Shock me with your future! (F for anyone! World-building opportunity!)

Started by Beorning, July 18, 2020, 10:05:24 PM

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Hello there, E! :)

I've decided to once again try this old idea of mine. It's the kind of idea that could appeal to those of you who like enganging in world-building, especially of the sci-fi kind. So, let's get into the details!

The idea: I'd like to play a modern-day woman who, by some twist of circumstance, gets transported a few decades or centuries into the future. Once there, she gets to explore the (most probably) changed world - its society, technology, ethics... Quite probably, my characters will experience quite a bit of future shock!

I got this idea when I was thinking on what would, say, a person from Victorian era think, if he/she got transported into our era. I'd risk saying that they would have hard time adjusting, at least initially... I'd like to RP this kind of shock - but with the twist that my character would get to see a world of the future, one even I wouldn't know that well beforehand. I would like to be surprised, experience a little of future shock myself by exploring such a new world! I'd especially love to explore some sort of opressive dystopia, as I have a soft spot for these (just imagine, a modern person transported to the world of, say, the Equilibrium movie). But it could be something else, really - the main idea is of the exploration of the future world and the ways it would be different from the modern world.

The stipulations: as mentioned, I'd prefer to be at least partially surprised by the world my character would find herself in - so, I'd prefer my writing partner not to spoil the setting in a pre-RP discussion. I know it may be tricky to pull off, but the less I'd know, the more interesting this experiment could be!

Also, while I'm open to many ideas this story could run with, let me say that there are just some I wouldn't be really interested in, at least not at this moment. For example, I'm definitely not looking for settings like Shadowrun or similar. So, no fantasy races or supernatural stuff - this is not what I'm going for in regards to this story. Also, I'd prefer to stick to the more grounded sci-fi stuff - so, I'm not really looking for settings where Earth is a part of interplanetary empire with alien races etc. I know that the boundary between stuff which is and is not sufficiently grounded is a bit vague (after all, is Equilibrium, 1984 or Brave New World truly realistic?)... But overall, to use that Victorian time travel analogy: I'm looking for something more in the vein of "Victorian person visits 21st century" and less of "Victorian person arrives to Enterprise and has adventures with Kirk and Spock". So, less outlandish stuff and more of actual extrapolation of what a future might look like.

On another note, when it comes to the way my character would get transported into the future, it doesn't have to be anything fancy: it could even get hand-waved as a freak timespace accident. The point is of what happens when she gets there, not how she gets there. So, when coming up with an idea, you don't really need to concern yourself with that bit!

The roles: as I mentioned, in this story I'd like to play a woman, in her twenties or early thirties. My writing partner could play whatever role he/she wishes: a general GM/Narrator role, or some sort of male or female character... I think I can be really accomodating here. This is one of the things we could definitely discuss before starting!

The kinks:
when it comes to this story, I think I'd prefer it to be more story-driven than kink-driven. Not saying that sex cannot happen, though! Just please respect my Offs - so please, no incest-heavy futures ;)

Any takers? If so, please PM me... I'd really love to get shocked by your ideas for the future! ;)