Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest World (LitRPG inspired)

Started by Lyrical, June 05, 2021, 06:00:20 PM

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Fantasy/Sci-Fi Quest World (LitRPG inspired)
[System Apocalypse]
(action/adventure/survival drama)

QuoteFor those that don't know what LitRPG is. It's a genre of story with similarities to SAO (SwordArt Online), or Ready Player One styled. Basically the protagonists are plucked from their reality or willingly put into a world that is videogame/RPG like.

This is not a system game, it will be a guided freeform game, guided by a GM (me). You do not have to know any sort of system to be a part of this, you can learn the little details as you go along. But it is helpful to at least have a basic understanding of either MMORPG/JRPG or tabletop gaming so you understand the references that I will be making.

Optionally: We have decided to add an occasional dice roll to determine the outcome of some fights/challenges but I stress that it will be optional as this is mostly guided freeform writing.

Premise (inspired by the novel series by Tao Wong - System Apocalypse)

Setting:  Our modern world is suddenly held captive by an unknown alien race that teraforms the entire world into one giant game planet for their entertainment.

Plot: Player characters on a trip together awaken to find that all technology and weapons either gone, destroyed, or just simply not working. They have no idea about the aliens teraforming Earth, they only know that things have changed and it's all crazy.

They also discover that in the periphery of their vision is now a sort of video game like heads up display (HUD.) The GM will provide menu options from the HUD

Choices/character development will be strongly fantasy genre themed with a blend of technology. Think something sort of Star Wars like with a bit more old fantasy blended in. So there will be an assortment of swords/sword like weapons, bow type things, a variety of melee weapons, etc... maybe some sort of blaster type weapons as they go along. Some potential magic or techno-magic like stuff.

From there players will select menu options to begin to build a sort of character class with bonuses and options for leveling. So our character sheets will look a little bit like system sheets but at first they will be more generic freeform bios that will grow with time.

The antagonists At first will be the environment that the players find themselves in and the soon to exist new monsters in this environment. Before long the new alien "gamers" will come to Earth for their entertainment... By the way, that sort of makes you the NPC's in their game.

Overall Goal/Arch:  Players want to get home and will have to survive and come to accept the new way the world is. Action/Drama/Survival

Note:  If the players interested in this group would like to have a minor system introduced like a simple roll once to overcome this obstacle/fight we can do that. We could use something like the baddies are on a scale of 1-10 and you must roll higher to defeat your baddie similar to the "RTD (Roll To Dodge) system (see this linked site at TVtropes for description)"  Mostly I want to keep this more Guided Freeform but I know a random roll once in awhile can add an element of excitement.

What are your thoughts?

Influences on this creation:
System Apocalypse by Tao Wong
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Sword Art Online (the anime)
Rifts (table top RPG)

ALL CHARACTERS SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO the University of California--Berkeley. Either as students or professors (possibly as someone connected with another player character that is one of those things)

We will be starting as a group of students, professors that are on a week long camping trip doing ecology research. Anyone not part of the school research, whether they are students or not will have been hired as field assistants for the trip. It's a chance to get away from school, earn some money doing some grunt work and see nature.

Character Sheet Code:  (please post character sheets here)

[b]Build[/b]:   <athletic, thin, average, curvy ( S ), stocky (◻) >
[b]Hair[/b]: color | long-short-styled?
[b]Gender Identity[/b]:

[b]Life's Motivation[/b] 
<brief description about what their passion is in life or in the moment | what do they want>

[b]Home Life[/b]
<brief description about home/family/or whatever their current life circumstances are>

[b]Physical Health[/b]: <a general level of fitness, if athletic list sports they participate in>
[b]Known Relatives[/b]:
[b]Education[/b]:  <what have they studied or are they currently studying>

friendships, etc, to be determined among players
if you are unsure of who to have any sort of connection with contact me for a connection


[b]Face Claim[/b]: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)

Accepted Characters:
(Player | Character)
Foxy Deville | Jordyn Harlow
Keyotess | Gigi Blake
Chaosfox | Avrey Lawson
Praxis | Robert Rhoades
Avernale | Desiree Coyote
RainyHigh | Evangeline Walsh

Thread Links
The Array (OOC)
Character Repository
Creatures, Critters, and Everything New
The Wilderness (IC)
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon

Foxy DeVille

Color me intrigued. I've thunk along these lines in the past but your thunking is way better.


Quote from: Foxy DeVille on June 05, 2021, 06:09:36 PM
Color me intrigued. I've thunk along these lines in the past but your thunking is way better.
Hi Foxy, thanks for the interest in my thunking. Always happy to have you on board.

What do you think of the simple system/occasional dice roll? (either by GM or player?) for conflict/challenge resolution?
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon

Foxy DeVille

Quote from: Sarita on June 05, 2021, 06:14:34 PM
Hi Foxy, thanks for the interest in my thunking. Always happy to have you on board.

What do you think of the simple system/occasional dice roll? (either by GM or player?) for conflict/challenge resolution?

Could make things interesting and lives up to the RPG spirit of the plot.


I am interested. :)  Sounds interesting.  And I like the occasional roll for randomness. :)   Although, would rather use something like 2d6, 3d6, 2d10 rather than a D20 or any one die.  Something with a bell curve to the roll instead of linear curve.
By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H



You caught my interest with SAO and Ready Player One as  part of the inspirations. Going to have to track down the System Apocalypse series sometime. As far as a occasional roles goal I think it  is a good idea.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


Hi there, thanks for the interest Keyotess & Chaos. 

Does anyone have any general questions about the setting or character development or anything at all? I'm wondering what I should add to the original post.

See character sheet below for active recruitment (it has been added to the original post as well)

ALL CHARACTERS SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO the University of California--Berkeley. Either as students or professors (possibly as someone connected with another player character that is one of those things)

We will be starting as a group of students, professors that are on a week long camping trip doing ecology research. Anyone not part of the school research, whether they are students or not will have been hired as field assistants for the trip. It's a chance to get away from school, earn some money doing some grunt work and see nature.

Character Sheet Code:

[b]Build[/b]:   <athletic, thin, average, curvy ( S ), stocky (◻) >
[b]Hair[/b]: color | long-short-styled?
[b]Gender Identity[/b]:

[b]Life's Motivation[/b] 
<brief description about what their passion is in life or in the moment | what do they want>

[b]Home Life[/b]
<brief description about home/family/or whatever their current life circumstances are>

[b]Physical Health[/b]: <a general level of fitness, if athletic list sports they participate in>
[b]Known Relatives[/b]:
[b]Education[/b]:  <what have they studied or are they currently studying>

friendships, etc, to be determined among players
if you are unsure of who to have any sort of connection with contact me for a connection


[b]Face Claim[/b]: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)

Sample Character:

NameSierra Flowers
Age:  19
Height:  5'7"
Build:    slim
Eyes:  brown
Hair:  brown | long (usually in a ponytail or pinned back)
Gender Identity:  cis-female
Sexuality:  Hetero

Life's Motivation 
environmentalist, always the first in line at any protest, secretary of the university ecology action group. SAVE THE FROGS!

Home Life
Lucky to have two supportive upper middle class parents back in Newfoundland, Canada
Currently living and studying abroad at University in the USA

Physical Health:  moderate regular exercise, she is an active outdoors enthusiast
Known Relatives:  Raymond Flowers (father), Rochelle Flowers (mother), Thunder Flowers (brother)
Education:  First year Ecology major at university

Gigi Blake is a friend from Berkeley's Ecology Action Group and as a senior student is someone that Sierra looks up to.

Face Claim: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)

Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon

Foxy DeVille


Post here please. And thank you, i'll add that to my notes
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon

Foxy DeVille

Okee doke, then...

Name: Jordyn Harlow Scott (doesn’t use her last name professionally)
Age: 21
Height: 5’ 9”
Build: Slim (she prefers “willowy”)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brunette | long, style varies depending on what’s fashionable
Gender Identity: Female (trans)
Sexuality: Bi

Life's Motivation
Become an iconic supermodel, break down barriers for trans women, party a lot and look good doing it.

Home Life
Jordyn Harlow comes from a small rural town in Washington state. Her parents are supportive, although her good ol’ boy father can be awkward in how he shows it. Her mother still has concerns about what the neighbors think so Jordyn decided on a much more open-minded environment for college. She shares an apartment with two other girls and earns extra money modeling in Oakland and San Francisco, but they’re not exactly high paying gigs.

Physical Health: Fit, mainly through yoga, swimming and hiking. Her party girl lifestyle doesn’t help though.
Known Relatives: Roger Scott (father), Vicky Scott (mother), Matt (younger brother)
Education: Majoring in sociology but pays better attention in her theater and photography classes since those would be more useful in modeling.


Face Claim: TBD


Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


Name: Gigi Blake
Age: 20
Height: 5'2"
Build:   busty with a slim build
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red | long and straight
Gender Identity: female
Sexuality: lesbian

Life's Motivation
She plans to become an environmentalist to find better ways for the human race to maintain a sustainable lifestyle.

Home Life
Her family was caught in a fast moving forest fire while she was away on a tour of the Grand Canyon as a reward for graduating High school with top marks.  She doesn't like talking about what happened to her family and will often pretend that she is going to visit them during college breaks.  Before that she had a supportive, average family life with a younger brother.

Physical Health: practices Yoga and T'ai chi with some weight training.
Known Relatives: Father: Tomas Blake (deceased), Mother: Felicity Blake (deceased), Brother: Ben Blake (deceased)  Grandmother: Sally Feathers (mothers side, alive)
Education:  3rd year into her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree

Relationships/Connections: TBD
Sierra Flowers: go to Ecology Action club together.

Face Claim: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)
By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H



I'm intrigued... However... The 'no face claims for the moment' is throwing me off. I always start my character conceptualization with a face claim first, be it an actual person or some art. Because once I settle on a character concept first it is all but impossible for me to find a face after, that aligns with my character idea. Nothing ever seems to fit when I try to do it out of order.

I realize with this game it may be required because of the type of game it is. But I'm still hesitant over it. And again, considering the nature of this game I have to wonder if I'll be okay with constraints over what types of face claims we could have.

sigh So I'm intrigued... But unsure if I should pin my name next to this :-\
How Do You Wanna Do This?!?
My O_Os - Updated 30/05/21 with some characters I'd like to find a home for


Quote from: keyotess on June 06, 2021, 03:02:10 PM
Name: Gigi Blake
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Age: 20
Height: 5'2"
Build:   busty with a slim build
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red | long and straight
Gender Identity: female
Sexuality: lesbian

Life's Motivation
She plans to become an environmentalist to find better ways for the human race to maintain a sustainable lifestyle.

Home Life
Her family was caught in a fast moving forest fire while she was away on a tour of the Grand Canyon as a reward for graduating High school with top marks.  She doesn't like talking about what happened to her family and will often pretend that she is going to visit them during college breaks.  Before that she had a supportive, average family life with a younger brother.

Physical Health: practices Yoga and T'ai chi with some weight training.
Known Relatives: Father: Tomas Blake (deceased), Mother: Felicity Blake (deceased), Brother: Ben Blake (deceased)  Grandmother: Sally Feathers (mothers side, alive)
Education:  3rd year into her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree

Relationships/Connections: TBD
friendships, etc, to be determined among players
if you are unsure of who to have any sort of connection with contact me for a connection

Face Claim: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)
Character is approved  :-)

Can our characters be friends from the school's Ecology Action group together?

Quote from: ihinka on June 06, 2021, 04:17:41 PM
I'm intrigued... However... The 'no face claims for the moment' is throwing me off. I always start my character conceptualization with a face claim first, be it an actual person or some art. Because once I settle on a character concept first it is all but impossible for me to find a face after, that aligns with my character idea. Nothing ever seems to fit when I try to do it out of order.

I realize with this game it may be required because of the type of game it is. But I'm still hesitant over it. And again, considering the nature of this game I have to wonder if I'll be okay with constraints over what types of face claims we could have.

sigh So I'm intrigued... But unsure if I should pin my name next to this :-\
Go ahead and pick a face claim and build your character around that if you wish. Just don't post your FC and you can send me a PM with the FC instead.

I'll give you a spoiler so you understand why I don't want people to pick a FC.  As the game begins you'll be given choices and when you select your initial character class, it has the potential to change the way your character looks.  But it doesn't have to if you don't want it to. Either way the choice will be yours.
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


Quote from: Sarita on June 06, 2021, 05:54:18 PM
Character is approved  :-)

Can our characters be friends from the school's Ecology Action group together?

Sure :)  Can definitely do that.

By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H



Hmm... We'll see about this, sounds interesting.
If there is such a phenomenon as absolute evil, it consists in treating another human being as a thing.
O/OA/A, Requests


Name:Avrey Lawson
Build: Average
Hair: Dark Brown/ usually keeps it about chin length
Gender Identity:Gender Fluid (They,them, their)

Life's Motivation
Is passionate about the environment and wants to help improve current renewable energies and maybe come up with a new way to produce energy.

Home Life
Was born to a fairly wealthy family in one of the southern states. Their father kicked him out of the house, and cut him off shortly after their 18th birthday and before graduating high school after catching them with a guy. Currently lives with an aunt from his mom's side while attending school.

Physical Health: Moderately in shape does mostly cardio exercise and occasionally does weight machines.
Known Relatives:Kent Lawson (Father), Mary Lawson (Mother), Kathy Crawford (aunt)
Education: 3rd year majoring in Environmental Engineering Science with a minor in Climate Science.

None at the moment.

Face Claim: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


On second thought I'm gonna let y'all have all the fun with this one. Good luck with the game.
How Do You Wanna Do This?!?
My O_Os - Updated 30/05/21 with some characters I'd like to find a home for


Name: Robert Rhoades
Age: 41
Height: 6'3"
Build:   Mid-point betwixt average and athletic.  He exercises and uses the rowing machine daily his forties yes?
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Grey | Closely cropped but styled
Gender Identity: Cis-Male
Sexuality: Hetero

Life's Motivation
To stop the commoditization of the planet's resources and make society sustainable going forward.

Home Life
Divorced - No children
Currently dating a woman he met whilst volunteering

Physical Health: Exercises daily.  Comfortable with his body and people looking at it based on his level of fitness.
Known Relatives: Ex-Wife - Sabrina Moyet-Rhoades, Father(Deceased) - Roger Rhoades, Mother - Lillian Rhoades, Sister(Younger) - Royce Rhoades

Education:  Graduate of Law School - practiced law (corporate/environmental-primarily) for 15 years before getting out of it and becoming a professor of environmental law at Berkley.

None as yet?

Face Claim: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)


Quote from: keyotess on June 06, 2021, 07:18:55 PM
Sure :)  Can definitely do that.
Thanks, I updated my sheet :)

Quote from: stormwyrm on June 07, 2021, 12:23:15 AM
Hmm... We'll see about this, sounds interesting.
Hope you join us. It's always nice to meet new people

Quote from: ihinka on June 07, 2021, 08:29:56 AM
On second thought I'm gonna let y'all have all the fun with this one. Good luck with the game.
Maybe another time or later in the game. I like to keep things flexible so feel free to PM me if you change your mind later.

Quote from: Chaosfox on June 07, 2021, 08:15:44 AM
Name:Avrey Lawson
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Build: Average
Hair: Dark Brown/ usually keeps it about chin length
Gender Identity:Gender Fluid (They,them, their)

Life's Motivation
Is passionate about the environment and wants to help improve current renewable energies and maybe come up with a new way to produce energy.

Home Life
Was born to a fairly wealthy family in one of the southern states. Their father kicked him out of the house, and cut him off shortly after their 18th birthday and before graduating high school after catching them with a guy. Currently lives with an aunt from his mom's side while attending school.

Physical Health: Moderately in shape does mostly cardio exercise and occasionally does weight machines.
Known Relatives:Kent Lawson (Father), Mary Lawson (Mother), Kathy Crawford (aunt)
Education: 3rd year majoring in Environmental Engineering Science with a minor in Climate Science.

None at the moment.

Face Claim: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)

Approved. Welcome to the group

Quote from: Praxis on June 07, 2021, 01:53:20 PM
Name: Robert Rhoades
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Age: 41
Height: 6'3"
Build:   Mid-point betwixt average and athletic.  He exercises and uses the rowing machine daily his forties yes?
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Grey | Closely cropped but styled
Gender Identity: Cis-Male
Sexuality: Hetero

Life's Motivation
To stop the commoditization of the planet's resources and make society sustainable going forward.

Home Life
Divorced - No children
Currently dating a woman he met whilst volunteering

Physical Health: Exercises daily.  Comfortable with his body and people looking at it based on his level of fitness.
Known Relatives: Ex-Wife - Sabrina Moyet-Rhoades, Father(Deceased) - Roger Rhoades, Mother - Lillian Rhoades, Sister(Younger) - Royce Rhoades

Education:  Graduate of Law School - practiced law (corporate/environmental-primarily) for 15 years before getting out of it and becoming a professor of environmental law at Berkley.

None as yet?

Face Claim: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)

Approved and welcome to the group  :-)
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


Hi, this looks really intriguing.  Hope you're still accepting characters.

Name: Nichole "Nikki" Drake
Age: 20
Height: 5'8"
Build:   Athletic
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown (almost black, in certain lighting) with blonde highlights | Long, past the shoulder
Gender Identity: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Life's Motivation
She's still figuring it out, for the most part.  Her greatest love is soccer, she's currently a starter on the varsity team, and would love to play professionally, some day.

Home Life
She rents a loft with a few other girls from Berkeley's soccer team that's located off campus, but within walking distance.  Her parents divorced when she was fourteen, and both live out of state in Oregon.  She visits her dad for Thanksgiving, and mom for Christmas, and has remained in Berkeley the last two summers, except for a few weeks here and there.  Currently single; her last relationship ended messily a few months back. 

Physical Health: A collegiate athlete.  Her sport is soccer, but she routinely jogs, bikes, and skates.  She'll play just about anything, and routinely participates in beach volleyball, ultimate Frisbee,  and basketball. 
Known Relatives: Nancy Woods (mother), Patrick Drake (father), Michelle Drake (sister),
Education:  2nd year, English and Journalism Major.


Face Claim: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)


Quote from: AribethAmkiir on June 07, 2021, 06:28:25 PM
Hi, this looks really intriguing.  Hope you're still accepting characters.

Name: Nichole "Nikki" Drake
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Age: 20
Height: 5'8"
Build:   Athletic
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brown (almost black, in certain lighting) with blonde highlights | Long, past the shoulder
Gender Identity: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Life's Motivation
She's still figuring it out, for the most part.  Her greatest love is soccer, she's currently a starter on the varsity team, and would love to play professionally, some day.

Home Life
She rents a loft with a few other girls from Berkeley's soccer team that's located off campus, but within walking distance.  Her parents divorced when she was fourteen, and both live out of state in Oregon.  She visits her dad for Thanksgiving, and mom for Christmas, and has remained in Berkeley the last two summers, except for a few weeks here and there.  Currently single; her last relationship ended messily a few months back. 

Physical Health: A collegiate athlete.  Her sport is soccer, but she routinely jogs, bikes, and skates.  She'll play just about anything, and routinely participates in beach volleyball, ultimate Frisbee,  and basketball. 
Known Relatives: Nancy Woods (mother), Patrick Drake (father), Michelle Drake (sister),
Education:  2nd year, English and Journalism Major.


Face Claim: NO FACE CLAIMS FOR THE MOMENT (you will see why when we get started)
Yes, we only have 4 players so far. Plus you, now we have 5.  Accepted!
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


I'm thinking about putting this in the Extreme section because of the potential for action oriented violence.

But how do our players feel?
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon

Foxy DeVille

Quote from: Sarita on June 07, 2021, 06:42:03 PM
I'm thinking about putting this in the Extreme section because of the potential for action oriented violence.

But how do our players feel?

I'm cool with that. Good to cover the bases.


I agree better to cover your bases than to not.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's