Humans and Demons - Military and Love Story [F seeking M]

Started by LambChop, April 15, 2021, 11:17:56 PM

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"The Great Fall"

The Beginning
500 A.F. (After the Fall)
A light illuminated the sky, a large pillar hit the earth and dug a burrowing hole to the depths. Embers crept their way up to the crust of the earth, they singed everything they touched. Slowly wandering fiery vines dragged themselves from the looming gash in the earth. A red haze loomed over the scarred terrain now, the vines began taking over the lush foliage, leaving burnt angry tree carcasses in their wake. Suddenly a figure emerged from the scar, Lucifer had fallen.

A sudden second burst shone in the sky, you could hardly make out the specks that could be seen falling to the ground. Thick sounding thuds echoed throughout the land, wingless creatures wailed and cried out for release. Blood dripped down the backs of the creatures, where wings once stood, their skin singed and the stench of burning flesh assaulted any nostrils that were in a two-mile radius. Ash began to cover the land, only being illuminated by the red haze. Lucifer forced himself up onto his two legs, he looked over his shoulder and to his surprised his large wings were still present, but they were tarnished, singed. They were stained black and red.

A great crash caught Lucifer’s attention, about twenty feet away a large tree was split in half, with what looked like a woman draped through the middle. Lucifer’s heart plummeted, he ran to the limp body and destroyed tree. It was his love…his life…his Lilith. He knelt down and cradled her limp body to his chest. He sobbed quietly into her hair, trying to inhale the last of her sweet scent. His hand slowly moved down to her swollen belly, it still held warmth. As he sobbed quietly into the body, the woman croaked quietly. “The brood…” was all she could mutter before her head fell to the side, her last breathe leaving her tangled body. Lucifer knew what he had to do, as he stroked the hot belly of his deceased beloved, his fingernail trailed along the cusp of her underbelly. Warm crimson flowed from the woman, her belly skin slightly rolling up over itself. The winged creature plunged his hand into the womb of the female, pulling it out in its entirety. You could see there was something moving inside, tumbling over itself. Eagerly, Lucifer slit the sack, letting the fluid flow on the burnt ground causing steam to billow upwards. This was his brood…the only thing he had left of his beloved Lilith. Lucifer was stuck on this hell-scape of a place, Earth, and only had three hungry crying mouths as company.

"Flying The Nest"

Pandoras Fall
2200 A.F. (After the Fall)
Pandora has spent 1,700 years on earth, throughout her time here she has been able to adapt to the ever changing world around her. Pandora took her time leaving the safety of her fathers side, her brothers quickly slinking away at birth, she stuck closely beneath the scarred wings of her father. The world around her began imploding in on itself without the help of her fathers evil that slowly spread throughout the land. Humans were able to kill themselves over foolish nothings without the influence of her and her father. By the time Pandora hit her first thousand years, she had learned to socialize with the humanoids around her, over time she would shift her appearance so that the pitiful humans would be more sure of her presence.

Even though there are supernatural beings in the world, they are looked down upon in the human cities and villages and cohabitation between the ‘supers’ and the humans was deemed inappropriate. It wasn’t rare for incubuses and succubi to ravage the human population, their offspring would be the scourge of the earth and very openly culled before their first few birthdays.

Pandora had fallen in love with a human man, a Andorian Four Star General, named Kiran Owain while she too also held a high rank of Lieutenant General. Their union was looked down upon and caused large rifts among the higher-ranking officers in the Andronian Army. It wasn’t until she found herself pregnant with twins, that the war between the Andorian Army and the Earth Commonwealth had come to a head. Pandoras soon to be Husband General Kiran, was sent to the front lines. One night when Pandora slept, a darkness crept over the small village she called home with her love. Muffled screams could be heard rippling through the sleepy town. Pandora was roused by the nose, she could see a gentle orange haze on her window. She slowly stood from her bed and crept to the window where she could see men ripping women from their homes. They were ravaging them in the streets. Where were all the men? That’s when she saw it….the tree line that encircled the town, the men were strapped along each tree. They were bound and gagged, you could see the horror in the men’s eyes as they watched their loved ones being molested, raped, and killed in front of them. A whistling cut through the screams, lit arrows hit the tree line which quickly caught the brush on fire. It wasnt much longer that the flames quickly engulfed the bound men.

Pandora watched on in anguish…she had grown soft amongst the humans. Suddenly Pandora heard pounding, they were inside. The woman didn’t have time to hide, it seemed like only milliseconds that it took them to barge into the master bedroom. “Grab the whore” a gruff voice demanded as a few men gathered inside the large bedroom. Things went black for Pandora, her body crumpled to the floor from the quick blow to her head. Through her unconsciousness her wings slowly unfolded from inside her and her horns grew from her forehead. The men gawked at her body and spat at her. “Disgusting” one mentioned as they grabbed at her limp wings.

Morning came….Pandora was awoken to a pounding throbbing feeling in her head. Her eyes slowly opened, the vivid sound of cracking blood from her fluttering eyelids caused her pain. She reached up to her face and winced, something was missing…..more than something…She staggered to get up, holding onto the bed post for stability. She tried to take a deep breath but her entire being ached and seared with a ripping pain. She looked over to her mirror, she almost fell over from the site. Her fingers trembled as they moved over where once was her protruding horns…to blood splintered stalks. Her wings still slumped on the ground, she tried to raise them…she turned her aching body to see her wings cracked at the base, dangling over by a couple tendons. That wasn’t all that was missing…a large red stain covered her gown, she hesitated before lifting her sleeping gown. She gasped in horror as crusted blood adorned her inner thighs…her belly no longer swollen with life…instead emptiness.

So...if you're still here after reading all that YAY!
This is a role-play story that is near and dear to my heart, it was one of the first serious story based RP I had done with an amazing writer back in the day. I very much miss playing this story out. It does not have to have the same ending (We weren't actually able to complete the story, so maybe we can give Pandora the story she deserves!). The plan with this story is for the other person to play Pandoras soon to be husband. We can either kill him off and have Pandora find a different life partner or keep him which ever you prefer! If the start of this story has caught your attention or imagination please let me know!

This story can be as romantic/smutty as both parties like, but I also like to play out fighting and war scenes!