Mpreg anyone?

Started by LadyDovahkiin, March 02, 2021, 06:32:11 PM

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Would anyone be interested in doing a mpreg (male pregnancy) based rp with me? I would rp the pregnant character unless you want both of us to. My character would be the sub though. I have an idea I'll post below but I'm open to other plot ideas too!

This family is known for their dark deeds and body count. No one dares to cross them. That said, there is a... 'black sheep' in this family. One of the oldest/middle/youngest (your choice) children doesn't approve or see the world in the way the rest of his family does. He had just become an adult when he left the family. Free at least. But, now his father has passed and to his surprise he's been invited to the funeral- at his second eldest brother's mansion. There he is thrust back into the family's darkness and a very important secret not even known to him until now. The secret is that the family are assassins known only to the royals of his homeland- they are a family that can be ordered to destroy one of the other Realms leaders and have.

Your guy’s mission? Take out the Neko Leadership and entire Race.

The Neko Council will be evil and use their ‘Queen’ (my character) to breed their army. Being that Neko's love beauty, the Council sees the other races as ugly and insignificant. Only the Council is ever seen and all they do is put everyone else down, all Neko's are assumed to be evil as well. Which is why your character is being order to infiltrate the Neko realm and kill the highest ranked Neko, and in doing so cause mass genocide. Only then would he truly be free of his family ties.

Desperate he accepts the challenge- after all, those he is killing are evil, right? Well, he believes that until he meets the Neko Queen, Sage. As the two fall hard for one another, a choice will have to be made. Destroy the Neko Council and in doing so, his soulmate? Or risk letting them live and have the others five Realms be destroyed?

The council of Neko chooses every few centuries a new one, because the queen is just used to breed strong magic enhanced warriors. After a few centuries their body gives out and they die. However, until Sage came along, there had been five generations of Queen. He’s held out the longest.
I am 22-years-old and have been RPing for over nine years now. I am an advanced/mature writer, who does multi-paragraph posts. I will only rp with those who can match or go beyond my normal post length- around 400+ words or 5+ paragraphs.

I do tastefully mature (18+) but preferably vanilla, not extreme kinks. (I will not ave this be the center of the rp. If it goes in that direction I'll ask you to stop and drop if you don't) I'll obviously only do this kind with fellow adults and will add here that I would like to discuss both our do's and don'ts before establishing a rp.

Important to know: I do MxM, FxF, and MxF. I'm the bottom/uke/sub in each of those pairings. I will not top/seme/dom.