Fight for Humanity (Demon/Human RP) (Female Characters Needed!) (LGBTQ+ Welcome)

Started by Tokyorose627, June 30, 2020, 05:22:02 PM

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Quote from: Wired Rabbit on July 06, 2020, 12:12:09 AM
How about a female demon?  ^-^  I'll make and post a CS tomorrow for a trickster who works for SOPHE.

Oh, yes please! A female demon would be great to have around here, mostly cause we need more girl characters. :D

Please feel free to fill out the sheet and send it here for me to evaluate!


As of right now, I am waiting on 6 sheets, consisting of characters from:

Moon Hound Hati

As of right now due to the backlog and the wait time, for the time being I’ll be closing the recruitment thread until I see some of these sheets and look them over. Don’t want to have a bunch of sheets and then not have time to look them over, and to keep the RP from starting! To those who have expressed interest, please continue and don’t stress about feeling pressured. Take the time you need, and please post on the thread here if you have any questions!

Thank you again to everyone for the interest! We’re almost ready! :D



Name: Ilya


Race (Human, Demon, Hybrid): (Note: Hybrids are very rare, but their powers are weaker then a fully-fledged demon, due to their human blood negating some traits)

Sexual Orientation:

Disciple Type (Based off the Four Gods. Are you a Greed Demon? Lust? War?)

Disciple Skill (What is your special ability?)



Appearance (Picture or Description is fine. Description must be around one to two paragraphs):


History (Who is your character?):



Skills (Battle or Science Based):

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents):


Affiliation (SOPHE, VOID, etc): VOID

Role (If Applicable):

Title (Applicable to SOPHE Soldiers, Void Members, and Special Cases):

Demon Rank (Applies only to Demon Race) (A is Highest, F being Lowest):

Strengths (Must have three):

Weaknesses (Must have Three):

Uniform (If Applicable):

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: Amarlo on July 06, 2020, 03:38:51 PM

Name: Ilya


Race (Human, Demon, Hybrid): (Note: Hybrids are very rare, but their powers are weaker then a fully-fledged demon, due to their human blood negating some traits)

Sexual Orientation:

Disciple Type (Based off the Four Gods. Are you a Greed Demon? Lust? War?)

Disciple Skill (What is your special ability?)



Appearance (Picture or Description is fine. Description must be around one to two paragraphs):


History (Who is your character?):



Skills (Battle or Science Based):

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents):


Affiliation (SOPHE, VOID, etc): VOID

Role (If Applicable):

Title (Applicable to SOPHE Soldiers, Void Members, and Special Cases):

Demon Rank (Applies only to Demon Race) (A is Highest, F being Lowest):

Strengths (Must have three):

Weaknesses (Must have Three):

Uniform (If Applicable):

Ooooooooh!  :o


Name: Lily Jimenez

Age: 19

Race: Human

Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious heterosexual

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 120 lb

Appearance: Lily is petite and slim. She has bleached her medium length hair ghost white which she rarely styles, both mostly just to piss off everyone she can. She has hazel eyes and fair skin. She has a tattoo of a lily (of course) on her right hip.

Lily opts to dress casually whenever she can get away with it – sweats, tank tops, shorts, jeans. If she comes in formal attire, or even business casual, one can safely assume she was forced to do so at gunpoint.

Personality: Lily puts up a cheery demeanor. She makes a big deal about being happy to see people and will attempt to view any situation optimistically. This is largely a front on her part.

She is most definitely a tech junkie. If you put a piece of equipment in front of her, she will want to play with it. She is also very challenge-oriented. The one way to guarantee that she will hack into your system is to proclaim that no one will be able to do so. She is very proud of her skills and rightly so, although to most people, this will sound like bragging.

History (Who is your character?): Lily was a latchkey child. Her parents, upper-middle class types with a father working as a middle manager at a large banking concern and a mother serving as a Lieutenant in their suburban police department, were generally hands-off parents, allowing her maybe a bit too much leeway in her life.

Even from an early age, Lily spent more time online than she did in real environments, although she has always been more of an extrovert than the usual hacker profile would suggest. Her competitive streak saw her breaking into systems a lot, and her mother spent a lot of her political capital keeping Lily from being prosecuted by a host of Fortune 500 companies. And those were just the few that actually caught her. To some extent, Juana, her mother, managed to divert some of her daughter’s efforts into working as a white hat. The local police department has some of the best cyber protection in the company precisely because Lily was very happy to demonstrate what was wrong with their system security on numerous occasions.

And last year, she went too far. Tempted by a secure paramilitary system, Lily broke in and lifted a few secrets. But the owners of the system (which by now you have probably guessed was SOPHE’s) were far more talented at defense than she gave them credit for, and for once, the accusations couldn’t be negotiated away. At least in the usual sense.
SOPHE was not interested in hearing about how Juana’s daughter was sorry and would promise that the classified material would remain classified. They were interested, however, in recruiting a hacker of her abilities into their ranks. And definitely not interested in getting “No” for an answer. Given the other alternative was life in a maximum-security facility, Lily opted to join.

And despite her reservations, Lily admits that her job is fun. Yes, there are morons who try to tell her how to do her job. Yes, there’s a lot of stress in trying to hack a system while being attacked by demons. But she’s always been an adrenaline junkie, so problem number two isn’t a bona fide problem. It is a little irritating to be forced to limit her work to the places where she’s told to, but there’s enough challenge involved to keep her happily busy, and that’s what really matters.

Likes: Lily loves a challenge. Tell her not to do something, and she’ll do it. Well less now, given the people with guns being the ones telling you not to do it, but the principle stands. One reason she loves her job so much besides being dragged into it against her will and told what to do is that it is testing her in ways that she wouldn’t have had she never gotten caught in the first place.

Lily loves computers. Both the hardware and the software. Nothing gets her quite as wired up as being in front of a keyboard and working her magic. Computers behave in ways that humans don’t and yet, give them a chance and they’ll surprise you.

Dislikes: Lily doesn’t like to be told what to do. She has accepted it, but even so, her supervisors learned quickly that “Go do this,” is the least efficient way to get the results they want.

Lily doesn’t like being told what she can’t do. Given the problems with the “Go do this” approach, they developed the “Analysis shows this system is impossible to penetrate” method, which works wonders. Lily probably knows she’s being manipulated, but she doesn’t care as long as the challenge is real.


Hacking:: The system that Lily can’t hack into probably exists. We just haven’t found it yet.

Computer Engineering: Lily is almost as good with hardware as she is with software. Given resources, she can usually rig something up in fifteen minutes and then work miracles with it.

Being Sneaky: Sometimes to break into a system you need to get close to the actual hardware just to take a look. Lily’s no ninja, but she can do a good approximation of the stealth thing when properly motivated.


Gaming: Considering her love of computers and her love of being challenged, it should come as no surprise that she is a computer gaming fanatic.

Extra: Lily has a thing for Oreo cookies and hard cider.

Affiliation: SOPHE

Role: Cyberoperations

Title: Only self-important douchebags have titles.


Unstoppable: Don’t make things hard for her. It only makes her want to accomplish them more. If there’s a way to get through a system, she’ll find it. And then insult your pathetic attempts to stop her.

Flexible: Although allergic to not getting something done, she has no qualms about completely abandoning one line of attack in favor of a completely different one. She doesn’t just work outside the box. She sets the box on fire and then sells it to pyromaniacs at half price.

Amiable: If you don’t make the rookie mistake of telling her what to do, Lily is satisfyingly easy to get along with. You get bonus points if you bring Oreos or something that challenges her.


Impulsive: Lily jumps into situations without thinking too hard. She knows planning is important in a cyber op and will bite the bullet there. Otherwise, you’d better have plans as to how to restrain her.

Never Refuses a Challenge: Lily doesn’t back down. Smart people will know how to exploit this.

No Respect for Authority: This is a definite drawback for someone who works in a rigidly hierarchical organization.

Uniform (If Applicable): LIKE HELL


Lily looks great Idlewyld! Can't wait to see her tech knowledge in action!


Name: Ryusei Tetsuda

Age: 21

Race: Hybrid

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Disciple Type: War Demon Heritage

Disciple Skill: Yaminokōtei[Emperor of Darkness] - Like his father, Ryusei has War Demon in his veins, and he has miraculously kept the same aesthetic as his father with his abilities manifesting in shades of purple, black, gray, and midnight blue. Yaminokōtei is a rare and unique ability to manipulate darkness itself and bend the abstract element to his will. Ryusei generates a miasma around his body of pure darkness that he normally keeps internalized; however, he can release it and allow it to surround his body and everything in a small radius around him.

He can also extend it outward like black mist. It is extremely oppressive when immersed within it, and any enemies standing too close or inside the miasma feel like they're drowning deep in the ocean and being crushed by it's pressure, and it sucks the light from around them until everything is pitch black. Aside from robbing his enemies of their senses and will to fight, he can directly manipulate the miasma into solid energy, using it to shoot beams of dark energy, create weapons, and enhance his own physical capabilities by fusing his energy directly to his frame and creating shadow armor.

His powers strengthen and weaken depending on the time of day, and how many shadows are in his immediate vicinity. At night, or when he has ample shadows to absorb to bolster his strength, he can use his full power with impunity. However, during the daylight hours, or in barren areas with no shadows to snack on, he has to fight tactically and use his natural abilities combined with the more esoteric aspects of his powers, otherwise he'll run out of energy and have no way to recharge.

Height: 6'6-7'6


Appearance: One might expect a human/demon hybrid to look strange, but the truth is, Ryusei appears fully human in his human form. Like his father, he is very tall and muscular, possessing handsome features and piercing blue eyes. He stands at 6'6, and has the frame of an athlete or a fighter. He has tanned, yet still pale skin, and his hair stays naturally tousled while the sides and bottom are shaved and styled.

He has quite a lot of tattoos from his neck down to his ankles, and these seem alive, as they shift and move of their own will. He's pretty fashion-forward when he's not wearing his SOPHE uniform or his Akumagi[uniform designed specifically for Akuma no Ken]. He tends to wear a lot of denim, and designer brand clothes. He'll wear anything from a three-piece suit to a denim vest with spikes and leather pants as long as it looks good on him.

As a hybrid, he naturally has a human form and a demonic form, and in his demonic form he becomes even more powerful looking, resembling a darker, younger version of his father(which shows just how powerful demon genetics are). If he should happen to transform, he gains a foot in height, and several hundred pounds of muscle mass increase.

His hair turns snow white and flows fiercely behind him, while he grows a matching goatee, and his skin turns a dark, grayish complexion. A pair of small horns poke out from his hair, and his teeth grow longer into fangs that just peek out from between his lips, like an Oni of sorts. His eyes, normally a brilliant blue, turn bloody red and his pupils turn pure white. His nails become claws, his feet become talons, and a long tail sprouts from his lower back.

Personality: Ryusei is something of a strange person. He is intensely focused on training and gaining more power, not only to help SOPHE, but to prove to his father that he's worthy of his demonic bloodline and the strength it carries. He also simply wants to make the old man proud, and continues to push himself even when he gets the recognition he so badly craves, as if he has something inside that refuses to let him accept the praise for what it is. Secretly, he also wants to prove to other demons that he isn't some "wealking" half-breed to be pitied or mocked; nor is his father any of the things they call him.

Aside from his desire to be known as the strongest, he also has another burning be liked and accepted. His entire life he's had to deal demons telling him he's less than, while on the other side, he's had to prove himself to humans that he isn't some evil creature that they should shun and fear. As a result, he seems shy and reserved, when the truth is he has long ago closed himself off to most people.

If he doesn't care about them in the first place, then they can't hurt him when they inevitably do him wrong, and he can simply focus on bettering himself regardless of what they say or think. He can hold a conversation well enough, but other than that seems reclusive and like a loner, with the exception of Mallory and his sister being the only ones as of now who can actually get him out of his shell...although he finds himself genuinely shy around Mallory sometimes, as he still doesn't understand why a human is so nice to him, even if his father has sort of adopted her and she has become rather close with his entire family.

As he cannot yet control his demon form, the darker, more malicious aspects of himself are amplified to an insane degree while transformed. When he triggers his demon form, his personality shifts drastically, and violently to a completely different person. While he normally enjoys fighting, the demon side simply loves causing pain and anguish in others. He seems cold, meticulous, and calculating; and while all of those do describe him, he is also hostile to any living being in his vicinity, and would even happily attack his own father if he got too close. He likes to play with his victims, and can be quite sadistic given the opportunity.

History: Born twenty-one years ago after only six months of pregnancy, Ryusei was a surprise to everyone with how quick he was born, and how beautiful he looked in his parents eyes. After his birth, the SOPHE doctors(both human and demon) did every test imaginable on him as he was one of the first hybrids to be recorded since demons and humans began to coexist. All of his information was put on record, and he was taken home after a few days of observation. The first couple of months were nothing but joy for the small family, but as Ryusei was a baby, he had the temperament of one, which caused a major issue to occur.

His demonic half apparently needed a trigger to be released, and one of them was intense anger. So something as simple as a temper tantrum one day turned into a thunderstorm that knocked out power in an entire section of the city, as well as nearly destroyed their house with bolts of lightning shooting from his body. The tiny terror was subdued by Azmodiel and taken to SOPHE HQ where they kept him in a reinforced containment unit until they could figure out a way to seal his powers. The method they came up with were magical tattoos strengthened by scientific formulas.

They succeeded at setting the seals in place, and as a result his true demonic powers and appearance were bottled up until a day he could safely gain access to them without going berserk. As he grew, Ryusei began to receive training from his father as young as three years old, and became his first Akuma no Ken disciple in years. The training was so harsh, many would call it child endangerment, but even with his demon side sealed, Ryusei was still a hybrid and incredibly tough not only for his age, but just tough.

He took everything his dad could throw at him and asked for more. Not only because he had fun training with his father, but because he knew from a young age he would need to be strong to follow in his footsteps. He grew up learning everything he could from his parents, as making friends was incredibly difficult since as a hybrid, both full demons and pureblood humans all found reasons to hate and ostracize him, resulting in him finding more joy in being alone or studying with his parents than trying to get along with kids his own age. This continued his entire life up until now, where he was recently joined SOPHE. He thought he was ready at eighteen, but his father convinced him to continue his training until he was twenty-one, and he would personally oversee his acceptance into the group. And true to his word, Azmodiel made sure his son was looked at with the same eye as all other potential SOPHE candidates. Ryusei passed his entrance exams with flying colors, and has been working even harder to make a name for himself in the organization.

Likes: Music, Anime, Cartoons, Training, Fighting, Technology, All kinds of food, Reading

Dislikes: Harsh light, VOID, Evil Demons, Bad Humans, Assholes, human or demon "hybrid-haters",

Skills (Battle or Science Based):

Combat Instinct - Ryusei is considered a natural genius when it comes to fighting. Not only has he been training and fighting his entire life, but he has always had the skill and talent to be the best. The fact that he pushes himself and trains every day has only sharpened his edge even more. His reflexes and instinct serve him better in a fight than most people thinking their hardest, and it's what allows to unleash his full potential when he fights.

Akuma no Ken - While he has learned other forms of martial arts, his primary, and longest studied style is the one created by his father, Akuma no Ken. It is a "perfect" art form that encompasses all of the best parts of other martial arts and fuses them into one that stands above the rest. If two perfectly identical clones fought, the one who'd mastered Akuma no Ken would emerge victorious.

Shadow Step - A movement application of his darkness magic allows Ryusei to merge himself into shadows and move freely through the darkness. He can even emerge from another shadow in a different location. Using it in battle is fairly tiring combined with the rest of his powers, but it can come in handy in a pinch, and is definitely great for when he misses the train because he over-worked himself the night before.

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents):

Musician - Like his love for fighting, Ryusei has also adopted his dad's love of music, and has been taught how to sing, as well as how to play multiple instruments including drums, guitar, and several others. And he's damn good at them too.

Determination - This surprisingly doesn't stem from Ryusei's love for battle, although it does compliment it. He has sworn to himself to never give up in any situation, because if he did, it would prove everyone who ever talked bad about him right. And that would dishonor him, his father, his family, and everything all of them worked for. So whether its a test, intense training, or a fight with his very life on the line, Ryusei will only quit, run away, or give up if he is forced or he faces a foe so overwhelming his natural instincts take over.

Gamer - He absolutely loves video games and when he's not training or working, he's usually nose deep in some sort of video game, from FPS, to RTS, to fighting, driving, and indie titles. He's never blown off work or training to play a game, but the temptation is always there.

Extra: He tries to hide it as best he can, but Ryusei has deep emotional scars from being treated so poorly by everyone outside of his family and a few key members of SOPHE his entire life. He is distrustful of new humans and demons and hides his insecurities and near-complete inability to get close to people behind his cool, aloof demeanor and his inversely burning passion for a good fight. Almost no one ever sees the  psychologically vulnerable person he actually is.

Because it's so hard for him to make friends with people(human or demon), he was given a puppy to raise. He named the puppy Tora and he loves that dog with all the warm feelings his cold heart can muster.

Affiliation (SOPHE, VOID, etc): SOPHE

Role (If Applicable): Demon Strike Force Soldier

Title: Strike Soldier

Demon Rank: B-  | It is speculated that one day, Ryusei can grow in strength and power to reach A-Rank like his father, but as of now he is classified B- thanks to a combination of skills and powers. His uncontrollable demonic form that suppresses his human blood is A rank, but that form is not only completely uncontrollable, he has no way to access it at will.

Strengths (Must have three):

Demonic Physiology - While he is a hybrid, he possesses the strength, speed, durability, etc... of a demon. This means he is far stronger, faster, tougher, more agile, than a normal human and because of his powerful lineage, he is stronger than many lower level demons as well. He often goes into fights with pure martial arts and skills to gauge his opponent before using his powers.

Versatility - The nature of Ryusei's discipline skill is not only powerful, but varied in it's uses as well, allowing him to fill a handful of both combat and support roles should he be needed.

Hybrid - Because he is a hybrid, in the future he can evolve to powerful heights by gaining full control of both halves of himself and bringing them into balance. No one knows the true power of hybrids as there are only a few and none of them are even thirty years old yet, but the potential is through the roof based on the tests and studies performed on the few available subjects like Ryusei.

Weaknesses (Must have Three):

Trust Issues - From a young age, Ryusei had the cruel truth of the world explained to him by his father, that because of who his parents were, and because of what he was, that he was different. And even though that made him special, it meant that people who didn't like different wouldn't like him. He's dealt with prejudice and persecution his entire life from both sides of the fence, and so many people have systematically abused him that it's easier to assume everyone will at first, and then slowly figure out who won't later on. It makes it difficult for him to meet and get used to new people and teammates.

Sunlight - His powers control, create, and manipulate darkness and shadow. They are darkness. So sunlight is a direct issue as it means he has to work extra hard to get the same effect, and can easily run out of energy if he's not careful. The one upside is that in areas littered with objects, he can at least use the shadows created to boost his power.

Self-Conscious- Stemming back to his mistreatment by humans and demons alike, Ryusei has the exact opposite of a chip on his shoulder. No matter what he does, no matter what he accomplishes or what his father or SOPHE praise him for, in his own mind he is never good enough, and never will be. It's the primary, and most unhealthy reason he always pushes himself to such extremes. He hopes that one day, he himself will feel worthy, and then other peoples praise will mean something as well.

Uniform (If Applicable): Ryusei wears a custom tailored version of the SOPHE uniform, which allows him greater freedom of movement when he fights as to take full advantage of his demonic body and fighting style. As a result, his uniform looks more like traditional Chinese robes than a SOPHE uniform, but everything is in order.


Thank you for the sheet Jugg! I'll look him over for now until you finish him tomorrow!


And out first NPC! Meet our Director to SOPHE, Matsumoto Oei!

Name: Matsumoto Oei

Age: 2,000 Years Old

Race (Human, Demon, Hybrid): Wrath Demon

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Disciple Skill (What is your special ability?) Flash; like the cutting edge of harsh wind, Oei has the speed of what a demon would possess. Gone in the blink of an eye, she can move like a feral animal, fast and out of sight if her target doesn't have fast enough eyes.

Height: 5'6 (5'9 with heels)

Weight: 125

Appearance (Picture or Description is fine. Description must be around one to two paragraphs): Oei is described as a buxom young demon woman, with an hourglass figure, and a stare that seems to lure even the most hardened men. Lush lips, Magenta colored eyes that match her long, flowing hair, she comes off as a mature women with power, and one that doesn't take thing lightly. Usually wearing the uniform of SOPHE, she tends to also go for a more business casual look, with a light blouse and skirt with tights.

Personality: Oei is a woman who is determined to bring SOPHE into power, in whatever way possible. As the Director, she'll get the job done with no questions ask, even if at times, people don't agree with her methods. Keeping the city safe, and being seen as a group who is doing good, she knows that it'll be difficult, but in the end, it will be all worth it. She doesn't take no for an answer, and knows that she has the ability to order others to do what she wishes, even if they don't want to. Headstrong, yet equally qualified, Oei is a master negotiator and strategist, and knows when she can get her enemy to surrender. She may come off as a pretty face, but her tactical skills bring people down in an instant, and no one ever seems to expect what she'll do next.

However, she does come off as motherly at times, someone who wishes to teach and mento the next generation of SOPHE members. the mystery of demons and what they have planned is all but unknown to her, but even then, she'll continue to lead.

History (Who is your character?): Oei Oei was just another demon that had entered through the Gate, and found herself within the human world. Following her master, she continued to wreck havoc across Japan, starting casualties from war that left trails of bodies in her wake, but soon found, after some time, that the hunt began to wane. Death and destruction was all she knew, yet it was becoming mundane, and even at times, she found herself regretting some of the actions she took. During the final year of the war, she defected, and became one of SOOHE’S top resources in war tactics, alongside another demon, Azmodiel.

After so long, finally the Demon Gods had been defeated, thanks to the joint efforts of Humans and Demons. SOPHE, rather than disbanding, became a staple name in security, and grew bigger, soon enough, gaining their own building for training recruits, and keeping tabs on any Demons that caused more trouble.

Oei soon found herself, much like before, sticking with SOPHE after everything, and after years of working, she ended up recruited as the new Director. Worried at first of the position, she found that having a Demon as leader became more of a honor, and knew that if Humans and Demons were to get along, the world would have to see that not all demons were dangerous.

Now, if only she could get more results on Project Violet, then she'd feel like she'd have more answers then questions...

Likes: Oei likes to relax in her quarters when she has free time, or to shop in the city when she can. her job doesn't give her much time to herself, but when she doesn't, she uses it to her advantage. She loves to drink with coworkers and mingle, and learning more about who works for SOPHE is always something that intrigues her. Knowing all about her staff is an important part of her job, and she takes it to heart.

Dislikes: Oei doesn't like when people speak ill of SOPHE, and does her best to keep them in good standing. She knows they have power, and wants to use it for the right purposes.

Skills (Battle or Science Based):

Knives: One of her main skills, Oei used knives in her battles during the war. She has a small collection, and has always trained with them.

Martial Arts: She's quick on her feet, and with her fists! Having to learn to fight dirty when fighting demons, she began to learn martial arts in an attempt to defend herself, finding it more useful than ever once the war was coming to a close.

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents):

Oei doesn't have many talents, but she can drink a large amount of beer and not pass out, so, that could be something!

Extra: Not many know what Oei is like outside of work, and others never really see her other than at work and at parties. No one really knows what her outside life is like.

Affiliation (SOPHE, VOID, etc): SOPHE

Role (If Applicable): Leader

Title (Applicable to SOPHE Soldiers, Void Members, and Special Cases): Director of SOPHE

Demon Rank (Applies only to Demon Race) (A is Highest, F being Lowest): B

Strengths (Must have three):

Combat: Her knife skills are quite deadly, as no one should underestimate her when she's ready to attack. Almost like a bolt of lightning flashing, she charges with intent to kill.

Speed: She's quick, and she knows it. Not using it for wasted purposes, she uses her speed and flexibility for battles that call for a more hands on approach.

Power: Not in terms of her physical power, but her power over SOPHE. Her word is law, and anyone going directly against her orders will be seen as a threat, unless otherwise stated.

Weaknesses (Must have Three):

Image: Her image as Director us one of the most stressful things about her job, and keeping herself, and SOPHE, in a good light is all but difficult considering what they are up against.

Trust: Trust is a two way street, and unfortunately, Oei hasn't been honest about some things. They are trade kept secrets, ones that are important to the research she is conducting, as well as sharing regarding demons. Project Violet is the main project she, and a team, are working on, and if word were to get out, it could be catastrophic.

Goal: SOPHE is top priority, and working to keep the city comes at a cost. She won't admit she's made all the right choices, but she knows that if it's for the benefit of the city, and for the world, she will do what it takes to achieve her goals.

Uniform (If Applicable): Standard Uniform of SOPHE, consisting of a blouse, jacket, and matching skirt.

Wired Rabbit

Okay okay. Here is my trickery demon. UH, I WAS NOT GONNA MAKE HER CUTE BUT THEN I SAW THIS ART AND WAS LIKE WELP, SHE'S A CUTIE. And she's a good hearted, playful character? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME. GOSH. Lol, normally I go for dark/sad/brutes. She is none of those things.

For her, I thought she could have been captured by SOPHE like a year ago (because she's a bit of a troublemaker and definitely gets in with the wrong crowd of demons). So she's technically a prisoner/captive of theirs, but over the last year she's been a very valuable resource because, being a Disciple of Calder, she knows a butt-ton about magics. So she's like SOPHE's magic consultant of sorts, even though they do not trust her yet (mainly due to her illusions, but also because she's a demon). I was thinking potentially also a liaison or magic translator type character, whatever terminology works best.

Also, let me know if her Disciple Skill is okay. I'm thinking it's a pretty passive skill (until she starts making enemies and develops it more), but I'm also thinking it could stack very well with the technology/weapons of SOPHE and the abilities of other demons.  ^-^ 


Name: Kyless

Age: 2,123 Years Old

Race: Demon

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Disciple Type: Trickery

Disciple Skill: Illusionary Environment
Kyless can cast area-effect illusions that alter the appearance of her surrounding environment, either to hide things from view or add to them. She mainly uses this skill to manipulate or evade others. She will often turn herself invisible by camouflaging herself within her illusions (hence the bells on her horns - she jingles when she moves, so even if you cannot see her, you always know she's somewhere in the room!).








Skills: Science-Based

- Magic Literacy (she knows about spell stuff)

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents):


Affiliation: SOPHE

Role: Consultant (?) for Magic

Title (Applicable to SOPHE Soldiers, Void Members, and Special Cases):

Demon Rank: B

Strengths (Must have three):

Weaknesses (Must have Three):

Uniform (If Applicable):

Howdy! I'm Rabbit. I'm a fictional enthusiast.
Posts Owed: 2.
Active Characters: 0.
Response Rate: 2-5 Days.


I have ultimately decided to remove my interest. ^^; My apologies. It just doesn't seem to be in the stars for me. Things won't come together in my head.

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: Amarlo on July 06, 2020, 10:22:41 PM
I have ultimately decided to remove my interest. ^^; My apologies. It just doesn't seem to be in the stars for me. Things won't come together in my head.

That's ok Amarlo! We hope to see you again if you do decide to come back :D


Quote from: Wired Rabbit on July 06, 2020, 10:20:36 PM
Okay okay. Here is my trickery demon. UH, I WAS NOT GONNA MAKE HER CUTE BUT THEN I SAW THIS ART AND WAS LIKE WELP, SHE'S A CUTIE. And she's a good hearted, playful character? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME. GOSH. Lol, normally I go for dark/sad/brutes. She is none of those things.

For her, I thought she could have been captured by SOPHE like a year ago (because she's a bit of a troublemaker and definitely gets in with the wrong crowd of demons). So she's technically a prisoner/captive of theirs, but over the last year she's been a very valuable resource because, being a Disciple of Calder, she knows a butt-ton about magics. So she's like SOPHE's magic consultant of sorts, even though they do not trust her yet (mainly due to her illusions, but also because she's a demon). I was thinking potentially also a liaison or magic translator type character, whatever terminology works best.

Also, let me know if her Disciple Skill is okay. I'm thinking it's a pretty passive skill (until she starts making enemies and develops it more), but I'm also thinking it could stack very well with the technology/weapons of SOPHE and the abilities of other demons.  ^-^ 


Name: Kyless

Age: 2,123 Years Old

Race: Demon

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Disciple Type: Trickery

Disciple Skill: Illusionary Environment
Kyless can cast area-effect illusions that alter the appearance of her surrounding environment, either to hide things from view or add to them. She mainly uses this skill to manipulate or evade others. She will often turn herself invisible by camouflaging herself within her illusions (hence the bells on her horns - she jingles when she moves, so even if you cannot see her, you always know she's somewhere in the room!).








Skills: Science-Based

- Magic Literacy (she knows about spell stuff)

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents):


Affiliation: SOPHE

Role: Consultant (?) for Magic

Title (Applicable to SOPHE Soldiers, Void Members, and Special Cases):

Demon Rank: B

Strengths (Must have three):

Weaknesses (Must have Three):

Uniform (If Applicable):

I already love her! Her ability sounds interesting as well, plus she jingles?! I'm interested in her already! :D


Yes, all those redactions are on purpose! A story plot, and something to get people excited for! :D

Name: Redacted Project Violet


Race (Human, Demon, Hybrid): Redacted

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Disciple Type (Based off the Four Gods. Are you a Greed Demon? Lust? War?) Redacted

Disciple Skill (What is your special ability?) Redacted

Height: 5’4

Weight: 125

Appearance (Picture or Description is fine. Description must be around one to two paragraphs): Redacted

Personality: Is a danger to those around them. Cunning and manipulative, Project Violet will use whatever means to get what they want. Proceed with Extreme Caution.

History (Who is your character?): Redacted

Likes: N/A

Dislikes: N/A

Skills (Battle or Science Based): Redacted

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents): N/A

Extra: Is to be watched with scrutiny, as they are cunning. Don’t let your guard around them, and do not trust them, no matter what, or who, they look like. They are not human nor demon; they are a danger. Hopefully one that SOPHE can harness, to finally end the conflict with rogue Demons.

Affiliation (SOPHE, VOID, etc): SOPHE

Role (If Applicable): SOPHE Property

Title (Applicable to SOPHE Soldiers, Void Members, and Special Cases): Project Violet

Demon Rank (Applies only to Demon Race) (A is Highest, F being Lowest): Redacted

Strengths (Must have three): Redacted

Weaknesses (Must have Three): Redacted

Uniform (If Applicable): Redacted


Name: Nerissa


Race:Fox Demon

Sexual Orientation:Bi-curious heterosexual. Meaning she is only sexually interested of women, but not in romantically. She likes touching other women, but to do more than some friendly groping usually requires that a man she likes is into likes that kind of thing. Romantically Nera likes only men.

Disciple Type: Calder

Disciple Skill: Illusions
Ghost Walker - Nerissa can make a vision, of herself or something she has seen, and make her illusion act the way she wants. The illusion can be a living being or a inanimate object. It can’t speak or make sound. Nerissa has to see the location she places her illusion on. It will last couple minutes after the line of sight it broken or until someone/something touches the illusion, making it break into a white smoke.

Height: 5’4 (164cm)

Weight: 121 (55kg)

Appearance : Nera is a true pocket Venus. Not that tall, but boy does she have some curves! Nerissa has rather large bust and she doesn’t try to hide her shapes. Nerissa has big golden eyes and light pink hair, which she usually keeps free. Her true form is a small brown and white fox which resembles greatly a fennec fox. In her humanoid form she has big brown fox ears and tail. When posing as a human she is without them. 

Personality:Curious, friendly, fun loving and kind of lazy. Nera tries to get along with everyone. She maybe isn’t the sharpest tool in a shed. She likes to enjoy from many pleasures of life. In fight or flee situation she flees. Nera gets bored easily, especially if it’s about studying or some monotonous task. She has concentration of a goldfish.

Nerissa isn’t exactly a frontline fighter, but she can be persuaded/bribed/threatened into taking part into a combat or assisting some other way in it. She tags along quite easily if the right person happens to be the asking for a favor.

History : Nera is relatively young for a demon. She is a full breed fox demon. Though her father stays unknown to her. Nera doesn’t possess much physical or magical strength. The world of the demons abides the rule of the strongest and it’s a dangerous place for someone like Nera. Those who are weak will end up being taken advantage of or simply destroyed.

When the Gate to the human world opened Nera took her chances and amidst all chaos she slinked into the human realm. Soon after arriving she fell in love with the world. With her skills it was easy to pose as a human. The young demon had learnt to take a human shape just some years ago. Nera made livelihood from her hobby of fortune telling. Her fortune telling wasn’t any better than what TV astrologers provided, but the charms she sold had bit of real magic in them. Which was what drew SOPHE’s attention to her eventually.

Nera has no interest in power struggles of the demon world, or the human world. Since she is so young and relatively weak she isn’t seen as anyone important in her world. Three years after Nera had arrived into the human world she got caught by SOPHE and like a children’s story she said “You don’t want me. There is much bigger and meaner demon you want.” That’s how Nerissa sold out a demon she had a personal grudge against. It was a win-win to her. Until she understood that she had to work for the SOPHE and she wasn’t a fan of hard work.   

Likes:Having fun and enjoying life basically. Music, traditional games, dancing and partying. Basically most of the things little kids find fun amuse Nera too. Materialistic things, like clothes and jewelry.

Dislikes:Politics. She doesn’t care who is in control and hates fighting for leaders she has never even met. Work, especially if it means getting her hands dirty. Bossy and arrogant people. Rain (it makes her tail look stupid and her smell like a wet dog).

Skills : Shapeshifting. Her real form is a fox, but she can transform into a human form too (with or without ears and tail).
Astral blade. A katana styled blade which she can materialize and dematerialize. Using the blade is the last resort because Nera isn’t exactly a fighter.
Magic items. Nera can make and alter magic items. Nothing too powerful, like The Sword of Immortality or The Wand of Orcus, but minor enchantments. She likes working with her hand rather than reading dusty tomes so fiddling with charms and such feels natural to her.

Talents : Volleyball (generally loves most of the ball games), swimming, dancing (especially latin and modern dances are close to her heart), keyboard (she likes how one instrument can have so many different sounds inside it), fortune telling.

Her fox form.
Her tail is very sensitive. Especially the base of tail.

Affiliation : SOPHE

Role : Magic items tinkerer

Title : Magic Crafter

Demon Rank : E

Strengths :Knowledge of magic. She knows more about magic than what she can exploit at the moment.
Basic knowledge of sword fighting.
Sneaky. Knowing her limitations her fighting style is tricking her enemies and then taking them off-guard.[/b]

Weaknesses :Gullible. Believes way too easily people if they are somewhat believable.
Marked. The demons don’t look kindly her allying with the SOTHE and there are some who think her kind deserve to die.
Loose tongue. Nera likes to talk and she might slip out some secrets without even noticing it.
Lovefool. Gets a crush on people easily if they are to her liking. Her flirty behaviour might get herself and the target of her crush into a trouble if he is already taken.

Uniform :Uses uniform only if she must.

~~~I'm not a native english speaker, so my apologies in advance from all the odd grammar error there will be. Now you have been warned ~~~


Besides what I messaged you about Kissa, Nerissa is accepted! I'll add her to the character roster :D

Wired Rabbit

I feel like I should distinguish MC Disciple Skills from Nerissa's a bit more, just so I'm not stepping on anyone's toes so to speak.

So MC illusions are limited to her environment. She does not (and cannot) change her shape. However, MC can create illusionary mazes, labyrinths, horrific scenes etc. all to confuse and distort her enemies. This is also how she turns herself invisible. She camouflages herself into the walls/floors/surroundings. But her illusions are mostly visual (versus auditory/tactile).

MC is based on wandering tricksters (like the God Pan or poltergeists), who would lead and misguide their enemies astray or to their death, instead of actually fighting them. :3

But if it's still too similar, please let me know so that I can make edits.
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That does sound pretty wicked and a lot more tricksome to think about. Definitely puts in mind plenty of fun and twisted ideas it can be (mis)used in. ^^ I wonder what ideas you've got cooking up now. =p


Quote from: Wired Rabbit on July 07, 2020, 05:11:40 PM
I feel like I should distinguish MC Disciple Skills from Nerissa's a bit more, just so I'm not stepping on anyone's toes so to speak.

So MC illusions are limited to her environment. She does not (and cannot) change her shape. However, MC can create illusionary mazes, labyrinths, horrific scenes etc. all to confuse and distort her enemies. This is also how she turns herself invisible. She camouflages herself into the walls/floors/surroundings. But her illusions are mostly visual (versus auditory/tactile).

MC is based on wandering tricksters (like the God Pan or poltergeists), who would lead and misguide their enemies astray or to their death, instead of actually fighting them. :3

But if it's still too similar, please let me know so that I can make edits.

By all means feel free! If you feel comfortable with doing that, then that's alright with me :D

Wired Rabbit

Quote from: Gardsorm on July 07, 2020, 05:21:28 PM
That does sound pretty wicked and a lot more tricksome to think about. Definitely puts in mind plenty of fun and twisted ideas it can be (mis)used in. ^^ I wonder what ideas you've got cooking up now. =p

Yeahhh. It's also why she's an un-trusted prisoner of SOPHE, and a level B demon.
And I'm thinking she can certainly Trojan-horse the fighters of SOPHE and their weapons into a demon strong hold, for one. ;3

Quote from: Tokyorose627 on July 07, 2020, 05:24:00 PM
By all means feel free! If you feel comfortable with doing that, then that's alright with me :D

I'm confused, haha. Do you mean change MC's abilities or leave them as is?  ^-^
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Quote from: Wired Rabbit on July 07, 2020, 05:29:24 PM
Yeahhh. It's also why she's an un-trusted prisoner of SOPHE, and a level B demon.
And I'm thinking she can certainly Trojan-horse the fighters of SOPHE and their weapons into a demon strong hold, for one. ;3

I'm confused, haha. Do you mean change MC's abilities or leave them as is?  ^-^

Oh sorry. XD

I think you're idea you posed for your character is really interesting, and I would be fine with those.

I would love to know what would happen if they used those powers on the villains, or even on our heroes of SOPHE if she was a villain! :D

Moon Hound Hati

Name: Leasick Valshanner

Age: 25

Race: Hybrid [ARTIFICIAL]

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Disciple Type: [UNCONFIRMED] Speculated to be either Power, Fury, or War.

Disciple Skill: Blazing Blood [UNOFFICIAL]; the power of the demonic arm unleashed. Granting Leasick greatly enhanced attributed, pushing him far beyond human capabilities, and also providing a plethora of fire-based abilities. Research and experimentation conducted by SOPHE showed Leasick can semi-effectively focus the otherwise chaotic flames through a weapon. As such, he's been provided with a superheat resistant and conductive titanium sword to use in combat, as well as relevant training in the use of the aforementioned weapon.

Height: 6'2"

Appearance: On the whole you could say Leasick looks fairly average, with a mop of unruly dark hair and a natural light tan. It is the nuances that set him apart, though. His eyes are a bright copper color that quite literally glows, though the intensity of it is usually too faint to actually perceive without actively looking for it up close. The glows increases drastically when he uses his demonic powers, and his hair begins turning white, as well, making them visual indicators to how intensely the demon blood is being channeled. Though his body is very toned, it is also riddled with scars, especially where the demonic left arm is grafted onto his shoulder, hinting at a quick and messy transfer.

Personality: Often jokey and prone to playful sarcasm, Leasick is usually seen as laidback, and having a devil may care attitude. His personality is far more complex than that. Psychologists perceive his usual attitude as a front or coping mechanism to handle intense stress and the survivor's guilt he suffers from. This also manifests itself in his willingness to put himself in harm's way in order to keep others out of it. While he is not at all suicidal, he is very much aware of his current situation and works hard to achieve the goals he has set for himself.

History: Up until the age of fourteen Leasick Valshanner lived a relatively normal life. He had a family; loving parents and a younger sister. One warm evening in July, however, took that all away from him. It is a day that will haunt him forever, yet, sadly, there are vital parts of it that he can't recall.

The official reports say it was an accident on a highway at the edge of the city, but obviously it was far more than that. All he could recall was driving home from the movie theatre with his family before a sudden explosion sent the car flying and knocked him out. There were faint slivers still present, moments where he drifted in and out of consciousness. Nothing was solid, just sounds, and blurry images. By the time he woke up, Leasick was in the hospital and a full week had passed. His family was confirmed to have died in the crash and he'd barely survived himself. The most shocking part of all was that his entire left arm had been replaced by one that was far more demonic in nature, a limb of black and orange, throbbing with power... but also death.

Now an orphan with no close relatives and with an extraordinary medical situation, Leasick was officially taken in by SOPHE. It would later be revealed to him that this was in part because his late father had been a member of their organization, but they have always refused to inform him of his father's position and tasks within it.

SOPHE still runs regular tests and experiments on him to this day, revealing just a little bit more about his condition each time. The arm has actually saved Leasick from sharing his family's fate due to the powerful demonic blood it pumps through his veins, but, at the same time, it is slowly killing him     like a poison. The details are too complex for him to fully comprehend, but the short and sweet of it is that he's living on borrowed time. He can also suffer from intense pain and seizures if he pushes his powers too far or lets them go out of control.

The origins of the arm remain a mystery. Whom did it belong to and who grafted it hastily onto a fourteen-year-old boy in the short time span between the "accident" and the arrival of emergency services? That is what Leasick is aiming to find out. In the meantime, he works as an agent for SOPHE, having received years of intense training between tests and experiments. His arm grants him amazing powers, but they are also highly unstable and so his strength can fluctuate greatly if he's not careful.

Likes: Leasick has grown very fond of Japanese rock and pop music over the years. He also (secretly) collects figurines of various anime and game characters. Lastly, he enjoys driving motorcycles, and will occasionally "borrow" one of SOPHE's vehicles for a pleasant cruise.

Dislikes: Complicated situations are not something Leasick is a fan of. He's a man of simple solutions. See a bad guy? Punch a bad guy. Due to the "accident", he's also not very fond of driving in cars and will actively avoid having to ride those with a hardtop, in particular.

Skills: Leasick's demonic arm grants him the potential to become a deadly adversary. It increases things such as strength, agility, and durability far beyond that of a normal human. The arm itself is also capable of producing fire, though it is generally too wild for him to control. As such, SOPHE has developed and built him armored arm elements that can channel a portion of the flames into a special sword, though both will fail and are destroyed if his powers run amuck. The current version of his sword is codenamed the [Blazing Blade V3.23].

Talents: Though SOPHE's training has made him a capable swordsman, he's also shown to be quite naturally adept at it. He's also very experienced at handling motorcycles and other vehicles of such nature. Lastly, he can make a delicious bolognese pasta and gives surprisingly good massages.

Affiliation: SOPHE

Role: (Special) Combat Operative

Title: Special Operative

Demon Rank: [UNSTABLE] Can fluctuate greatly, depending on his mental and physical health, and thus impossible to accurately classify.

Strengths: Excels in combat situations, has a strong sense of justice, and does not hesitate to jump into action in order to keep others safe.

Weaknesses: His power level can be very unreliable and can even harm him. Furthermore, he's easy to deflect when questioned about his past, and his willingness to put himself in danger for the sake of others can put him in more danger than he's capable of handling. Lastly, his aloof persona can put him at odds with others, even his superiors.

Uniform: See the mostly white uniform in the pictures above and below.

Lingerie is like wrapping paper for the best present in the world     the female body.


Interesting sheet Moon! I'll be waiting to read more on him, but I can't wait. :D

Wired Rabbit

Here's Kiki, you're resident troublemaker 'cause y'all won't let her leave!!  ^-^
Subject to grammatical and clarification edits. Please let me know if any bit doesn't make sense for the story/world. Happy to change things.

Name: Kyless

Age: 2,123 Years Old

Race: Demon

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Disciple Type: Trickery (Calder)

Disciple Skill: Illusionary Environment
Kyless can cast area-effect illusions that alter the appearance of her surrounding environment, either to hide things from view or add to them. She mainly uses this skill to manipulate or evade others. For example, she can create illusions of complex mazes, labyrinths or other dangerous landscapes in order to misdirect and potentially harm others, by unknowingly leading them into real danger.

Additionally, Kyless can turn herself invisible. She does this by camouflaging herself within her illusionary landscapes. While invisible, she can further mislead and escape others without fail. Currently however, she is wearing a series of small, golden bells on her horns, which jingle whenever she moves. So although invisible, others can still hear her and, unfortunately, approximate where she is at all times without seeing her.

Height: 5 Feet 9 Inches

Weight: 152 Pounds

Appearance: For a demon, Kyless is on the smaller size. However, compared to most human females (or at least those she is allowed to interact with at SOPHE), Kyless is tall, lean and very blue-grey, with long, dark brown hair. Her skin is smooth, cool and has no visible markings, other than a few golden piercings in each ear. Her most noticeable features in ascending order? Her long, twitching, devil's tail, her sparkling, bright, golden eyes, and her curled ram-like horns, which are always pointed upwards. Kyless is surprisingly adorable, especially when she blushes or draws attention to her round breasts and youthful ass, but she tends to be invisible more often than not, since she cannot change or shift out of her demonic form.

She tends to wear ornate, monochromatic clothing, which is often embroidered with astrological or demonic symbols. Her style is very reminiscent of the human, Mayan culture. She favors a well-fitting, boxy crop top and a matching pleated skirt. The more gold accents on her clothes and blue-grey body, the better. However, no matter her outfit, Kyless is always bare foot. She does not understand the need for human shoes or those silly, oh, what are they called again? Socks.

Due to her status at SOPHE, Kyless is also wearing a string of small, golden bells that have been looped around each of her dark grey horns, as a demonstration of her current cooperation to her captors.

Personality: Kyless has a playful heart, just not a good one. Like most demons, she can be selfish, conniving and untrustworthy. She likes power and she likes to win, neither of which is a secret and both of which are more fun. Kyless is brash, brave and sneaky, so although she dislikes combat, she will be close to the fray in order to learn and take opportunities were she can. Since being held prisoner by SOPHE, Kyless is slowly starting to trust others more and befriend them. She is, above all else, curious about the human world and its inevitable descent into madness.

Admittedly, very few concrete details are known about Kyless before she was captured by SOPHE during an infiltration of VOID meeting location a year ago. While all of her other demonic 'colleagues' escaped, and she was camouflaged in her illusions, one lucky shot managed to strike her and incapacitate her at the scene, rendering her both visible and unable to fight back. SOPHE officials quickly escorted her, the lone demon, back to their headquarters and immediately locked her in confinement. At first, they allowed several officers to interrogate Kyless, and try to learn more about VOID and her nefarious associations with it. However, Kyless, using both her illusions and her tact, would mystify the unsuspecting agents into opening her cell and letting her escape captivity. A few times she managed to get pretty far, but she was always, eventually, unfortunately subdued through a very strong, very specific drug her captors had managed to engineer, and taken back to her prison.

After the first few escape attempts, the superiors at SOPHE decided to limit those who could interact with Kyless. They placed her under tight surveillance, hid her existence on their headquarters, and trapped her in a brand new, state-of-the-art cell complete with glass walls and an intercom for further isolation. Although Kyless could still create her illusionary landscapes and turn herself invisible, these structural changes did lessen her escape attempts, or at least her escape successes. Kyless was contained this way for several months, bored and longing to get the fuck out of her cage.

Until, luck would have it, her captors ran into more issues with VOID. First they asked Kyless small questions, then medium ones, and finally realized she knew a lot more about demonic magic than they anticipated. Kyless, of course, realized she had a new value. She could teach, and share, her knowledge of demonic magic with these humans and in exchange they would finally let her out, let her be free.

If you expected her to run after giving them the information they desired, then so did the top agents at SOPHE. After catching her and subduing her with those drugs, yet again, the heads of SOPHE offered Kyless a deal. They would grant her supervised, structured freedom on their headquarters if she promised not to harm anyone. She also had to wear bells at all times. For the last few months, the deal has held up. Kyless often meets with researchers at SOPHE to divulge, and explain what she knows about the magic symbols they find from case to case. Maybe she even likes teaching them, just a little bit. But she still wants to get out, and be released into the human world to have her fun. She just has to be patient enough for the right opportunity to arise.

Likes: Pranks, Games, Tomfoolery, Meddling, Demonic Magic, Human Children, 'Outside Time'

Dislikes: Rules, Obedience, Boredom, Vulnerability, Being Ignored, Human Drugs, Her Cell

Magic Literacy: Due to her lineage to Calder and her age, Kyless has over two-thousand years of experience with demonic magic. She is a expert in spellcasting, much to SOPHE's chagrin.
Magic Detection: Kyless can detect when demonic magic was used, due to both her vast experience, widespread travels and the different magical signatures it leaves behind in the human world.
Magic Identification: Kyless is able to identify what type of disciple magic was used in a particular area. However, she is most well-versed in the magic of Calder, and knows the least about old world spells.
Con Artist: Kyless likes to play games, and she is quite talented at lies and cheats. Every interaction with Kyless is a performance; an opportunity for her to gain something, or someone on her side.
Fast Learner: A true trickster, Kyless picks up new talents, skills and social practices quickly. This is particularly useful for learning and applying the human's language and customs to her advantage.

Storyteller: Kyless is imaginative, creative, and can cast magic that makes any of her tall tales come to life. If only you could actually touch them.
Prankster: Pranks are Kyless' favorite pastime. No one is safe from her pranks, though some are definitely better at noticing them than others.
Gambler: Kyless enjoys all forms of games, but human gambling is particularly fun because it comes with annoyed opponents and economic gain!

Extra: Make no mistake, Kyless is not one of the 'good' demons, nor does she have a particular 'moral code'. She is over two-thousand years old and in that time, has left many silly humans to wander and perish within her illusions. However, since being captured by SOPHE, she is slowly starting to learn, grow and trust. Maybe she's even starting to like the humans who are holding her captive (though, knowing Kyless, she may just say so, in her sweet voice, in order to escape her cell again).

Affiliation: VOID (formerly), SOPHE (currently)

Role: Prisoner (primary), Consultant for Demonic Magic (secondary)

Title: Case File No. 01-37790. More commonly referred to as codename 'Tinkerbell'.
These titles are known only to few high ranking officers in SOPHE, as Kyless has been kept hidden from most SOPHE officials due to her manipulative and dangerous illusions.

Demon Rank: B

Persuasive: As a disciple of Calder, Kyless is very cunning. She has a particular way with words, lies and charms to make others act, and go wherever she needs and pleases.
Observant: Kyless may not be a human, but she certainly can read their emotions, desires and faults. She studies them constantly, and uses her findings to her advantage.
High Stamina: Though her illusions require mental focus, Kyless has over two-thousand years of training, and can maintain them with relative ease for long periods of time.

Loyalty: Before being captured by SOPHE, Kyless had little feelings towards humans, and is still actively trying to escape them. She will do and say almost anything to get out.
Drowsiness: Since her magic requires mental focus, if Kyless is in any kind of altered mental state or unconscious, she cannot control or maintain her illusions (or stay invisible).
By far the easiest way to halt her magic is to put her asleep via specialized drugs or tranquilizers, though she is also weak to other demons with mind control or psychic defenses.
Low Durability: Kyless is not mighty or combat-orientated. She cannot take multiple physical hits or damage without disrupting her mental concentration and lessening her illusions.

Uniform: Kyless either wears her own clothing or is invisible to others. However, there is some important lore on her bells.

It is said that certain demons of Calder admire young humans, due to their vast and wondrous imaginations. These particular demons will often watch over said children, while staying invisible, and lure prude and cruel adults away forever into their illusionary labyrinths. These tricksters wear bells in order to be heard by young ears so that children know not to enter their illusions, but older adults, who are generally hard of hearing, will. In many small villages past, children were told that if they hear jingle bells to go sleep, and let the wandering tricksters play without them.

It is important to note that these bells are part of Kyless' heritage, but in their current use they are a weakness for her, as she cannot cannot escape SOPHE as easily with them on.
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