Picture Editing Help

Started by Malkavian, March 04, 2021, 04:52:59 PM

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Hey all!

I have a picture uploaded for a Trek character, but there's a massive gap between the character and the edge of the image, which makes it look messy when used in a post.

I've tried to edit it myself, but it then becomes a non png image and loses the background transparency. I've tried to change picture format to keep the background transparent, but nothing seems to work.

Any help would be appreciated!



Quote from: Amaris on March 04, 2021, 05:22:23 PM
I think I got it for ya?

As always, you are amazing, Amaris. :D Many hugs are owed!

Al Terego

What image editing software are you using, Malkavian?

Al Terego

Here's a simple solution:

1. Save the image locally, or to imgur, etc.
2. Go to https://www.photopea.com/
3. Select File / Open to open the file you saved locally (or File / Open More / Open from URL to open from imgur, etc.)
4. On the left vertical toolbar, click on the crop icon (5th from the top)
5. On the top toolbar click on "Trim" (3rd from the left), then on the rightmost OK icon
6. Select File / Export as / PNG and click "Save" on the dialog
7. Profit!


Thank you! :D And only have paint - I'm really not anything other than a newbie on computers.

Which has nothing to do with my centuries of age. >_>

Al Terego

Hmmm...  Paint can save as PNG