Losing Objectivity AKA "The Patient."

Started by Blinkin, June 23, 2021, 11:19:28 PM

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The gender of the player and that of the character bears no relation to the other. . It is completely irrelevant to me if you are a male wanting to play a female, a female wanting to play a male or a wolf wearing a sheep skin suit to dinner. As long as you are willing to engage, invest and participate in the creative process, I'll be thrilled to work with you.

When the parents of 18 year old Terrence Blackburn are informed of an accident on a ski slope in the Swiss Alps, they are understandably concerned. Terrence, along with several scrapes and bruises, has two broken wrist and  will require some timewith a rehabilitation specialist once the casts come off in 6 weeks. In the mean time, their son has been transferred to a care facility in Spain to recover. The obvious question is, "why Spain?" With Terrence's health at the forefront, they demand that their son be pulled from the poorly operated facility and prepared to come back to the states and home.

There is a complication however, Under the local laws, a foreign national cannot travel alone while under the care of a tmedical facility; an escort, aka a nurse must accompany the patient to insure his condition is not compromised by the trip.

Enter 32 year old Angela Baker, an RN with experience in physical therapy and home health care. Under contract by the Blackburns, she's tasked to fly to Spain, free Terrence from the care facility and accompany him on the flight home. Things go array almost immediately when  Angela  and Terrence butt headsover his irreverant comments and her cool, all business attitude. Sparks fly all of the way across the Alantic as she tries to reason with the willful, spoiled young man; they will be spending a lot of time together over the next few months, and her job is to be a 24 hour care taker for Terrence. Not the least of her duties are seeing to his bathing, dressing and feeding.

However, as time passes and Angela delves into his most intimate places and thoughts, she discovers a good man, with a nearly constant, sizable erection, waiting to come out; he discovers a caring woman with s surprisingly hot body under those bulky scrubs; her heart firmly set behind walls by suffering may well find a common ground for romantic entanglements. Add in a girlfriend picked out for him with designs of her own and things are bound to become interesting!

How will things turn out? We'll have to find out together.

"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
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Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.