The Isle of the in Between character list

Started by Misty Woods, July 28, 2020, 01:46:26 PM

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Misty Woods

Profile Skeleton

- please fill the skeleton out, erase the parentheses, add your info
- send the profile to me,and post only after your profile has been added
- you may have up to how many characters you want
- no real life pictures allowed.Anime/semi-realism only
- please include a smaller or cropped picture of your character in your posts when you start posting.

User Name:
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Power:
Primary Weapon:
Second Weapon:
Back Story:
Character Picture:
Love and be loved

Misty Woods

[align=center][size=18]Jaakuna Omega
[align=center][size=16]The Sin Pandemic[/size][/align]

[size=11] Race: [/size]
[size=10]// Devil [/size]

[size=11] Gender: [/size]
[size=10]// Male [/size]

[size=11] Age: [/size]
[size=10]// Ancient [/size]

[size=11]My Homeland: [/size]
[size=10]// Sensō de kōhai shita purēn a.k.a The Sodekisap[/size]

[size=11] Main Occupation: [/size]
[size=10]// Fugitive Planes Walker[/size]

[size=11] Character Bio: [/size]
[size=10]// Jaakuna Akuma, which roughly deciphers as "Malevolent Devil", was born and raised on the eastern half of The Sodekisap, translated fully as "The War-torn Plane", a realm neighboring the mortal realm. However after so many years of fighting the forces of the western half of the realm, Jaakuna grew bored of going through constant war without ever gaining anything valuable to show for it. There just were not enough strong opponents to sate his ravenous appetite. Craving the souls of other races, Jaakuna became a planes walker and began traversing the realms in search of satisfying prey.
As a devil, Jaakuna grew up alone once he was old enough to take care of himself. Untrustworthy, sly, cunning, and malice are his social codes. To be "the enemy they don't see coming." Even when right in front of them. Thus so, he was never one for companionship, only summoning an occasional demonic minion to utilize for his sick and twisted battlefield strategies.
But Jaakuna's unchecked hunting safari caught the attention of other planes walkers, resulting in his imprisonment in the mortal realm, far under the earth below Kratos in the realm of Talm. However, Jaakuna had great confidence in the follies of mortals...for centuries later, he has heard the sounds of archeology outside his stone temple prison under the earth, and longed for release. And released he was.

For a short time, he plagued the continent with panic and destruction, till a fellow planes walker sealed him within himself in a successful attempt to stop his onslaught. It was the most degrading collection of moments in his life. For the adversary in question was none other than Alpha Florian. Grant it, at great cost, he was freed at The Broken Portal of Akash in Aspira but even that small reprieve was short lived. For Florian's newfound friends, Kiren and Lee, whisked him away to this new realm...a realm of two islands.
Now, Jaakuna Omega having forsook his last name, seeks revenge. Revenge on Kiren, Lee, and most of all Alpha Florian. He still craves killing strong opponents, and drinking their souls, and he has no intention of being stopped. Never again.

All the realms, shall burn!


[size=11] Primary and Secondary Weapon: [/size]
[size=10]//  Primal Egress Martial Art: Jaakuna's fighting style has no name and no other goal than to utterly rip his prey apart. However this does not mean his fighting style is savage. Despite how raw his technique is, it embodies the idealization of hitting fast and hard, followed by short retreats here and there only to repeat the process again; giving his opponents as little room and time to think or react as possible. Despite the simplicity of it's code, his fighting style is heavy-set in natural un-tamed fighting experiences and sound combinations of speed and power giving tribute to Jaakuna's battlefield tenacity.

[size=11] Character Powers: [/size]
Abyssal Magic: Once holding the rank of Arch devil, Jaakuna's chosen powers lie within the life forces of demonic utilization. This comes at great benefit and cost; benefit: because Jaakuna does not need to rely on magic or it's limitations. Cost: because he can only utilize this dark art through the extraction of souls. Hence, making his power more destructive, yet costly in resources. Without obtaining souls, his powers weaken, but when he becomes drunk from high soul-intake, his abilities becomes amplified in performance according to the number and quality of souls he has devoured. To balance this factor out; Jaakuna's body has a very high metabolism for souls.
Now as for the mechanics of this power, the range is very broad, making Jaakuna's power just as dangerous as it is flexible. He can mimic any of the performances most black magic can accomplish; fireballs, curses, dark enchantments, summoning underlings, recruiting neophytes, etc. Just be mindful that the fuel for his power is souls, not mana or any other magical energies.

The Horn of Namida- Otherwise known as Jaakuna's Horn of Tears. This is a single horn that may grow from the center of his forehead.
This cursed horn specializes in illusion techniques, adding greatly to Jaakuna's advantages in close-combat as well as his demonology combination attacks. For a price of souls, Jaakuna may tamper in his opponent's five senses or even completely shut them down grant it, if his soul intake is maxed high enough. However, these illusion techniques are timed, and are only effective if the target stands within sight or ear-shot. (Visual illusions for sight, auditory illusions for ear-shot, etc.) However, in order to tamper with the senses of touch, smell, and taste, the horn must be touching the victim in some way, shape, or form.

Demonic Genetics: being a purebred devil, Jaakuna's body excels in nearly all physical factors. (strength, speed, agility, etc.) But this does pose some weaknesses as well. Aside from Jaakuna's high metabolism for souls, his body does not adjust well in solar-radiation. (sunlight for example) This renders an effect on his body similar to that of a cold-blooded reptile being exposed to freezing temperatures; aka his body's movement speed and reaction time slow down considerably and makes him ill until he can find shelter or shade. [/size]

[size=11] Username: [/size]
[size=10]// Alpha Florian [/size]

[size=11] Character Photo: [/size]
[size=10]// Jaakuna Omega [/size]
Love and be loved

Misty Woods

User Name: Misty Woods
Character Name: Mai
Character Age: 21
Character Power: None
Primary Weapon: Blood staff
Second Weapon: Bone Daggers
Back Story: Mai is the younger sister of Yoh. A few years after Yoh Left Mai was born.
Mai and Yoh's father became calmer over time and treated Mai gently.
As she got older she asked her father if she had any other siblings,
her father denied that she did till one day Mai stumbled across a photo of Yoh and confront her father about it. Mai's father explained that he curse Yoh and she ran off.
Upset Mai ran after her sister.
Finding her sister in Sakura Grove Mai begged for forgiveness but Yoh brushed it off,
explaining that it wasn't Mai's fault but Mai didn't listen.
Not taking no for an answer Mai become the Care Taker of Yoh's estate though she doesn't reside their.

Character Picture:
Love and be loved

Misty Woods

User Name: Misty Woods
Character Name: Yoh
Character Age:  200 in demon years, 28 in human
Character Power: Darkness
Primary Weapon: Onyx Katana
Second Weapon: Poison Tipped Fans
Back Story: Once young happy girl Yoh was tormented by her greedy father.
One night she interrupted a meeting her father had. In an outrage her threw demon blood into her eyes.
The next morning Yoh could no longer look into the daylight but now she could see spirits
and the evil with in people. Dawning a thick black blindfold she confronted her father and attacked him. letting him live she warned him that if he sent people to kill her she would intern kill them.
Along with her new sight Yoh found out she could live through stab wounds.
She sought out an elder that could explain her ailment.
The wise man told her the only way she could be killed is her head to be severed from her body.
Now Yoh is a insane Owner of the Twin Serpent Casino.
Character Picture:
Love and be loved

Misty Woods

User Name: Misty Woods
Character Name: Kiren
Character Age:  22 in human years
Character Power: Fox Fire
Primary Weapon: Muramasa
Second Weapon: Throwing Daggers
Back Story: This young girl is full of life.
Kiren was raised off and on my Lee but usually take cares of herself.
She mainly hangs out in forests but can also be seen making mischief in towns and cities.
Character Picture:
Love and be loved

Misty Woods

User Name: Misty Woods
Character Name: Lee
Character Age:  Unknown
Character Power: Darkness and Light
Primary Weapon: Bone Scythe
Second Weapon: Poison Dagger
Back Story:
Many people from her disowned her from the start for her mix breeding but that hasn't stopped Lee from being herself.
Lee has traveled through out many worlds an galaxies but never called any of them home.
Her powers are unstable thus she tends to stay away from most people.
Lee is very protective of her friends as well as her property.
Character Picture:
Love and be loved

Misty Woods

Quote from: Loremaster Kenchi on July 28, 2020, 09:45:13 PM
Lykinpuff Wuff
                                   The Happy Accident

// Animated Stuffed Toy

// Male

// 2 Years

My Homeland:
// The Unknown Island

Main Occupation:
// Unemployed

Character Bio:
Lykinpuff was crafted with care by a gnomish toy maker in anticipation~
As a celebratory gift, a birthday present, and a commemoration~
To honor a local duke's daughter, just five years old~
A mere five gold farthings: the toy maker's services sold~
The stuffed toy was constructed and weaved with exquisite furs and fabrics~
And upon completion the toy maker marveled at his creation, as if consisting of magics~
He was gifted to the young girl to celebrate her fifth~
Positively delighted, she named him "Lykinpuff Wuff", and immediately befriended him in a jiff~
They were good years, two in fact, to where the toy kept his charge safe and watched over her as she slept~
Till on her seventh birthday, her normalcy, could no longer be kept~
Magic awakened in her veins, long blood-bonds untold, an upcoming sorcerer she was to the surprise of all~
And panic seized father, mother, and all to preface the noble house's quick fall~
Untrained as she was, her power quickly became out of control~
And at the price of such dangerous sorcery, her new awakening dawned a great toll~
Their castle burned to the ground, fire, lightning, monsters, and curses all spawned from the poor girl~
Save one little accident, at the cost of momentum and twirl~
Lykinpuff awoke the next day, confused and dismayed~
No living soul was left to answer his questions, his desire to find his sweet owner: belayed~
Bystanders and peasants in the village nearby began to ponder allowed~
Perhaps the girls magic had whisked her away within that chaotic shroud~
No one knew if she or her family survived, not even a servant was left~
Thus, Lykinpuff Wuff began his journey, to find the bond linked to his heart that had so recently been cleft~

Primary and Secondary Weapon:
//  Sharp Claws and Teeth: Look out! They can sting mighty rightly!

Character Powers:
Hypnotic Lullaby: If a target or group of targets are within earshot of Lykinpuff, he can attempt to sing them to sleep with a soothing song.
And depending on how weak their willpower or how powerful their fatigue, their newfound rest could persist anywhere from one to five hours.
The closer Lykinpuff is to a recipient, the greater the chances of being lulled into a heavy slumber.

Prestidigitation: A series of minor magical tricks that novice spell casters use for practice!

• create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.

• instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.

• instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.

• chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.

• make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.

• create a non-magical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in-hand and that lasts for 1 hour.

Telemancy: Once hypnotized or asleep, Lykinpuff can manually influence a person's dreams, albeit at the cost of great concentration.
This could be to erect a terrible nightmare, revise a dream, or induce great relaxation or a sense of calm.

// Loremaster Kenchi

Character Photo:
// Lykinpuff Wuff
Love and be loved