Longtime tabletopper looking for a game after a lengthy dryspell

Started by Tonalberry, October 02, 2020, 08:55:16 PM

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So I've played tabletop games for nearly half my life now.  Started back in my freshman or sophomore year of , with D&D 3.0.  Since then, I've played in a good number of different systems and settings, with varying amounts of experience in each.  From AD&D to 5e, GURPS, Pathfinder.  Shadowrun.  Rifts.  Champions.  Rolemaster.  And a few other, lesser known systems.  And there's so many more I want to try out.

So if you've got a game with a spot that needs to be filled, feel free to hit me up.  There's a good chance that if it's not a system I'm familiar with, I'll be more than eager to learn the rules.  And I've found that as long as they aren't overly complicated, I can pick them up pretty quickly.

Genre really isn't an issue.  Same with if it has erotic content or not.

Edit: Forgot to mention that my work schedule may or may not be an issue.  On days I work, I'll be unavailable to post from 3 pm to around 11:30 pm CST.  Hopefully that won't be an issue for some of you.