Greydawn’s Search Thread [FxAny] [NBxAny] [Fantasy, Rokugon]

Started by Greydawn, August 20, 2020, 10:51:18 PM

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Welcome to My Search Thread

Currently Seeking These Main Pairings: Female x Any, Non-Binary x Any
Currently Seeking These Settings: High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Rokugon
Currently Seeking These Sexy Things: Non-con, Bondage, and D/s Relationships are Always Welcome
Best Way to Contact Me: Private Message
Ons & Offs Thread

Right now I have a few wonderful stories going, and I want to make sure I have the time to commit to each of them before adding any more to my plate. Thanks for your understanding! :)

Quick And Dirty Details

Please read through this section, and if everything below sounds good we might be a good fit! :D

Writing Style: 3rd person, past and present tense.
Post Length: 3 paragraphs for most scenes. This often changes to 1 meaty paragraph for snappy dialogue and quick combat, and 5 paragraphs for intros/scene setting.
Posts Per Week: 1-3 is standard. Sometimes I will have more time to write, and I’ll communicate when it will be less. Life happens, and I appreciate that Elliquiy has an A&A section for this very purpose.
Plot vs. Sex: I prefer narrative heavy stories that feature sex. For me, sex scenes are so much more fun when they happen in the context of a broader, richer story, and between characters in which I am invested.
Ons & Offs Thread: Check this thread out if you want to include sexy stuff in our story.
Cannon vs. Original Characters: I am currently only interested in playing original characters.
Chatting OOC: While not a requirement, I do enjoy getting to know my roleplay partners through chatting outside of the story. Also, who doesn’t love talking about their OCs and plotting out future story ideas? :D
Playing Multiple Main Characters: While I typically default to playing one main character, I am more than happy to play two or more main characters if it suites the plot and story we are building. This is something I've done in the past and very much enjoyed.

Genres & Touchstones

In no particular order, here are genres I enjoy, and the various IPs I draw inspiration from. While I’m not interested in playing characters from these IPs, or replicating their worlds, I enjoy providing them as touch stones for the stories we build and the worlds we craft together.

High Fantasy
- The Sword of Truth: I publicly love the books, and I secretly love the Legend of the Seeker adaptation from SyFy (a hot garbage mess but also very fun fantasy nonsense).
- The Witcher: The Netflix show and some of the short stories. I particularly love how gritty and grounded this high fantasy world feels.
- Lord of the Rings: Just the movies so far, watching them as a kid has strongly influenced the way I think about classic fantasy races like elves and dwarfs, but I'm happy to image new versions of these people with you.
- Legend of Zelda: Many of the games but especially Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild.
- Record of Lodoss War: Just the anime at the moment, but it's one of my favorite versions of a classic Dungeons & Dragons style world.

Lower Fantasy
- Legend of the Five Rings: I prefer the Fantasy Flight Games reboot of the setting to the older AEG version of the setting.
- Game of Thrones: I enjoyed the books and show.
- Avatar the Last Airbender & Legend of Korra: Bending will always be so incredibly cool.

Modern Fantasy
- The Magicians: I’ve only watched the netflix show, which was all over the place but I kinda sorta really loved it.
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch: The old and new show have a special place in my heart.

Science Fiction
- Star Trek: All of the TV shows, but especially Discovery and Voyager.
- Star Wars: All of the movies and some of the TV shows, but especially the cowboy vibes from Mandalorian.
- Stargate: SG1 and Atlantis so far.

Mecha Worlds
- Escaflone
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Lancer RPG Setting
- Evangelion
- Gundam

Main Character Pairings I Enjoy

The pairings listed here can be mixed and matched to fit any set of gender identities, and to fit any genre or setting. Each of them contains a different type of inherent power exchange/imbalance, which is one of my major turn ons, and something I love to wrap into plot of almost every roleplays I'm a part of.

My Preferred Role/You
- Slave/Master: This one has always been a favorite of mine.
- Student/Mentor
- The Blackmailed/The Blackmailer
- Hunted/Hunter
- Human (or human adjacent) Blood Bag/Vampire: This type of pairing has a special place in my heart.
- Broke Person/Wealthy Patron
- Summoned Entity/Summoner
- Mercenary/Patron

My To-Do List

Thanks for reading through my search thread, and for bearing with me as I slowly flesh things out. I've been play by post roleplaying for about a decade but I'm new to Elliquiy, so your patience is greatly appreciated! In the next few weeks I will be slowly adding the following content as I have time.

Coming to a Search Thread Near You
- More sample posts.
- Semi-fleshed out plot idea summaries.
- An image gallery to inspire plot ideas.
- Frequently asked questions. 


Sample Posts

If you would like to get a sense for my writing style please take a moment to read through some of these sample posts or take a look through my recent posting history. :D

Intro Post: Welcome to Mirabar
This sample post is the first post I wrote for a roleplay I did with one of my dearest friends through Google Docs. 

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Mirabar buzzed with activity under the warmth of the afternoon sun. Children played in the bustling street while their parents shopped for produce. Vendors barked at the passers-by to garner attention for their shops. Travelers cooed at trinket displays on carts scattered in the thoroughfare.

The white steel sabatons of Jedora's armor clicked against the cobblestone street as she moved with the crowd. Watchful eyes scanned the masses without purpose. Today she wasn't tracking anything, or anyone, in particular, today her only mission was to, as her superior had put it, “ enjoy some time to herself.” This rare occurrence left her feeling antsy, as if there was something important she was neglecting doing. Regardless, she was committed to making the most of the time.

This city was as good a place as any to catch some rest and recuperate. Generally, within the walls of Mirabar the insignia of the Spellswords was respected by the common folk and tolerated by the lords and magistrates. The four pointed star, emblazoned in gold and white on the blue cape hanging from her shoulders, was practically a permit to go wherever and do whatever she pleased. Jedora could have her run of the city without much interference.

"Excuse me Sir," came the timid voice of an elderly woman. Jedora turned to face the source. "Is there trouble stirring in the market?" The voice continued, a worried look mirroring its troubled tone.

Jedora shook her head politely and smiled kindly, understanding the impetus for the question all to well. "Not today, or at least none that would specifically warrant my presence." She could feel the woman wearily eyeing the elegant sword she wore over one hip, and the leather bound tome hanging over the other. The old ladies nerves were well founded. The presence of a Spellsword almost always meant danger would follow. As one of the appointed arms of the Empress, it was Jedora’s sworn duty to travel the empire and root out unlawfulness in all of its forms.

With a few loose coins, Jedora purchased a simple but elegant polished stone pendant from the old ladies cart before wishing her a fair afternoon and continuing down the market street. The spellsword had a date with the turkey leg cart she wouldn’t miss...unless specifically ordered to do so.

Random Post: The Food Crime
I often refer to this scene as “The Food Crime,” and it’s one of my favorite things I have ever written. I deeply hope the community here will enjoy this as much as I do. <3 This is a part of the same story as the example post above.

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With practiced hands, Jedora deftly unfastened both gauntlets and stuffed them into her waist belt as she closed the distance to the turkey cart. A couple silver coins purchased a juicy leg heavy with meat and dripping with fat from the bottom of the stack. Rosy lips smacked against the roasted flesh, consuming it greedily as hot grease streaked down her supple neck and sinewy arm, staining her sun kissed skin.

The smell of piping hot bread floating on the breeze pleased her nostrils and delighted her imagination as the turkey aroused her taste buds. This gave her an idea. Jedora sauntered towards the adjacent cart, owning the busy thoroughfare in the way only a hungry Spellsword on a mission could. A few coppers clinked softly against the cart top before she wrapped her hands around the thickness of a plump loaf of bread. With one hand she teased the supple bread until hole presented itself, just big enough to ease the remaining turkey leg inside. 

The thickness of her beautiful creation was almost too much for her mouth to handle at once, but Jedora persevered. The turkeyloaf exploded inside her mouth, bursting with flavor at every beautiful, flaky-crust seam. The sensation was almost too much for her to handle, but she was a strong and experienced woman - she knew how to handle a wild street food experience like the turkeyloaf.

She could have stopped there, caught in rapture by the glutinous three-way of bread, meat, and bone - but oh no - Jedora was a greedy woman, a woman who couldn’t physically pass up the opportunity to turn a three-way into a four-way when opportunity  laid itself bare. Oh yes, the beefy cut of cheddar lounging on the next cart over was practically begging her to shove it inside of the loaf and show it the true meaning of mouthwatering goodness. A few coopers poorer, the cheese slipped inside the turkeyloaf without resistance and Jedora revelled in the perfection of her masterpiece, seized by the throws of her culinary wonder. Jedora raked glassy eyes across the sea of remaining food carts, searching for new participants to invite to her streetside orgy, when a single out of place coin purse caught her eye.

A few long strides away, an urchin argued with a tincture vendor - the coin purse didn’t match the rest of his getup. Smiling wryly, Jedora wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and closed the distance to the urchin with a clarity of purpose she only experienced when committing food crimes and combating street crimes. “I like your coin purse. Where'd you get it?”

Character Introduction: Of Kings, Conquest, and Carnal Sorcery
This was my character introduction for a recently game started on Elliquiy.

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As the long and short centuries cycled through their seasons, Ambrielle became many things to many people. In truth, she had never cared to keep track of the myriad monikers, honorifics, and black marks attached to her name and castle. What use would come of this exercise for a woman who changed as much as the season and whose life had stretched well past what most could comprehend?

From the lowliest field hand to the highest king, all were subject to the impassive passage of the seasons. Ambrielle, more powerful than any monarch, was no less connected to the seasons. Born to nameless parents in a town that was never big enough to appear on maps, she saw first hand the beauty of Spring, the ferocity of Summer, the change of Autumn, and stillness of Winter. With each year that passed she became more acutely attuned to the forces of change that swept through the land and through her. In time, she had come to think of herself as a servant of the seasons, living a life whose chapters could be characterized by each of her four masters.

Spring was a playful and adaptable master she associated with Wind. In the springs of her life small petaled flowers in delicate hues sprange from the ground in her wake, and her laughter floated on gentle winds as a melody of profound kindness. Early in life she had spent her springs floating from one dalliance to another, and later in life she had focused her energy on making sure the people of Roh experienced fertile fields and productive livestock.

Summer was a decisive and intelligent master she associated with Fire. In the summers of her life she honed her blades and focused the well of power inside of her with clarity of purpose towards unyielding action. Early in life Sumer was the time of legacy building, when she accomplished unimaginable feats that would be passed down in song and myth for centuries to come. Early in life, Summer was when she brought southern invaders to heal, forced the barbarian nations to learn respect for their betters, and beat back the Wings of Dread. Later in life, Summer was when she unmade the former residents of Wendwood Castle and took it as her own.

Autumn was a patient and understanding master she associated with Earth. In the falls of her life she found herself digging deep and doubling down as the fallout of Summers' actions descended upon her. This was a time of quiet contemplation and calculated decision making, when she would decide to pivot from or press forward with a course of action that would plunge her into depths of winter, or bring back a time of spring or summer. Early in life she had spent her autumns graciously accepting change as it came and turning the arc of her life towards the happier times brought by Spring, while in her later years she felt forced by the trajectory of destiny to choose a path that put her at Winter’s doorstep.

Winter was a fickle and demanding master she associated with Water. In the winters of her life barriers of ice and snow descended around her, discouraging the approach of anyone foolish enough to dare beseeching her with cries for desperate aid or blades thirsty for bloody combat. For many, winter was a time of rest and recuperation, but for the Ambrielle it was a time of distrust and isolation. Her younger centuries didn’t know Winter. It wasn’t until after her battle with the dragon Valtheim and her acquisition of the Wendwood Castle that Winter became her world.

In her last few centuries Winter would relent for a few years and sometimes a decade at a time, allowing her the respite of Spring, Summer, and Autumns, before surging back with a vengeance to remind her why the other seasons were fit only for fools. It was in a Winter of Ambrielle’s life that the Doom Knight Stroud and his ill fated lackeys intruded upon her home.

The landscape leading up to the tower was equal parts brutal and beautiful, a study of opposites standing in stark contrast to one another and a foreshadowing of who the sorcerous had become.

The rose colored barrier hissed as Stroud dispelled it, sending a gust of frigid wind down from the castle to barrel against their chests and carry a whisper of warning to their ears “ are not welcome here…turn back…”, but they couldn’t have turned back, not without dispelling the barrier a second time, for the moment the men crossed over it’s threshold the magic that held it in place stitched back together. Reformed, it took on a more sinister hue of bloody red. A trap? Perhaps it was the sorceress’ way to trap visitors who dared to dream they could go toe to toe with her. The men would have to wait to find out.

Beneath their feet the ground slickened with ice, and trembled with movement, making the path forward slippery, unstable, and all together treacherous. Silent torches roared to life along their path, lighting the empty area and filling it with an oppressive heat. In this moment the men might have been struck but the emptiness of the castle, with not a soul to be seen in all of it’s halls and rooms. Had she dismissed any servants or apprentices from her halls in anticipation of Stroud’s arrival? Or was the vacuum of presence emblematic of her present lifestyle.

The further they progressed the sooner they were meet with another barrier, this one a pale blue hue that hung before the inner gates of the increasingly empty castle. With each step the ice beneath their feet  thickened, the rumble of the earth intensified, the heat of the flames grew, and the words of warning amplified. Two more barriers awaited the group of men, with each requiring more and more magical energies to dispel as they grew closer to the font. The first of the two was a pale green hue that cut the inner court yard in half and had to be overcome before moving into the halls that lead to the castles inner sanctum.

Beyond the green barrier, dust and cobwebs would rain down on the men as the trembling ground loosened them from their former homes on the ceiling, while some were gobbled up by the hungry flames that continued to light their path towards what could only be the castle's throne room, hidden behind thick doors of oak and iron, and a fourth barrier, this one a swirling milky white. The magical energies were so thick in the air that any magic user worth their salt could taste them.

There she waited, sat upon an earthen throne encased in ice with an ancient longsword laid bare across her knees, it’s scabbard tossed to the ground beside the throne, it’s naked steel signaling her intent. Her body was wreathed in a suite of silver plate mail that fit her body like a glove, its perfect articulation protecting her powerful figure without limiting her range of motion. From her shoulders hung a half cape of white velvet trimmed in silver, and her long ringlets of honey gold hair tied back with a matching silvery thread.

Before her tens of elementals stood at attention, their otherworldly gazes transfixed on the shuttered doors, their very beings transfixed upon the task at hand - protecting Ambrielle from whatever came through those doors. The wind elementals hovered listlessly above the ground, the fire elementals flickered hungrily, the earth elementals stood resolute and immovable, while the frozen over water elementals bristled with savage intent.

Her pale green eyes bored into the door while her left hand idly danced along the blade, kissing its finely honed edges with finger tips. Few but Valtheim would know the sword upon her lap, and fewer still would know the first names given to her - the ones chosen for her by the elements themselves.

Caller of Winds.

Weaver of Flames.

Sculptor of Stones.

Painter of Waves.

Ambrielle, Steward of the Seasons.


