Mass Effect:- Malady {Open Recruitment, now on Omega.}

Started by Malrunar, January 21, 2021, 11:31:54 PM

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Threw an idea out there, waiting on it, but either way love the game concept.

Pink Professional

Ah, good to see I'm still just the absolute worst when it comes to making a decision. Here's hoping I can count on Mal to be better at it than me.

Pink Professional

»Jackiro Indiri«

Name:- Jackiro 'Jacky' Indiri, Paitent Jack to his STC Fellows.

Age:- Twenty-five.

Sexuality:- Hetrosexual

Race:- Salarian

Birthplace:- Jaëto

Occupation:- Member of the Second Infiltration Regiment Special Tasks Group

Personality Traits:- | Paitent | Professional | Pleasant | Ponderous | Passive | Prickly | Practical | Psychopathic? |

Jackiro is an up-and-coming star in the STC Second Regiment. His likable demenour hides a killer of excellent stock, and it is not unusual when threatened for the Salarian to be able to rattle off the seventeen or so ways he can think of to assassinate a man with a quick, chipper lilt. He isn't so much a violent psychopath as a completely blasay one. Detatched and outwardly unaffected by the death and destruction he metes out. To him, it is simply an equation.

Interstingly, Jackiro has found himself rather smitten with Human literature, and has developed a newfound interest in the concept of legacy. He is Twenty-five years old now; well over half the expected lifespan for a Salarian and it leaves him wondering; who will remember him when he is gone?

Synospsis:- The short-lived lives of Salarians mean that the backgrounds of them are less likely to be long tours of mediocrity, and more likely to be sharp flashes of brilliance. Jackiro is another of the long list of Salarians who prove that the candle that burns for half as long does indeed burn twice as hot. His story started becoming of importance and interest sometime around his tenth year, when he presented his research thesis on an improvement on the current Tactical Cloak. The kicker? He'd never actually seen the original design, and merely conceptualised a version of it himself to iterate upon.

This moment of brilliance had the Salarian hired on scholarship to join the STC's research branch, but they soon found the man to be impossible to work with. His obsession with creating his magnum opus was satiated upon the completion of the version of the Tactical Cloak used to this day, but after that he was uninterested in other research projects. Instead, he requested transfer to the main branch of the STC, where he could test out his device. This transition proved easy enough, as he also posted record-breaking scores in an Marksman aptitude test  - A test that he was found later to have recreated in an abandoned warehouse near his home, and practiced on an absurd number of times.

In the STC, he excelled; earning a Star of Excellence medal for his  assassination of a member of the League of One – A rogue covert  unit similar to the STC that worked in opposition to the Salarian government after a botched declassification of their identities soured relationships irreperably. From here, he applied to join the Spectres organisation, and was recommended for the Terminus Sector mission. He is no Spectre yet, but hopes to impress his peers and the council enough to fast-track his potential appointment.

...After all, he has maybe a decade of workable fitness left?


  • Paitence and Penache – Jackiro is best known for his work as a Tech-wielding infiltrator. He can hack, he can scout, but most importantly he is a Sniper of considerable skill. The legacy of Paitent Jack was written when he assassinated a member of the Legendary League of One; having ambushed the man after laying in wait for him for six days and nights in an abandoned warehouse.
  • Mental Fortitude – While he isn't a scientist, Jackiro is a very, very smart man. He helped to perfect some of the Infiltration suits used by STC members alongside a few of his peers, and this translates to his general ability to analyse and understand a developing situation. He is also pretty adept at picking up new skills, although he'll likely not have the time to ever outshine a dedicated expert in the field.
  • Stealth is King – Jackiro doesn't have the power of a Krogan, or the reinforced hide of a Turian. He doesn't have the Biotic gifts of an Asari, or the savage bloodlust of a Rachni. What he does have though is his ability to move around stealthily, relying on his Tactical Cloak and a VR Decoy-system to be able to move around the battlefield, flank vulnerable targets, and go for the headshot that will decapitate the snake.

Weaknesses and Flaws:- | Empathy-lacking | Self-Sacrificial | Results Oriented | Squishy |

Physically, Jackiro is as weak a soldier as you'll come to meet. He isn't incapable of carrying his own literal weight in equipment and the like, and he can perform the most basic of tasks required to stay fit, but if you expect him to haul sandbags or manipulate a Super-heavy turret, or Heavy-Weapons, you will be disappointed.

Mentally, Jackiro has the unfortunate distinction of being a Results-Oriented Sociopath who would happily sacrifice the few for the many; no matter his connection to them. He isn't so much of a psychopath that he'd sacrifice his friends willingly, but if he thinks a mission's survival depends on the loss of an ally, he won't hesitate to make the call – or perhaps more worryingly – volenteer for it. His desire to leave a lasting legacy means that as he grows older, he starts to want a 'worthy end.' He wants to leave some sort of legacy behind, and that means he might do something silly to ensure that one day.

Kinks:- Tl;dr - Flexible with only certain extremes as Hard-Offs

Notes:- A possibly hook with the group's spectre, as well as being a source of tension. Fun potential B-Plot revolving around his seemingly suicidal tendencies and his obsession with a lasting 'Legacy.'


Now the STG is getting involved.  ::)

Totally legit stuff is happening here. Obviously.


Just a friendly little message to say we could easily fit another member of the crew in out game. 😁


Definitely interested if you're still looking for more~ Let me poke around a bit and I'll get some ideas going.



24 hours and one COVID brain poke later and I think I may be onto something!


Haha! I'm eager to see what you put together! Hope the brain poke wasn't too bad... those aren't fun!


It actually was way better than the Strep swab.

The joys of being a nanny means the kids I watch gleefully infected me with both. >:( Precious little petri dishes, those two.


Yes. Precious. Sharing is caring, but sometimes it isn't, lol. Little rascals.


Still open for some roles! Here is a count of our current team (excluding NPCs, because there are a lot of them!)

Humans: 4 (Full for now,)
Asari: 1
Turians: 2
Krogan: 1
Salarians: 1
Drell: 0
Quarians: 0

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Malrunar on February 15, 2021, 11:25:54 PM
Still open for some roles! Here is a count of our current team (excluding NPCs, because there are a lot of them!)

Humans: 4 (Full for now,)
Asari: 1
Turians: 2
Krogan: 1
Salarians: 1
Drell: 0
Quarians: 0

Ello! I plan on finishing off my sheet for a quarian hopefully by tonight ;3
Stay tuned lol.


Quote from: Bekah Boo on February 16, 2021, 03:52:26 PM

Ello! I plan on finishing off my sheet for a quarian hopefully by tonight ;3
Stay tuned lol.

We've been holding our breaths in anticipation of that juicy goodness. :3 Looking forward to meeting your character!

Rummy Tum Tum

Rummy Tum Tum


New Update on the crew. ;D

Humans: 4 (Full for now,)
Asari: 1
Turians: 2
Krogan: 1
Salarians: 1
Drell: 0
Quarians: 1

Still accepting those who will be a good fit to the team!


We have rations of indeterminate flavor and odd texture!


Updates on the crew!

Humans (3)
Asari (1)
Turians (2)
Krogans (1)
Drell (0)
Quarians (1)

Still accepting those who would be a good fit for the group!

Rummy Tum Tum

»  Viella D'aix  «

Name:- Viella D'aix

Age:- 970

Sexuality:- Demisexual

Race:- Asari

Birthplace:- The Vespira

Occupation:- Chief of Security for the Kalanhai

Personality Traits:- Earnest | Justice-oriented | Resolute | Fearless | Affectionate | Socially Poor | A little scary

Viella tends to come off as aloof and distant, if not cold. This may be due to her quieter nature and adherence to the principle of speaking plainly and honestly or, if you honesty hurts unnecessarily, remaining silent. She has a tendency to step silently, often appearing when people least expect her and failing to ease them with the suave words she always fails to deliver. This does nothing to fix the aloofness problem.

Synopsis:- Viella was born on a ship, the Vespira, while in orbit in asari space. Her mother was a diplomat who found herself due earlier than expected, and her krogan father was on Tuchanka, mating with every female he could gruff talk into his bed. As she's been told, the first thing she did when she was born was stare out at the vast emptiness of space in wonder.

Then came the crying.

Growing up, Viella's mother, Arelai, tried to teach her of the tact and poise of diplomatic conversation, but she found playing with her toy sword much more enthralling, particularly whenever she could lay her eyes on a Justicar vid or, better, live action play. The Justicars were one of the elements of pretty much every asari's childhood that taught her of the greatness rooted in her people's tradition and laws, and Viella fell in love with the idea stronger than anyone she knew. The Justicars had a Code; a thing that unquestionably told them right from wrong, and as long as they followed it, they were heroes.

Whenever Arelai returned from a mission, she was hard pressed to not find her daughter training her combat skills or body. More and more, she asked about the Justicars Arelai met in her job, and about the krogan family she had hailed from; the strength and brutality of them, which seemed so novel.

It came as no surprise when Viella reached her Maiden stage and left to join up with a mercenary outfit. She reveled in the freedom and the ease of the adrenaline-boosting violence. There was none of her mother's diplomatic talk here. By the time the mercs were called in, diplomacy was near its end.

She parted with the mercenary company on devastating terms--with most of her squad dead and a fresh gash torn across the side of her head. After this infuriating defeat, she wandered all but aimlessly, picking fights wherever she went. She joined up with other mercs, but it was never quite the same. The remainder of the hundred odd years since she'd left her family home was one full of sex, violence, music, and hard earned credits, but also of creeping loneliness.

In that time, she decided to form a code of her own, not nearly as extensive and heroic as that hinted at in the Justicar vids, but one that brought her some sense of stability and honor. She named her line, drifted from operations that crossed it, and for awhile it was enough to toe it, even if it meant going solo at times, or taking the lesser payout to focus on rescue ops and the like. Her code kept her resolve and sense of personal honor strong, but it also worsened her isolation, and began to turn her cold.


Then, she got it into her mind to visit Tuchanka. It was a place of violence, and of family, thought she didn't know a single one of them. Not until she met her half-brother, Jorgal Drack: carrier of their father's legacy in a tiny, adorable package. The krogan of Tuchanka were at first hesitant to trust the asari, young and uncomplicit in the wars though she claimed to be, but once she convinced them that she was indeed a child of Drack, she was given some privilege, and plenty of jealous scorn. She weathered this, however, as the moment she'd laid eyes on the ball of furious delight that was her brother, she knew that she had to spend time with him. To help him train and grow strong; to teach him of the bonds of family and the importance of keeping to a code.

She watched him grow up, near-raising him in her last Maiden years. It was a strange adventure, but one that fulfilled her. And that hunger for excitement and battle she'd inherited from her father was more than sated on the monstrosity filled wasteland.

Then, Jorg grew up, he fulfilled his rite of passage, and she entered her Matron stage. It was a strange time, one of self-reflection, of seeking purpose. And night by night, her answer became all the clearer. Her personal code had brought her success, but grief, and watching Jorg grow up brought some purpose and meaning back to it. But now, her code revealed itself for what it was: a pale imitation; purposeless and weakly backed. A list of limits she could overstep at any time should the mood strike. She'd been nothing but a violent whelp whose only real respectable triumph was seeing her brother survive puberty. It was time to make something of herself, as she'd dreamed of doing in childhood.

So she sought a new code. The only Code. And with it, a new purpose in life.

She bid her brother farewell, promising that if they both survived what life threw their way, they would see each other again.


She joined the Justicars by the skin of her teeth and with more than a few scars to show for it. The process was even more rigorous and deadly than she'd been warned. She barely survived, and her reward for seeing many of her fellow initiates stumble, fall, and perish, was a swearing in to a new way of life. To a simpler life, where her purpose could never be questioned and her acts would be legendary.

It wasn't so pretty as the vids and rumors said, of course. She overstepped her previous boundaries several times in her hundreds of years as a Justicar, all in service to the undying Code. It was a bloody service, but one which she clung to, as there were many a moment when her actions--her violence--helped change lives for the better. She was not alone, she had the Code. She was no violent Maiden whelp, she was honorable. And though she'd learned that honor and heroism were not one in the same, she could say that overall, she was a positive force on the galaxy. And with that knowledge, mixed with age, came a mellowness and sureness she'd always hoped to have.


Then came the day she would rather not think of, let alone speak of. The day she followed the Code for the last time. And after that day, she resigned, heartbroken and scraping up the pieces of the honor she once thought unbreakable.

It's been fifty years since she left the order, and in that fifty years she has traveled, worked as a merc for questionable clients (to poor outcomes), and worked for the Council on and off. The latest is what had her assigned to the Kalanhai as Chief of Security. She would be a weapon with a new purpose, one she could say was unequivocally positive.

And, as she's just recently learned, there is another positive. A certain quarian she met years ago on the extranet is stationed here too. A quarian who excites her and makes her smile with ease. How strange it is to feel

Skills:- Annihilation Field | Throw | Singularity

-- Biotic Mastery:- Her control of biotics is nothing less than what is expected from a Justicar--even a resigned one.
-- Weapons training:- She is extensively trained in sword and pistol use and has dabbled in many other weapon types over her long life.

Weaknesses and Flaws:-
-- Cold-Blooded Justice-Seeker:- She carries with her a personal sense of justice, and can easily go overboard and carrying it out. This is a bad habit picked up from centuries as a Justicar and she is trying her best to be more...subtle.
-- Socially Awkward:- She can be warm and affectionate, but it is more like than not that those who meet her will think her either too stoic or intense. In truth, she prefers listening to speech, because she is quite bad at easing and befriending others with the latter.

Kinks:- Ons//Offs




Go ahead and post V in the CS thread. ;D

Rummy Tum Tum

Pink Professional

»Florinthia Legiticus«

Name:- Florinthia 'Flo' Legiticus

Age:- Twenty-Eight

Sexuality:- Pansexual

Race:- Turian

Birthplace:- Palaven

Occupation:- Member of the VI 'Exodite' Cabal.

Personality Traits:- | Dismissive | Analytical | Catty | Bored? | Bitter | Success-Oriented | Adaptable | Chip-on-her-Shoulder | Self-Confident |

Florinthia presents a relaxed, ineffably bored front when with the common rank and file, and to an extent this is who she is. The Cabalite is more often than not left bored and wanting when she isn't doing the work she is assigned to as part of the Turian's military. Unfortunately, this bored visage can make her seem frustrating , lazy, and a bit bratty. Truth be told, this visage is only half-a-lie; because while she is a clever and analytical individual, she is still a brat.. She likes to people watch, and is keen to try and analyse those around her; if only to come up with more personalised and biting insults. Analysis is the fundamental building block for Biotics, after all; and everything Flo was ever made to do always swirls back to her biotic gifts.

Secretly, the Turian is somewhat bitter towards Palaven and her constant reassignment from position-to-position, post-to-post. She was meant to be the eldest child of a military dynasty, and her  destiny  was one of distinguished military service. She was destined for greatness, and was groomed perfectly to achieve it...before she was found to be one of the 'One-in-a-Million' children who displayed Biotic ability following EeZo exposure. She sees her younger brother fill her shoes in a role of command : Leading a unit of soldiers, and she chaffes at the thought; knowing that she could out-think, out-fight, and out-do her brother in every damned way had she had the opportunity.

Synospsis:- Born to the Legiticus Military Family, Flo was expected to do great things. By the time she was eight, she was practically a savant at the things a Turian family would want in their next Admiral-in-waiting: Intelligent, Driven, and even a pretty darn good shot for her age. Things took a minor turn for the...unconventional when, after being exposed to EeZo, she showed herself to be a Biotic-capable individual. This basically excluded her from active service due to the...uncomfortable feelings towards Biotics in the Soldiery.

With her path robbed from her, Flo would be secretly and subtly assigned a tutor for her Biotic talents - an Asari Matirarch – and began to be groomed for a much more...unseen form of military service; as part of the secretive Biotic Cabals.

She did well, and would eventually do more than well. She was trusted to lead missions when her Kabalim was overwise preoccupied, but the missions that required the subtle touch of the Exodites were few and far between. It left the Turian feeling uncomfortable and antsy, and she requested permission to begin the Process to seek out Spectre Status.

...Her family blocked it.

This blocking – caused by her traditionalist father resenting the idea of the Spectre's lack of oversight – left her with the boredom and resentment she shows now, and has left her stagnating in her current position. Thankfully, it also put her on the radar of Council, who would go on to request the Turian Biotic for missions, going over her family's head and going through the Kabalim who ran the VIth company.

Skills:- | Warp | Stasis | Reave |

  • Biotics - While rarer than most would care to believe, Turian Biotics are normally on the same level as their human counterparts...Normally. Instead of her military talents being channelled into their intended path, and being able to show off in Bootcamp as a paragon of the Legiticus family's values, Flo was tutored privately by an Asari Matriarch...
  • No, seriously, Biotics - ...An Asari Matriarch who was once a Commando, no less. In exchange for her talents with guns, Flo is a veritable Biotic Weapon. Her Biotics allow her to start manhandling vehicles, just don't expect that level of power to not leave her with a splitting migraine.
  • Organisation - The VIth Cabal was specialised in Infiltration and 'threat-mitigation' which translates loosely to 'Assassinating any potential threat quickly, and spectactularly.' As the Second in Command to a Kabalim who was...ethically loose and at-times flaky, more often than not it fell onto Flo to make sure things were organised and orderly. This, combined with the military organisational lessons she was clearly going to excel in as a child and her military background mean she is extremely organised, meticulous, and cunning in ensuring her and her team are well stocked, and well supplied.

Weaknesses and Flaws:- | Easily Riled Up | OverconfidentExhaustible | Not Stress-Tested

Flo has a number of weaknesses which are normally padded by her Cabal's operational effects. Physically: she is only an average shot with a pistol, and rarely carries anything more than that if even that; she is fit enough to survive the rigours of soldiery, but doesn't have any particularly noteworthy talents of strength or agility; and she is entirely reliant on her Biotics in a fight - a Powerset which can exhaust her rapidly, especially in high pressure situations where she might need to perform particularly strenuous tasks. Once those tasks are done, they might well take out Flo for not just the current fight, but a number of fights after until she gets time to rest and recover. Mentally, it is easy enough to rile up and abuse the Self-motivated, overly cocky Turian's prideful nature, and force her to make mistakes. This is particularly notable because she is, well, completely Biotic reliant. Stressing her out will cause her powers to fluctuate wildly between more-powerful and out-of-control, and just plain out-of-control.

Kinks:- Tl;dr - Flexible (heh) with only certain extremes as Hard-Offs

Notes:- Several Possible hooks with any Turian Military personal or Asari with a Biotic-leaning background. Possibly B-Plot side-story involving her Military family, which can be anything from a basic-bitch Lieutenant all the way to a full on General, who are anti-spectre and anti-Human due to involvement in the First-Contact Wars


You and your lovely puns are approved. 🧡