Difficult Decisions (F seeking M)

Started by Sampais Wrath, March 23, 2021, 06:48:10 PM

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Sampais Wrath

Living on a ranch isn't for everyone. It's backbreaking work. Everything is covered in dust and dirt. Cell reception sucks and it takes so long to get to any kind of civilization. It's not for everyone and it certainly wasn't for Black Devil Ranch's owner's son. He may have grown up there but he always thought there was more to life than cattle and horses so when he got the opportunity to study out of state he leapt at the chance to go to the big city.

Years passed but not all were great. Animals were getting sick with a strange illness, profits were falling. Things were going terribly wrong but the owners didn't let on about any of it to their son. They didn't want to worry him about their own affairs. It seemed like they'd get away with it until one terrible night. His mother and father were running errands lasting well into the night but luck and the weather were not on their side. Taking one turn too fast they skid off the road into a tree, help unable to reach them in time.

The lawyer in charge of their will was forced to call their only child with the news. They left him everything they had but there was one stipulation. His father seemed to know that given the opportunity his son would sell the ranch right away and wash his hands of the place so he had one last plan to try to bring his son back to the ranch. He wouldn't be getting any of his inheritance until he spent one last week there on the ranch. If nothing else it hurt more to have gotten to know the people you were about to fire.

Before he even had plane tickets booked a neighboring ranch had already contacted him with offers to buy the place. Something didn't seem right about those neighbors...

This is a game I had advertised almost a decade ago now and despite a few takers I'd still love to try another take at it. Essentially what I'd like to see is YC returning with plans to sell the place but when he meets MC and the other employees and starts to get to know them the decision gets harder as he begins to fall for the pretty girl (MC) working hard to keep things running. As the days go on things get more and more suspicious. He learns about the sick animals, declining sales and even a portion of the fence between them and the neighboring ranch neatly disassembled with a large amount of tire tracks on his property that weren't from his staff. As luck would have it there's a large pocket of oil on his land and his neighbors want it.

Shoot me a pm if any of this sounds like fun. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I've got one brain cell bouncing around my head like a 2000s windows screensaver.
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