Embrace Eternity (Mass Effect) - Blonde Femshep/Futanari Liara (f seeking M/F)

Started by Alias, July 22, 2020, 10:22:38 PM

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Embrace Eternity
~A Name In The Stars~

Dr. Liara T'soni
Asari Scientist - Biotic Expert

Commander Marenna Helen Shepard
Spectre Classification - Systems Alliance Navy: N7 Officer

Notable for her seemingly innocent and naive presence, Marenna “Renna” Shepard was born in the metropolis of Santa Clara, California, 2159. It is Shepard’s nature to appear unassuming and non-threatening. She had a difficult childhood, a missing mother and an alcoholic father. She had to fend for herself, learning countless adult lessons very young. Shepard was an accomplished thief at the age of thirteen. She was only fourteen when she left home and fifteen when she joined ‘The Tenth Street Reds’, a small gang in the inner-city of Santa Clara.

She’s never spoken about her time with The Reds on official channels. Her Alliance history starts with a fairly vanilla civilian administration with only one mention of previous gang affiliation, “...(her gang affiliation) is not evidence of her character or her respect of command.” Shepard enlisted herself into combat training at the age of eighteen. She’d never graduated highschool, but she’d put together an equivalent education. Shepard was impressive from the jump, before she’d ever put on a uniform.

Shepard wasted no time, she was a decorated war Veteran after just two twenty month tours all over the Terminus Systems. In that time, Elysium was under attack on a grand scale, an encounter now known as the Skyllian Blitz. Serving in that conflict, Shepard was stationed at a key location on the planet. She raised and led a citizen’s militia to an evac shuttle before she held off enemy forces for an extended length. She had two civilians with her that she'd taught how to fire a weapon just moments before. Reinforcements eventually arrived, to find Marenna Shepard mostly unharmed. Officially, Shepard had recorded 124 confirmed kills that day. She was given the Alliance’s most prestigious medal, the Star of Terra.

Gaining overnight fame for accomplishing such a heroic feat, and receiving such an honor, Shepard was given a promotion and a platoon to command for the last eight months of her second tour. Displaying effective leadership qualities in that time, Shepard was offered another promotion when her deployment ended. Travelling to Rio De Janeiro, Shepard underwent N7 training, and began her third tour as a Commander, serving under Captain Anderson on an Experimental vessel destined for Eden Prime…


Spoiler Warning, in case it isn’t obvious that this is going to be based on Mass Effect

Ok! Here’s the immediate pitch. I want to explore the more personal aspects of Marenna Shepard & Liara T’soni. I have spent a few days thinking about how to break Bioware’s story to make my own narrative. This RP will pick up after the events of the first video game. (more on that later). I plan on making a few small edits to the story, and a few massive ones. I would expect my partner for this game to understand this necessity. I don’t intend on rewriting the game with my favorite dialogue choices word for word. But I also don’t want to write a one off that takes place after the game fades to black in the sex scenes.

I do want Liara/Shepard sex scenes, but I also want to rewrite Mass Effect, so why not do both at the same time?! I have a lot of the rework planned out in my mind, but it runs on a fairly simple concept: The galaxy has more time. Mass Effect moves into emergency mode, pretty much right away, and Shepard is playing catch up quite a lot. What if Shepard had more time? What if the Collectors didn’t start harvesting humans immediately? This changes the trajectory and the tone of everything. Killing Saren and Sovereign is a larger victory this time around. I want to explore the galaxy and solve the problem of the reapers. Danger and Adventure, Galactic Space Opera, smutty wonderfulness, saving aliens, and killing Geth!!!

Partner Expectations

Good communication - This can be my fault too, sometimes, people don’t mesh. if I call off the game for this reason, don’t take it personally!

no gender preference - I can write comfortably with any Gender. (see the next section for game preference for more on Gender)

Expressive writing - I do best when I’m writing with someone who enjoys writing as an activity. I am descriptive, and my rps tend to move slowly for that reason. I am NOT asking for best selling literature. But, writing is the real joy of this for me, writing about sex is just really fun!

Medium Volume - 300-800 words is fairly ideal, going over by a few hundred is fine, but in a roleplay, a post shouldn’t get too long or the scenes become less immersive for me. I am guilty of overwriting sometimes, I do my best to tone it down.

Medium activity - I like to post a lot, but E says it best, I post about 2 times a day, on average. So, expect a reply from me once every 2-4 days. If I’’m doing well, it will be every day. If I’m busy at work, once a week or less might happen, but I usually make my business clear. From my partners, you can write at any pace you’d like. Once a week or more is ideal, though.

Limited canon knowledge is fine - If you don’t know much about Mass Effect, it’s honestly fine. If the concept is appealing to you, contact me and things might just work out.

Game Preference

Futanari - Asari anatomy is never fully explained. I’ll finish the job for Bioware: Liara has a fully functional womb and vagina. Her clitoris can grow into a phallus. She does not need male semen to reproduce, she does not produce a seed, but she does ejaculate upon phallic orgasm. Just to be clear, her phallus does not urinate. She pees like a girl.

Shepard personality - Shepard is a soldier, but she’s a softy at heart. Her actions prove that she thinks with the entire Galaxy in mind. She’s hardened from her upbringing and her time as a soldier, but she has some arrested development from her younger years. This Shepard isn’t a hardass by nature, and even with an assault rifle in her hand, she exudes a feminine confidence. Disarming to the bone, even Shepard’s reputation doesn’t protect her enemies from underestimating her. Official canon changes are as listed:

  • She isn’t a bad dancer
  • She isn’t flirty with everyone on the ship (only Liara)
  • She loves putting together model ships...

The Rewrite - Unless my partner wants to rewrite the narrative with me, I have no problem taking the ‘GM’ role in this game, and leading the story forward when the character’s don’t know what to do. My character can lead yours. Of course, ideally, my partner is someone who likes this dynamic as well, and they help to tell the story with me beyond just Liara and Shepard

Character Preference - Ok! My preference is Shepard. I would rather write the bottom in this relationship. However, I would be comfortable writing Liara as well. If I do write Liara, I want to write her as a top. I am not a bottom preference in this scenario. Liara as the bottom doesn’t really make sense to me. Now. If I’m writing with someone who doesn’t know the canon at all, I would probably write Liara, and I have no problem with that, and that is also why I described Shepard at length above. Also, if someone absolutely loves my Shepard concept, and they want to write her, I could probably hand over the reins pretty easily. Liara doesn’t require any real changes in my opinion. However, that doesn’t mean that I want to put pressure on my partner to ‘write the perfect Liara’. I don’t even expect that. The context and narrative will be different enough, the writer has freedom to explore with this character. The 106 year old Prothean Archeologist is well designed. Shepard, I found to be a bit too bland, considering S/he was supposed to encompass different personalities.

Final Notes
Thanks for reading! I imagine if you clicked this, and read this far, that you are a Mass Effect fan. The idea for this RP came to me when I beat the games (Monday, lol). I was SO unsatisfied with the Liara/Shepard storyline. It was almost perfect, but it needed a new ending, and in order to get what I want from an RP, I ended up deciding to backtrack all the way to their first seperation; when the collectors destroyed the Normandy. This likely means that Shepard and her crew will have to be more inventive with their investigation, as this time around, Shepard isn’t forced to work with Cerberus after spending two years dead.

This version of the story is a huge undertaking, and it does run the risk of getting off track, but that SHOULD be part of the fun. This thread is reserved for answering questions or fielding prompts from interested writers. I could flesh out my idea further if people dont understand what I’m going for. And of course, if you are interested and you fully understand, you can say that here too, or PM me. For the most part, I’m open to suggestions, but not in this thread. I would rather flesh out my idea in this space for reference than confuse it with other ideas. Those should stay in PMs or Discord. I’m on the E server. Loves!!
