Infamy [Freeform, small group (6 max), Villains, Ex] - Recruitment Open for 1.

Started by Kokaine, July 19, 2021, 12:07:08 AM

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Opted to go with my alt. idea:

Name : Ryung Jin
Nickname(s) | Aliases : Tigershark
DOB | Age : November 12th | 22
Sex | Gender Identity | Pronouns: Male | Non-Binary | They/Them

Marital Status : Single
Family : Ryung has lost most of their family and their closest bonds are to friends. Ryung needs more friends but they worry about hurting them.

Height | Build : 5'10" | Lean/Fit
Hair | Eyes : Black | Dark Brown
Distinguishing Features : Many tattoos including on their face and neck, pierced ears, nose and tongue.

Powered or Non-Powered : Powered
Classification : Other - Cursed/Possessed
Power Set :

Possessed by Kamohoali’i: Ryung is possessed by the shark deity Kamohoali'i. This grants him the ability to commune with aquatic life, to manipulate water and to transform into a shark-like monster but it has also afflicted him with a second mind to contend with at all times. Kamohoali'i is a primal thing of raw, animal instincts.

  • Hydrokinesis: Ryung can move water with gestures. He can only move a few gallons at a time but he can do so with surprising force. He cannot generate water.
  • Aquatic Telepathy: Ryung can telepathically commune with sealife, asking them questions or making requests. He cannot make them obey him.
  • Shark Form: Ryung can transform into a towering humanoid shark around nine feet tall and weighing hundreds of pounds. In this form, he is far faster, tougher and stronger but he also has to permanently focus to prevent Kamohoali'i from taking over entirely. He is prone to extreme aggression in this form. As a shark, he can breathe underwater, swim extremely fast and his claws and teeth can shear through steel.

Weapons & Skills : Physically Fit, Good Sprinter, Highly Agile, Free-Running,

Personality : Ryung's interactions with the world are extremely colored by the permanent presence of kamohoali'i. The shark deity is a primal, instinctive thing that can be extremely aggressive. Ryung doesn't want to hurt those around them and so they always try to make sure they have plenty of outlets for the other soul in their body. Due to the disturbing, graphic thoughts of the shark deity Ryung likes to create intense, often upsetting artwork as an outlet. Ryung also has a drink and drug habit that he feels tempers the shark. In general, Ryung can often be crude and flirtatious.

Kamohoali'i is ancient and extremely proud. He looks down on humanity as pests or food, often urging Ryung towards the baser instincts. He encourages over-eating, indulgence, and sex and will regularly berate Ryung if Ryung shows restraint or self-control. Kamohoali is violent and lustful but he is also honorable and honest with an exceptional sense of loyalty.

Likes : Drinking, Drugs, Painting, Sculpting, Loud Music (Rap/Rock), Rare Meat,
Dislikes : Salads, Overcooked Meat, Quiet Reflection, Killjoys, Bigots, Judgemental People, Prudes
Fears : Snapping and letting Kamohoali'i kill and eat a person.

History :

-> Ryung grew up the son of a first-generation Korean immigrant who left her home nation to flee Ryung's abusive father, who he never met.
-> Ryung had a relatively ordinary early life doing well in school but not exceeding his peers notably. He was happy.
-> On a holiday to Hawaii in his early teens Ryung was diving when a sudden current dragged him into an underwater cavern. While scrambling to get his bearings he picked up an ancient carved necklace inlaid with symbols. It crumbled in his hands and he first heard the growling, guttural voice of Kamohoali'i in his head.
-> On returning home Ryung continued to hear this voice urging him toward violence. He took up artistry and created impressive but disturbing artwork as an outlet.
-> Eventually Ryung first transformed while swimming alone. The experience disturbed him further and he started using drugs and drink to quiet the voice of the shark.
-> As a young adult Ryung came out as non-binary. The acceptance of their nature seemed to help their control a little.
-> Ryung now works as an artist but has been known to occasionally deal drugs including weed and hallucinogenics. Ryung is very worried about the ever-present risk that kamohoali'i presents to anyone they get close to.

Sexuality : Pansexual
On's and Offs : Ryung is a firm switch with a sadomasochistic streak who can be very kinky. They prefer casual sex, though. Ryung has never yet had sex in their shark form.

Theme Song(s) :

Chief Keef - Love Sosa

DMX - Bring Your Whole Crew

Extras : Feel free to note other details that may not fit elsewhere.

Connections : TBD.


Quote from: virtualblue on July 22, 2021, 10:10:46 PM
They were in a group home from age 13 to their 18th birthday so depending on how long Rook's brother was there they most likely know him. They probably weren't friends with someone that is ~6 years younger than her but maybe Willa protected him from some bullies at one point? She might have heard of Rook's rep and thought she might be someone good to have in her debt, so she decided to look out for the kid. Alternately, Billy (her brother) is shy and withdrawn, so he might have befriended a kid a lot younger than him, which would have inadvertently put him under Willa's protection. Anyway, the end result is Willa and Rook might be on friendly terms. Willa might have even looked her up once she was out of the group home.

Rook's brother is pretty much a bright glowing weak spot for her, so, yeah, if Willa or her twin looked out for her bro when Rook couldn't she'd feel she owed them. Not sure she'd be too pleased owing Willa anything (which is just cuz Rook doesn't like having debts) but it could definitely have been a catalyst for them getting to know each other enough to be on decent terms. Rook's unofficial occupation hovers somewhere between hacker and fixer so she is (or was) a handy person to know.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


A shame I missed this but I'll be watching to see if recruitment does open or expands.


Name : Schuyler Lieserl Wylde-Dahl
Nickname(s) | Aliases : Sky | Suicide Doll / Wylde Child
DOB | Age : 07/25 | 19
Sex | Gender Identity | Pronouns: Female | Genderfluid | Xe / Xyr or She / Her or He / Him

Marital Status : Single
Family :

  • Schuyler Annike ''Oma'' Dahl (grandmother), matriarch of the Dahl family and majority shareholder of Dahl Medische Groep Internationale (DMGI)
  • Maarten Dahl (father), CEO of DMGI, lives in The Hague but travels frequently
  • Lieserl Wylde (mother), fashion model, actress, lives in NYC and London
  • Luuk Dahl (uncle), physician and researcher, lives in NYC
  • Annike Lieserl Wylde-Dahl (sister), twin sister
Height | Build : 5'6'' | Slender
Hair | Eyes : Black naturally, but often dyed | Green
Distinguishing Features : None

Powered or Non-Powered : Powered

Classification : Experimental - altered in a lab (a cocktail of various experimental fertility drugs administered to xyr mother)

Power Set :

  • Genius IQ
  • Peak physical condition
  • Hyper healing factor
  • Unaging
Weapons & Skills :

  • Parkour
  • Wing Chun; Yin Shou Gun; MMA
  • Has been known to carry a weapon on xyr person
  • Speaks Cantonese, Dutch, English, French, and German

Personality : vivacious; daredevil; impulsive; bores easily; materialistic; snarky; fidgety

Undisciplined and impulsive, Schuyler always needs to be doing, moving, physically, or verbally engaging. A smart, lightning-quick thinker, xe craves constant stimulation but masters most challenges quickly, leading to boredom. And as Schuyler's sister, Annike, told Page Six, after Schuyler set fire to Forman School's library, "Not her fault. They let her get bored, and a bored Schuyler is a dangerous Schuyler."

The bond between the two sisters is unnaturally (unhealthily their parents would say) close, and Annike is the only person who can seem to calm Schuyler's overactive brain. Plagued with night terrors since dying, Schuyler truculently avoids sleep, which can make her even more manic and prone to impulsivity. Annike helps here too, shielding and comforting Schuyler from xyr terrors when they lie in bed together, limbs tangled and sharing one another's breath.

Normally sexually aggressive and assertive, Schuyler is worshipfully fond of Annike, the scandal of which led their parents to try and keep the two separated through large parts of their childhood—often to disastrous effect.

Likes : danger; speed; skiing; sailing; parachuting; fighting; target shooting; sweets; Annike
Dislikes : monotony; waiting; boredom; being ordered around; being confined; being alone; shellfish
Fears : being trapped and dying over and over; sleeping (plagued by nightmares); Losing Annike

History :

  • At fourteen was expelled from the Quad Preparatory School for shooting a teacher
  • At sixteen was expelled from the Forman School for vandalism and arson
  • At seventeen was expelled from Shortridge Academy for crashing a stolen car, xyr passenger and best friend, Blake Jaeckel was killed in the crash but Schuyler was miraculously uninjured
  • NYC gossip rags have given Schuyler the nickname Wylde Child for xyr drug-fueled antics
  • Has been in rehab multiple times
  • Has been arrested for possession, reckless endangerment, and assault—all charges have been dropped due to xyr family's intervention
  • On xyr eighteenth birthday fell while free climbing a high rise to take a selfie—died on impact, but xe got better
Sexuality : Dominant Pansexual
On's and Offs : The Dahl House

Theme Song(s) : Kick Me | People I Don't Like | Black Sheep | Bang Bang Bang Bang | I'm Not Like Everybody Else | Bad Girls | Living Dead Girl

Extras :

Connections : Annike Wylde-Dahl, her sister.


Name : Annike Wylde-Dahl
Nickname(s) | Aliases : Satin; Angel Eyes; Missy Medusa
DOB | Age : 19
Sex | Gender Identity | Pronouns: Female; she

Marital Status : constantly dating someone, but never for long. And she seems uncomfortably close to her sister...
Family :
-Schuyler Dahl (grandmother)
-Maarten Dahl (father)
-Lieserl Wylde (mother)
-Luuk Dahl (uncle)
-Schuyler Lieserl Wylde-Dahl, fraternal twin sister,

Height | Build : 5'6”, slim build
Hair | Eyes : Usually long and assym, streaked or full pink; blue-gray, though she often wears tinted contacts to turn them violet. Or pink.
Distinguishing Features : ornate line-art heart tramp stamp.

Powered or Non-Powered : powered
Classification : Experimental – in vitro chemical modification.
Power Set :
-her main power is the ability to temporarily mesmerize/dominate any one person if she meets their eyes. She can't change their basic nature- a pacifist can't be made to go on a  shooting spree, for example- but they will do many non-characteristic things to please her, and will defend her as if she were a beloved family member.

Within a reasonable distance- say a mile or so- Annike can also leech her puppet's senses, participating in what they see or hear.

It isn't full-on mind control, more like putting the victim in a highly suggestive hypnotic state. The effects last for 48 hours or until she binds another, and the affected person will not have any memory of what they've done, only a dream of meeting the most beautiful boy/girl they've ever seen.

Satin often wears very dark sunglasses to avoid accidentally triggering her power.

-Rapid healing, though not as fast as her sister's.

-extreme flexibility, professional contortionist level. Without full-body restraints, superpowers, or exotic tech she's nearly impossible to hold unless she allows it.

Weapons & Skills :
-Wing Chun and stick fighting
-speaks French, English, German, Dutch, and Russian
-helo and sailplane pilot

Personality :
As her nickname, Satin, might imply, Annike is very much the tonic to her twin's gin. Soft-spoken, self-controlled, and usually comparatively gentle, she has a dry, self-deprecating sense of humor and doesn't usually display 'Sky's' erratic temper. If anything, her presence keeps her sister's crazy leashed to an extent.

That's not to say she's a 'nice' girl. She's as materialistic as her twin, and uses her power to acquire 'gifts', as well as get her self (and Schuyler, over and over and over) out of trouble. And she has a temper- she just usually keeps it under control. When it breaks loose, though, she can be every bit as rabid as her sibling. Usually more playful than vicious, she can turn cruel in an instant, outdoing Sky in subtle meanness.

Annie also surrounds herself with sycophants and admirers, even when she's not actively puppeting anyone. She doesn't always have to be the center of attention (though it helps), but being alone makes her tense and more likely to lash out.

Likes : sunbathing; swimming; sailing; white wine; flirting and being flirted with; working out (MA and Yoga); trance dancing; clothes shopping; Schuyler.
Dislikes : Being interrupted; sexists; fast food; religious fanatics; overdone makeup on anyone.
Fears : aging; being poor; being alone

History :

Far less over the top than her twin, more attention has been paid to Annike's relationship to the fashion industry (through her mother), and her endless parade of boy/girl/otherfriends and public breakups. Like Schuyler, she's been in trouble with the law a few times, but it's hard to get people to testify against her, and physical evidence tends to get lost or corrupted if she gets a chance to speak with or even look at those in charge of it.

Even so, she's spent 16 months jail for petty larceny. Where she was treated like royalty, because of the favors she could tease out of the guards and other inmates for herself and those who chose the winning side.

Sexuality : Omni; usually mildly sub, but can be aggressively switchy at times.
Ons and Offs : here

Theme Song(s) : Kailee Morgue- Sirene; AWOLNATION- Run;Metallica- Sad but True;
IAMX- I Come With Knives.

If one thinks of omniscience as causal rather than predictive- not 'THIS!', but 'If this, then that; infinite matrices of infinite dimensions each- it goes a long way towards reconciliation with Free Will.

It does not, however, make it easier to contemplate or accept a being capable of visualizing such an array.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):


We have room for one more to join if anyone is interested. You haven't missed anything yet!
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


I'm certainly interested and will try to put a CS together to be reviewed for approval.


Name : Reese Nahsiri
Nickname(s) | Aliases : Ink
DOB | Age : 12/22 | 19
Sex | Gender Identity | Pronouns: Fluid | Fluid | In the form that they appear, he/him - she / her or them / they.

Marital Status : Single
Family :

Alice Nahsiri - Grandmother - Retired and living comfortably in a small condo, Reese has always been welcomed there and has a room that they stay in. A traditionally Catholic individual who had attempted to instill such values and belief in Reese.

Thomas Nahsiri - Estranged

Sarah Nahsiri - Dead - Died during Reese's birth.

Height | Build : 5'5" - 6'0 typically
Hair | Eyes : Matte black in most forms and black eyes
Distinguishing Features : Multiple tattoo's cover Ink's arms, back, chest, freely changing them depending on their mood.

Powered or Non-Powered : Powered
Classification : Natural - From birth Reese has had these powers.
Power Set : Liquid Body / Manipulation

The liquid material which Ink consists of is neither water, nor actually Ink but instead some sort of malleable dark matter. Not possessing normal human physiology, Reese doesn't need to breathe or even eat food to survive but instead does need to intake liquids. It can be any sort of liquid that Ink is capable of absorbing into themselves, whether water, actual ink, blood. However, depending on the type of liquid will determine how quickly Reese can then process and manipulate it.

Shape Changing - Reese can change their appearance at will even to appear as inanimate objects to either hide or use their body as a weapon. Simple alterations can be done at will, changing height, mass or more complex transformations can take a bit more time depending on what is being done. Limited by the amount of liquid that has absorbed and if opting to take a smaller shape will be made weaker and needing to absorb fluids to return to a larger size.

Ink Duplicate - In the same way that Reese can shrink willingly, Reese is also able to limitedly split in two and control the false duplicate. This splits Reese's reserves right down the middle and is can be a bit disorienting to do. Once done, Reese can opt to merge once more with the duplicate to regain the resources that were lost.

Absorption - Can intake fluids to reinforce or strengthen the current form.

Reese is still terribly inexperienced when it comes to their powers, having learned this much about them but not even knowing why, how or where they even came from.

Weapons & Skills : Gymnastics, Parkour, Breaking and Entering, Cat Burglary, Mechanics, Judo (though more at a beginner level even though having done it since Middle School.)

Personality : Reese, or whatever name they might be going with at the time tries to decide on a daily basis the type of person that they are going to be. Even from an early age, Reese who managed hide their true appearance and appear like any normal human always felt a bit alien and different around them. In those days, Reese would try to be like whomever they were around at the time as if to blend and hide the awkward lack of understanding that they possessed. That attempt only ultimately left Reese feeling distant from their peers with no real connections beyond that of their grandmother. That separation grew into a lack of trust and resentment for all those around and sent them on a path of self discovery and one that was sick of just simply blending in.

In short - there is a bit of a split. The Reese you see and the Reese that is.

The Reese you see, will be as fluid as the situation calls for.

While the Reese that is; secret, untrusting, cautious with information and scared to lose sense of true self but loves the thrill of danger and impulsive when it comes to things that are of interest.

Likes : Learning about other people, "Bad" Weather, the dark / night time, all sorts of music - though prefers loud and something that can almost be felt and really anything that can help make Ink feel whether drugs or anything of the like. Motorcycles.
Dislikes : Nosy and judgmental people, authority figures - especially their father, showing their real appearance.
Fears : Deserts or extremely dry areas, being trapped or losing sense of self. Also extreme cold.

History :

Raised by their Grandmother, Reese spent many years home schooled as they grew of age and just learning to control and stabilize their own power.  Around Middle School, started attending public school and socializing but each day feeling more like an outcast despite seemingly having no issues making friends. Even starting to take gymnastics and Judo as after school activities.

High School years - Reese went full into the teenaged rebellion and with their abilities had a very easy time not getting caught doing it. Parties, concerts, drugs, tattoos and bad decisions were the ear mark of Reese's time from Freshman all the way up to Senior, that said to help maintain the cover Reese's grades didn't slip. Not that they were a particularly great student to start with and they still maintained their after school activities for gymnastics and Judo.

After School - Reese was aimless, listless and had no real goals. Science interested them only so far as that it might be able to provide answers as to why they were different, but had very little knack for it. Instead Reese opted to lean into what they were given. Adopting the moniker of Ink, they will do odd jobs for those willing to pay, or if no jobs are around they will scout and steal things to pawn or fence. Some of those funds go to their grandma, who might not have seemed to need them but felt repaying her for all her kindness was the least they could do.

Sexuality : Disaster Bi-Sexual
On's and Offs : On's - Switch | Depending (Very fluid) - Sex is weird for Ink, at least is able to feel pleasure and pain if has done a complete transformation. Enjoys dirty talk, rough or vanilla type of play.| Off's are mutilation, scat, vomit. Though there are probably more, if something comes up it can be discussed.

Theme Song(s) : Nothingface - I Am Him | Avenged Sevenfold - Victims | Collide - Wings of Steel
Extras : Owns a motorcycle - Suzuki Marauder

Connections : TBD.

Other Reese:


Hello Kokaine, I know I am entering late, so I am fine with my character being considered last.

Name : Jenessa Soft
Nickname(s) | Aliases : N/A
DOB | Age : 19
Sex | Gender Identity | Pronouns: Female | Female | she/her

Marital Status : Single
Family : Immediate family, those closest to them, or notable figures.
Alisha Jones: martial arts teacher and substitute parent figure

Height | Build : 5'7"
Hair | Eyes : Long, straight, silky bronze hair | Brown
Distinguishing Features : While her skin is soft and smooth, it does not indent with pressure, unless a lot of force is exerted.  She has large breasts for her build and zero sag.

Powered or Non-Powered : Powered
Classification : Unknown, one day she fell into a coma and when she woke up she had powers
Power Set : Invulnerability
Invulnerability: Her body is becoming impervious to injury, ignores heat, cold, and other environmental effects.  Her invulnerability is a 2 part package.  The first part is a change in her physical makeup.  The second part is a field she can put up for protection.  When her skin is actually cut, a very faint lattice work of energy can be seen suffusing her body, from just under her skin and inwards.  When she pushes her forcefield out, it is a golden lattice work of energy.

Low level Regeneration: Her body is constantly seeking to stay the same physically as the point at which she gained her powers.
Note: She is still able to learn new skills and gain new memories.

As a side effect she can exert herself to absolute maximum levels of muscle use, allowing her to lift, run, jump, and throw at Olympic athlete levels and does not suffer muscle burn.  She still suffers muscle fatigue.

At the beginning, she doesn't get hurt by random things like stubbing her toe, stepping on sharp objects, getting hit by untrained people.  Fire and Cold will also slowly have less and less an effect on her.  Her body will grow to stopping small arms fire and finally being able ignore up to handheld military grade weapons, basically up to anti-tank weapons.   Anything bigger than that will require her to activate her field.  At first she will be able to maintain the field for seconds at a time and only for herself, stopping small arms fire and muscle powered attacks.  But with practice, she will be able to cover other people and maintain it for hours at a time, the bigger the field the less time she can maintain the field, and will be able to stop bigger and bigger attacks.  Once she gets to her full power, you better have nukes on hand. 


Loss of Sensitivity: as she becomes more invulnerable, her awareness of temperature around her decreases.  Her sensitivity to touch gets strange: a light, feathery touch is perceptible to her or a heavy, rough contact, anything in between she will start missing.  She could walk across white hot coals and if she is blindfolded, she won't even know they are hot, although she will be able to tell she is on a lot of round small surfaces.

Fuel: The use of her powers takes up large amounts of calories at the beginning. Training will lower how much caloric energy she uses to create her fields. Overusing her forcefield will begin to reduce her natural levels of invulnerability. Pushing herself too much without having the necessary amount of caloric energy can cause her to blackout. If she keeps taxing her body in this way she will eventually die.

Unchanging: Her body no longer changes, she will not age, she can't gain more muscle mass with training. She doesn't scar and her hair stays the same length, immediately regrowing after it is cut or damaged.  Note: It still might be possible for her to die of old age.  AS time progresses this will become more of an issue, even after she comes of age for drinking, she will always be carded.  Strangers will always talk down to her like she is a teenager.

She still needs to be able to breathe, although she will recover from drugs faster than normal. 

She can be overpowered and restrained by normal means.

Weapons & Skills :
Photography: she can use a camera, develop film, use computer editing tools at a professional level
History: she has read a lot of history and has a good memory
Martial Arts: Basic Self defense classes as of now.  Note: As time passes she will train seriously in martial arts.

Personality :
Jenessa was a generally nice person who tries to be nice and help others.  After the death of her parents, she has gotten a little cynical and less open with people, she spends more time looking for where the next bad thing is going to come from than she used to.

She lives by three things now:
Responsibility: She takes responsibility for her actions.  Owning up to your mistakes and correcting them was the way to gain people's respect.  It doesn't matter how other people act, what matters is how she acts and what she does.  Just because other people are asses, doesn't mean she has to be one.  When people respected you, they were more likely to work with you instead of against you.

World is not Fair: Always be on the lookout, the world is not fair, bad things happen to good people.  Things can go wrong at a moments notice, everyone should look out for each other.  You can do everything right, but that doesn't guarantee that the world will be fair or just.  And it doesn't even have anything to do with people being self-absorbed or self-centered, it could be just random bad luck that smacks you in the face.

Distrustful of Men: As she grew up, she learned that she had to be careful around men, they mostly only had one goal, and that was to get her into bed.  They would appear to do her favors and then expect her to sleep with them.  Several times when she found herself alone with a man, he would try to physical force himself on her and she had to run.

Having to be Pretty: She is concerned with looking pretty at all times.  Jenessa has been conditioned by society to believe that her worth is based on how pretty she is, every other ability/trait she possess comes second to that.  She will spend hours picking the right outfit.  She tries to avoid activities that mess up how she looks and while she doesn't use much makeup, it has to be right.

Fighting off Aloneness: since the death of her parents, she has been feeling disconnected, has no place in the world. Family gives purpose/ place in life.

Recklessness:  As she becomes more invulnerable, she will become more reckless and willing to do life threatening stuff.

Repressed Anger:  She has been told "no" so much while she was growing up, that she has anger at the world.  She has repressed that anger and it can flare up at odd times, especially when things aren't going her way, especially now that she is becoming more invulnerable.

Likes : Assertive women, pizza, chocolate, reading, history, photography, all pets.
Dislikes : entitled behavior, arrogance, objectification, discrimination, being under influence of mind altering substances
Fears : Being alone

History :
Jenessa Soft moved into <New City>l at the start of her senior year of high school.  She had lived a normal life, had two great parents who loved her and did their best for her.  Grade School, Middle School, High School she did well, wasn't the top of the class, but a very solid B average.  She didn't participate in sports, because she had a Iron Deficiency and she bruised really easily.  In High School instead of participating in sports,  she joined the photography club and took pictures for the school newspaper and yearbook.  When she came out to her parents, there was some friction, but they still loved her and accepted her in the end after many discussions.  Everything was on track in Jenessa's life, she had been accepted to the local college already, although she was still deciding on what to major in.

The month before graduation, things got a little weird around the house, but her parents refused to explain what was going on, telling her to focus on school and that they had it handled.  Graduation came, and her parents never made it to see her receive her diploma, they had been in a car accident and died.  The police report said that her father had been driving drunk when he crashed into a electrical pole.  Jenessa found this hard to believe because her parents rarely drank and never when they were driving.  What also added to her uneasy, her house had been broken into and searched, but nothing was apparently missing. Jenessa was an only child and her parents were only children that were estranged from their parents. Jenessa inherited everything.   Her accountant father had also recently taken out a large life insurance, which Jenessa inherited, so she was set as long as she was smart with her money.

One day, she needed to get out of her house, it was too big for just one person and it kept reminding her of her parents and all the questions around their deaths.  She went on a long walk around town and ended up close to a strip filled with bars, she was accosted by two drunk college boys.  They decided they wanted some fun and accoasted Jenessa, she was outnumbered and surrounded.  One had just wrapped her up in his arms as she was kicking and scratching wildly at the one in front of her when when back up came, a dark skinned older woman who kicked the crap out of the wannabe rapists.  Alisha, the woman who had saved her taught a self defense course and Jenessa joined up.  Since then Alisha has become a parent figure for Jenessa, a substitute for her lost parents. 

Sexuality : :Lesbian
On's and Offs :
Ons: energetic sex, rough sex, dirty talk, hair pulling, Big Strapons, being pinned, being stripped, light bondage
Offs: No bathroom stuff, no vore, no gore unless in a fight scene and only with my permission, Edging/orgasm denial, torture scenes, toilet scenes, major bondage, slavery, heavy angst or drama scenes, and heavy mind control where my character isn't able to act.

Theme Song(s) : One Woman Army
Extras : Feel free to note other details that may not fit elsewhere.

Connections : TBD.
By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H



I had two drop so ya'll should be good. I will read over your sheets more carefully in the am and send you both a pm.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os



Heya Juggs.

I may be down 1 other person, not sure yet, so there may be a spot. I'm trying to keep the number even if I can.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os



Go ahead and submit a character if you've got one in mind. I got confirmation of the other dropping.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


Okay. I'll read over everyone's characters and get started later on today.



Name : Kaine Jefferson
Nickname(s) | Aliases : KJ, Lando, Esper, Psyko, Mr. Magician(for Kid's shows)
DOB | Age : 10-15 | 22
Sex | Gender Identity | Pronouns: Male | He/Him

Marital Status : Single
Family :
Benjamin Jefferson - Father - 45
Taya Reed Jefferson - Mother - 42
Laurence Jefferson - Younger Brother(Twins) - 16
Lana Jefferson - Younger Sister(Twins) - 16
Extended Family(Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Etc...)

Height | Build : 6'4 | Ripped
Hair | Eyes : His hair is black and usually either loosely dreaded or kept in a nappy afro - Hazel eyes
Distinguishing Features : He has a ton of tattoos he got from 16 up. He's also got a tongue piercing.

Powered or Non-Powered : Powered
Classification : Alien - The "artifact" he found mutated his DNA to something beyond human.
Power Set : Psionics

Telekinesis - Kaine has the ability to use psionic energy generated by his brain to manipulate the environment and people around him without physically touching them; AKA he has telekinesis. Using this power, Kaine can grab objects and pull them to himself or turn them into projectiles. He can freely manipulate how they move through space. He can lift and throw a vehicle like a car or truck, but anything bigger and he would receive backlash similar to a migraine as well as a nasty nosebleed. The largest amount of objects he can manipulate at once at the moment is about 10, but maintaining that amount of focus for long is difficult. The more he moves at once, the lighter the objects have to be for him to keep full control.

Telepathy - Kaine's brainwaves are so powerful, he can projects his thoughts into another person's mind, and hear theirs as well, allowing telepathic communication between him and a chosen target. Sometimes he can hear surface thoughts if he doesn't actively not try. When putting in actual effort, he can read deeper thoughts and memories, although he's not great at it yet and can cause headaches or unconsciousness in the person he's reading if he's not careful. As of now he's more of a hammer than a scalpel. He can't control minds, but he can cause mental "static" in people's heads that makes it hard to remember his presence. Although he's rough around the edges, he is immune to any telepathic intrusions from a psionic weaker than him.

Force Fields - By surrounding himself with psionic energy and pulling it close to himself, he can create an invisible forcefield that protects him from harm and repels projectiles and energy away from him. As of now, his forcefield is bulletproof, and he can walk off being run over or a fall from a great height. Constant damage will wear at the field though and eventually it will crack and shatter, sending feedback into his skull while simultaneously leaving him without protection. He can cover other people, but the bigger the field, the weaker it is overall and more than a few will make it worthless as of now. He can create a wall or barrier that offers greater protection, but at the cost of decreased area of protection(i.e. barrier instead of sphere leaving parts vulnerable and exposed)

Force Blasts(Future) - With focus, he will be able to gather energy and expel it outward like an invisible concentrated blast. Think Force Push from Star Wars. He can channel this energy through his arms, and uses his fingers like a gun for low power, and throws his arm or both arms out for higher power.

Jumping/Flight - Having TK means Kaine can manipulate anything around him, including himself. By flinging himself through the air, he can jump fair heights and distances. He can technically fly by continuously controlling himself in the air, but ironically has almost no control over his fine motor skills at the moment and it's more dangerous to try and constantly manipulate himself in the air than just jump. Last time he tried, he crashed into a building.

Weaknesses/Flaws - Kaine's powers aren't always "on"(although ironically sometimes he can't turn his telepathy off). He has to mentally or reflexively activate them, so it's fully possible to catch him off guard or surprise him while he's not using them.  As tough as his barriers and force field are, Kaine himself is just a squishy human underneath.  Bullets and knives pierce his skin just as easily as a normal person, his bones are just as easily broken, and he is also vulnerable to things like temperature, poisons, gases, etc if he's not protected by the field before he's exposed to whatever it is. As a young and inexperienced psychic, he is vulnerable to mental intrusions by anyone with stronger powers or more experience and skill than him. There's a chance he could fight them off, but there's a better chance he'd lose that fight.

Weapons & Skills :

Fighter - Kaine has been trained in Martial Arts since he was young, with a focus on Muay Thai, BJJ, and Boxing.
Melee Weapons - Kaine has been in enough street fights that he knows how to use pretty much anything lying around as a makeshift weapon.
Trained Marksman - Although he rarely uses guns, Kaine is highly proficient with them thanks to his SEAL father training him in gun usage and safety from a young age.
Charismatic - He's a smooth operator, has a killer smile and a way with words. He had to learn to hustle and how to wheel and deal and get business in the streets.
Magic - Magic was always an escape for Kaine when he was young, and he actually got really good at it as he got older. Now it helps to pay his bills.
Mechanical Marvel - If his life had gone right, Kaine would've probably ended up as a Master Mechanic, as he can basically repair anything.
Chef - As a child who spent a lot of his time alone, he learned to cook for himself early on.

Personality : Kaine acts like he looks if that makes sense. He's pretty chill and laidback, but he's also quick with a smile. His dry and sarcastic sense of humor kept more than a few spirits up in his friend circles despite everyone feeling like shit most of the time. Even though he is quite casual and lackadaisical in his attitude, he was still raised by a soldier turned government agent, so when the situation calls for it, he can switch up quick and become the most respectable, well-mannered, disciplined man you've ever seen.

Life on the streets and changed his outlook on life and death. He's seen so much death and other fucked up shit he feels twisted up inside. The way he sees them now is skewed and he often makes dark, nihilistic jokes as a coping mechanism. His PTSD and Survivor's Guilt also plague him and negatively effect not only his outlook, but his behavior when he's having a really bad episode or a shitty day. He looks out for himself, but will put himself on the line for others.

Strangers, it depends on the scenario, but if you've got his trust, he'll go through hell or high water to have your back. He suffers deeply from his families treatment of him his entire life after realizing his parents never really loved him, and none of the other adults in his life seemed to notice or care, while the twins got it all. He suffers not only from abandonment issues, inadequacy and self-confidence problems, but both resents his family and longs for their affections.  been in therapy since he was eighteen.

Likes : Any type of vehicle, puzzles, deep dish pizza, cooking, video games, reading, music
Dislikes : Bugs, Bigots, Military Brass, The Police, Three Letter Agencies(CIA, DEA, FBI, etc...), Assholes, His entire family.
Fears : Dying alone, Failing to save another life, Never seeing his family again

History : Kaine was born the first son of Benjamin and Taya Jefferson. He was a Navy SEAL turned CIA Agent, and she was a Physician. They met during a routine evaluation, and after several sessions where they realized they were developing feelings, she referred him to a colleague to maintain professionalism, but not before giving him her number because she liked him a lot. They dated for a year before getting married, and had Kaine a few years after after a hard partying weekend(he was an accident). Benjamin was a traditional man who wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. He enrolled him in martial arts, taught him everything there is to know about guns, and crammed an auto shop's worth of knowledge into his head about cars; the whole nine yards.

His mom was there, but distant as she focused a lot on her career and usually deferred to his dad. And once the twins were born, any attention she had left was given to them while his taskmaster father got to be a doting daddy again. As he got older, Kaine gravitated toward the fighting aspect because hitting people was cathartic and the cheers from the fans and other parents replaced the love he was no longer getting from his family. He started to win trophies in his martial arts competitions and began to generate a buzz. As he did better and better, he got pushed harder and harder. A close friend showed him a magic trick one day to cheer him up, and Kaine got hooked.

Magic quickly became his escape from the world and his father, and whenever he had free time he'd practice, because if his dad wasn't on his ass to train or help him fix something around the house, or his mom wasn't saddling him with errands or chores or making him cook, both parents were ignoring him to spoil the twins. He won three Silver Gloves boxing tournaments when he was 12, 13, and 15(he took a year off when they had to move because of his dad's job).

After he won a Golden Gloves trophy when he turned 16, his dad decided he was good enough to go pro. Kaine just gritted his teeth and tried to make his father proud of him, tried to make him finally show he loved him. He won his debut fight with a brutal knockout in the first round. This continued for the year with him claiming an impressive 10-0 record, but all the extra stress and training put him in the hospital from exhaustion and several other symptoms that spawned from neglect. His mother, a fucking doctor didn't even visit him while he was sick. When he was finally discharged and the first thing he dad said was the doctors told them he could start training in just two weeks, the realization finally smashed Kaine over the head like a bag of bricks. His parents didn't love him at all. His dad only wanted famous boxer to carry on his name and show the world he meant something, and his mom just didn't give a shit.

He ran away from home in the middle of the night, throwing away his blossoming professional career, his family, and everything he'd ever known for his own mental health and well being. He ended up couch surfing until one of his best friends Antonio introduced him to petty crime. It was a quick, easy way to make money and support himself since no one else would. Before he knew it, he was selling dope on the corner, stealing cars, and kicking in doors. He saw friends get hurt or killed. He hurt people...and did worse. He was a slave to the streets before he realized it, but saved up enough for a decent apartment and a car so he wasn't homeless at least. After a few jail visits and seeing the friend who'd gotten him into the life, who'd been there with him the entire time get his face blown off right next to him, only to barely escape with his own life over a deal gone bad, it was enough to scare him straight.

At the age of eighteen, he applied for a job as a mechanic and has been working at "Charlie's Auto Works" ever since, and he does magic street shows, kid's parties and games of chance for some extra cash. A few months ago, he went camping in the woods to decompress, and what he can only describe as an alien artifact crashed only a few feet from his tent while he was sleeping. He saw it as a sign that not only were aliens real, but that he actually mattered to the universe if he was the one guy out of billions to find it. He took it home, keeping it on his nightstand after figuring out it had a warmth to it. One night he rubbed it before he went to bed as always, and he saw intense, terrifying visions of alien beings on an alien world. He passed out and woke up 24 hours later with dried blood coming from his nose and ears, and the object's glow had vanished along with it's warmth. It was then his powers began to manifest, and he's been training them in secret ever since, and using them to help him make extra money when he can, although he hasn't gone back to outright crime yet.

Sexuality : Heterosexual
On's and Offs :

On's - Vanilla Sex, Romantic gestures, Rough Sex, Roleplaying, Risky Sex(public places, chance of being caught, etc...)
Off's - Gore, Vore, Watersports, overly nasty stuff

Theme Song(s) :
All Along The Watchtower - Jimmy Hendrix
Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas
Short Change Hero - The Heavy

Extras : Kaine self-medicates to help deal with the night terrors and episodes from his PTSD, as well as the visions and voices in his head that came from the rock and never quite left. Usually with weed and alcohol, but he's no stranger to pills. After what he's seen and and knowing what he does about his father, he has no trust or faith in the US Military or US Government. He is no contact with his family and hasn't seen any of them in person in years because they act like they've done nothing wrong. He still stalks them on social media though.

Connections : TBD.

Cold Heritage

Get ready to add 'Kiss From A Rose' to that list of nicknames, Jugg.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Quote from: Cold Heritage on August 08, 2021, 05:20:30 PM
Get ready to add 'Kiss From A Rose' to that list of nicknames, Jugg.

Welp, that song is now stuck in my head.


Cold Heritage

Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


If their apartments are close enough, he might hear him jamming out from time to time lol.