Apocaleptika, Supernaturals in the Middle Ages

Started by Esoterica, July 21, 2021, 03:50:47 PM

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Ok I realized that I forgot something very important. The basic Sorceror powers. There is a bit more to them than just the one ability that makes them the specific kind of Sorceror they are. And you will remember that I mentioned Spellbinders are immune to Sorceror powers, it obviously wouldn't make much of a difference if all they could do is call demons, call vampires, call elementals, and the Sorcerors were none of those things. I apologize for forgetting to put them up here. I will get that done today. Thanks for being patient as I draw all of this together.

Edit: I also made a few edits to the wording of everything that I hope explains things a little better. Let me know if you still have any questions about anything.


I am going to leave this interest check up for a little bit before starting the game, give people a little time to jump on if they want. (Although I will have this always open like all my games are)

I have edited the write up for this game to include the basic powers of the different races. Let me know if you have any questions about how anything will work with the game, about the powers your character has, or any other aspect of the game.

I don't have a starting date picked out yet, but it wont be too awfully long from now before we do start.


I have chosen a starting date for the game. We are going to be starting on August 7th. We will be open for members even after that as I host always open games, but this will be our official start date.

Elven Sex Goddess


The concept of Bola is like this ancient tribal chieftain who came up from nothing and was essentially forced into ever higher positions of power as he simply tried to live his life. Before he knew it, he had done so much he was basically a King, and over the years following it became official and the many tribes and villages under his leadership evolved into a true, united nation under him. Now his kingdom is kinda like Switzerland. They're powerful and will do some serious damage to whoever messes with them, but they are also a truly neutral kingdom who only want to live and thrive in peace. They produce food, spices, clothes and other items that can only be found on the Dark Continent so they are a trading hub. They trade and do business with anyone who has something to offer and don't get involved in disputes between side a and side b as they don't take sides. Their only side is their own. He's helping try and end the war, not because he cares one way or the other about the vampires or the demons, but because their war could spill over and involve him and his people. And he's had enough of war. If he can do something to stop it now before it escalates further and he's forced to put his citizens and warriors in jeopardy, then he's down for whatever. I wanted to make someone who had enough of his own power that the vamps and demons would respect him and actually listen to what he had to say, and not just think of him as a "dirty wolf" or whatever how lycans are usually looked down on by other races.

Character Name: Bola Odenga

Aliases: Black Death, Wolf Lord, Dread Wolf, Old Fang
Face Claim: Michael B. Jordan
Played By: Juggtacular

Biography: Long long ago, in a far away land nearly untouched by the rest of the world, one of the first werewolves came into existence. Born the first son of Oba, Chieftain of the Komase Tribe who ruled over a large portion of the Dark Continent, Bola was born early as an attack on their village stressed his mother Zeynya to the point of premature birth. His father saw his small size and decided they would do better with the next child, and he was left in the jungle to die. His mother tried to fight to keep him with them, but she was still weak from the delivery, and so she decided she would stay with her son. The both of them were abandoned, and his father didn't care one bit, as he had plenty of concubines and women ready to take his wife's place. The Gods took pity on the poor, brave woman and her son. They blessed the boy with unnatural strength and a connection to nature like no other. And gave her the strength to survive alone. For nearly three weeks the two traveled with no destination in mind, until a group of traveling warriors from another village found the tired bloody mother nursing her bloody crying child, and they took pity on them.

They invited them into their home and just like that, before he was even a month old, the prince and queen of the Komase were abandoned by their people. They were accepted by the Totlo Tribe across the river and never looked back. Over the next few years, Zeynya found happiness in the arms of a man who'd lost his wife as she gave birth to their daughter. He treated Bola as his own, and their small family was happy with one another. The loving couple even had their own child as well, growing the family. As he got older, Bola began to grow, and grow, and grow. By the time he was 5, he was nearly the size of a 10 year old.

The adults noticed he was bigger, stronger, faster than the kids his age and he was more than a match for the older ones. Something about him was different. Thirteen was the first "change", and while he was relaxing on a mountain outcrop near his village and watching the full moon, his blood began to burn. His bones broke, his flesh tore. Unimaginable pain seared through his entire being and he cried out into the night. The scream was a sickening, terrible shriek that soon turned into the baleful how of a wolf. The next morning when he awoke, he was surrounded by multiple wild boar carcasses, most of them missing a majority of the meat...and he was covered in blood.

He kept this a secret and every month on the full moon, he would change. He always made sure he was far away from the village so as to not hurt his family or friends. Gradually, he learned to control himself when he transformed, and then he learned to control his transformation. He also learned many things from his people. How to fight, how to hunt, how to track and how to build traps. He learned so much. He also learned from his mother his history when he was old enough, and that day he swore revenge on his father and the people of Komase.

Not for throwing him away, but for abandoning his mother. That was unforgivable. He continued to train in secret, growing bigger and stronger every day. By the time he underwent his manhood ceremony, he was the  biggest, tallest, strongest one in the village, standing nearly seven feet tall. It was no surprise when he came back successful, and after that he became one of the tribes fiercest protectors and best hunters. During the rainy season that year, they were attacked in the dark of night by a band of raiders who used the storm to mask their arrival. Bola was off on his own, chasing a herd of deer. He'd already taken down three, and with the last four the tribe would eat well for many weeks. Even as far off as he was, the smell of fire and smoke, the light from his village caught his attention.

There was something wrong. Abandoning his hunt, he rushed back home, and by the time he arrived it was chaos. Mothers crying, children screaming, warriors shouting and fighting to defend their home. With an unearthly battle howl, he jumped into the fray, killing raider after raider in a wild fury. Then the leader came out of Bola's family's home, blade to the neck of his father while his men held weapons against his mother and sisters. Seeing his family in danger made something inside him snap, and before all the village, he transformed for the first time. It was terrifying, and the piercing howl that tore through the night stunned the entire scene to silence as he grew to nine feet tall and became something out of a horror story told around the fire. His speed was inhuman, and his fury was terrible.

Before the raiders knew what happened, Bola had leapt across the clearing and picked the leader up by the skull. He crushed it with ease and snarled, frightening the raiders. The fear in their hearts didn't make them run though, and instead they decided he needed to die. All attention was focused on him and he killed them all in a vicious battle. When it was over, only he remained standing, and after turning back to his human form, he expected his people to shun him and throw him away like before. Instead, cries of joy and cheers rose up. He was hoisted up on his fellow warriors shoulders and they proclaimed the Gods had blessed them with a protector and a champion. After that, he told them of his powers, that he'd been born with them and what all he could do. One of the elders wondered if he could pass on his gift, and while he didn't know, a few brave souls offered to find out.

He bit some, scratched others, and on the next full moon, all of them changed. They were wild and uncontrollable on their own, but he'd chained them just in case, and they listened to him, like he was the Alpha of their pack. He trained the wolf warriors relentlessly, and every full moon he took them out to hunt and learn about their new selves. Eventually, the entire village had been changed by him at their own behest. From then on, the Totlo were a force to be reckoned with, and within a scant two years, they had conquered all other tribes that challenged them or encroached on their land. Although Bola, who led the elite Warband of the most skilled and powerful warriors called "Wolves" never sought out others. They only ever retaliated, and after conquering a neighbor, they would be treated fairly and allowed to maintain their way of life, only paying tribute to Totlo once per harvest.

They were fair rulers and the annexed villages got protection from the unbeatable Warband of lycans under Bola's command. Some had tried to take the village while the warriors were away, only to find those that stayed behind were just as capable. After coming to have everything he'd ever wanted, Bola still couldn't decide on whether he wanted to take revenge on his father or not. But fate took the choice from his hands. His father, fearing the growing power of the Totlo, dismissed the tales of their inhuman speed, strength, and ferocity as wives tales. He decided to put them in their place, so they could never one day grow strong enough to attack the Komase and their territories. The Komase warriors attacked several villages within the Totlo territory before word got to Bola and the village. They immediately mobilized and rushed to stop the advance.

Once the "Wolves" arrived, the tide of battle immediately turned. It was a slaughter, but Bola, upon seeing the man who threw him and his mother away for the first time in his life, he felt that connection, and all that rage immediately came back. He challenged the Chieftain to a duel to the death. Winner take all. Oba accepted, but as he was older now, he also had his champion by his side. Another son of his. Bola declined having a second, and only told the man it was a shame that the first time he saw his father as an adult, would be his last day on the Earth. Unsurprisingly, Bola won the duel even fighting against the most skilled fighters in the Komase tribe. He didn't kill his father, nor his brother.

Instead he chained them and took them back to his village, to his mother. Once there, he pushed the man onto his knees and told him to beg for her forgiveness. And it was then that the truth finally made sense to Oba. His first wife, his first son, whom he'd abandoned had now come back into his life, and his arrogance and foolishness had cost him everything. He begged forgiveness, but was given none, and that night, both he and his second son's heads rolled. As Bola had offered them as sacrifices to his mother and to the Gods, he felt a surge of power well within him. And that night, was the night the legend of the "Wolf King" began to spread throughout the Continent and even further around the world, although he never pushed past the borders of the Dark Continent.

His power continued to grow, and now, millennia later he has forgotten more than most will ever know, and his Kingdom has grown vast and powerful. His words carry much weight, so he was requested to help with the proposed ceasefire in the war between the Demons and Vampires. He has no great love or hate for either, save those who are foolish enough to tread in his territory without permission or harm his people. He accepted the invitation out of a duty to his kingdom, as an unchecked war between the races could easily spread and become chaos. And after so many centuries of bloodshed, he only wants peace...and he will kill anyone he needs to to make it happen if words won't suffice.

Personality: Bola is old and proud, as he has done much and accomplished even more. He carries himself with that pride and you can see in how he walks and talks and acts that he demands respect with his sheer presence. He is polite to those he interacts with, but will not hesitate to remind them he is a King if they force him too. The sheer amount of blood Bola has shed, has made him tired of fighting. It started out in self-defense, and although he kept to that pathos, before he knew it, he ruled an entire nation simply from trying to keep his people safe. And he'd done so, but upon a mountain of corpses of those who tried to hurt him and his people. Fighting and killing are the last things he wants to do, but as a King he will do what he must and will not hesitate to put someone in their place, or tear their throat out if need be. He is charismatic, well spoken, and witty in conversation. It's not an act, but he admits it helps people let their guard down around him and forget the true terror waiting beneath his skin.

Powers: Bola is an ancient and primal strain of werewolf, thought to be one of the first to ever contract the curse. He was directly blessed by the Gods, and as such has complete mastery over his transformation. He can partially shift such as growing claws, or fangs, and even in his human form is far faster, stronger, and tougher than any human. His senses are highly enhanced, and without shifting he can see in the dark, follow scents for miles, and hear a change in someone's heartbeat from across the room. His wolf form is rare in that it is bipedal, and instead of becoming a large wolf, he takes on the form of a half man-half wolf creature that has the benefits of both. He gained a unique ability after sacrificing his father and brother. Now, he can trigger a state where he is even larger, faster, and stronger than normal, and his howl instills so much fear into his enemies, they become immobile if their will isn't strong enough to resist.

Skills: Hunting, Tracking, Leadership, All forms of combat, Formally educated, Negotiation, Combat Tactics

Weakness/Flaws: Like all lycans, silver is his bane and it can kill him as easily as stone or steel can kill a normal human. He is ancient and powerful enough that enough silver in his vicinity makes him physically ill. He is old, and he has seen much. With so much experience under his belt, he tends to think his way is the best way, and while he can and is willing to negotiate when necessary, he much prefers to put things on his terms. He is a King to his people first and foremost, and he is a good King. He will do what is best for his citizens and his kingdom, even if it means putting himself at risk. He has outbursts of violence from time to time, especially if the wolf within is in a particularly bad mood, or is hungry.

Likes, Kinks and Fetishes: Rough and violent sex, multiple partners, oral, anal, vanilla, knotting(sometimes)

Hard Offs: Watersports, Vore, Gore(blood is okay, but no grievous injuries)

Additional Information: He has fathered many children over the centuries, and to this day all of them will answer his call at a moments notice, because he has shown all of his children and grandchildren the love and care his father never showed him. Although his village has grown into a proper kingdom, he built the Capital City upon the lands of his old village. Each scar on his skin is proof of a personal kill. He has long since run out of skin for new ones, but they number several thousand.


Please, approved members. You know who you are, or should anyway, post your character sheets under this link here:


@Levi, @Juggtacular. Thanks


Ok, so the day after tomorrow is the official start. I will likely begin today with my posting because I have a lot of scene setting to do. I am looking forward to the beginning of this game a lot.


A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


I am not quite done with my post yet, but if you want a sneak peak of what I am doing for the Apocaleptika roleplaying game, you can read this post:


I will alert you all as to when it is finished, and try not to get too carried away here. There is a lot of introspection, and a bit of a setting the scene, and some important information in here that was not in the write up for this game. I look forward to getting this finished so that either tonight or tomorrow we can all get this thing started. (Couldn't wait. Lol. I was too excited)

We are still recruiting even after this gets started though. My games are always open. So don't feel put off just by the fact we are getting ready to start. I can make room for more people.


The post I started this morning is finally finished. It may be a bit long, but write whatever you feel is necessary for your character and entrance. Don't feel you have to match my length




If you guys need anything regarding the Apocaleptika game from now on we should use the OCC thread.

FYI, if you are interested in joining the game, even though it has started, my games are always open to new members at all times.


A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


Quote from: Levi on August 10, 2021, 10:25:20 AM
Have you looked over my completed sheet :)

Oh yes I am sorry Levi, I forgot to tell you that you are approved and good to post.


My group game, Apocaleptika, Supernaturals in the Middle Ages, is still open and recruiting.

The plot involves kingdom torn by war between the demon and vampire race, a Necromancer Queen that just lost her brother and sister to murder, and awaits her coronation and a rule that she never really wanted in the first place.

There is room to join the game as a slave to one of these supernatural creatures, a diplomat trying to help negotiate peace, an assassin sent to try and murder the queen or one of the other influential people in the story. You could be a businessman such as a tailor, a blacksmith, a butcher or a fletcher.

You could be a religious man or woman, a zealot trying to end the races of the supernatural and restore the 'natural' order of things, retaking your homeland for the sake of humanity.

I am also open to other ideas at this point. If you have any feel free to shoot them in my direction.

The game is also lgbt friendly. We are open to a wide variety of genders and sexualities, although many characters seem to be heterosexual leaning, my Necromancer queen is bisexual for instance.

If you are interested in being a part of this game, shoot me a pm, or respond to this message.


Character Name: Bryn Strand

Aliases: Captain, She-wolf, Icy Death
Face Claim: Kathryn Winnick
Played By: WhatLiesAbove

Biography: Bryn was born of a rough and tumble group of nomadic warriors (think olden times Vikings). Born of the sea and bred for war, and being the only child to her family, Bryn was brought up by her father Eryk. The man refused to be the only one in the village to not sire a warrior, and so Bryn grew up learning all that the men in her village learned. How to hunt, how to throw a spear, how to fish, and how to sail the ravaging seas. It was a hard life, but Bryn appreciated that she was entering into a part of her people that few could claim.

At 15, Bryn joined her father in battle for the first time. The sights and smells were akin to sensory overload, but Bryn held herself well in battle, proving that she was every bit the warrior of anyone in the raiding party. That evening as the raiders celebrated their victory, Bryn stumbled off in a drunken stupor, needing to relieve herself of the pressure in her bladder and knowing better than to just drop trou in front of dozens of drunken and battle-crazed men.

However, it was a mistake in and of itself. Finishing up, Bryn found herself too drunk to realize the dangers of the woods. She was suddenly attacked from behind by a massive furry beast. The first bite caused a scream, the sound drowned out by the revelry of the raiders. The blonde found herself trying to fend off a massive beast, and eventually killing it before stumbling back to camp.

Through her recovery, it was unknown exactly what had attacked her. She spent days in a fevered delirium, screaming and cursing any who dared get near her. Finally the fever broke, but it was unknown exactly what would be coming next.

It has been years since the lone she-wolf has made the change from human to werewolf. Ousted from her village, she has proven herself in battle since and gained a small following. Commandeering a ship and renaming it "The Morrigan", she sails about as a pirate of sorts, and takes on jobs that most would find impossible or distasteful.

Bryn has no foot in the game regarding the war between vamps and demons. Her natural enemy being vampires, she has taken on a contract to try and get close to, and then kill, Queen Mahlia. Who exactly the contract is for is unknown, as the request was sent to her in the night and then only by a scared messenger. The price was too great for her to say no, and so she looks forward  to the rewards that can be wrought from such a contract.

Personality: Blunt, quick-tempered, and has no filter at all. She will tell you exactly what she thinks of you on first meeting, and then later if she has changed her mind on those first impressions. This can leave a bad taste in the mouth of the more refined folks, but Bryn has exactly zero fucks to give.

Powers: Standard Werewolf powers. Increased strength (could tear down an oak tree), agility and speed (about as fast as an arrow), immortality outside of silver (can heal from mortal wounds in about 24 hours), and the ability to change forms into a white wolf.

Skills: Hand-to-hand, sword and shield, battleaxes, sailing, tracking, fishing

Weakness/Flaws: Cannot wear anything silver. Seems to have a constant chip on her shoulder.

Likes, Kinks and Fetishes: Interested in Men and Women. Check out Ons and Offs for kinks, etc.

Hard Offs: Vore, Gore, Snuff, Body modifications (without permission), bathroom play, anything outside E rules

Additional Information:


Quote from: WhatLiesAbove on September 21, 2021, 09:58:20 AM

Character Name: Bryn Strand

Aliases: Captain, She-wolf, Icy Death
Face Claim: Kathryn Winnick
Played By: WhatLiesAbove

Biography: Bryn was born of a rough and tumble group of nomadic warriors (think olden times Vikings). Born of the sea and bred for war, and being the only child to her family, Bryn was brought up by her father Eryk. The man refused to be the only one in the village to not sire a warrior, and so Bryn grew up learning all that the men in her village learned. How to hunt, how to throw a spear, how to fish, and how to sail the ravaging seas. It was a hard life, but Bryn appreciated that she was entering into a part of her people that few could claim.

At 15, Bryn joined her father in battle for the first time. The sights and smells were akin to sensory overload, but Bryn held herself well in battle, proving that she was every bit the warrior of anyone in the raiding party. That evening as the raiders celebrated their victory, Bryn stumbled off in a drunken stupor, needing to relieve herself of the pressure in her bladder and knowing better than to just drop trou in front of dozens of drunken and battle-crazed men.

However, it was a mistake in and of itself. Finishing up, Bryn found herself too drunk to realize the dangers of the woods. She was suddenly attacked from behind by a massive furry beast. The first bite caused a scream, the sound drowned out by the revelry of the raiders. The blonde found herself trying to fend off a massive beast, and eventually killing it before stumbling back to camp.

Through her recovery, it was unknown exactly what had attacked her. She spent days in a fevered delirium, screaming and cursing any who dared get near her. Finally the fever broke, but it was unknown exactly what would be coming next.

It has been years since the lone she-wolf has made the change from human to werewolf. Ousted from her village, she has proven herself in battle since and gained a small following. Commandeering a ship and renaming it "The Morrigan", she sails about as a pirate of sorts, and takes on jobs that most would find impossible or distasteful.

Bryn has no foot in the game regarding the war between vamps and demons. Her natural enemy being vampires, she has taken on a contract to try and get close to, and then kill, Queen Mahlia. Who exactly the contract is for is unknown, as the request was sent to her in the night and then only by a scared messenger. The price was too great for her to say no, and so she looks forward  to the rewards that can be wrought from such a contract.

Personality: Blunt, quick-tempered, and has no filter at all. She will tell you exactly what she thinks of you on first meeting, and then later if she has changed her mind on those first impressions. This can leave a bad taste in the mouth of the more refined folks, but Bryn has exactly zero fucks to give.

Powers: Standard Werewolf powers. Increased strength (could tear down an oak tree), agility and speed (about as fast as an arrow), immortality outside of silver (can heal from mortal wounds in about 24 hours), and the ability to change forms into a white wolf.

Skills: Hand-to-hand, sword and shield, battleaxes, sailing, tracking, fishing

Weakness/Flaws: Cannot wear anything silver. Seems to have a constant chip on her shoulder.

Likes, Kinks and Fetishes: Interested in Men and Women. Check out Ons and Offs for kinks, etc.

Hard Offs: Vore, Gore, Snuff, Body modifications (without permission), bathroom play, anything outside E rules

Additional Information:
Quote from: WhatLiesAbove on September 21, 2021, 09:58:20 AM

Character Name: Bryn Strand

Aliases: Captain, She-wolf, Icy Death
Face Claim: Kathryn Winnick
Played By: WhatLiesAbove

Biography: Bryn was born of a rough and tumble group of nomadic warriors (think olden times Vikings). Born of the sea and bred for war, and being the only child to her family, Bryn was brought up by her father Eryk. The man refused to be the only one in the village to not sire a warrior, and so Bryn grew up learning all that the men in her village learned. How to hunt, how to throw a spear, how to fish, and how to sail the ravaging seas. It was a hard life, but Bryn appreciated that she was entering into a part of her people that few could claim.

At 15, Bryn joined her father in battle for the first time. The sights and smells were akin to sensory overload, but Bryn held herself well in battle, proving that she was every bit the warrior of anyone in the raiding party. That evening as the raiders celebrated their victory, Bryn stumbled off in a drunken stupor, needing to relieve herself of the pressure in her bladder and knowing better than to just drop trou in front of dozens of drunken and battle-crazed men.

However, it was a mistake in and of itself. Finishing up, Bryn found herself too drunk to realize the dangers of the woods. She was suddenly attacked from behind by a massive furry beast. The first bite caused a scream, the sound drowned out by the revelry of the raiders. The blonde found herself trying to fend off a massive beast, and eventually killing it before stumbling back to camp.

Through her recovery, it was unknown exactly what had attacked her. She spent days in a fevered delirium, screaming and cursing any who dared get near her. Finally the fever broke, but it was unknown exactly what would be coming next.

It has been years since the lone she-wolf has made the change from human to werewolf. Ousted from her village, she has proven herself in battle since and gained a small following. Commandeering a ship and renaming it "The Morrigan", she sails about as a pirate of sorts, and takes on jobs that most would find impossible or distasteful.

Bryn has no foot in the game regarding the war between vamps and demons. Her natural enemy being vampires, she has taken on a contract to try and get close to, and then kill, Queen Mahlia. Who exactly the contract is for is unknown, as the request was sent to her in the night and then only by a scared messenger. The price was too great for her to say no, and so she looks forward  to the rewards that can be wrought from such a contract.

Personality: Blunt, quick-tempered, and has no filter at all. She will tell you exactly what she thinks of you on first meeting, and then later if she has changed her mind on those first impressions. This can leave a bad taste in the mouth of the more refined folks, but Bryn has exactly zero fucks to give.

Powers: Standard Werewolf powers. Increased strength (could tear down an oak tree), agility and speed (about as fast as an arrow), immortality outside of silver (can heal from mortal wounds in about 24 hours), and the ability to change forms into a white wolf.

Skills: Hand-to-hand, sword and shield, battleaxes, sailing, tracking, fishing

Weakness/Flaws: Cannot wear anything silver. Seems to have a constant chip on her shoulder.

Likes, Kinks and Fetishes: Interested in Men and Women. Check out Ons and Offs for kinks, etc.

Hard Offs: Vore, Gore, Snuff, Body modifications (without permission), bathroom play, anything outside E rules

Additional Information:

This is an awesome character. Welcome aboard, she is approved.

Please copy and paste your character over to this board so I can keep all the character sheets in one place




Character Name: Slavitsa Kushnerova

Aliases: Slay; Winter's Bite
Face Claim: Olga Kurylenko
Played By: NowhereWoman


Slavitsa was only ten or so years in undeath when her Maker's entire estate outside of Kiev rose against him and destroyed him. She was so weak at the time, she could hardly have been suspected of having any part in the massacre of the demon, his human thralls, and a handful of other nonhumans who remained loyal. Certainly she took no part in the fighting, and got none of the rewards of her Master's death- except freedom.

Which was all she had really wanted, when she had started whispering in ears...

Now thirty years older, she is coming into her full strength, and her hatred of demons has, if anything, grown stronger. There's much she doesn't know, having been only a young serf girl when the one that made her raped her in every possible sense of the word. A few things she is certain of, however: as those like her hunger for blood, those like them hunger for control. What one loses, another will take, if not stopped, and like the feudal nobles who owned her first, there is no bottom to their appetites.  And the rulers of the world should be the once-human, not the never-human.

She now represents herself as the envoy of the 'Free Blooded of the Steppes', a title no one granted her but that no one has chosen to challenge. Everywhere she goes, she quietly preaches revolution and change, and longs for the day when she has a demon heart of her own to eat.

-Forward, outspoken, often flirtatious.
-Extremely classist.
-Surprisingly NOT speciest- she sees an alliance with the 'were and other such as a necessity.
-Angry not-Young-any-more Woman.

-standard vampiric powers.

-Has worked very hard at teaching herself to read several languages (Russian, Greek, French). She's far from fluent, but it puts her a notch above many people of the period.
-Good at manipulation through words and seduction.
-While by no means a warrior, she has some modest skill with light blades- her Master liked staging 'games' among his pets.

-Standard vampire weaknesses
-Relatively uneducated, though she tries to remedy that when she can.
-can turn extremely sadistic towards enemies when riled.

Likes, Kinks and Fetishes:
Sexually, pretty vanilla, though forward. Straight. Ish.

Hard Offs:
as per O/Os here.
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Character Name: ???

Aliases: The Night Hunter
Face Claim: Vayne
Played By: Nadore


As the only child of two poor farmers, the Night Hunter had a rather poor upbringing. She made the most of what she could, playing with the other children during the day, listening to scary stories about Demons, Vampires, and Werewolves that her parents told her at night. It was all a Happy little humble family.

That is, until her seventh birthday. After a day of playing with the other kids in her poor rural village on the way outskirts of Faorgrem, the unspeakable happened. She returned home to find not only a Birthday Cake, one that she knew they couldn't afford, but that her home had been ransacked with a bloody trail leading towards their small field. She followed the trail until its end, and there she saw it, the lifeless, mutilated bodies of her parents. Bite marks on their necks, hearts ripped out. She ran up to them and shook their lifeless bodies, begging them to wake up. No use. She cried and cried and cried as she held them close to her.

She then heard screams and smelled fire from the rest of the village. She quickly ran back to check on her friends but stopped when she heard *click-clack, click-clack.* The sounds of high-heels. She hid behind a bush and saw a woman with fanged teeth. The Vampires from her father's stories.
"Raze this village to the ground." She heard the Vampire woman say. "Don't let the demons, sorcerers, and werewolves get anything."

From that day forward, The Night Hunter would dedicate her life to destroying all semblance of evil and magic, seeking vengeance on those who took what little she had in life away from her. She traveled the world by foot, learning from monks, mysterious 'vanishing warriors' from the East, scholars, and alchemists, and anyone else willing to teach her.

For Twenty-Nine years she trained and the legend of the Night Hunter grew.

"If you hear the sound of high heels clicking and clacking against the floor, it's already too late."

-Ruthless, she will kill allies that hold her back without remorse.
-Detests Magic of any kind
-Sadistic towards Demons, Werewolves, and Vampires (Given the chance, she'll "put on a show," gorily executing them for all to see the aftermath)

Powers: Peak Human Condition, Peak Human Stealth, Peak Human Parkour, Peak Human Accuracy, Peak Human Beauty, Peak Human Combat. She is the absolute peak of what a human can achieve.

Skills: Proficient in marksmanship (Wrist-mounted Crossbow, Gigantic Crossbow on back, Grappling Gun, throwing knives, smoke bombs). Infiltration, she WILL get in undetected, initially at least. Proficient in making toxins for her bolts and knives, specifically designed to hinder magic abilities. Stalking, tailing, and eavesdropping for information.

Weakness/Flaws: Always works alone, has immense trust issues. Absolutely Zero magic abilities. Despite her ruthlessness, she has a fondness for handsome, good-looking, and strong men; she might spare them in hopes of "playing" with them later. She is still 100% human, so an attack fatal to a human will be fatal to her.

Likes, Kinks and Fetishes: Interracial between humans, sorcerers would have to work harder for her, since she absolutely detests magic. Rough, being dominated. Group/gangbang.

Hard Offs: Underaged, bestiality, gore (don't chop her limbs off during sex please), scat/piss

Additional Information:


Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


I am going to be reading the IC just to see where the story is so far, where is it going, and pacing. I like a good GM-guided story. After, I may toss up a sheet. I am so far interested in playing a demon.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Tarot


All right, just let me know if you have any questions. You would be welcome.


Quote from: Wolfling72 on November 05, 2021, 08:03:40 AM
This looks so cool...

I am glad you like what you see. If you may be interested in tossing in a character, we are accepting. Otherwise, you are welcome to read and enjoy. There are a lot of talented writers who have been/are in this group. It's been really exciting for me as a GM.

Edit:  Also, because it will probably be asked eventually, sexy times will be in seperate private threads so as not to disrupt the main story.