Twi-lek dreams come true [F x Any]

Started by wigglebiscuit, January 21, 2021, 04:03:10 PM

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(It must be your're about to get your very own twi-lek slave!)

After an extended absence, I am once again tentatively looking for a partner.

For this story, I am looking for someone to play opposite my twi-lek. I prefer that person be willing to play a main character + alts. I will do the same. We will share the creative burden equally.

For the period, I prefer Dark Times or early New Republic eras. What I foresee is a situation where YC owns mine, and realizing her talents, sends her on various assignments. They can be a crime lord, a bounty hunter, a force user, or something else entirely. It's up to you. I haven’t included any pics of MC. I would like to tailor her to your preferences. Besides, you know what a twi-lek looks like :)

To give you an idea of what MC is like and the general tone of the story, I’ll give you one possibility below, set in the Dark Times. Other possibilities are welcome. Hit me up with your ideas.

Feen’Tiexerra before:
Feen has known nothing but slavery. She was born into it. An outsider might beg to differ, pointing out her time in the Jedi Academy, but the Jedi who found her and recognized her force sensitivity purchased her outright, did she not? And did Feen not call her superiors Master?

Feen showed great promise, but her training was cut short by Order 66. She was not on Coruscant at the time. Her Master died saving her life, though if she knew what Feen did with her life, she might have changed her mind. Feen escaped, true, but she knew only one thing in life, a pattern she fell back into like a bad habit. A life of slavery wasn’t easy, but it was familiar. It wasn’t what she wanted, but it meant her survival. No one, not even the Emperor, suspected a padawan would go into hiding by debasing herself as a slave. No one went looking for her. Inquisitors passed right by her; just another twi-lek slave. Nothing to see here. This is not the padawan you are looking for.

With her training, it was simple enough for Feen to dispose of a master that treated her too badly. A force-choke while he was eating, or a gentle push as he leaned over the balcony. No one ever suspected a thing. While content and well-fed, she was pliable enough, it was only when mistreated that she got truly dangerous.

Feen’Tiexerra now:

Feen is, plain and simple, a pleasure slave. She is expert in the arts of lovemaking, an skill she enhances with subtle use of the Force. Previous masters have altered her body to enhance her sexuality as well. You will find that Feen’s erogenous zones are more sensitive than most sentients, and some non-erogenous parts of her body have been turned into such by her masters. She has been modified to have needs, needs she cannot satisfy on her own.

How YC enters the story is up to you and depends greatly on the sort of character you choose to play. It could be that they buy her off the auction block. It could be that someone has finally noted her force sensitivity, or linked her to the academy, and has come looking for her. I’m looking for your input here.

As long as she isn’t in any danger, Feen is pliable enough. She is an accomplished dancer, refined and submissive, content with her lot, if listless. Naturally, she is a skilled lover. If she is threatened, though, or senses that she is in danger, a different side of her comes to the fore. Underneath the thin veneer of obsequiousness is a cunning and ruthless survivor. She has killed before, and will kill again. Clever characters can use that to their advantage, turning Feen’s instincts on their adversaries.

Romantically, chiseling through Feen’s stone heart will not be easy. Many sentients have had her flesh. That is nothing to her. Her heart, though, that is another matter.

General Notes and Requirements:
I’m looking for bi-weekly posting, more if we have time. Please have an eye for grammar and sentence structure. Please be committed. I’m not going to ghost on you, I expect the same from you. Please be willing to work with me on plot and pacing. I want your ideas and contributions. At the same time, please be sensitive to my needs as well.

I look forward to reading your responses! PM me with your ideas. Please don't post here.