A super hero game

Started by RobyntheWitch, June 16, 2021, 03:27:28 AM

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It's as the title says, I have yet to touch any of the systems, but I would love to play one. One that isn't kiddie if you can understand. I might not be explaining it well, but... The drama, the betrayals, the growth, the happiness, the sadness.  I want it all, no holds bar. It will be my first thing back to Elliquiy in years and... I want something that will ignite that desire. So I ask for GMs out there, please 

Pumpkin Seeds

I've been toying with the idea of running the new Prowlers and Paragons game.

Captain America

Captain America approves this thread!
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If the Captain approves, we need to do this, and I am more than happy to look into this system Pumpkin.


I'd enjoy a Mutants and Masterminds game if someone's cool to GM it.

I've been developing a character for it who can slow time (so it seems like they're a speedster).

Thufir Hawat

Prowlers and Paragons is among the few systems I haven't played, but I could learn it. I've been thinking of trying my hand at supers once again.
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Thank you both for your interest!

Captain America

Absolutely. Kind of excited to see a super hero game that I could easily learn.
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There's also Masks - A New Generation, which uses PbtA...

So it's a 2d6 system where 10+ = full success, 7-9 = lesser success, 6 or less = fail.

Also uses playbooks of archetypes for the genre which gives you a few choices to make the character your own, so character generation is super simple too. Each one also lists DC and Marvel characters that are inspirations for them; the Protege has Robin & Cyclops as some of theirs.

It's made mainly for teen teams, like Young Justice or Young Avengers, Teen Titans, Runaways, etc though is great for supering and also drama/relationship stuff which I think suits everyone's needs.

Thufir Hawat

Guys, I don't want to cut your enthusiasm short...OK, who am I kidding, of course I want to (in the interest of any game actually starting, not because I'm in a bad mood >:))...but Pumpkin Seeds only said she's "been toying with the idea of running" Prowlers and Paragons.
I don't call that a hard commitment, and I don't see a clause asking you to persuade her to run another system 8-)!

And if there was such a clause, I'd have suggested to her running it with Fight! the Fighting Game RPG 2e, Metahumans Rising or Icons - or Cold Steel Wardens for maximum mindfuck potential C:).
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We know, and are hopeful, but with more attention to the thread, more traction is given. Whilst she might change her mind to do it, or not, someone else may also take interest in doing a game.

Thufir Hawat

Point conceded! Don't let me interrupt you 8-).
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Captain America

Quote from: RobyntheWitch on June 18, 2021, 03:37:04 PM
We know, and are hopeful, but with more attention to the thread, more traction is given. Whilst she might change her mind to do it, or not, someone else may also take interest in doing a game.

What a wise witch. *sighs* Now I have to let her slide on the torments I had planned.
Discord captainamerica_

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Pumpkin Seeds


Quote from: Captain America on June 18, 2021, 09:28:05 PM
What a wise witch. *sighs* Now I have to let her slide on the torments I had planned.
Well, what is one man's witch, is another man's wise woman. *Wink*

Pumpkin Seeds

More than likely I'd be looking to bring about my dystopian version of New Orleans for a supers game.


You have my interest and attention.

Thufir Hawat

New Orleans sounds cool, but how does the dystopian version differ 8-)?
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"Love is a negative form of hatred." - Roger Zelazny, This Immortal

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Pumpkin Seeds

A friend of mine had written a short story once that I wish I still had access to about this topic. Largely though this would revolve around a universe where super powered vigilantes are required to register with the government and then controlled by them. New Orleans has become, largely, a flooded city. The French Quarter, downtown area along with the upper class residential areas were elevated and protected with the rising water but the rest of the city has a permeant level of water beneath the houses. There are rickshaw type villages and towns along bridges. New Orleans has embraced its reputation as a sinful place for the region and the French Quarter is largely a red light district with access to drugs and prostitution. For the global stage the city also controls much of the Gulf of Mexico where wind farms are a large power source along with the port and what remains of offshore oil rigs. I certainly think an offshore nuclear plant might work as well. The port of New Orleans is still a big deal with access to the Mississippi River beyond.

I certainly hope that pants somewhat of a picture where I would be heading, but I do like the players to be involved in actual setting creation so its more personal for them.

Foxy DeVille

Wow, that sounds amazing.

Captain America

Quote from: RobyntheWitch on June 18, 2021, 11:08:55 PM
Well, what is one man's witch, is another man's wise woman. *Wink*

Which Witch...err...wom... aww forget it. *Just shoves her in a sack and absconds with*
dystopian version of New Orleans for a supers game
As opposed to regular New Orleans? :D

QuoteNew Orleans sounds cool, but how does the dystopian version differ
crap! he beat me to it! lol

QuoteLargely though this would revolve around a universe where super powered vigilantes are required to register with the government and then controlled by them.
Why does this sound...troublingly familiar to me? Hey Tony! Who was the jerk off that jumped on the government registration bandwagon and put the entire world in danger in a super hero Civil...oh...wait... *glares at Iron Man and secretly texts some orders to Punisher and Namor*

In all seriousness though, I like the idea! Very cool!
Discord captainamerica_

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I have had an itch for a superhero game for awhile now with a system to back it up.

Put me down as interested as well.
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Also love that Dystopian New Orleans setting!

Pumpkin Seeds

Certainly has garnered some interest.