Interest Check - Cypher System Modern(Extreme, Horror, Cthulhu Mythos & Non-Con)

Started by Arcanist, October 27, 2020, 10:46:26 PM

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Currently this is an idea that I would like to run so I am seeking interested parties to share in my romps of the extreme horror genre. This idea is influenced by a mixture of Cthulhu Mythos, Japanese hentai and horror, Monster non-con and the world of possibilities or debauchery in this imagining. Victims, I mean Players play the role of investigators in a modern setting, working for a cladestine organisation who is well aware of such encroachments into the modern world. I will be using the Cypher System, using the modern guidelines to give structure to the game. Investigators can take on roles such as Soldiers, Criminals, Spies, Occultist, Scholars or a whole range of character types. The Cypher System allows that flexibility. One can choose to investigate, fight or even run from encountered nightmares. Some may just wish to succumb to it.

I believe that a game is a collaboration between the Gamemaster and his victims (I should stop saying that) and I am using this platform to encourage suggestions, world-building and potential final fates. Currently it is a mixture of 50/50 story to smut, but this can change depending on interest. As I say, this game will be in the Extreme Category. Of course there are different levels of extreme, but this would be discussed with players as a group or as individuals how far they wish to take it. Please either send me a private message or post here if you wish your questions answered. I am looking for at least 4 vic..I mean players. If there are more, even better.

I live you with more images to drive your imaginations into the unknown
A potential fate
What was that?

Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


I have no experience of the cypher system but I am a fan of cosmic horror. Hentai, not so much although anything with a Japanese flavour gets my vote.

My main issue, however, is the non-con aspect. So long as any characters I play don't get involved in that (other than stopping it from happening in the first place) then I'm o.k. with it.


This is extremely relevant to my interests and I'd be happy to play a victim an investigator.


Quote from: Starchaser on October 28, 2020, 04:47:30 AM
I have no experience of the cypher system but I am a fan of cosmic horror. Hentai, not so much although anything with a Japanese flavour gets my vote.

My main issue, however, is the non-con aspect. So long as any characters I play don't get involved in that (other than stopping it from happening in the first place) then I'm o.k. with it.

Thanks for your interest Starchaser. The cypher system is pretty easy to pick up. I can take your main issue into account. But you will be exposed to a lot of possible encounters that may ‘victimised’ your companions.

Quote from: schnookums on October 28, 2020, 05:59:18 PM
This is extremely relevant to my interests and I'd be happy to play a victim an investigator.

Good to see you again and welcome aboard.

Hopefully this takes off
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


I'm certainly interested in all aspects of such a game although I have no idea of the game system and would need some initial help getting set up.


Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


Oh wow, I've actually had a dream about playing a Cypher system game tonight!

And I'd be definitely be interested in this game!


Quote from: Beorning on October 29, 2020, 02:29:08 AM
Oh wow, I've actually had a dream about playing a Cypher system game tonight!

And I'd be definitely be interested in this game!

Looks like we are getting some interest. Looks like a possible start, will wait for this weekend for any additional numbers.

If anyone has any particular likes or even dislikes, please list them here or send me a message.
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


I'd prefer to avoid character death (at least for my character). Also, I'd really ask for any smut to be restricted to adult characters. Aside from that, I can't think of other limits...


With regards the adult characters, I believe that it is a stipulation here in E, especially for role-play in the Extreme category.

But I will make it clear, it is adults only and characters as well as interested parties must be above 18.

Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


That is correct Waldham. We will be restricted to using the foci from the modern chapter.
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


I have the previous version / edition / printing of Cypher. Willa this be okay? Not sure if there are any differences?


Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


Will you use the GM and player intrusion ?

Our characters, are they supposed to know each other ? As a complementary team ? Or complete strangers ?


Good questions all. Yes I will sometimes use intrusions. But it depends on the situation and does not happen all the time. I guess it’s how much do you value an xp. I will not use gm intrusions to give additional xp unless it is something everyone wants it. Gm intrusions will be used to progress the story. Hope it makes sense.

Hence the 2018 start date with main adventures starting 2020-2021. Players will start of not knowing one another but be drawn together. Chances are it will start in college/university. Players can start knowing one another. The happenings at that time will link them to where the main adventure start. Or at least a series of adventures. 
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


Looks like I have enough interest to start, that is if everyone who posted in here would like to go ahead.
Hopefully everyone has access to the player’s book, if you need help at anytime during the character generation process, please contact me. Create something all of you like to play, it is not so much of an issue at the moment, the first short adventure will pull all of you together.

Easy steps
1. Chose what four different types of character you want to play. Options include Warrior (police officers, soldiers, detectives etc) Adept (Occultist, fringe scientist, empaths), Explorer (investigative reporters, detectives, adventurers) and Speaker (diplomat, lawyer, celebrity). Your starting stat pools are dependent on the type you wish to play.

1a. Flavour - You may choose a Flavour that may be used to modify some of your abilities, such as say if you wish to play an Assassin, you may decide to play a warrior with a Stealth Flavour

2. Chose a descriptor - a descriptor further flavours your character, making it even more unique, giving both positives and drawbacks. For example, a charming explorer would play very differently to a brash one. These descriptors also give you your skills, or at least some of them

3. Choose a focus (Remember you are limited to what is available in the Modern Chapter) Foci such as Need no weapon or Learns Quickly certainly finishes off your very own unique character.

Have a go!

Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


Question: so, we're going to play adults even in the introductory adventure? Because if we can play scientists, cops etc., then these characters won't be meeting as college students...


Good question all
Sorry, not sure about a previous version. Just send me a copy of your character sheet and I will vet it.

The first adventure takes place in a college environment. You can be students. Scientists, depending on age, could be working there or students becoming scientist. Police officers could be students wanted to join the force, there to study additional courses, night school, professional development etc. quite a few soldiers I understand sign contracts to study a qualification while being a soldier.
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


Just to clarify: so, we should create our characters as intended for the main story, with the characters in the introductory story being who they were before they became that way? Not sure if that entirely works within Cypher's framework, with so much of characters' abilities tied to their foci etc.

A proposal: how about we take a cue the Tides of Numenera PC game (also based on Cypher) and don't create full characters for the introduction? What I mean that we could choose a character type and descriptor for the intro and add the focus after that. For example, the introductory character could be (I'll be improvising here, I don't have the rulebook at hand) a Brave Warrior to reflect what this character is like as a student - and then, in the main story, that character will become a Brave Warrior Who Upholds The Law to reflect that they became a cop after college. What do you say?


Great idea! We will start with that then. Thank you!
So everyone starts with a character with just no focus yet.
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


I like the idea of playing an empath or a celebrity.  I've been busy but am still interested.


Sorry for the slow reply, this week has been pretty crazy for a lot of folks I imagine. Strongly leaning towards an explorer (thinking of making a private detective)