T2K: New Millennium Strife. (Twilight 2000, 4th Edition. F/Gm/Any.)

Started by Lustful Bride, March 09, 2021, 11:54:14 PM

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Lustful Bride

Been really getting into the 4th Edition of Twilight 2000 as of late and my muse has gone completely wild with ideas that I have really wanted to play around with. One is just a basic idea set within the 4th Edition of Twilight 2000, following a surviving NATO supply depot and its staff trying to make it through the apocalypse. This one is the most developed out of all the ideas and even has a worldbuilding thread already made up. The second (that really only came to me last night)  is inspired in part by Twilight Nightmares, with a supernatural twist added to the Twilight War and maybe even to Operation Reset itself having been part of the machinations of things we once thought myth. Not entirely sure how the supernatural stuff will work, so we might have to go system-lyte for it. The final idea is based on the newly released.Pacific Northwest for 2nd Edition. Though I have not read as deeply into this one to avoid spoilers. I still got it but have only skimmed some of the initial information and TLDR to get the main gist of it. Though so it might be inaccurate and require editing for actual play. But the main idea should be the same.

Edit: 4/5/2021: I added in a new Fourth scenario based on the supplement for T2K based on the effects of WW3 upon the Korean Peninsula. As well as a fifth Scenario seeking to answer what happened with Puerto Rico during the Twilight War, with some inspiration based off Pirates on the Vistula and other similar scenarios or things that could be used for information or that might fit.

4/15/2021: Added in a new scenario inspired by the series Jericho. With perhaps the faction system from Stars Without Number and elements from Other Dust added in to help make the setting more interesting and about more than just fighting for a single mouthful of water or can of food. Now it can be about rebuilding and reestablishing order.

Also gonna state right now I am still very new to the system for 4th edition so some patience is appreciated. I should also state I am willing to go system-lite for all of these ideas if it helps. I'm as interested in the story as in the actual dicerolling. Maybe like 10% more interested in the story.

Never A Thing Organized.
Ever since the successful Coup in the Soviet Union, military hardliners have been in charge of the USSR. They have tightened their grips on power to ensure no one will ever kick them out, and the increased tension (coupled with economic difficulties) has been egging on the conflict between the East and West. Constant saber rattling leads to the entire world always on a knife's edge even after the Soviet Union was supposed to begin winding down. In the States the more militant war-hawks have been winning more elections and are only held back by those party who feel that NATO is a failure and that the US should stand alone. Or at the least that Europe should handle its own problems without America. As the trigger points for the Twilight War all keep getting hit, the politicians and generals seemed all too eager to ensure that the war would be long, costly, and bloody, while having no real understanding of what they were doing, only really going for optics and votes.

US funding of NATO is actually starting to decrease and logistics is suffering the most from the budget cuts (much to the enjoyment of the Warsaw pact),
and causes NATO to stretch itself thin while making more errors. Which allows the Warsaw pact the right openings they need to make their initial moves of the war. Its as if the board was set and all that was needed was for both sides to take their seats and make the first moves, to send the world to a collision course with annihilation.

A single spark is all it takes and soon fighting begins to happen across the globe. In the Middle East, in the Pacific, In South America, and even in North America the people riot and hunger begins to claw at people's bellies as global trade is disrupted. The nations of men burn with hate, drown in blood, and cry out in agony.

In the midst of it all NATO begins shuffling forces and staff around to plug up holes in their lines, setting up fighting positions, defense lines, and reactivating old bases and depots to keep the line secure. Among these is an old supply depot known only as A-24 on some map that hasn't been updated since the early 80s.

Some soldiers, staff, mechanics, and civvies (including a lady reporter that no one wants to deal with, and the female desk jockey who slapped her after one too many hit-pieces) get sent to an old supply depot that has been abandoned for a couple years, with only themselves, and old accommodations to keep them company. They keep trying to call NATO command for pickup but instead get sent a Bradley IFV and two M88 Recovery vehicles. Apparently a translation error confused 'pick up' with 'recovery' and the Bradley operators have no idea why they are there. They were just told to report to the depot and that fuel would be present.

While they try to figure things out the reporter uses satellite phone to try and complain to her superiors about how she's been treated by the dogs of the military, when she hears news of the fighting between East and West escalating to new heights and getting closer to their new position. Just about everywhere that has NATO & Warsaw forces (Or their proxies and allies) is in open conflict. but the main thrust of the war seems to be in Europe, where two giants are savagely beating each other.

Suddenly this little abandoned Supply Depot becomes actually useful as NATO drops off food, medicine, fuel and munitions there to help it act as a way station for forces moving to various frontlines.

Troops move in before deploying to the frontline, and some come back bloodied, or in body bags, for transport elsewhere. The staff that was originally at the depot now has their work cut out for them as the frontline gets closer and closer. A few raids got close enough for the depot to go on alert and start handing out rifles, but overall the defenses already set up on the frontline and the heavy fighting there keep the depot safe.

Even as it turns into a complete killing field, where the average soldier's life expectancy is 15 minutes. With a Hot-War phase already underway (and a few close calls scaring the non combat staff) the non combatants get some 'recommended' training to ensure that if the reds hit the depot, they wont all be sitting ducks. The clerk who'd been assigned there as punishment for hitting a reporter throws herself all into it, training alongside the infantrymen who run drills at the depot and in the nearby woods, while the civilians at least get pistol training. The reporter is actually among the first of them to get that kind of training, possibly worried that the soldiers may try to rape her at some point, or take vengeance for her using their pain as a way to win herself a daytime Emmy back home.

Despite the risks, the reporter had been excited to stay since she wasn't directly in the line of fire and could get some great shots with her camera crew. Wounded troopers crying for their mothers, NATO Forces desperately holding back the red charge, fighting tooth and nail for every last scrap of territory as they sough tot push the Soviets out of Poland and keep the front from being pushed all the way back to the Fulda Gap, or even Paris. It was the peak of human drama and the reporter hopes that she could win herself some real awards with shots like these. Going from simple reporter to an impromptu war correspondent. There might even be a book deal in it for her!

Unlike real war correspondents, and journalists with actual integrity to them, this reporter is only out for the best shots that will shock and stun the public back home, rather than informing on the actual details and nuance of the war.

She had always wanted to hit it big and be famous, yet it just never seemed to happen. She knows that time is always marching on, and soon she might be too old to be the face of her news channel, so the war might be her last big chance to secure herself a comfortable nest egg to retire. Its not as if the war will do anything but end in a stalemate, right?

This changes when the Reds stage a new assault and she is out where she isn't supposed to be, her camera man has his head blown off and she abandons her sound guy to scramble behind a Humvee. The reds are repelled and the fighting only gets worse as NATO and the Pact savage each other in horrible fighting that eventually (just barely) ends with a NATO victory in their sector. The reds exhausted themselves and both red and blue withdraw forces from there to reinforce other areas and the depot mostly finds itself dealing with stragglers and a lot of dead and wounded being brought back to them.

Everyone is getting tired from hearing the carnage in the distance, and seeing the aftermath. There aren't even enough plans or transports coming for the bodies anymore, forcing the depot to start burying their fallen in a makeshift cemetery for sanitation reasons. Even the reporter mostly stays in her 'room' (really a supply closet cleared out for her), yet with her satellite phone she gets a lot more news from around the world (not the whitewashed updates everyone at the depot gets) than everyone else is. So they are willing to hear her out, and she and the soldier who once hit her are actually able to bury the hatchet. Sadly that is the only real good news anyone of them will get for a long time.

Things aren't looking good in the rest of the world. the Korean peninsula is in flames as US led fleets join with ANZAC, JSDF and ROK forces to engage the Chinese, Russians, and North Koreans. India had seemed to declare war on its neighbors in a desperate bid for fresh water during a crippling drought, and South America was in flames as old tensions boiled over without anyone to try and police them. It seemed that everyone in the world had decided it was now or never, to finish off old enemies and settle their grudges. Pretty soon the reporter comes rushing into the mess hall one day, screaming about the first nuclear exchange of World War Three.

Israel had been involved in a brutal war against the New United Arab League, and reports were sketchy, but someone had set off a nuke, and everyone else in the region started tossing their own bombs around like candy. Within a year this led to a chain reaction, where the US deploys its own nukes to halt the Soviet advance into Europe, and the Russians respond in kind, leading to a 'tit-for-tat' policy of nukes being launched by everyone else until the world collapses. Thankfully it seems the depot and the region it is in was too low priority for either side to waste an ICBM on it.

They are all huddled around the satellite phone and the radios as the calls ring out everywhere of the bombs, and new strikes are pushed back and forth, the last dying embers of a world that may be killing itself just to kill itself by now.

Soon the satellite phone is the last thing keeping them in contact with anyone back home but even that begins to fail as eventually people stop picking up the phone. The only news they get is from it, passing refugees, and AWOL troopers, until a half drunk/depressed messenger arrives in a Humvee to deliver just a message, a single document detailing the failure of 'Operation Reset' (a last, failed, campaign to push the Soviets all the way back to their original staging point in Eastern Europe) and that their last orders are to either get home or do whatever the fuck they want.

"What kind of orders are these? How can they be telling us to just do as we please? What the hell are we supposed to do now!?" Demands the clerk turned infantrywoman.

"Whatever you want, anything you want. You're on your own." The Humvee messenger says, no light in his eyes as he drives off, to find anyone else to deliver his messages to, fulfilling his last orders so he can eventually kill himself somewhere alone and in peace.

Left alone, with dwindling supplies, scattered information, and no further goals, the depot crew feels more alone than ever. But they are NATO, organization has never been their strong suit anyway. They shall do what they do best, turn chaos into opportunities. There are still people out there that need help, and they are in a better position than most to make a difference.

Nightmares of the New Millennium.

This idea is quite similar to the one above, yet it has it that within the last few months of 1999, and the first few months of the year 2000, the survivors in Europe begin to spread rumors far and wide about encounters Vampires and Werewolves. Some write it off as madness and superstition, but others swear that it is the truth. And it really is. The creatures of the night have been just as affected as humanity by the Twilight War. The lack of food, shelter, and organization has forced many of them (to varying degrees) into the public eye. Some regions have these monsters as a widely known fact of life by now, while others are totally uncontacted (for now). But among those that know the truth, some basic facts have come to light.

The Vampires are in a worse off position due to a lack of humans to feed on and radiation making their food stock poisonous if not treated properly. But do not underestimate the nightwalkers. They have a lived for centuries and the more powerful groups of vampires have a wide variety of hidey holes and caches of supplies hidden away for if the surface world became dangerous. Centuries of living and accumulating (now mostly useless) riches have ensured that they have plenty of places to stay in and shelter from the harsher environments while they plot how to turn this devastation to their own advantage. Some of the more well off vampires even have emergency supplies of blood and human familiars that they can use to exert their influence over other vampires and even surviving human populations. (Some rumors say that the city of Krakow is so successful because it is an independent meeting place for vampire leaders to engage in trade).

Another, unexpected, boon of the Twilight war is due to the immense amount of fallout covering the skies and blocking out the sun. It isn't a full nuclear winter, but enough bombs have fallen now that it has started making it so that in the right conditions Vampires can go out in daytime. So long as the cloud cover is good enough they can stand being out in it for a few minutes to an hour or two. Which has led to surviving humans being just as afraid of the day as they are of the night.

Some of the blood-drinker factions want to ensure humanity survives and repopulates (for obvious reasons), attaining the numbers they had before so vampires never have to worry about starvation again. While others feel that it is time to break the human animal and enslave it to be cattle once and for all. They are too dangerous to be left alone and deserve to be brought low for what they've done to the world, reduced to their basest form to serve their evolutionary superiors. A third faction feels downright suicidal as they suffer the immortality blues, and echo the words 'Who wants to live forever?' in between tears.

Many people are so broken though that they seem to flock to the Vampires and will accept being fed upon thanks to the wonderful feeling it gives them, making them forget their pain and the promise of immortal life has a lot more pull now when people see everything they know die around them and have seen no sign of any promised savior coming down from the clouds.

There are rumors though of Religious vampires from the Catholic church stalking the land, on a crusade to end the unnatural species. Vampires that willingly burn themselves with crosses as they hunt others of their kind. The apocalypse has come, and in Christ's name they will exterminate the blood drinkers. Christ gave his blood for man, and those that would steal it are as parasites in the eyes of Christ The King.

The other species that has gained prominence since the Twilight war is one that tends to be human for most parts of the month. The werewolves are stronger now and in greater number, for who has the silver needed to bring them down? They move in packs (though its not uncommon for a lone werewolf to be moving about) feasting off of surviving wildlife and human alike. Some even kill and eat their own. Their regenerative abilities have kept them alive, and healthier than most survivors, but even those powers have their limits. Radiation is a slow and insidious killer, and some wolves have gone completely insane and rabid from their brains being cooked in their own skulls by radiation. Though given the cleverness that some display, it may be more so rom the utter shock and madness of the Twilight war leading them to reject their humanity in favor of the beast in their blood.

Each wolf pack has its territory and loyalties, but the big danger among them is a resurgent Neo Nazi faction, remnants of the Nazi-uber soldier projects they wish to take this catastrophe and turn it into the start of the rise of the Ubermensch, to build an Aryan empire that covers the world. This was the ultimate proof to them that the lesser races cannot be allowed to rule and exist. They will recruit and turn as many Aryans as they can and maybe make use of lesser races to bolster their numbers or as slave labor, until they are of no use for anything but food. Then their Wolven Aryan blood will repopulate the world and build the thousand year Reich.

Thankfully, the Nazis weren't the only one with some wolves among them. Both the new German Army and the American special forces had wolves among them that conducted deep raids and strikes against the soviets. The German army mostly devoted their own wolves to cleaning up the sinful mess left by their ancestors, and the the Americans...well we do what we do and made it a weapon to use against our foes and as a counter to their own supernatural tricks. (Though no one can say what exactly it was that the Soviets had under their sleeves).

Several packs of Nazi wolves have already been killed off in daring raids that are shattering the falsehood of the Aryan ideal. The liberated human slaves whisper rumors that the leader of the American Wolves is a Black man who was first made a wolf in the second world war. Those in the know can attest to the validity of these rumors.

The leader of the American Wolves is a man whose name has been erased from most public records. Those that know him only do so by his callsign of 'Archer'. What is known about him is that he was first given the blood of the wolf when he was part of the 92nd Infantry Division. (the Buffalo Soldiers). Some Thule mystic tried to prove the superiority of wolven soldiers against the allies and hoped that by that deploying some werewolves on the black soldiers would crush their morale and prove Aryan superiority. They sent seven wolves against two dozen human infantrymen on a full moon, when wolves are most powerful.

They killed a lot of the infantry in the initial ambush, but the survivors rallied and found that .50 caliber ammunition tears through Nazi Wolves just as well as it does blowing regular Nazis to bloody pieces. The wolves let pride and arrogance doom the raid as they spent as much time talking about racial superiority as they did actually fighting, repeatedly allowing the infantry men to reform and tighten their grouping, showering the wolves with bullets until the final one got in the middle of their line and was fought by one man with a bayonet and a knife.

Despite all that animal strength, muscle and ferocity, a stab in the in the armpit and neck still brings the monster down. The wolves were killed and the Germans lost a resource they could not easily replace.

The soldier barely made it through, mangled and torn up, but within a week his body began to knit itself back together, and he found himself better, faster, stronger. He hasn't always been happy with how his homeland treated its people, but it was his home and he'd sworn an oath. Plus he had an even bigger beef against those surviving Nazi wolves and devoted as much time to hunting them down in South America as he did to killing Soviets in Europe.

His reasons for showing up at the base are his own. Perhaps he knows something important is happening and needs the extra friendly forces to ensure the success of the mission. Maybe his pack has been killed and he needs replacements, maybe he's given up the fight and needs to just find somewhere comfortably to spend the rest of his days. Perhaps he is just stopping by for a quick rest before he and his pack move on to hunt down some other wolves, soviets, marauders, or vampires. Whatever it is, he has quite the story to tell the survivors at Depot A-24. None of them are ready for what is going to be revealed to them that night, but their worldview is going to be expanded and they are going to have to accept it, because the other creatures of the night wont give them too long to think things through before attacking. They'd better start believing in ghost stories, because they are living one now.

>Or the timeline can diverge here and he doesn't show up at the depot (yet), and instead another wolf breaks into the depot one night, searching for a snack and unfortunately finds (MC) and tries to feed on her. She puts up as much of a ight as she can, but is overpowered, and the wolf tears into her. Yet the screaming kicking up so much of a fuss that the guards at the depot rushed to help, and were able to bring the wolf down in a hail gunfire. At first (MC) is thought to be on death's doorstep, and all they can do is make her comfortable as she dies, while they try to figure out what the hell just attacked them. Yet by morning MC's body has started to fix itself, and in a week she barely has any scars.

>A third way the supernatural could be revealed is of a nearby friendly settlement calling to the depot for immediate aid, because they are under attack and they are being overwhelmed. The depot responds and deploys both its Humvees with some armed fighters, they head into the town as the raid is still underway, and are stunned to see the raiders feasting on the fallen, draining them of blood. The vampires are just as surprised to see so many armed and armored soldiers responding so quickly and half turn to flee, while the rest try to feast on the new humans. There isn't any time to think about the revelation of vampires being real, only time for action. The soldiers don't have the luxury of being able to think, and rush into the fight, tonight they will become vampire slayers, and tomorrow they can think about the implications.

>Other supernatural events are also acceptable, especially the ones from Twilight Nightmares. Such as The giant ants scenario, the one with the ghostly soldiers, electric eels and etc. Though I'd prefer to not use any aliens.

Pacific Northwest: Operation Geronimo.

May, 2001. The Twilight war is over, but he Twilight of Man still continues. Food is scarce, technology is failing, plagues and disease are everywhere, as mankind continues to kill itself in a million different conflicts across the world for much needed resources. The war between the East and West left the entire world reeling in nuclear fire that collapsed modern civilization, save for a few enclaves and holdouts. The former United States of America is now a broken mess at risk of balkanizing between many warring factions. Most aren't even sure what the factions are or where the lines have been drawn. The only main players most are familiar with now are MilGov, CivGov, and New America. Each one has plans for the ruins of this once great nation and each one will reshape the continent in their own image. Though most will agree that despite their faults, MilGov or CivGov are both better options than New America. Fascism with an American coat of paint is still fascism, and nowhere is this more of an important issue than in the Pacific Northwest.

A heavily contested region fraught with danger and heavily fought over by MilGov and their Canadian Allies against Soviet invaders and New American insurgents. It is a great prize in this new world as some regions were spared the atomic fire, leaving critical infrastructure intact, a sizeable population of survivors, and most importantly a large swath of uncontaminated farmland that proves to be one of the most heavily sought after resource. Its more than enough reason for all sides to kill each other over it in a stalemate that never seemed to end.

Though in recent months things have heavily turned in favor of the MilGov and surviving Canadian allies. First with the arrival of the USS Missouri after sailing from Independent Hawaii, and the Second Battle of Seattle, which went in favor of the Allies, and finally broke the back of Soviet resistance in the region.

The second battle of Seattle went in favor of the American MilGov forces, as much to their shock as it was to the invading soviets. 8 Days and 9 nights of intense fighting finally led to the Soviets having their back broken and many of them retreating with whatever ships they had that could still float. Some rushed to escape the Americans (mostly the Partisans and other militia groups that were not interested in taking prisoners and were looking to inflict violence on their enemies even when told not to by MilGov.) that they abandoned some of their equipment or even their wounded.  On the dawning of the ninth day the city was cleared out, save for a few holdouts and all that was left was to police the wounded, the dying, and figure out what to do with prisoners of war.

While many might claim the victory was a heroic one, it was in truth bloody slaughter for many and a chance for many to give in to their baser instincts. Some of the left behind soviets were all too happy to surrender to actual military personnel since they knew they could be afforded some level of proper treatment under the rules of war. Or at least a quick death compared to what the militias were doing.

The Soviet flag was pulled down and the Stars and Stripes were raised up over the Space Needle. It was a risky endeavor, and required the use of what remaining aircraft and jet fuel that the MilGov had in the region. Aircraft ranging from Blackhawks, to Vietnam Era Hueys, and even a few crop dusting planes flew support missions over Seattle, aiding Military and militia forces in breaking the backs of the Soviet occupiers.

Remnants of the Soviet 62nd Motor Rifle Division still remain, keeping on the move and hoarding whatever precious fuel they were able to get away with, but they are no longer the threat they once were. The bear has lost its claws. Now the true danger lies in dealing with New America. They have had time to dig in, sitting back and making plans as they watch MilGov and the soviets kill each other. It will take effort to kick them out of their Idaho holdings now and MilGov used most of its fuel and munitions in beating the soviets. Even if they had those resources they are unwilling to use them as the Idaho territory is too important, they cant risk causing a wildfire and burning important crops or bombing vital installations. Its going to have to be a ground pounder's war now, and they will have to dig the NA out of their territory and reclaim the state for MilGov.

To do this MilGov has planned out Operation Geronimo. The details are classified, but the gist is to create a ring of American Steel and Heroism around the fascist controlled territory and begin strikes into it that will when be taken over as the ring closes in and strangles their enemy. To do this new units have had to be created and among them is the 183rd. Irregular Mechanized Infantry division.

The 183rd Irregular mechanized infantry is a motley and sometimes sorry bunch of fighters. Made up of militiamen, cops, soldiers, and retirees, its the first signs of the bottom of the barrel being scraped. But they’ve all taken up arms and sworn an oath to MilGov and to restore the United States to its former glory, against all enemies foreign and domestic. Sadly it seems they will primarily be fighting Domestic enemies. They haven't yet realized that the Soviet threat to this part of the country is virtually neutered, and now they must play a role in the second American civil war.

The fascistic, white supremacist, New America faction has seized great swaths of Idaho from the Union, and forced many into its cruel caste system. They are told they are fighting to liberate their fellow Americans from oppression by their fellow man. Once the threat of new America is eliminated and Idaho is reintegrated to the union, alot of people will finally have food in their bellies. Its not an easy job, but it is a cause worth fighting and dying for.

Chaos in the Korean Peninsula.

In the final years of the old world, before the new millennium came by at a slow, painful crawl, the entire world was ablaze in old and new conflicts that set the Earth ablaze. It was easy to miss out on naval and marine engagements going on in the Pacific, when Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South America were lit up with horrible ground conflicts that left fields of bodies and debris. If any historians or political scientists had survived the end of the world, they would have called the Second Korean War a sideshow to the greater display of mass murder in the Third World War that now engages the world all across the world. Everything North of the 38th Parallel seemed to come smashing down upon South Korea. A mix of forces of the PRC, and the Korean Peoples Army (KPA) slammed against the defenses of the Joint Security Area at the DMZ. It was an unstoppable tidal wave, and while the defenders held on bravely, it only took one region collapsing, to allow the flood of the reds in. Seoul was immediately in danger of being overwhelmed and would have been the end of the capitol city of South Korea. Save for an unexpected blessing, as hostilities flared into warfare between the Soviets and the People's Republic of China, forcing the PRC to pull many of its forces back, even as much of its navy and air forces still engaged those of the US, Phillipines, Japan, and ANZAC forces.

Not seeking to look a gift horse in the mouth (and not really having the luxury) the allies forces pushed forth, fighting with everything they had and buying time for allied ground and air troops to join the fight. It was no longer a desperate defense, but a real war now. While the KPA had extra troops, and more advanced weapons and vehicles thanks to the KPA, the US and ROK forces already stationed there were prepared and had the latest equipment, helping balance enemy numerical superiority. Russian forces from Vladivostok also helped in that regard, turning the conflict into a three way tug of war between the US, PRC, and USSR, each one trying to attain dominance in the peninsula. With the conflict leading to the deaths of most of the ruling Elite in North Korea, and leaving only the aging and comatose 'Dear Leader' and 'Young Dear leader' remaining as the possible candidates to rule North Korea, with the boy held as a 'guest' of the Soviets who have been using him to continue to influence the KPA and maintain some hold over the fractured KPA and its broken civilian charges.

The fighting was bloody, and WMDs were used by both sides, even as the rest of the world devolved into using nuclear fire to reset the clock. Mushroom clouds rose above the entire world, and industry came to a painful crawl, even as the war continued to march on.

As both sides attempted to regroup , the nature of the fighting in Korea changed. The days of rapid mechanized advances were largely over, replaced by a reprise of the relatively static 'War of Outposts' of 1952-'53. U.S. forces in Korea received very few replacements or reinforcements after 1997. The last major formation to arrive on the peninsula was the 6th Marine Division, deployed to Korea by sea on 2/19/98, which arrived badly depleted by attacks by Soviet commerce raiders. The shaken survivors were reorganized around the Division's 16th Marine Regiment; the unit finally entered combat on 3/7/98.

By early 2000, the contending armies in Korea had established systems of fortified cantonments on their respective sides of  the DMZ. Badly weakened by the heavy fighting to date, and with little hope of significant reinforcements of men or materiel, neither side is willing or particularly able to conduct a major offensive. Most field operations are small in scale and local in scope. The war in Korea has settled into a tense stalemate- for now…

Now a civil cold war is rife in South Korea, a division similar to the Mil Gov and Civ Gov divide present in the United States, with the Americans and other foreign allies caught in the middle, even as the KPA and other hostiles continued to attack in probing assaults. The civil war is now played out with espionage between the two sides, as each seeks to take full power and unite South Korea with their chosen leader in charge, while the Allied forces long to return home, or stay and finish the fight once and for all.

The situation in Korea degraded to such as point that even typical noncombatants and female personnel for both the Republic of Korea and US-Forces Korea with the 2nd Infantry Division (known as the Indianhead Division) were engaged in some quick training before being given a rifle, armor and told to fight any hostile forces that came to their position. After the front stabilized more, some of these pressganged soldiers were given new duties and tasks, to have them move between established strongholds and outposts, while the more valuable (and combat experienced forces) held on to what they had as they could not be risked or wasted when they might be needed for larger assaults (or to repel enemy forces).

Megan Aldridge, Jennifer Blair, Sujin Lee and Jin-Woo Song are among the units of women not normally meant for frontline duty, now being expected to pick up the slack caused by the high casualties of their male counterparts. They went from simple staff members, linguists, and secretaries, to infantry, now they were given a humvee and expected to respond to whatever orders the increasingly bipolar high command wants as the allies are tugged back and forth between the two local governments and is asked to respond to calls from allied outposts, or calls for aid from civilians in need.

Every call is a new encounter, some new danger, or some new chore, especially as enemy remnants still hide and occasionally make probing attacks into South Korea.

Some places are the subject of terrible pitched battles between the allied forces and the Northern Reds, some places become ambush alleys, while others turn into hunting ground for sniper teams of both sides. But by this point, its just another day in the chaotic mess that is now the Korean Peninsula.

The real shakeup comes when the girls are sent out on a mission slightly north of the border. They had just been coming back from making an ammo delivery to one of the allied outposts on the DMZ when a flash of light and the crash of a Russian Hind was reported. They were closer than anyone else and had to drive towards it and report on enemy movements or if any useful supplies and scrap are left over.

What they find is an injured Spetsnaz and a young Korean boy, dressed in finer clothes than most his age should have. The girls have unwittingly involved themselves in the great political game playing out across the peninsula.  The Soviets did indeed have the only heir to the Northern throne under their care, while the Chinese held the comatose body of the previous 'Dear Leader'. The ailing Dear Leader's youngest son, a preteen boy known to the nation as the Young Leader, was being groomed as heir to his father's position as figurehead of the DPRK by the Soviet General Ruchkin. The Young Leader enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle lavish, by the standards of 2000, with constant propaganda about the Soviet Union and how his homeland could be a valuable part of it. He was continually guarded by an elite GRU detachment, supplemented by Spetsnaz forces that had been in country for years, attached to Yalu Front HQ. He is only allowed to meet with "his" generals under armed guard  and close supervision by Korean-speaking Red Army intelligence officers.

That is until the day orders came down from GRU that the boy was no longer of any use, and that it was better to pull out of North Korea and leave it a destabilized mess. Better for them to cut their losses now and leave the mess to the Chinese, the Americans and the South Koreans. The boy was to be killed and the soviets were to pull out, but this seemed to have stuck a nerve with some of the Spetsnaz guards who had been taking care of the boy for almost three years now. They were soldiers, not childkillers....so they hatched a plan to try and get the boy somewhere safe. Even if it made them traitors...they couldn't sell their souls like that.

Their plan was discovered however and many were killed by their own GRU partners, before the fleeing Spetsnaz were able to steal a still working hind, and fled away from their own countrymen. With pursuers on their tail the only hope they had was to flee south and seek some measure of asylum. But they were shot down by remnant AA weaponry and crashed close to the DMZ. All but one of the Spetsnaz was killed, yet the boy survived, and the injured soldier still tried to get him somewhere safe. If this was his end he wanted to die knowing he did some good in the world, which led them to being found by Blair, Aldridge, Sujin and Jin-Woo. The Great Game of Politics has taken an interesting turn. One that might add to the blazing chaos of Korea, or finally snuff it out and bring some measure of peace to the peninsula.

Puerto Rican Protection.

The Island of Puerto Rico is cut off. It is under MilGov control as US Army, Navy, Marine, and what little Air Forces remain seek to keep it a part of the United States. It is one of the last remaining vestiges of secure American power outside of the Continental US, and it is in danger. With threats facing it from within and from without. The Twilight War affected the Caribbean and Central and Southern America just as much as it affected Europe, Asia, and Africa. The fighting in this part of the world was on a smaller scale though. Cuba (despite what many had expected) had behaved itself and declared neutrality, despite past allegiances and loyalties with the USSR. Other nations and islands in the region were not so lucky. Especially not after the nukes started detonating everywhere. Countless smaller nations and banana republics imploded into chaos and lawlessness. There were a thousand different factions with different goals and needs, leaving Cuba and Puerto Rico the only real sources of stability and order in the region and American forces in Puerto Rico were diminished due to being called out elsewhere to aid in the Twilight War. What forces were left focused primarily on policing the immediate waters around PR and allowing safe naval and air travel between Puerto Rico and the US mainland.

The worst came when the nukes were launched and a few landed in the Panama Canal and other strategic positions, but thankfully Puerto Rico was deemed too small of a target to waste an ICBM on one small commonwealth of the US, especially when nearly all of its Naval assets had already been re-tasked to fighting enemy navies in Europe or Asia.

Eventually the world went quiet, and only sporadic communications made it through as international trade died a horrible death, and the world became colder for most thanks to all the debris tossed up into the air by the nukes. After a while the war seemed to just peter out as new dangers took precedence.

In the year 2000 the main threat wasn't even Cuba or the Soviets anymore. It was pirates, raiders, and other would be warlords out to make themselves kings after the fall of the old world. Some managed to steal small military ships, or hijacked entire fleets of civilian boats to use for massed pirate raids as if it were still the age of high piracy on the seas. The only thing that they didn't have was a stock of large military grade weapons and air power.

The Air Force on the Puerto Rico proved pivotal in chasing off any raiders who tried to attack the island in large numbers and even scaring off a Cuban air flight that had tried to test its luck with what it could do in the new world. It was costly in precious Jet Fuel, but the island is still safe for now. The raiders have no idea how little fuel is left, but the defenders under MilGov do their best to present a strong front, and use modified boats to press out and engage in preemptive assaults and commando raids (with what little Special Forces they have) on known pirate staging grounds. It h as turned an existential threat into an occasional thing to be endured and retaliated against (which isn't the kind of thing that the victims of pirate raids really want to hear).

The Air Force is all but grounded now, (the limited jet fuel, munitions, and spare parts now reserved for priority missions and airstrikes) with its crews working alongside engineers out of Fort Buchanan and other military forces in and close to PR, in trying to reestablish some sense of order and control. But it isn't easy. Between the lack of resources, the growing pirate threat, ethnic tensions between native Puerto Ricans and refugees from other islands, coupled with a growing insurrection force (some of them even former US military themselves), the MilGov forces have it hard. They have managed to maintain control of the military bases present on the island, and even expanded to hold certain reinforced areas (such as the Governor's manor, or the old Spanish Fort), and assumed control of vital resources on the island.

With oil now no longer flowing out of the Middle East or Texas or Alaska, (No one has any idea what's going on in South America) MilGov has also taken control of the Bacardi and other Rum producing facilities to turn them into makeshift fuel refineries as more and more facilities and vehicles are having their engines changed to run on the makeshift alcohol fuel, which is one of the reasons that Puerto Rico is such a target for pirate raids (along with its agriculture that has already been stretched to its limit feeding the people on the island and the refugees that came there).

MilGov forces are stretched thin across the island, and the public are beginning to turn against the American forces that have been failing in keeping up their promises of a return to normality. Separatist forces have started to fan the flames or insurrection, declaring this as the time to be free of the yoke of the Yankee imperialists, while others really just want to have the island all to themselves. Green Zones have been set up and patrols try to work alongside loyalists and police forces to deal with whatever issues are happening on the island, and hunt down insurgents hiding in buildings or in the jungles. For some its become essentially Vietnam: The Caribbean edition! While for others its just yet another symptom of the Twilight Wars destroying all civilization on Earth. In some cases the growing insurrection has broken apart communities and families, turning brother against brother, sister against mother, and bringing strife to levels few have ever seen.

Carmen Jimenez is one of many loyalists that still declare fealty to the American Flag, and remembers the oath she swore when she enlisted. She will remain loyal to her dying breath, and will so as she thinks is best to help her island. She believes in her heart that if the remaining US forces pull back or are forced out, then Puerto Rico will be vulnerable to all the pirates and still intact nations that will descend upon it like. It will become an orgy of violence and plunder if no suitable force is present to beat the raiders back. Some call her traitor, others hero. It doesn't matter, she didn't sign up for the notoriety. She signed up to protect her island, and to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

And last time she checked, Puerto Rico was still part of that country and still guaranteed the protections of the constitution. If she has to give her life fighting Cubans, pirates, raiders, rogue marines, or seditionists, then she is willing to do it. She's a proud Boriqua and a proud American, and they will have to take that and her island, out of her cold, dead, hands!

Pleasantville In Hell

(This idea is inspired in part by the old post apocalyptic show Jericho and would also include elements from Stars Without Number and Other Dust).

The world has collapsed under the weight of the Twilight world. Entire places were lost in mushroom clouds, devoured by their own people in a panic, or been destroyed in the countless civil wars that have broken our across the world, or even just seemed to die out without any rhyme or reason. Entire towns and cities are left as mass graveyards to the world that once was. All save for Lake Cidoy. A town in the Pacific Northwest that seems to have weathered the chaos and disorder following the Twilight War. It hasn't been easy, but they have survived, and in some ways thrived when compared to most other parts of the world.

Lake Cidoy is a large town situated besides a lake near a set of mountains that helped to shield it from the bombs and fallout, as much as they shielded the town from most raiders and hostile entities. It is known for a logging and mining industry that while not enough to make them rich, has made them comfortable, and almost everyone in town had some family member who worked in those industries. The coal and wood hat once gave the town its money and sustainability now provided it with the way to stay alive and powered despite the rest of the world around it collapsing. Its large lake helped to provide it relatively clean drinking water and fish. Things were bad when the bombs first hit and the town lost contact with everything beyond the last gas station outside of town, which proved to later on be a good deterrent to those who who might have stumbled onto it.

The town already had a bad encounter with those that wanted to take what they had, and for many it was better to go silent and hope that the worst would pass. As time went on staying quiet and focusing on internal matters seemed to be the best course of action. As time went on it almost seemed as if they might have been the only survivors in the country...or maybe event he world. Until the day came when the people of Lake Cidoy began to see signs of the Second American Civil War.

The people of the town heard a terrible crash and battle in the distance over the mountains. They could see the flashes of detonations and the occasional tracer rounds going off into the sky. It was a heavy battle between a lost unit of Mil-Gov forces and entrenched New American fascists that fought with fanatical devotion to their new way of life. The Mil-Gov gave as good as they got, but their superior officer lost his nerve and ran away mid battle, leaving the Mil-Gov troopers to fight on without leadership, until someone else took charge and pulled everyone else out of that quagmire before it killed them all.

She's only in her late twenties (27 to be exact) but her hair seems to be graying from stress and constant work, the bags under her eyes could hide grenades at this point and she's making everything up as it goes along. Her entire command is built up upon false bravado and faking it until she makes it. She never once went to OCS or any other type of schooling for being in the military. The most she did was learn how to push papers at Fort Knox until Mil-Gov recruited her after the bombs fell and she was called up with many other forces as part of Operation Geronimo to fight the Soviets and then New America.

She doesn't want the burden of command, and she hates knowing that her choices could get others killed. But the rest of her unit and its survivors needed strong leadership. So she took charge and gave herself the rank of Colonel and has been leading the surviving members of her unit to find somewhere safe to lick their wounds, which led them to a gas station that hadn't been used since the bombs fell, where its map stand was able to help her update her information and see that there was another town nearby. One that could hopefully serve as a good place for her unit to lick its wounds and re-organize itself, perhaps even be a rallying point for them to get reinforcements or better strike against the New America forces that had hurt them before.

Yet as they roll up in their makeshift convoy, they find that the town is entrenched with makeshift defenses and defenders, all standing at the ready, yet many seemed to be relieved at the sight of soldiers, especially as some of their vehicles were still labelled as being part of the United States armed forces, or even flying little American flags.

The people are hesitant at first, but they welcome the Mil-Gov forces in and have a million questions about the state of the outside world, while the Colonel needs to report about her current situation, and makes use of a radio station outside of the town to boost her signal to get in touch with command.

When her superiors at Mil-Gov command hear of what's going on they make her rank official and give her new orders. She must secure the town and its resources at all costs. A reliable source of fuel, building materials, drinking water and more is a goldmine in this new world. It cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of New America, or their cause will be strengthened and Mil-Gov forces in the region will have a harder fight on their hands. The town and its surrounding environment is hers to secure along with the duties and responsibilities that come with it. Winning the locals over, protecting the town, and keeping New America away, as they are no doubt already hunting for survivors of the previous battle.

Lustful Bride

Edit 4/15/2021.  Added in several new scenarios for this thread, Chaos on the Korean Peninsula, Puerto Rican Protection, and Pleasantville In Hell.  I'd added the first two ideas before but did not feel the need to bump the thread up yet now i feel it is a big enough addition to the thread to justify a bump. If anyone is interested just let me know and we can discuss things via PM.