Athem's request thread (seeking M or F characters for my F)

Started by Athem, July 05, 2020, 07:01:21 PM

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Thanks for reading my revamped request list!

I have a preference for humorous stories: not necessarily outright comedies, but "I'll look back on this and smile" incidents in otherwise serious stories. Drama is fine, but I'm not into stories heavy with angst. I prefer to play female characters. I don't care what your real-life gender is. I'm willing to play any level, from Light to Non-Con (though see my Ons & Offs for Non-Con in particular).

Details are always negotiable, except characters will always be 18+.

I only role-play on forums, or possibly private messages, not Discord or IM. I'm located in the UK, so my timezone is GMT+1 Apr-Oct, GMT+0 Nov-Mar.

Ons and Offs
Full details here:


I generally prefer soft-core over hard-core.
  • 'Wardrobe malfunctions', where MC has problems with, loses or damages her clothing. Even something simple like her too-tight jeans splitting when she bends over, or she goes skinny-dipping and has her clothes stolen, or being locked outside naked or in her underwear, or gets caught up crossing a barb wire fence.
  • Closely related, MC wearing tight clothing in general: jeans, shorts, catsuits, or fit-to-burst dresses. Or corsets or 'shapewear'. Plenty of opportunities for wardrobe malfunctions, simple discomfort, or mere inconvenience.
  • Anything else involving discomfort and embarrassment: things like MC sitting on a cactus, getting saddle-sore, or being bitten in the rear :)
  • MC being spanked.
  • MC being tickled, including tickle-torture.
My two favorite kinks are a little unusual, so I put them last; I won't insist on them, but I'll be happy if we can incorporate them!
  • I really like anything that involves MC itching, whether from itching powder, poison ivy, bugs in clothing, or something else.
  • While I'm not generally into watersports or scat, I do enjoy desperation scenes (ie MC is squirming, bursting for the toilet, and is at least temporarily frustrated in some way - a jammed zipper, toilet door locked, etc). I'm happy to ultimately be successful - it's the struggle, and the struggle to hide her problem, not the losing control :)
  • Rape - committing it, definitely No. Playing the victim, usually No, but slightly setting-dependent: I can tolerate more in 'unreal' settings such as Fantasy or Science Fiction, or threats rather than acts.
  • Other NC is up for discussion. NC versions of my ONs are fine (e.g. NC spanking would be no problem).
  • Being immobilized for any length of time. If MC is restrained, give her freedom to struggle!
  • DubCon is usually OK, especially of the "I wanted to do this, but not right this moment" variety, or where she inflicts the situation on herself (e.g. a favor for a favor, or losing a bet she never expected to lose). As the heroine of one novel phrased it: "Not against my will, but against my inclination".
  • Serious abuse - By this, I really mean any abuse scene where the victim is truly submissive, broken-spirited, and/or is getting seriously hurt.
  • Gore, scat, vore, mutilation - just No (with the exception of desperation play, see above).
  • Futa characters.
  • Under-18 characters or bestiality, just No.

I generally like illustrating my characters using a computer-generated image (using Daz Studio, if you're curious, not AI) rather than using a face-claim, though I can probably find a face-claim if that's preferred. However, I won't role-play as an actual celebrity. I also generally prefer to play original characters, though there are exceptions.

Please reply by personal message, not by posting in this thread.

MC = My character, YC = your character (though I might be persuaded to swap these around). Details and images are behind the spoiler tags; the images are mildly NSFW.

These are all opening vignettes only. While they can be played simply as a one-shot story, they can also be the ice-breaker for a longer story.

(NEW!) The Halloween Party

She wore a sexy costume to the Halloween Party, unaware that someone else would make her the center of attention.

a young woman dressed in a leopard-print catsuit with a tail, in a bar

Madison Daniels (MC) was looking forward to the Halloween office party. A chance to show off her sexy side and preen under the attention. She'd chosen a sexy cat costume: a leopard-spotted catsuit with a tail, cute little cat ears on a band in her hair, and long fake fingernails as claws. She'd bought the catsuit a size too small on purpose, and the fabric moulded perfectly to her slim figure. It had been a struggle to get into, but the result was worth it. And it was... exciting, knowing she was fully covered yet only a thin layer of stretched skintight material lay between her and everyone else. Stiletto-heeled ankle boots completed the look.

YC is also attending the party, and has plans to make Madison the center of attention in ways she didn't expect...

Tone: At the lighter end, it could be a romance with a cheeky prankster and inappropriate touches or tickling, or even just Madison having some sort of embarrassing accident with her costume. At the darker end, non-consensual spanking or stripping or something more malicious - though, even then, I'm thinking more in the direction of dark raunchy comedy.

Halloween Hijinx

Halloween, a time of trick-or-treat and costume parties.

MC is wearing a sexy costume and hosting a costume party, but has to go outside to deal with a troublemaker (YC) smashing some pumpkins. As she's drawn further from the house, it becomes more and more apparent that her sexy costume is really not suited to running down a troublemaker.



That's the setup; where the story goes from there is up to you. This is intended to be a comedic setup, with MC starting off confident that she can handle YC and then struggling to deal with stiletto heels on slippery or soft ground, the tightness of her costume, and whatever else YC steers her way. It will probably end with YC helping mine out, leading to a romantic night, but could have dub-con overtones if preferred.

A woman dressed as the Michelle Pfeiffer version of Catwoman, on a wet street with a stormy sky A woman wearing a PVC corset, cat mask and thigh boots in front of a Halloween-themed house A woman dressed as a devil in front of a Halloween-themed house

Tone: comedy-drama or dramedy

The bikini clasp

It all started with a prank going wrong...

A back view of a blonde woman in a bandeau bikini with a prominent clasp


YC and MC are acquaintances of some sort in their early 20s, enjoying a day by a lake. MC is wearing a bandeau bikini with a prominent clasp. As a joke, YC unclips it while pushing MC in. After the shock gives way to angry yelling and eventually laughter, MC retrieves her top... only to find the clasp is now damaged and won't stay fastened.

That's the setup; where the story goes from there is up to you.

Tone: comedic

Other: Incest is neither an on nor an off for me, but for those into incest, YC could be MC's sibling.

The Achilles Zipper

My riding instructor is the victim of an embarrassing prank.
(Inspired by a couple of Roxy Katt's pictures.)

A woman in tight riding breeches, her hands behind her, looking surprised


Wealthy Jessica Brawn enjoyed working as a riding instructor. She had a commanding presence, and she ran the riding school with an iron fist. Students who tried to talk back to her got assigned the worst horses. With her severe make-up, and her tight leather riding breeches, there was a touch of a dominatrix about her, something both she and her students were well aware of, and this helped both her self-confidence and her presence.

Until the day a rebellious student found her Achilles Heel, and yanked down the zipper at the back of her breeches. Jessica struggled desperately to re-pack her generous curves into her breeches, all too aware that she normally needed her maid's help to zip them up...

Are you the rebellious student, determined to bring her down a peg or two, or someone willing to help her out? Or both? Is this the start of a day of mischief, or an odd romance? (Again, or both?). Either way, Jessica is going to learn some humility.

Tone: comedic

Caught - in more ways than one (Modern or near-past, likely dub-con, includes bathroom control)

My cat-burglar is caught by a security guard at a particularly bad time.


A woman in a PVC catsuit surprised by a flashlight on entering a darkened restroom


The light in the distant office remained stubbornly on. On the neighboring rooftop, Sapphire muttered a curse, and downed another energy drink to stay awake. She'd been hired to steal some files, and whoever had decided to work late was delaying her. Muttering another curse, she shifted uncomfortably thanks to the obvious side effect of downing energy drinks to stay away. She'd just about decided to abandon tonight's attempt in favor of finding a little burglar's room when the light finally went out.

In the darkness, Sapphire crossed to the other building. With the ease of practice and skill, she bypassed the alarm, opened the window, and slipped inside.

It took time to find the correct office in the dark, and still more time to log in using the stolen credentials and locate the files. Copying them to the USB stick seemed to take forever, even if it could only be a few seconds.

"Come on, come on, hurry up," she muttered softly to herself, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.

Finally, the files were copied. She shut the machine off and slipped the USB stick inside her catsuit. She began to backtrack, when she spotted the sign for the restroom. Sapphire hesitated barely a moment, then headed for some longed-for relief.

And that was when the flashlight lit up her face.

Tone: Despite the setup, more silly sex comedy than serious drama

Other: This could go in whatever direction you want. It could be as short and simple as a pervy pat-down of Sapphire while she squirms, or an awkward cat-and-mouse chase around the offices as Sapphire tries to find some way to escape. Or Sapphire gets out of the building, but is chased by your character. Maybe she gets away, embarrassed, but has to return (either your character took the USB stick, or her client wants more data), only this time your character is ready for her.

The Sexy Santa Substitution (Modern or near-past, probably light but potentially darker)

MC goes to the office party in an unexpectedly sexy Santa dress.


a blonde woman in a sexy santa dress

MC is the new office boss. The previous boss always dressed as Santa at the annual Christmas party, and MC thought it would be fun to keep the tradition going. Unfortunately, there's been a mix-up: instead of the modest "Mrs Claus" outfit she'd ordered, she's been sent a skimpy 'Sexy Santa' dress. How will the employees react when their boss turns up wearing it? One employee (YC) in particular? What problems might MC encounter with her unexpectedly skimpy outfit.

The tone would probably be a romantic comedy. For a slightly darker tone, maybe YC engineered the mix-up in revenge for MC being a bullying boss.

Spook Slayer! (Modern or near-past, probably light but potentially darker)

MC spends the night in a haunted house with a mischievous 'ghost'.

Woman in PVC pants sitting on a presenter's chair in a TV studio Woman in PVC pants standing with her luggage in the misty entrance hall of a haunted house


My character has a show, Spook Slayer!, debunking claims of ghosts. She's accepted a challenge to spend a night in a 'haunted' house. This could play out two ways:
  • This time the ghosts are real, and will make my character their target for their mischief.
  • Ghosts aren't real, but you issued the challenge to mess with my character.

Cat burglars shouldn't wear latex (Modern or near-past, probably light but potentially darker)

MC accepts a bet to sneak into YC's house dressed in a sexy-but-impractical latex Catwoman costume. YC is ready for some sexy fun.

Rear view of a woman in a Batman Returns Catwoman costume looking coy


My character is a cosplayer. One of her costumes is based on Catwoman from the 1992 film Batman Returns. Your character has scoffed about the impracticality of the costume for a supposed cat-burglar; my character thinks it's not so ridiculous and that she could sneak in wearing it. We make a bet. Little does my character know that your character has already worked out a few amusing tricks to exaggerate the impracticality of the costume and ensure the bet goes in their favor...

[We can discuss the details, but I'm thinking of playing up the impracticality of skintight latex and stiletto heels for laughs  ;D]

The Uncomfortable Corset (Modern or historical, probably light but potentially darker)

MC wears a corset-style top, only to find it increasingly uncomfortable.

Woman in corset looking worried and starting to rub her ribs

MC has dressed up for the occasion (a party? a date? you decide) in a leather corset. She enjoys what it does for her figure and the looks she gets, but as the evening wears on she less sure. It's too tight, too binding, too warm. The seams are digging in. And it's starting to itch.

Maybe the corset was supposed to be worn over something. Maybe she's simply sweating too much under it. Or maybe it's sabotage by a jealous rival.

The Sabotaged Swimsuit (Modern or historical, probably light but potentially darker)

MC enters a small beauty contest. Someone sabotages her swimsuit to make sure she won't win. YC is either the saboteur or the rescuer.

Woman in swimsuit looking shocked and starting to rub her ribs

A local sports shop has decided to sponsor a small beauty contest. All very sexist, and the owner is hoping the attention and the controversy will boost sales. My character just sees it as a bit of fun, and a shot at the grand prize (a holiday to a luxury resort).

Unfortunately, things go wrong. My character is on the runway when she suddenly realizes her swimsuit has been sabotaged with itching powder! All she wants to do is get back to the dressing room and strip it off... but her name's just been called as one of the finalists.

Who's behind the sabotage and why? We can decide.

(Yes, inspired by the finale of the corny 70s British comedy 'Carry On Girls' :-) together with an even older story from 'Invisible Scarlet O'Neil')

On Halloween, black cats are unlucky (Modern, probably light but potentially darker)

MC is an ambitious and arrogant new manager at the company. YC has decided that she needs to be taken down a peg or two - at the Halloween Party.

Woman in catsuit looking over her shoulder and smirking
MC is the CEO's daughter, fresh out of college with a business degree, and being groomed to take over the business in a few years. For now, she's getting experience as a junior executive. Unfortunately for everyone else in the office, MC views them as beneath her, at her beck and call to run any errand she wants.

MC is looking forward to the big Halloween bash. A chance to show off her sexy side, to preen under the attention, and to taunt her staff with what they could never possess. She'd chosen a sexy cat costume: a black velvet catsuit with a tail, cute little cat ears on a band in her hair, and long fake fingernails as claws. She was sure the costume would be a hit. And there was something... stimulating... about being fully covered yet knowing only a thin layer of stretch velvet lay between her skin and everyone else.

Meanwhile, the whole office yearns to see MC taken down a peg or two (or three, or more). Preferably in front of everyone, at the Halloween party, and without tipping MC off as to who was responsible.

YC has drawn the short straw to implement 'Operation Payback'. Fortunately, MC is planning on changing at work so getting access to the costume while she's out of the office won't be difficult.

Devil costume variant

Instead of a cat costume, perhaps a devil costume that MC struggles to zip, and imperiously asks for help...

(And it doesn't have to be Halloween; any costume party would do.)

Front-zip:Woman struggling to zip a red devil latex catsuit up the front Back-zip:Woman showing her bare back in a red devil latex catsuit

Payback's an itch (Modern, probably light but potentially darker)

MC is an ambitious and arrogant new manager at the company. YC has decided that she needs to be taken down a peg or two.

Woman in smart suit sitting at a desk and looking concerned
MC is the CEO's daughter, and has been installed as the new manager of YC's area. She's already made a number of unpopular changes; the least popular was changing the previously relaxed dress code to a more formal one.

YC has noticed that MC makes regular use of the company gym during her lunch hour. The company installed fancy locks on the lockers that can only be opened using an app, but YC knows of a flaw in the app that lets them open any locker. The temptation is too much to ignore. Watching MC trying to stay composed and professional with itching powder in her underwear would be payback. And then, who knows? Maybe mess with her workout gear, or something else.

Tormenting the Ski Bunny (Modern, mostly light but including desperation)

YC decides to play a prank on a snooty ski-bunny.

Isla in her ski-suit enjoying her morning coffee
Isla sitting in cable car and looking uncomfortable

(If you've previously viewed this, you might need to reload the page to see the updated images.)

MC, Isla, is the daughter of the rich owner of a ski resort. YC has often seen her around, dressed in a sexy white designer ski-suit, but after a few days YC realized she was rarely seen on the slopes, and no further than the bunny hill. For all her attitude and talk of skiing, she's a bit of a fraud. YC decides it could be fun to call her bluff and take her down a peg or two.

The plan was simple. Invite her on a trip to the top of the longest piste and flatter her to ensure she accepts. Encourage her to have a coffee before setting out, and then rush to ensure she can't take a bathroom break before leaving. YC knows the highest ski station lacks restrooms. There are some at the mid-point... rarely cleaned because of their location. It would be funny to see the high-and-mighty Isla in her pristine white ski-suit forced to slum it and use the worst restroom at the resort. There could be other complications too...

I'm looking to play through her transition from confident to anxious to panic. The tone should be raunchy comedy rather than angsty and serious. The plot can then go many different ways: 1) She's embarrassed by the situation, but otherwise OK; 2) She needs YC's help to unzip her ski-suit; 3) She needs YC's help to re-zip her ski-suit; 4) She can't unzip her ski-suit in time. I'm happy to accommodate other ideas, maybe other torments, or possibly extend the story.

Whatever happens, the story will probably finish in the hot tub back at the resort.

Clingy Cosplay Catsuit Crisis! (Modern, probably light. Includes desperation by default, but has alternatives)

MC went to a costume party dressed as Catwoman and has trouble with her costume.

Woman dressed as Catwoman trying to reach the zipper down her back
MC has gone to a costume party dressed as Catwoman, in a slinky black spandex catsuit with a zipper down her spine, a cat-eared headband, and a gold-painted 'utility belt' as a handy replacement for a purse. But, on a visit to the restroom, she finds she can't get her zipper down, and turns to YC for help. What happens next is up for negotiation: it could be played as a light romantic comedy (YC is kind and helpful, and they hit it off as my character deals with the embarrassment) to something much darker (YC takes advantage of the situation to torment my character), and all shades in-between. Perhaps the characters aren't complete strangers (at the lighter end, your character had an unrequited crush on mine in the past; at the darker end, perhaps my character once did something that inspires your character to petty revenge).

As an alternative, MC's costume problems aren't so accidental. For some reason, YC has decided that MC needs to be publicly embarrassed at the party, and changed her costume order for one a size smaller - and then possibly tampered with it further. MC squeezes into it anyway, but the party's not going to go as she planned. Again, the exact details of the prank and the relationship between MC and YC is up for negotiation.

As a second alternative, YC's mischief is more spontaneous, perhaps exploiting the difficulties MC has in zipping back up if YC unzips her, or slipping something inside her costume.

Getting into her pants (Modern, mostly light but including desperation)

MC's new jeans were tight... perhaps too tight.

Woman on her bedroom floor struggling to squeeze into a pair of tight jeans
Very simple: MC's new jeans are much too tight. After a mighty struggle, she's managed to wriggle into them before heading off to the club, but has belatedly realized that she's not getting out of them until she gets back.

I'm imagining this as a humorous story where MC is trying to act cool around someone she fancies (YC), and is trying to hide that she really needs the bathroom. Of course, she's not hiding her predicament as well as she thinks; YC may simply offer to help, or pretend not to notice and enjoy surreptitiously watching her squirm, maybe even making things worse for her.

Of course, any other plot in line with my Ons & Offs is also fine.


Merged several entries into 'Clingy Cosplay Catsuit Crisis!'; added 'Workout Woes' and a summary of my Ons & Offs.


Several revisions since the last update, most recently "On Halloween, black cats are unlucky"




Added "The Achilles Zipper" and "The bikini clasp".