Seeking some escapism and to get back into writing (Variety of ideas inside!)

Started by Galactic Druid, September 09, 2020, 09:10:47 AM

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Galactic Druid

Hello! Welcome to my new request thread!

It's been a while since I've posted anything here, I'm sad to admit. This last year has been a blur with everything going on. By trade, I'm a chef and a teacher, so as one can imagine, there were a lot of adjustments to make recently. I'm finally starting to find a balance between work, family, distance learning, and my own hobbies again. I've really missed writing, the excitement of a shared story. To be honest, I've also missed writing a good ERP scene. In short, I've missed Ellliquiy, and want to start making my return.

I'm planning to start a little small. It's been almost half a year since I've really written much of anything, so at the moment, I'm looking for one, maybe two stories, and would prefer to stick to somewhat simple plots at first. We can always make things more complicated in the RP as it progresses when I feel I've really gotten my mojo back, after all.

I definitely want a break from reality, and as such, I'm looking for things on the sci-fi and fantasy end of the spectrum more than modern slice of life. Definitely no post-apocalypse or apocalyptic games based on pandemics either, if you please. If you want to know about my specific interests, my One and Offs are a good place to start, or just shoot me a DM! I'm very DM friendly!

Basics of what I'm looking for... (More coming as I think of them)

I'm just getting back into writing, so I'm looking to keep things a little simple for now; someone who'se comfortable with 1-3 paragraph posts would be ideal, with a flexible posting rate as I'm not sure how often I'll be able to be on with my new schedule (at least once a week, but I'm hoping more. There will be days where I'm able to post multiple times, but I know that won't be a daily occurrence). I prefer to write male characters, and with partner characters who are feminine, but can be talked into writing other things as well for the right idea.

I'm not looking for total PWP, but I would like any new story I take on to have a healthy dose of smut. I miss writing it, and one of my biggest ons is a partner character who can be pretty forward with it. I'm not saying my characters will never initiate, but it's nice to not be the only one.

Ideas! (More coming as I think of them)

Unforeseen Complications- It takes a special kind of person to become a colonization engineer; Isaac had to leave everything from his old life behind to do so. Setting up the infrastructure for a new society on an uncharted world meant years of solitude and countless work hours, which suited the man just fine. He was prepared to escape into his work on a new world. What he wasn't prepared for, however, was the fact that this world wasn't devoid of intelligent life like he believed...

Looking for someone to play a member of the native civilization of the planet, introducing MC to their culture and custom, and have some serious fun along the way.

Arranged Union: MC is prince of a human kingdom who'se family has arranged a union with a neighboring land. Exactly what that neighboring land is open to discussion; an elven kingdom hidden in the woods? A quirky legion of goblins? Perhaps a kingdom of merfolk? The more creative the fantasy race the better. It's mostly a political arrangement, but when our characters meet, it's hard to deny the spark...

I'm also looking for done political intrigue here, perhaps there's some group who wants to be sure this union fails for one reason or another, or an usurper to the throne...

Alternate version: Our characters are cousins in a world where this is a taboo. The union was made for political reasons and few know the truth. They're expected to fake a happy union, but in truth, the perverse cousins couldn't be happier with the arrangement.

Extracurricular Activities

I'll admit this one is a bit tropey, but I'd love to play a new arrival to sone form of academy or boarding school that turns out to have a very... let's call it advanced sex ed program... it could be a mixed gender school, or MC is one of very few boys there to give girls someone to study with or on. I'd love to go really wild with the classroom aspect of this. I'm happy to play both students and teachers with anyone willing to do the same. We could play this as a romance between just MC and YC who he meets early on, or introduce a variety of characters. I'm open to any ideas, its more the setting that I'm craving.

Ready Player Two

After saving up for months, MC is finally able to afford the VR set of his dreams. He decudes to give one of those erotic RPGs a go, only to find himself trapped in the game, along with YC. They'll have to work together to make it through all kinds of perilous and sexy scenarios if they're going to make it out alive!

(WIP Thread!) I hate to do this, but I need to wrap up here and post for the moment so I can continue on another device during my schedule gaps. More plots to come within the next few hours!)