Spoils
—Vampire x Human
—Captain x Slave
—Captain x Captain
—Master x Slave
—Barbarian x Prisoner x Wanderer
—Damage Dealer x Pocket Healer
—King / Prince x Servant
—King x Princess x Whatever
—Gladiator x Personal Servant
—Joe x His one, or five wives
—Ragnar x Lagertha
—Drug dealer x Abuser
—Criminal x Victim
—Corrupt Police Officer x Innocent
—Your suggestion here.

I’m going to end it here. But as a side note please know these are not mandatory. If you have any suggestions or just want to get creative then don’t hesitate to message me. I’m open to all ideas, no matter how crazy they seem. Hope to hear from you!